Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Washington, District of Columbia

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TCITY 1'4 WASHINGTON TUESDAY OCTOBER 23 1951 VOKfXIIIjNO26S NEW ATOM BLAST IN RUSSIA! Wr Ji rZ "f' i I 1 Sfetai 1 ift BRUSHES JVCfi WORK I YOU CAN GET IT 'A aw 0 7ii I''iC 5 'M Da: Page251 dominate an 4 Pages29 to 33) THE WEATHER PM 5S1 temperatures in other cities 4 Ul I I S8 Miami 78 TS knocked out one damaged Some 180 Red fight ers were sighted during the day The 5th air force reported all Allied Planes returned undam aged from the air battles In othet actions one Shooting Star let and a Mustang fighter were shot down by ground fire headquarters announced Nine Okinawa based 29s sue ceeded in hitting for the first time a top priority Communist airfield at Taechon 60 miles 'north of Pyongyang More than 96tons of bombs were dropped on the newly 10 iini 11 am Noon u1 Tuesday October 23 COUPLE LET WAGERS ON GRID GAME SET HE WINS NAVY DEVELOPS LASH GORDON a One flag one land One heart one band Onr nation evermore Ouvta 'Wnroxti Holmxs EVIDENCE' COMMIE LINKS get back to work British soldiers occupied switch points on the railway running from the British military port of Adabla south of Port Suez to British camps farther Inland Egyptian officials at Suez said the British command told them it also planned to cut two oil pipe lines from Port Suez to Cairo capacity of 14000000 gallons of gasoline monthly the other carries kerosene Egyptian Oov All Helml of Is rqallia announced that the British had seized two trains at ayid and made 4000 passengers get ofJ'The trains were en route from Suez for Ismallla' midway point on the canal The Egyptian governor at Port i Suez said the British notified him i all rail and road traffic in and out of Suez was banned from 5 pm today More than 150 tanker trucks were stalled in Suez tonight There' were new reports of a guerrilla buildup and infiltration movement into the canal zone to harass the British out of Egypt with cut throat tactics In the Sudan a British appoint ed constituent commission of Su danese cabled the United Nations asking urgently for an: interna tional commission to take over the government until a decision' for the future: can be made 71 41 14 74 1 Rushville Bl Oct 22 Calvin Hewitt 33 who won his bride in a1 bet on the outedme of the Southern Methodlst Notre Dame football game must wait at least three weeks for frls hon eymoon Hewitt of mar ried Helen Jakusz 24 of Elkhart Inch Saturday in Sara Culbertson hospital here He has been con flped since Oct 1 when his back was broken in an automobile crash Physicans say Hewitt must remain in the hospital at least three weeks longer ik Hewitt whomet his bride while both were students at the Univer sity of Iowa had asked her to marry him immediately She wanted to wait until he recovered from his injury They decidedto let the footSall decide Hewitt picked Southern Metho dist and the Mustangs came thru upsetting Notre Dame 27 20 Page 12 INANCE All Time High It Set InD CBank DepotittA new all time high in de posits was yesterday by District banks following a call for statement of condition from th tomptroler "of the currency as oi Oct' 10 A record total of $1191 634965 passed tne peak estab lished at the end of 1950 by $29 500000 and ran $46500000 ahead of the last call on June 30 of this year Detail! on Page 2 CAIRO Oct 22 Egypt's prime minister called the British in Egypt enemy' tonight and declared are about to bring him to a severe Traveling from Alexandria to Cairo and speaking before cheer 1 ing crowds at each railway eta tion Prime Minister Mustapha El Nahas Pasha told his audience at Damanhour have studied all possibilities and all aspects of the situation so that we may reach our aim with out enabling the enemy and usurp er to dominate us ear Overwhelms oe enemy has lost his head and has been overwhelmed with a wave of madness and fear has thus committed aggres sive attacks about which we will not keep silent and we are about to bring him to a severe account The prime minister's progress thru northern Egypt came at the end of a day in which his govern ment took several more setbacks from the British forces In the Sue? canal zone British army tanks jelzed the Egyptian state workshops just outside Suez southern termi