The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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left for Springfield by trolly kelfers THOMPSONVILLE BOYS ARRESTED CONNECTICUT SUIELD mill WEST SPRINGIELD WESTIELD all and Winter Oxfords BOSTON PRODUCE MARKET dis By kKalk Over 48 wear 35 hose at Gov at Church PALMER MOTIAITES HELD Al WORONOCO Dickinson when the study was accidently killed yester IIADLEY LUDLOW TELEPHONE BOOKS OCT third and fourth WILLIAMSBUIIG Big New Made in USA Th not succeed Mr Baker of a sheriff heavy heels Your clothes soak as safely in Rinso as in water alone Get a package of Rinso today It comes in two sizes 8c and the big new 30c pack age Lever Bros Co Cambridge Mass TQADE HACK DEG AT OR and left a for Grape Nuts training and what department in the Scotch Grain if desired Pour into Tub of lukewarm water mix well Keep adding the solution until you get a good rich lasting ruds even after the clothes have been put in Add resh Solution before operating your machine using the same amount of Rinso as you used for soaking Black Boots Dissolve Thoroughly dissolve half a cup of Rinso in two quarts of boiling water for each tubful of clothes to cent The Tilock Signals Are BAKER DETERMINED TO GET BACK BOOKS VOCATIONAL TRAINING PROBLEMS DISCUSSED If you use a washing machine follow the same theaters that this teaching James voted unanimously to until the company is the old wage scale Bercy New York city Air Todd and Hiss Nel this town A Longeway of will have as guests c(nmJINT Grape Nuts has a rich delightful flavor is ready to serve on the instant and is distinctly the food for mental and physical alertness and speed At all grocers Special Tuesday and Wednesday son Waldo and riday by auto where they will Miami and Jack The ability to and to ret depends much on the poise of body brain and nerves that comes with correct diet and proper nourishment Every moment of the business and social day the block signals are giving right of way to keenness and alertness while the slow and the heavy must wait on the sidetrack for their chance to move forward JOSEPH THOMPSON DIES AT SUPPPER LEGION ACTS AT LYING LAG being spent on this country the youth was without the STRIKERS REUSE SECOND PROPOSAL of genial who had a es one niece Chandler of North and a nephew' Hur Cleinent of Springfield Kendall Russell for lorida road officers while attempting break into one of the cars Thompsonville Nov 21 Railroad Detective rank McGarrett was in town tonight Assisted by the local officers he rounded up four boys who will be brought before juvenile court tomorrow night on the charge of commiting depredations along the property of the New Haven road It is said the boys were caught in the act of throwing stones at passing trains and also that pne of them placed an iron brake shoe on the rail The boys are from 10 to 12 years of age The public and parochial schools will close Wednesday for the Thanks giving recess and will resume sessions Monday morning Practically all of the out of town teachers in 'the pub lic Rnhnnls will leave Wednesday aft ernoon to spend Thanksgiving at their homes The marriage of Miss Ernestine Richards of North Main street and Cornelius Kearn of Springfield will take place Wednesday morning at St church and will be per formed by Rev Daniel Carpet City lodge of Moose has ar ranged for an intensive drive to in crease the membership of the lodge The lodge is considering the forma tion of a branch of the Moose legion to be composed of women and to be an auxiliary to Carpet City lodge The town school committee will meet at 4 tomorrow afternoon in the A Higgins school Let one hour two hours over night whatever time is convenient is in of about easy Rinso steps as in your tubs the cut they at the town office this after noon by Justice of the Peace Howard Sikes They were accompanied ty two Suffield friends They immediate ly given fou? cents more per thrd Accoiding to the would nffret only aooui rnmbrr while the same number would receive an advance of BOOT SHOP 320 MAIN Ing coarser work The strikers about C2 would tvoik under tho full cut they claim Tne slobber tenders at walked out today and have Speed nr slobbers slobb monthn Peeing Causes Arresf After Policeman and Sheriff ail to Get Volumes Holyoke Nov 21 Clarence Kan trowitz 17 of 169 Beech street was arrested tonight