Is Mexico a Country? Everything You Need to Know. - Travel Tramp (2024)

Is Mexico a country? When did Mexico become independent? Is Mexico in North America? Here’s everything you need to know about Mexico’s geopolitical status.

Officially known as the United Mexican States, Mexico is without a doubt a sovereign nation. Flanked by the United States to the north and Belize and Guatemala to the south, with its distinctive amalgamation of cultural influences – ranging from Maya and Aztec to Spanish and American – and an economy that stands as one of the largest in the world, Mexico clearly fulfils the criteria that define a country.

Yet, an undercurrent of confusion persists, often leading people to question its status as an independent entity. This phenomenon is fuelled by various factors, ranging from the number of countries grouped together under the vague term ‘America’, to the overpowering cultural and economic influence of the United States, and even to the broad use of the term ‘Mexican’ to describe individuals of Mexican descent residing in other countries.

In this article, I delve into the reasons behind this puzzling query, dissecting both the complexities and the misconceptions that have led to its emergence. By examining the historical, cultural and geopolitical aspects, we aim to shed light on why Mexico is, without a doubt, a country unto itself.

Table of Contents

Is Mexico a country?

Yes, Mexico is a sovereign country. Located in North America, it shares its borders with the United States to the north and Belize and Guatemala to the south. It is officially known as the United Mexican States and is a federation comprising 31 states plus Mexico City, its capital and largest metropolis.

Mexico has a diverse culture, influenced by indigenous, European, African and Asian heritages. The country also boasts varied landscapes, from deserts to jungles and mountains to beaches. It has a significant role in world economics and politics and is known for its influential cuisine, art and history. With its own government and economy, Mexico meets all the criteria for statehood under international law.

However, some confusion often arises due to a few intriguing factors. One is the erroneous lumping together of countries in the Americas under the broad umbrella of ‘America’. Mexico, being part of North America, sometimes gets subsumed under this generalisation, leading to the mistaken idea that it’s simply a part of a larger entity rather than a distinct country.

Another point of confusion can stem from its close economic and cultural ties with the United States. The impact of American media worldwide can overshadow Mexico’s own robust culture and contributions, making it seem like a subsidiary or an extension rather than an independent nation.

Lastly, Mexico’s long history of colonisation dating back to the 16th century may present queries regarding its sovereign status today. Until 1810, Mexico was governed as a Spanish colony, and the country’s independence was only recognised in 1821 after a series of bitter wars.

But while there may be factors that contribute to a perception of Mexico as something other than a sovereign state, they are based on misunderstandings or oversimplifications. Mexico is undeniably a country in its own right, with its own unique identity, culture, and government.

Is Mexico a Country? Everything You Need to Know. - Travel Tramp (1)

Facts about Mexico

Here are the most important facts to know if you’re travelling to Mexico:

  • Official Name: United Mexican States
  • Capital: Mexico City
  • Area: 1,964,375 square kilometres
  • Population: Approximately 130 million
  • Official Language: Spanish
  • Currency: Mexican Peso (MXN)
  • Time Zone: Various (UTC -5 to -8)
  • Calling Code: +52
  • Driving Side: Right-hand
  • Government Type: Federal republic
  • Legislature: Bicameral (Senate and Chamber of Deputies)
  • Major Industries: Manufacturing, agriculture, tourism, oil and gas
  • Climate: Varies (Tropical, desert, and temperate)
  • Highest Point: Pico de Orizaba (5,636 metres)
  • Major Rivers: Rio Grande, Usumacinta, Grijalva
  • Popular Cuisine: Tacos, enchiladas, guacamole, mole
  • UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Numerous, including Teotihuacan, Chichen Itza, and the Historic Centre of Mexico City
  • Independence: Declared from Spain on September 16, 1810; recognised on September 27, 1821
  • National Symbols: Eagle and serpent, nopal cactus, Mexican flag
  • International Alliances: Member of the United Nations, NAFTA (now USMCA), G20, and others

Read more: How Many States in Mexico? Everything You Need to Know.

Where is Mexico?