nal of the canal Egyptian rest debts of the town feared they soon Would be entirely cut offfrom the rest of Egypt Egyptian Interior Minister aud Setag Ed Din said 20 tanks took the shops and 25 locomotives A dispatch from Port Suez however reported 10 tanks were involved MP Kills Egyptian Serag Ed Din also said a Brit ish military police shot and killed an Egyptian and that the police man said he fired because the Egyptian passed too near a Brit ish military camp The army move was a swift followup of the British seizure of command in the harbor to break a tie up of British mer chant 'shipping' caused by an Egyptian labor boycott and a har bor pilots' strike The railway seizure was report ed aimed at enforcing a British ultimatum calling on the Egyp CARTOONS' Comics Pages 34 35 Room and Board' Page 17 Gasoline Alley Page 21 Ratio Page 30 Dear Diary Page 16 The Neighbors Pate 12 Belleye It or Not Page 32 Bringing Up ather Page 31 Henry' Page Grandma Page 5 (Want Ads 15 5 Hldnlte 59 INTERNATIONAL! Allied forces close in on ruined ku*msong Page 1 'New atom blast reported in Rus sia as we test "baby bomb Page 1 British tanks seize Egyptian rail center Page 1 THE WEATHER Ctoudg occasional light rain RjpU bslow ia CoL VOO DON I QACSi Continued on page 21 Man ZCan Rise ly I At 70 MPH lis Angeles? Oct The Navy and Marine Corps thru a development contract given more than a year ago to Rotor Craft Corporation' of 'Glendale Calif have come up withthe most amazing aviation weapon of our a true flying belt that turns an individual infantryman Into a winged The whole program has' been super secret until the announce ment here bythe office of naval research Virtually: all the work jockeys clalmitdwo Russian MIG sub assembly final assembly and lighters probably shot down and the groumj testing of the first set of flying belts has been conducted behind armed Marine guards on a yemote corner of one of the big naval air stations in this area 7 Thus far the engineering group behind headed Gilbert Magill a 'veteran helicopter perimenter and Wider has been able to say very little The device consists of a two bladed rotor powered by midget rocket type engines which bum a liquid fuel The' rotor a control mechanism a bic globular fuel tank a harness which can be strapped on rapidly completed 'concrete runway and or just as rapidly shed comprise revetments Pilots clalmedit was the components knocked out Phone RE 1234 PRICE 5c British Tanks INUS TESTS Seize Egypt Rail Cehtter INS? BULLOCK 15 INDICTED IN SPORTS Lou Boudreau new manager of Boston Red Sox serves warning on entire club nrwtlrltm Tndygr Hnmlnftfj nual major league all star select tions I Page 25 top basketbal stars ar raigned on charges as scan dal spreads Page 25 Look Hollering 3 Shop" Mc Carthy Sustained Two Legion Resolutions' BUSINESS AND Market quotations and financial BY w'lLLARD EDWARDS" President Truman waited 48 hours after congressional ll la BoalOR Buffalo Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Denver ntrnlf ort Worth TS Kanaat City 5S Ixve Angeles 75 Ixiuiiville i 79 Memphis 81 Legality of Recess AclionDisputed yKPXsUuO ace's Quiz In RC Loan NWS 'SUMMARY Of ns Timw HmM 'lata TEMPERATURES XAST 24 HOURS 1 am4 58 i 9 am 50 5pm 5 am do 3 am 58 4 am 59 5 am 4 '6 am 58 7 am 59 8 am 69' Pmr suspended this one in Nashville journment to give a recess ap Pe 2 polptlast flight to Ambassador at Large Philip Jessup as Amer ican delegate to theUnlted Na tions Mr Truman lightly dismissed ah "partisan the major ityfindings of a Senate foreign relations subcommittee that Jes sup was unfit to represent the United States abroad He assailed the evidence of Communist affili ations presented against the am KotosHnr "'hnrderins on "7 Represent US Jessup close friend and top ad viser to State Secretary Acheson will attend the sessions of the UN general assembly in Paris beginning Nov 6 despite the as sertions of both Republicans and Democrats In Senate debate that lie had lost the confidence of the American people If Congress had not been in "a rush to get home administration leaders privately conceded Jessup would have been rejected by the Senate by a 2 to 1 vote The foreign relations committee by refusing to take action on the recommendation of its subcom mittee made it possible for Mr Truman: to make