by Inspector James Malcolm on a warrant charging lar ceny The complainant in the case is Nicholas Baker proprietor of the Baker Art and Stationery store at 271 Maple street and the arrest of young Kantrowitz carries with it a rather unusual tale Last July Kantrowitz began bor rowing books from the circulating li brary of the Baker establishment At first he returned the books and took out new ones Later Baker claims he failed to return books Mr Baker tonight stated that the young man had 10 books at the present time in his possession which belong to the stationery store Mr Baker says he talked with Kantrowitz on numerous occasions but claims that ail he re ceived was abuse Last week Inspector James Mal colm was detailed to go to the Kan trowitz home to obtain the books He visited the home in securing the then obtained the whom be sent to Kantrowitz Mr was His fed Hadley Nov 21 Mr and Depredations on Railway uneral of Mr Cheevcr The funeral of Daniel Cheever 70 of 403 Riverdale street will be held in the parlors of the Dickinson Streeter company Springfield to morrow afternoon at 2 Rev Atherton will officiate Burial will be in White church cemetery Air Chee ver died in Wesson Memorial hospi tal Springfield Sunday noon after a short illness He was born in Prince ton and had lived in this town 14 years coming here from Ware where he had lived 25 years He was a car penter but for the past six years was manager of a grocery store on Riverdale street He attended the irst Baptist church and was a mem ber of the Ware lodge of Odd el lows Besides his wife he leaves a son Albert Cheever of New Brit ain Ct and a daughter Mrs Mumford of this town Air and Airs Eugene Ward enter tained a party of about 20 friends at their home on Worthy park this eve ning The party was the opening of the season of home entertainments which were so popular in the Worthy park section last year and was given in honor of Mrs Clifford Prouty who has just returned from a several visit in Memphis Tenn Death of Mrs Horace Niles Williamsburg Nov 21 Word has been received of the death at San Diego Cal of Airs Harriet Hopkins SO widow of Horace Niles of Springfield Airs Niles was born in this town ami her early life was spent here and Director Robert 0 Small Contends Too Much Time Spent on Culture Westfield Nov 21 Director Robert Small of the department of voca tional training addressed the Cham ber of commerce at its mid day luncheon on the merits and condi tions of vocational training this state Declaring that the educators could not handle the educational problem especially that of vocational training without co operation from business men and manufacturers Director Small gave his audience its first lucid explanation of the methods used in vocational was hoped for the future "Too much time cultural education while 60 per cent lrfr tn knnnk proper training to make them good American was the manner in which Air Small characterized the present system of education Every child between the ages of 14 and 16 who is not taken and educated along the proper lines works an economic handicap upon the state and country Vocational training was necessary to produce three ele ments in children cultural civlj and economic and when this is accom plished a wonderful stride in educa tion will have been made in the right direction The school authorities of this city were complimented upon the showing made in the vocational school both from the standpoint of numbers taught results obtained and cost of maintenance on a warrant district court Inspector John lorida string $l35O cammxv lorida ene oniona Henry Taylor Dies Ludlow Nov 21 Henry 73 died Saturday morning home nt 15 Aleadow street illness of pneumonia born in Ausahle orks came to Ludlow 3G years ago was employed by the Ludlow Manu facturing associates at intervals Air son in law John Lnshway died last week of pneumonia but ow ing to Mr Taylor's critical condition he was not informed of the death He loaves one son Henry of Spring field three daughters Mrs John Lash way and Airs John Sarrell of Ludlow and Mrs Benjamin Robichaud of Wales and two brothers Alexander of Shelburne alls and Alfred of Springfield The funeral will bo held tomorrow morning at St church Robert 0 ill'll ng Alisa Ida Roberts of Hampshire 8teet and Charles Ouilette of Elm Street were married at St John's