Mexico is situated in North America, sharing its borders with the United States to the north, and Belize and Guatemala to the south. The Gulf of Mexico lies to its east, while the expansive Pacific Ocean stretches along its western and southern coasts. The Baja California Peninsula, which separates the Pacific Ocean from the Gulf of California, is part of Mexico and extends southwards from the U.S. state of California.

Geographically, Mexico’s terrain is a study in contrasts. It includes arid deserts like the Sonoran and Chihuahuan, verdant rainforests such as the Lacandon Jungle in the south, and a range of mountain chains, most notably the Sierra Madre Oriental and the Sierra Madre Occidental. It is also dotted with numerous volcanoes, some of which are still active.

Mexico’s geographical location has played a pivotal role in shaping its history, culture, and economy. Proximity to the United States has made for a complex and often fraught relationship, marked by economic dependence and cultural exchange.

Additionally, the country serves as a corridor between North and Central America, historically facilitating the movement of people, goods, and cultures. Its coastal areas make it a significant player in maritime trade and tourism, offering numerous ports along the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Is Mexico a Country? Everything You Need to Know. - Travel Tramp (2)

Read more: Is Guatemala a Country? Everything You Need to Know.

Where’s the border between Mexico and the USA?

The border between Mexico and the United States stretches approximately 1,954 miles (3,145 kilometres) from the Pacific Ocean in the west to the Gulf of Mexico in the east. This border is delineated by a variety of natural and man-made features, including the Rio Grande (Río Bravo in Mexico), which serves as a natural boundary for over 1,200 miles. It’s one of the most frequently crossed international borders in the world, featuring numerous checkpoints and a mix of urban and remote areas.

The border has undergone significant changes over the centuries. Prior to the mid-19th century, the boundary was much further north, encompassing what are now U.S. states like California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and parts of Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, and Oklahoma. The first significant alteration came with the 1845 annexation of Texas by the United States, a move that led to the Mexican-American War (1846-1848).

The war ended with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which saw Mexico ceding a vast expanse of territory to the United States. The Gadsden Purchase in 1853 further refined the border, as the U.S. acquired parts of present-day southern Arizona and New Mexico. These agreements effectively established the modern boundary, although minor adjustments have occurred since then.

Over the years, the border has become increasingly fortified. Initiatives like Operation Gatekeeper in the 1990s aimed to strengthen border security, a trend that has continued into the 21st century with various proposals for barriers and walls. Technologies like drones, sensors, and biometric scanners are also being utilised for border control.

The Mexico-U.S. border is not just a physical demarcation but a complex entity shaped by historical events, political decisions, and current realities. It serves as both a line of separation and a point of interaction for the two nations, reflecting a complicated relationship that continues to evolve.

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Read more: How Many Countries Are in Central America? Everything You Need to Know.

A brief history of Mexico

Mexico’s past can be divided into several key periods, each with distinct characteristics and developments that contributed to the nation’s modern geopolitical makeup. Here’s a brief overview of Mexican history to help you better understand the country today:

Pre-Columbian Period

Long before the arrival of Europeans, the region was home to several advanced civilisations. The Olmecs are often considered the ‘Mother Culture’ of Mesoamerica, originating around 1500 BCE. Following them were the Maya, whose city-states flourished in the Yucatán Peninsula, and the Aztecs, who established a sophisticated empire centred around Tenochtitlan, modern-day Mexico City.

Spanish Colonisation

In 1519, Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés landed on the Mexican coast and, with the help of alliances with some local tribes, managed to overthrow the Aztec Empire by 1521. Thus began three centuries of Spanish colonial rule, characterised by forced labour and cultural assimilation. Christianity was introduced, and the existing social and political structures were largely dismantled.


Inspired by Enlightenment ideas and the success of the American and French revolutions, the call for independence grew. Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla ignited the struggle with his famous ‘Grito de Dolores‘ in 1810. After years of conflict, Mexico officially gained independence from Spain in 1821.

19th Century

The 19th century was a turbulent period, marked by internal strife and foreign invasions, including the Mexican-American War (1846-1848), which resulted in Mexico ceding a large part of its territory to the United States. Emperor Maximilian of Austria briefly ruled Mexico before his execution in 1867.

Mexican Revolution

The early 20th century saw the Mexican Revolution, a major armed conflict that drastically changed the political and social landscape. Emerging from it were crucial reforms and the establishment of a constitutional republic.