the recess ap pointment The legality of such an appoint ment had been questioned by sev eral Republican senators because the UN is expected to wind up its sessions before Congress re turns next' January Thus they the constitutional provi sion that the Senate give its vice and to Presidential appointments ttr high office will have been clearly circupiventedi i i fc Rejects Senator Stand Suggestions 'had been made in the Senatrthat he has any self would refuse to accept a recess appointment But tlie former( Columbia university ambassador told reporters smil ingly that he the confidence in him i and would go to Paris In a statement accompanying 1 announcement of appolnt ment the President said he found it that the Ameri can people Had no confidence in Tar mtn find nb reason in the record of the hearings to change my high opinion of Mr qualifica tions for the position" Mr Tru man consider bin par ticularly qualified to serve as a representative of the United Stages to the general assembly the United i McCarthy Challenges Lengthy bearings had been held on qualifications Sen McCarthy i(R) ot Wisconsin made the initial challenge listing five Communist front affiliations of the ambassador He cited test! mony before the Senate internal security subcommittee: which re vealed role in the depart ment policy which lost China to the Harold'E Stassen president of the University or Pennsylvania was thezf drawn into the bearings and disclosed that Jessup in October 1949 had sided witha pro Communist group in the State department headed by Owen Latti more and Lawrence Rosinger both identified as Communists by witnesses before the internal se Jessup faced a subcommittee which was 4' to for him at the start His denial that he had ever leaned to recognition of Red China costhim the vote of his old friend Sen Smith (R) of New Jersey NELSON ROBE a Ar Allies Close In On Ruins Of ku*msong US EIGHTH ARMY HEAD QUARTERS Korea Oct 23 (Tuesday) (AP) six US Patton tanks punched thru the smoking ruins of ku*msong in a four hour raid Monday while Allied infantry moved within 600 yards of that central Korean Communist base without con tacting the Chinese melted on the foggy mountain ridges south east of ku*msong during the day Jost One Third Mile Away The US 8th army communi tian dock workers and pilots to que Monday night reported United Nations units vancing Ttoward their objectives against little enemy It said a patrol was less than one third of a mile from the now neu tralzed Red road and rail June tion 30 miles north of parallel 38' There was no significant fight ing along either the eastern or western fronts and' contact was light elsewhere along the central fronti' the communique saidThe war which has blazed with savagp intensity on all three fronts during the last few weeks seemed 'destined to simmer down to a slow boil once cease fire ne gotiations begin again Condi Cons appeared all set for resump tion of the talks at Panmunjom today or tomorrow1 Some observer felt 500000 Chinese and North Korean troops probably would stay in their fox holes with 'one ear co*cked for word from Panmunjom They felt that'" Allied military mlghU about even in be much more active so long as the talks progress Jets In Six Clashes In the air war Monday six sep arate jet engagements blazed over northwest Korea ''American jet 3 pnu 84 7 pm 44 8 pm 45 9 pm iv nm 11 pm 80 Is Chiuckle In these days of' uncertainty the only thing you can count op is your fingers The ront Line 3Tinws THESUN AND MOON 'SunriM 4:25 am Moonrise' Sunset 5:19 pm IMoonset 1:58 pm TIME TIDES AM High 1 :29 (By Associated PrcMl third atomic explosion has occurred in Russia the White House announced yesterday it was part 6f a test serieM Presidential Secretary Short said' He did not use the word as he did Oct 3 in announcing explosion of a seo ond bomb" within Rus sia Short summoned newsmen and said: atomic explosion has' occurred within the Soviet Union apparently as part Qf a test series "Of course there may be more such explosions from time to its Stalin Statement The announcement fitted into a statement Oct 6 by Premier Sta lin who said: testing of atomic bombs i of various calibers will be car ried out in the future according to the plan for our defense against the Anglo American ag gressive Word of the third explosion