church this' morning by Rev I Rodier The bride was attended by brother rank but did books services get the books from Baker claims that the sheriff also failed to accomplish his errand Since that time Air Baker has been communication with Airs Kantrowitz the mother and the boy himself but he could make no headway in having the books returned The result was the issuance jof the warrant this afternoon and Kantro subsequent arrest He will be arraigned tomorrow morning in trict court member of the Community 8ervlc appeared before the Legion members and addressed them on Community Service particularly athletic events that were to be staged by the or ganization Stanley Ladney of Otis street was fired $150 this morning and given a three suspended sen'ence in the house of correction His home was raided by the police and he was charged with keeping and exposing liquor for sale The cases of Lud wig Taudel and rank Kozlowski ar raigned on the same charge were continued until December 3 red Smith of Springfield was given 30 days for vagrancy Director Washburn of Com munity Service has suggested that bis department will co operate with the city in its efforts to establish municipal skating rinks the coming wiriei inis The new proposal still the fi per cent cut but In some respects human experience is like railroading Asks School Principals to Name Custodians of Colors Westfield Nov 21 The attention of the local post of the American Le gion was called to the indiscriminate hanging and flying of the American flag in various buildings particularly the schoolhouses at a regular meet ing held this evening and acting upon the information a vote was passed re questing the principals of the various schools to appoint one of the older boys in each school as custodian of the flag It will be his duty to fly the flag and lower it when necessary and he will be instructed relative to the proper uses of the flag The following officers were nom inated to be elected in the nest reg ular meeting: Post commander John Guinasso Harold Whittemore Thomas Logie vice commander Edward Boyce finance officer Ed win Shepard historian Noah pu perrault chaplain Rev A Snive ly trustee for thre years who vylll act as a member of the executive committee Dr McCarthy scr gcant at arms Joseph Szostek and Alichaei Rukowycz A committee of two was appointed to confer with the representative of the other bowling teams with the object of establish ing a Legion team They are Stan ley Smith and Joseph Deverreau A New ball committee was appointed as follows: Harold Witte mor Thomas Logie Arthur Tier ney Guinasso and Dr Connerv Alias Elizabeth Albro a CLERKS SEE BOXING BOUTS AT A About 200 Turn Out for Evening of Sport Holyoke Nov The first night and smoker at the Young Christian association this eve ning was highly successful about 200 clerks turning out to enjoy the fun Alvah Oldershaw played six games simultaneously with as many com petitors winning five and losing one to Barclay In an open pool contest Carriere who challenged all comers defeated Ernst 25 to 12 There were three boxing bouts the chief bout being the Alar against Kid Joe Williams tor five rounds and was declared a draw In the preliminary of three rounds between two 60 pound ergusons the younger erguson won This was more amusing than scientific In the semifinals Little and AIcab fought a draw In a basketball game between the bank clerks and tho ordinary clerks the clerks won 19 to 17 Edward Ourada acted as boxing referee Har old Alartin as basketball referee and A Coughlin as master of cere monies Jacques was chairman of the committee of arrangements John Gross Is Arthur Gross man netl on Lottery Charge Holyoke Nov 21 John Gross of Chicago was discharged on a com plaint for larceny at the session of the district court this morning Judge Hildreth ruling that there was no evidence to show larceny Attorney Schulz of Chicago represented the ArTcMH Heart ailure atal to Maple ton Avenue Man Native of Hartland Ct Suffield Nov 21 Joseph Thomp son 60 dropped dead of heart failure while eating his supper at his home on Alapleton avenue at 6 tonight Air Thompson appeared to be in the best of health after he got home from work and sat down to the supper table Mr Thompson was born in Hartland April 27 1S61 the son of Joseph and Sarah (Shepherd) Thomp son After receiving his early edu