Modern Era

Throughout the latter half of the 20th century, Mexico saw significant industrialisation and became an influential player on the world stage. Relations with the United States have remained pivotal, particularly due to the economic integration ushered in by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), now succeeded by the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

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Read more: The Zapatistas of Chiapas, Mexico: How to Visit the Zaptista Movement

When, how and why did Mexico become independent?

Mexico’s path to independence was a complex and tumultuous journey that unfolded over more than a decade, culminating in the official declaration of independence on September 27, 1821. The seeds of this quest for sovereignty were sown against the backdrop of Enlightenment ideas, as well as the American and French revolutions, which influenced intellectuals and leaders in New Spain (colonial Mexico).

When and How

The initial trigger for the independence movement came on September 16, 1810, with Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla’s call to arms known as the ‘Grito de Dolores’. Hidalgo, a Roman Catholic priest, rang the bell of his church in the town of Dolores (now Dolores Hidalgo, in Guanajuato) to gather the people and rally them to rise against Spanish rule. This event marks the beginning of the Mexican War of Independence and is celebrated annually as Mexico’s Independence Day.

Hidalgo led an army of indigenous people and mestizos (people of mixed European and indigenous descent) towards Mexico City. However, the movement suffered from a lack of organisation, and Hidalgo was eventually captured and executed in 1811. Leadership passed to other figures like José María Morelos, Vicente Guerrero, and Guadalupe Victoria, who continued the struggle.


The reasons for seeking independence were manifold. There was widespread discontent with Spanish rule, which led to social, economic, and racial inequalities. The colonial system was heavily skewed in favour of Spanish-born individuals, relegating natives and those of mixed heritage to lesser roles in society. Heavy taxation, forced labour, and limited access to education and administrative positions were also points of contention.

Moreover, Napoleon’s invasion of Spain in 1808 weakened the Spanish crown’s hold on its colonies, emboldening the quest for independence. Intellectuals and leaders in Mexico were influenced by Enlightenment principles such as liberty, equality, and fraternity, and sought to apply these ideas in their own context.

Mexican Independence

After years of conflict and shifting alliances, it was the Plan of Iguala, proclaimed by Agustín de Iturbide and Vicente Guerrero in 1821, that eventually paved the way for independence. This plan proposed a constitutional monarchy and sought to guarantee the rights of Spaniards and Mexicans alike. When Spanish forces finally conceded defeat, Iturbide entered Mexico City on September 27, 1821, marking the official end of Spanish rule and the birth of the independent nation of Mexico.

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What’s the capital of Mexico?

The capital of Mexico is Mexico City, a sprawling metropolis that is not only the political and administrative centre of the country but also a hub of culture, commerce, and history. Situated in the Valley of Mexico at an altitude of 2,240 metres, the city is enveloped by mountains and volcanoes. Unlike other capitals that are part of a state or province, Mexico City is a federal entity, akin to a state, with its own constitution and elected officials.

You might wonder how a city originally built on a lake could evolve into such an influential metropolis. Established by the Aztecs in 1325 as Tenochtitlan, the city was built on an island in Lake Texcoco and later became the epicentre of the Aztec Empire. After the Spanish conquest in 1521, it was rebuilt and renamed Mexico City, serving as the capital of New Spain and later, independent Mexico.

Today, Mexico City stands as one of the largest cities in the world, boasting a diverse population and an eclectic mix of architectural styles – from the remnants of Aztec temples to Spanish colonial buildings and modern skyscrapers.

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Read more: How Many Countries Are in North America? Everything You Need to Know.

How many states are there in Mexico?

Mexico is composed of 31 states and one federal entity, Mexico City, which serves as the capital and functions much like a state with its own constitution and elected government officials. Each state in Mexico has its own constitution, governor, and legislature, and they operate under a political framework similar to that of the federal government. The states are further divided into municipalities, which are the smallest administrative units in Mexico.