came in the midst of reports of 4 tiny atomic bursfon the flat of 'Nevada 'or tha most part that blast wts surrounded by secrecy altho It was s4t off under the same principle of bigger blasts a towerBut this one flared for only a tenth of a second or so Those In clfirge there th6 "desired scientific 1 data had been but refused comment on implication of the explosion Short would not say when the latest Russian explosion occurred adding is not in the national interest to say more than I have already The atom blast at Las Vegas signaled perhaps the start of a new atom weapon era 4 Although seen by observers on a mountain 50 miles away the flash was obliterated by the bright early morning sun in Las Vegas Itself To spectators it was a letdown 4 in contrast to the five brilliant flashes which lit up the desert sky in tests there last winter To scientists however it prob 1 ably was a bigger thrill than many previous larger I Smoke Mushrooms To control the atom 'and its fissioning so that it goes 1 without much more force than large artillery that would stand as a milestone In nuclear science One of the few men outside the AEC test site to see the tiny weapon perform was Joe McClain telegraph editor of thi Las Vegas Review Journal "It was hardly larger than the TNT blast set off an hour earlier to test McClain said "There was a short bright flash and then a column of white smoke rose from it narrow at 4 the base and mushrooming finally into a small cloud The cloud drifted' upward for 'about 10 mln' utes before disintegrating The AEC said the experiment was purely a weapon test and not designed to test effects on anl mals and structures These Ilka the troop tests will comg later' It was indicated there will be no test today but an AEC spokes man told newsmen think have something for you boys to see before Saturday" The AEC spokesman confirmed that the shot was made: from the top of a 100 feot steel tower simi lar to the structures used in the 1 original Aibomb blast at Alama gordo in 1945 and also later at Enlwetok The Russian blast have been detected by one of Hiree dif ferent methods perhaps used in combination They are: 1 1 Detection of eaith shocks with instruments normally used tn: detect natural earthquake 1 2 Detection of radioactivity from explosion particles perhaps carried around the world in high Continued on pare 2 eoL 4 tTi Two Cops Included 7pByi)ZCJuryT if 7 3 Police Insp Albert 1 Bullock numbers game overload Charles I Nelson and 14 otherTpersohs wer6 indicted yesterday1 by a District grand Jury on lottery and gam I bling conspiracy charges Also named in the mass "Indict ment were homicide squad Detec tive Sgt Robert Kirby and re I tired precint detective James I Lowry Lowry recently quit his Job of deputy marshal here I Two Are Suspended Shortly after the grand jury re I tiirned the true bills to climax the I tenth week of Its probe of crime 1 I and charges of police corruption here Police Chief Sus I pended Bullock and Kirby I justice take its was I only comment to report I ers who telephoned him the news I of the 'indictment of the two cops I "Bullock is the first District po I liceman of his rank to be indicted I oh such a charge in the memory of the US Nelson years ago estab I himself on a lavish Ritchie L(Md) stock farm th the guise of I already is I under a five count Indictment of I the District panel which charges I he lied in testimony last summer I before the Senate crime commit I tee 1 I In the wake of these committee I hearings Nelson has been tagged I as the czar of a $6000000 a year I numbers empire which embraces I the District and parts of near by I Maryland and Virginia I Include Conspiracy I His wife Virginia Madge Nelson 1 was amone eight women named in I the twin indictments handed ies I terday to District court Chief I Judge Bolitha Laws I i The true bills charge operation I of a numbers business here and I conspiracy to violate the i 1 lottery statue 41 Maximum penal I ties for each count are a $1000 I fine and a three year prison term II and a $10000 fine and a five year I sentence respectively I The indictments listed 32 overt two for each of the persons in connection with the operation of the Nelson machine I others indicted 4 The daughter Bertha McWilliams and her husband I 'William McWilliams Business Deal