cation in the public schools of his native town took up mason work He married lorence Pascoe of Ware house Point June 19 1890 After their marriage they came to Suffie'ld to live He had been a mason all his life with the exception of the last three years when he took up farming and had been working for the Edward A uller estate on Alain street He leaves besides a widow three brothers and three sisters Hayes Charles Thompson and Wilbur Thompson all of Granville Mass Mary Vining of Hazardville Edward Thompson of Thompsonville and Miss Alaria Thompson of Granville Alass and three children Helen wife of Charles Spelrs of Hartford Retta wife of Charles irtion 'of Thompson ville and Stanley Thompson living at home The funeral will be held at 2 Wednesday afternoon at his home Burial will be in Woodlawn ceme tery city bpard will request the telephone company to remove it This is to be the future location of the new telephone building that is promised before many years A new cable to Laurel street is nearly finished Tel ephone numbers in Holyoke have reached 4900 and the new rriultiples will carry them to 5000 and beyond She was a woman winning personality host ot triencls Mrs annie A Bennington Vt mi 4 a case cuiiceiiivu tuv selling of suits a club plan whereby $2 a week was paid for 24 weeks The plan involved selecting of suits by lot and Arthur Grossman of Springfield was fined $25 for pro moting a lottery An appeal was taken and Grossman was held under $100 bonds Gross sold the club suits in Holyoke and Grossman represent ed the Manhattan Tailors incorpor ated of Chicago with offices in Springfield Attorney George Kelly who appeared for the common wealth asked for a jail sentence but on account of the claim that Gross man made that he thought the plan to be legitimate a fine was imposed dian Orchard who gave her away The groom was attended by his father After a wedding trip to Cohoes they will live on Hampshire street John Bal Arrested Chief Cash with Officer Brunelle last night arrested John Dal for trans porting liquor Bal it is alleged has been carrying liquor In his bicycle and the officers determined to find out stopped him and found a gallon secured to the rear of the wheel He was arraigned in court this morning and held in bonus wnicn furnished for appearance later case will be prosecuted by the eval That's why so many choose Grape Nuts for breakfast and lunch Served with cream or milk it is completely nourishing partly pre digested and it supplies the vital mineral salts so necessary to full nutrition MEN CLUB ME TS teretf Lae is Speaker irst Congregational Suffield Nov The first annual meeting of the Get Together club of the irst Congregational church was held tonight in the form of a banquet in the church parlors The room was decorated with vases of cut flowers palms and ferns At the guest table in the front of the room sat the guest of the evening Gov Everett Lake of Hartford Pev Victor Greenwood and George Hendee of Suffield toastmaster Lake Oil 1 1 1 1 0 a at me iiujuv ov tomorrow morning at OuO fol by solemn high mass of re nt Holy Name church at 16 will be in Calvary cemetery EAST LONGMEADOW Taylor at his after a He was and He Attempt to Enter reight Car loged Palmer Nov 21 George Motiaitcs of ox street was before the district court this morning charged with re ceiving stolen property and with at tempting to break into a freight car The case was continued until Satur day morning Alotiaites being released under $1000 bonds A search of AIo tiaites's house revealed a quantity of cloth which It is alleged came from a Central Vermont freight car The defendant was later arrested by rail to authorities Car Stolen James Simpson of Holyoke road re ported that his automobile was stolen from his home Saturday The police later on information received from Mr uller of the Center found tho car on the Ludlow City road stripped The police have a good clew to the culprits and an arrest Is expected in a few days The community minstrels meu last night and voted to turn over the bal ance in their treasury to assist in the relief of the needy The amount turned over was $3747 Airs Rufus AL Smith have been entertaining their daughter Airs Ernest Smith of Bayside I Dr Charles Alarsh of the bureau of agriculture Washington has been visiting Mrs Marsh Mrs John Phinney of Cambridge is visiting