Here’s a list of the 31 states in Mexico:

  1. Aguascalientes
  2. Baja California
  3. Baja California Sur
  4. Campeche
  5. Chiapas
  6. Chihuahua
  7. Coahuila
  8. Colima
  9. Durango
  10. Guanajuato
  11. Guerrero
  12. Hidalgo
  13. Jalisco
  14. México (often referred to as the State of Mexico to distinguish it from the country as a whole)
  15. Michoacán
  16. Morelos
  17. Nayarit
  18. Nuevo León
  19. Oaxaca
  20. Puebla
  21. Querétaro
  22. Quintana Roo
  23. San Luis Potosí
  24. Sinaloa
  25. Sonora
  26. Tabasco
  27. Tamaulipas
  28. Tlaxcala
  29. Veracruz
  30. Yucatán
  31. Zacatecas

In addition to these states, Mexico City functions as a federal entity with its own constitution and government, similar to the other states.

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Read more: 18 Things to Do in Chiapas, Mexico

What type of government does Mexico have?

Mexico operates under a federal republic form of government, characterised by a division of powers among federal, state, and municipal levels. The political system is a representative democracy, meaning that the citizens elect officials to represent their interests. The Mexican Constitution, enacted in 1917, serves as the supreme law of the land and outlines the structure and functions of government.

The country’s governance is divided into three branches:

  1. Executive Branch: Headed by the President of the United Mexican States, who serves as both the head of state and the head of government. The President is elected by a simple majority of citizens for a single six-year term, known as a ‘sexenio’, with no possibility of re-election.
  2. Legislative Branch: A bicameral system consisting of the Senate (Cámara de Senadores) and the Chamber of Deputies (Cámara de Diputados). The Senate has 128 members serving six-year terms, while the Chamber of Deputies has 500 members serving three-year terms. Both bodies are responsible for enacting laws and are elected through a combination of first-past-the-post and proportional representation systems.
  3. Judicial Branch: Comprises the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, Electoral Tribunal, collegiate and unitary circuit courts, and district courts. The Supreme Court is the highest court and is composed of eleven justices appointed by the President and ratified by the Senate.

Mexican politics features a multi-party system, with the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), the National Action Party (PAN), and the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) historically being the most prominent. More recently, newer parties like the National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) have also gained significance.

Federalism in Mexico allows for considerable autonomy for the country’s 31 states and Mexico City, each of which has its own constitution and government, modelled after the federal system.

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Read more: 21 Best Things to Do in San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico

What languages are spoken in Mexico?

While Spanish is the dominant and official language of Mexico, the country is also home to a rich linguistic diversity, particularly when it comes to indigenous languages. According to Mexican law, the nation is a multilingual state, and the government recognises 63 indigenous languages along with Spanish (around 6% of Mexicans speak an indigenous language). These indigenous languages are not merely dialects but are fully developed languages with their own grammatical structures and vocabularies.

Some of the indigenous languages spoken in Mexico include:

  1. Nahuatl – Spoken mainly in central Mexico and is the language of the Aztecs.
  2. Maya – Primarily spoken in the Yucatán Peninsula and parts of Chiapas and Quintana Roo.
  3. Mixtec – Spoken in the states of Oaxaca, Puebla, and Guerrero.
  4. Zapotec – Also mainly spoken in Oaxaca.
  5. Otomi – Spoken in areas of Mexico, Hidalgo, Puebla, Veracruz, and more.
  6. Tzeltal and Tzotzil – Languages of the Mayan family, spoken in Chiapas.
  7. Purepecha – Spoken in Michoacán.
  8. Huastec – Spoken in the northeastern regions such as San Luis Potosí and northern Veracruz.

Many of these languages are endangered due to various social and economic pressures, including migration and the dominance of Spanish. The Mexican government has taken steps to promote and protect indigenous languages, but challenges remain.

Mexico is becoming increasingly globalised, leading to the growing importance of English as a second language, particularly in the business and tourism sectors. Other foreign languages like French, German, and Italian are also taught in schools but are far less common.

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Is Mexico a safe country to visit?

Safety in Mexico can vary widely depending on the region, city, or even neighbourhood you plan to visit. While many tourists visit Mexico every year without encountering serious issues, it’s important to acknowledge that certain areas do have elevated levels of crime, including violent crime. However, tourist-oriented locations such as Cancún, Playa del Carmen and Mexico City’s central areas generally have more robust security measures in place.