Cited Robert Nowland and hlslwifq' Mary Nelson has admitted that i I he realized more than $200000 I from Robert Nowland and As I any outfit which he I might be engaged ip a the numbers racket 2'' Blight: Lee 'an Arllngtoon I numbers figure swho has been I linked to the vast $elsonenter prises Janies L' Pumphrey pdrtner of Nelson In the JN" Amusem*nt company Seat Pleasant Mrs Mary laming Mary) I Jfitchinson' Mrs Elizabeth Brady Mrs Ruby Geary Effie Lou Trent and Shirley McCoy These five have been described as former employes of'Nplson Arraigned bj riday It was indicated that' the 16 would arraigned in "District court by ridayIf they ctiose however they could post bond the clerk of criminal court before the arraignment date but still must appear at the formal aoceedings ft 1 Return of the indictments was 'the first order of business for the It jury yesterday After this in Lpws! courtrdomithe 23 panel' members convened to hear jhree more wltnesses one of them 7 a No 2 plecinct prosecutors said the work 1 nA num Hints Artillery Use Is Achieved BY WILLIAM MOORE The Senate investigation sub committee began an immediate 1 investigation yesterday into the influence used by Vice President 'secretary Mrs Bratton and Charles Shaver Senate small business committee counsel in Recon struction inance Corporation Ioans for friends Sen Hoey of North Carolina subcommittee chairman Ordered the investigation He acted 'at the request of Sen Sparkman (D) of Alabama chairman of the small business committee after demands for suspension had been made by two other committee members Sen Thye (R) of Minnesota and Schoeppel (R) of Kansas '5 On Vacation' Barkley arriving at the Capi tol for a luncheon in honor of President Truman insisted that Mrs Bratton: had acted in de fiance of his "orders" to all his staff against using in 1 fluence with government agencies if she sought the loans He de clined to comment however when asked if he would fire her Telephone calls to Mrs Brat ton's Jiome at Cold Spring Ky brought replies that Mrs Bratton who was on vacation there was on her way Washington io isee the Vice President lLn Bratton had previously ac knowledged she and Shaver urged RC directors to approve a $1000000 loan for the projected construction of a luxury hotel at Miami Beach The RC which had previously refused to make this loan once and had on three' occasions re fused to make the same interests a $1250000 loiui reversed Itself in: May of 1950 andf granted 6the loan Turn "'Amonth later the RC granted a $325000 loan to the: Mercury Record company of Chicago after Shaver said he an4 Mrs Bratton had visited: the RC directory behalf i the loans were author ized nope of the money was ever Continued on page 2 eoL 3 P' OCTOBER 22 1251 LOCAL: Rather cloudy with occasional rain in morning cloudy and mild in afternoon MARYUAND and VIRGINIA: Cfoudjr and mild 'with occasional rain in morn ing cloudy and a littla warmer in aCiar noon TBMPERATURH9 1NTHB DISTRICT Maximum 48 tt Mlnim'um 58 at 1:50 am LOCAL 4 i 4e Taxpayers enliven hearing oft DjC budget Page 21 Inquest holds suspect in cabble slaying here Page 21 Nelson twoD cops andT4 others in die ted by gambling probers! Page 1 4 ft 11 NATIONAL 's Truman gives Jessup recess ap as envoy toiUN Page secretary faces quiz on RC influence I Page 1 Another federal tax collector is 44 3 8 41 87 S3 58 70 58 81 57 82 47 51 40 £9 JllPhllxliilnhia 'Mi'IZ BA 4B Minn StPaul Mobile Naw Orlaai Nov York Norfolk HI Phoenix 45 Richmond di At Tnnla 54San Antonld 59 8 ranciaeo 87 9 I5(8aattlo 47 39 mral it (R8 Pot OH) i Mi i iLUJJJ A GOAN I IT JT IJV CJH 1 Xlb rtM JJ JTKTmni i 1 jei' 1 muyiiwiiti 4 ntAaVJ f'i' 4 news Page 28 EATURES ALine or Two Page 12 Club News Page 15 Crossword Puzzle' Page 18 Daily Almanac Page 1 Daily Pattern Page 9 Drama Page 24 George Dixon Page 12 Goren on Bridge Page 16 Home Counsel Page 16 Horoscope Page 11 How to: Keep Well Page 12 Inquiring Photografen Page 10 Local News i Page 21 Movie Directory Page 24 Nite Clubs Page 23 Obituaries Page 22 Dick Page 25 Westbrook Pegler Page 13 Picture Page Page 20 Beyond Page 16 Scene and Heard Page 13 Emie Schier Page 24 Society I Page 14 George Sokolsky Page 13 Vital Statistics Page 19 TV and Radio? Page 13 US 'andUs Page 17 I 5.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.