her sister Airs John Morse A I rick mobile spend the winter at sonville The first second grades of the Russell school will not be in session this week on account of supplies being taken to the new school building on Middle street OUND 30 SEALED QUARTS WHISKY ederal Officers Visit Aome of William Robison of 1 6 Clairmont Avenue Holyoke Nov ederal officers visited the home of William Robi son 16 Clairmont avenue this eve ning at 730 and seized 30 sealed quarts of whisky also taking samples of gin wine and alcohol found on the premises Two cases of 12 quarts each were found the third case being broken and there was also two bottles half full Other articles associated the sale of liquor were also found The raid was by ederal Of ficers Harold Harvey and alter Goodrich under personal direction ci Prohibition Enforcement Officer Har old Wilson of this district RYAN PLEADS NOT GUILTY CHARGE in stop Hynds red Blumke Roger Dona ghue Amade Capistrart and John Price were each fined $li for drunk enness The liquor seized in a re cent raid on Eugene Couture was de clared forfeited LENARCZYK HELD Arrested on Warrant Chargins: Ille gal Keeping of Liquor Holyoke Nov 21 Antoni Lenar czyk of 611 Bridge street was ar rested here tonight charging illegal liquor keeping will be arraigned in tomorrow morning O'Donnell made the arrest The style a great many men will this winter with heavy wool Ehglish Brogues with extra strong oak soles and low flat Great for winter walking itzgerald Ameri canization Candidate for Mayor to Write to Gover nor About Clerk Buckley Chicopee Nov 21 Edward itzgerald Americanization landldate for mayor stated tonight hat he intends to take steps for the tnpeachment of City Clerk hickley as clerk of the board of reg htrars itzgerald says he will write the governor asking the removal of htv Clerk Buckley He bases his eg al right to such a step upon sec ion 21 of the state election laws vhich according to itzgerald states hat cdy and town clerks cannot act is members of the board of registrars Air itzgerald however failed to Hate what chapter of the election awa the section 21 he referred to vas under Section 14 of chapter 298 leals with the appointment of thecard of registrars and the qualifica ions of the men appointed That sec ion states that a person appointed tohe board of registrars hold no ither office or position by election or ippointment in said city or 1 he law thus holds true to itzger statement but the section con iuues shall constitute together vith the city or town clerk for the lute being a board of registrars and 'that city or town shall act as the clerk of said The funeral of John Connors will ho'd at the home iu itreet lowed tjuiern Burial Slobber Tenders Join Speed ers Who Are Out rom the Chicopee Manf Co Plant Chicopee Nov 21 Striking speeder tenders of the Chicopee Alanufactur Ing company turned down a second tropositfon put to them by officials of ths company at a meeting rnrnfinr employee working on the finer work ww 1 be hank of this B0 of their of a cnt per hank because of do a STS a 1 a I I 0 return per lour To ship from the mills Bos ton common rate points in sacks new spring patents special short $835875 spring pat ents standard spring first clears hard winter patents $65O(ab soft winter patents $650775 soft winter straights $625675 soft winter clears SouU (3625 rye flour white patent $550li6 Transit all rail No 2 No 3 yellow lake and rail No 2 yel low 6869c No 3 67 68c no Oats Transit fancy 40 lbs 54ooc 3 lbs regular oo ids uu 4Uc Cornmeal and oatmeal Granulated bolted $170 feeding $135 cracked com cream of maize $4 oatmeal rolled cut and ground $302 MillfePd Transit snipmeui oh winter 1 )fi I 3J flt eor rn5 on £2((fr29 doz $36 gluten feed $3u5 hominy feed $2750 $13: $4750 aw uuiviu 4 tnrjpoQ no Nos 1 and 2 eastern offered No 3 eoiS rva atrAW and George who acted as and introduced Gov Each table was decorated with vases of cut flowers furnished by 'he Hendee greenhouses at The others who sat at the guest table were the officers of the Young club and IZh committee chairman of the bonquet Will Culver After the banquet Air Hendee made a few re marks of welcome and introduced Gov Lake who is not only governor of the state but also a member of the Asylum Avenue Congregational church in Hartford His talk was di rected along the work of this kind in