The Mexican government and local businesses in tourist areas often take additional steps to ensure the safety of visitors, given the importance of tourism to the Mexican economy. However, it’s crucial to stay informed about the safety conditions of specific regions. Official advisories from your home country’s foreign affairs department (such as the UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office) can offer updated information on safety conditions in various parts of Mexico.

Violent crimes like kidnapping and homicide are more frequent in certain states that are heavily affected by drug cartel activities, such as Guerrero and Tamaulipas, but these are not typically tourist destinations. Petty crimes like pickpocketing can occur in crowded places and tourist areas, so it’s advisable to stay vigilant.

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So, is Mexico a country?

When examined through the lens of governance, history, and international recognition, there’s no doubt that Mexico stands as a sovereign nation with a rich heritage and complex social fabric. It has a federal republic form of government, a president, a constitution, and a defined territory recognised by international bodies. Mexico’s status as a nation-state is indisputable and supported by its participation in global forums like the United Nations.

Moreover, the country’s cultural richness, from its indigenous languages to its world-renowned cuisine, contributes to its distinct identity. It’s a nation with a vivid array of histories, from the ancient civilisations of the Aztecs and Mayas to the colonial period and the eventual fight for independence. This makes it a unique entity, far from being just an extension of its northern neighbour or merely a region of Latin America.

Understanding Mexico as a country is crucial for appreciating not only its individual character but also its contributions to the global community. Any contrary belief is not only factually incorrect but also undermines the nation’s rich history, its political autonomy, and the vibrant diversity of its people. So, ‘Is Mexico a country?’, the answer is an unequivocal yes.

FAQ: Is Mexico a country?

Here’s a quick FAQ on the topic: ‘Is Mexico a country?’:

1. Is Mexico officially recognised as a country?

Yes, Mexico is officially recognised as a sovereign state by the United Nations and other international organisations. It has a defined territory, government, and population, meeting all criteria to be considered a country.

2. What type of government does Mexico have?

Mexico is a federal republic, meaning it has a representative democracy with elected officials at both federal and state levels. The country’s head of state is a president, who serves a single six-year term.

3. Is Mexico part of the United States?

No, Mexico is an independent nation that shares a border with the United States but is not a part of it. It has its own government, laws, and social systems.

4. Why do some people think Mexico isn’t a country?

The misconception likely stems from cultural and geographic proximity to the United States, as well as misunderstandings about the diversity within Mexico’s borders. Some people may also be influenced by media portrayals that do not adequately represent Mexico’s autonomy.

5. What continent is Mexico located on?

Mexico is located in North America. It shares its northern border with the United States and its southern border with Belize and Guatemala.

6. How did Mexico gain independence?

Mexico gained independence from Spain on September 27, 1821, following an 11-year war. The movement began with Miguel Hidalgo’s “Grito de Dolores” in 1810 and eventually led to the formation of an independent Mexican state.

7. What languages are spoken in Mexico?

While Spanish is the dominant language, Mexico is a multilingual nation with at least 63 officially recognised languages.

8. Is Mexico culturally diverse?

Yes, Mexico has a rich cultural diversity influenced by indigenous peoples, Spanish colonisers, and other ethnic groups. It has a unique blend of traditions, languages, and cuisines.

9. Is it safe to visit Mexico?

Safety conditions can vary depending on the region. While many tourists visit Mexico without issue, some areas are affected by crime. It’s advisable to consult travel advisories and take common-sense precautions when visiting.

10. Does Mexico have states?

Yes, Mexico is made up of 31 states and one federal entity, Mexico City, which functions similarly to a state.

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Is Mexico a Country? Everything You Need to Know. - Travel Tramp (2024)


Is Mexico a country, yes or no? ›

Mexico, officially the United Mexican States, is a country in the southern portion of North America. Covering 1,972,550 km2 (761,610 sq mi), it is the world's 13th largest country by area; with a population of almost 130 million, it is the 10th most populous country and has the most Spanish speakers in the world.

Why do so many Americans go to Mexico? ›

1) Cost of Living in Mexico

The cost of living in Mexico remains a fraction of what it is in the US, particularly when it comes to rent, groceries, utilities, and transportation. In some parts of Mexico, rents are as much as 75 percent less than they are in comparable parts of the US.

Do and don'ts in Mexico? ›

17 things to know before you go to Mexico
  • Book early and budget extra for the high season. ...
  • Pack for the climate. ...
  • Bring sunscreen and mosquito repellent. ...
  • Use your ATM card. ...
  • Leave your bling at home. ...
  • Embrace long distance bus travel. ...
  • Say hello... even to passersby. ...
  • Tip (almost) everyone.
Oct 18, 2023

What should I be careful of when Travelling to Mexico? ›

Use toll roads when possible and avoid driving alone or at night. In many states, police presence and emergency services are extremely limited outside the state capital or major cities. Exercise increased caution when visiting local bars, nightclubs, and casinos.

Is Mexico a 1 world country? ›

The World Bank classifies Mexico as an upper-middle-income country.

Is Mexico safe to travel to right now? ›

Latest update:We've reviewed our advice for Mexico and continue to advise exercise a high degree of caution overall due to the threat of violent crime. If you're visiting for 180 days or less as a tourist, you'll receive a visa on arrival.

Can a US citizen just move to Mexico? ›

To move to Mexico, you will need a valid passport and a temporary resident visa (if you're planning to stay longer than 180 days). Review the different types of visas and requirements, and make sure you save some money before the move.

Can you live in Mexico on $1500 a month? ›

Cozumel, Mexico

Plus, with more than 350 restaurants, there's something for every taste and budget. The Cost: Many expats live comfortably on $1,500 a month, according to International Living. Cozumel also has top-notch healthcare services. Renting a one-bedroom condo typically ranges from $450 to $700 a month.

Is it better to live in Mexico or the USA? ›

Mexico offers a cost of living that is generally lower than in the United States. You can enjoy affordable housing options, lower grocery prices, affordable healthcare, and dining out and entertainment experiences that won't break the bank.

What not to pack for Mexico? ›

You are prohibited from bringing the following items into Mexico
  • Narcotic drugs.
  • Electronic cigarettes.
  • Used clothing that is not part of your personal luggage.
  • Some over-the-counter medicines commonly used in the United States, including inhalers and some allergy and sinus medications.

How not to dress in Mexico? ›

You may want to avoid wearing shorts in these places, and cleavage revealing tops or tank tops. In order to avoid attracting unnecessary attention on your vacation, you can wear long skirts made of lighter material, light-weight pants or jeans, and tops that are not very revealing.

Is it safe to walk around Mexico? ›

Some areas of Mexico have a high crime rate due to fighting between rival organised crime gangs. In these areas, there is a risk of being caught in the crossfire or of being mistaken for a gang member. While risks are lower in tourist areas, you should: take advice from local authorities or your hotel.

Should I bring toilet paper to Mexico? ›

Most public bathrooms don't have toilet paper. That means that you always want to make sure you have some toilet paper on you when you're traveling. In fact, traveling with out TP is one of our top things not to do in Mexico. This is especially true if you're on a road trip and stopping in lots of public places.

Can I wear jewelry in Mexico City? ›

Quick tips: avoid wearing flashy jewelry or shiny accessories; steer clear of dark, solitary places; keep an eye on your wallet (especially in very crowded, touristy places); keep valuables in your hotel safe; and carry one credit card, your ID and only cash you need for the day's expenses with you while out and about.

What is the safest part of Mexico to vacation? ›

The Yucatan Peninsula along the Caribbean coast is widely regarded as the safest region in Mexico. States like Yucatan, Campeche, and Quintana Roo Tulum have very low crime rates compared to the rest of the country.

Why is Mexico its own country? ›

The people wanted the end of rule by the Spanish, the equality of races, and the redistribution of land. After a war which lasted eleven years and in which many people died, Mexico finally achieved its independence from Spain in 1821.

Is America a country Yes or no? ›

The United States of America (USA or U.S.A.), commonly known as the United States (US or U.S.) or America, is a country primarily located in North America.

Is Mexico a developed country yes or no? ›

According to most political theorists and economists, Mexico is considered a developing country.

What type of country is Mexico? ›

Mexico is a federal republic with 31 states and one federal district. The country has a developing market economy with strong links to the U.S., long a major trading partner, although the U.S. president has pledged to change the terms of the relationship in coming years.

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