his own church The committee in charge consisted of Will Culver chairman: John Henshaw Robert Nicholson Thatcher Belfit Wil liam Hamblen and Hugh Al Alcorn Mobou ines The case of Ora Mobou the Thomp sonville voung man who was arrested Saturday night at the dance in the vown hall for breach of the peace and resistirg an officer was given a hear ing this afternoon before Judge How ard Sikes in tle Suflielil police court Alobou was fined $1 for drunk enness $1 for breach of the peace and $5 for resisting an officer making a total of $7 and besides the costs of court making in all $2351 which be paid He pleaded guilty Officers Gregg and George Woodruff made the arrest assisted by irst Select man George A Peckham Rogers Given Verdict The suit of Almon Phelps of Eatt Granby against Edward Rog ers of this place was given a hearing in the common pleas court in Hart ford this morning before Judge Dick inson and a jury over the question cf a cow purchased of Mr Rogers and the age of a calf After the case had been on trial the larger part of the morning the jury reported a verdict in favor of Air Rogers William Grant and Ixirena ord I both Negroes giving their addresses as Springfield Alass were married Offers to Pledge Diamond Ring in Lieu of $50 Bail for Vagrancy Trial Holyoke Nov 21 rank Ryan alias William Howard who was ar rested night for vagrancy pleaded not guilty in district court this morning and offered to put up a diamond ring as security for the bail required The police believe ihat he is a key worker and that by his arrest the number of apartments en tered is likelv to decrease Several I have been entered tne past few weeks 1 Ryan has been Ilyins' at Hotel Hamil ton A search of his room led to the discovery of a skeleton Edward Clune 18 of Potvin ave nue was fined $10 for assault upon Joseph Lernieu proprietor of a street moving picture house Clune pleaded guilty Clune was alleged to be one of a gang that has been mak ing disturbances in iocaj 1 The court notified him is the first lesson them that this must tho loined the 10 of the Woronow Nov 21 Thanksgiving services were held at the Union church Sunday Rev II Jones talc ing as a text gave an address The choir under the lead ership of Higgins sang the an them Earth is the and the ullness The Delphian chapter will meet to morrow afternoon at the home of Airs William of early Greek drama will be re sumed A doe day morning having fallen down the rocks on the North mountain break ing her neck Warden Afonagan who was notified took possession S2c roasters 3540c fowls choice large fowls medium 3U32c: squabs na tive per dozen 4fa7 western dry pacKed boxes broilers chickens i34c dinm fowls large 3586c med I small 202Gc old co*cks turkeys northern 55QG0c western vounz 5SQ60c medium In barrels (U55e geese 30 370 ducks 33(7i3Sc Live poultrv owls large hens 30c chicks roosters 19(ft20c Butter ancy northern creamery tubs 4 fancy northern creamery boxes northern creamery prints western creamery good to choice western creamery fair to good ancy hennery choice (ast ern western hennery 87(iJ88c fresh prime western firsts 7375c fresh western first 6570c storage extras firsts New York twins fancy New York twins fair to good 2223c YoungytCrat Rides 13014c fancy hinds inm sides jurai i mnua 5 A bo arc out The wage of the tenders were cut about two ago from $22 80 to $190 too weak at the time to take any action on and bote The strikerstay on strike wilBner to av Members of the committee jald that they would stay out until ihey won They also stated that word from the offices of the com pany had to them to the effect that the spinning room bad shut down and that but a band Sul of people were working in the reaving room No statement as to the closing down of the mill com pletely can be obtained from officials bf the company but according to the itrikers the plant cannot stay in pperaticn longer than Wednesday ollowing the advice of Harry A ftussell and Joseph Wlodarczyk and Ibe Springfield Central Labor union ttie speaker tenders will organize a The employes of the mill forking in other rooms will be taken mto the union thereby spreading throughout the plant IMPEACHMENT CITY CLERK IRST MOVE Sc: cows veal 1220c mntton 10c: yearlings 10ai3c lambs spring 18(g22c ruit Apples 312503 bu $35010 bbh western $35005 bananas 64iiic lemons $5 00 ert oranges California $850 grape fruit $35007 ert cranberries $7750 half bbl $1201650 bbl Malaga grapes $275 4 75 box? Tokays and Bmperors $275450 box California pears oox $250275 bskt: Cncahas $250 ert ItAona I tff lam co hamiier: cut beets Mmtfa 7rPrtl Si box rn zT totfnrft box box Connecticut valley $55O0 100 lb bag peppers lorida $3504 ert potatoe SI 15 100 $10140 rafliahe Ihix sailfish 24c lb tomatoes turnips new yellow $2250 140 ib bag cauliflower $1250250 box celery si 25 box: parsley $10125 box sweet nota'toes" 740450 bbl spinach JI nsrsnins Sl(liT25 box pumpkins 7c15 bix: mushrooms $llrO bskt red cabbagl $1250175 box cucumbers 740850 box few 79010 It and funeral arrangements: be Roberts of In nounced later East Longmeadow Nov Dr 1 1 A iske will entertain at Thanks giving his brother and wife Mr and Airs Alyron iske from Huntington and his daughter Air and Mrs An drew Nelson and children from Chest nut street George A Clark and family ot Shaker road will spend Thanksgiving with the parents in East Charlemont George II Wheeler and family will entertain at Thanksgiving Bercy Richmond from and Airs Ernest He Powers from Air and Airs Mall Hill road Thursday Air and Airs A Champ lin and Mr and Airs II Pease and daughter Rarhara Mr and Mr William Bradley and child to scend Thanksgiving with his mother in Somers Airs Hurlbut has returned from a four visit with friends in Boston Milton Corey and family have moved from the Peasley house on Maple street to the Burton house on Alapleshade avenue Ernest Pease and family from or estville Ct were guests over Sun day at Whitaker's on Prospect street rank Bull from Boston is a guest of his aunt Airs Julia Snow of Main street Louis Whitaker of Alaple street will have as Thanksgiving guests his parents Mr and Airs John Whitaker his brother Newton Whitaker and family from Springfield and II Whitaker and family from this town Charlie Lay and family have moved into their new modern home erected on the opposite side of the street from where they have lived on Shak er road ikely to Be Last Edition Issued or Holyoke Exchange Alone Holyoke Nov 21 The new Hol yoke exchange telephone books are now being circulated It is likely that this will be the last time that the Holyoke telephone numbers will ap pear In a separate book Nine thou sand seven hundred i hones are list ed The local candidates for mayor have used up all of the excess tele phones of pay station numbers and the only way to increase the present number of telephones or rather the most practical way is to increase the and provide a step for the girls on the present boards ac otherwise they cannot reach them Work will begin on this in a short time and will provide for 300 more phones and later by extension for 7OP to 9i)0 is being msile about the fTliiion the enton I and it is not improbable that pome HARRY ARMSTR0N ortner Middletown (Ct) Man Dies at Mittincaguo hom*o West Springfield Nov 21 Harry Armstrong GO of 10 Worthy park Mittineague died this morning after an illness of several months He was born in England and camo to this country in ISGo or 22 yeais he lived at Portland Ct going from there to Aliddletown Ct where he lived for 13 years rom there he moved to New Britain Ct wffiere he lived for two years going from there to Springfield where he lived IS years Three years ago he moved to Alittineague He had been employed as an engi need at Agawam mill No 1 of the American Writing Paper company but retired from active work 16 months ago on account of ill health He was a member of Phoenix lodge of Odd ellows of New Britain Springfield lodge New England order of Protection and of Emmanuel Con gregational church of Springfield Besides his widow he leaves a daughter Mrs Geneva Rice of Mittineague hia mother Airs Anna Armstrong ot Aliddletown Ct a brother Cuthbert of Middletown and four sisters Airs John Percival of orestville Ct Airs Charles Corey of Cromwell Ct Mrs Grace Rogers and Miss Alartha A Armstrong both of Middletown uneral services will be held at the home Wednesday morning 1030 Rev Thayer officiating The body will be taken to New Brit ain for burial where services will be held at the grave in airview ceme tery at 2 Wednesday afternoon standard 724 lbs 71 71 $2 bran Tt itftl food 7s hnminv feed KlUICU nu mu not hulls rpcTnund cotton seed meal 4548 linseed medl nj No 1 timothy $30031 No 2 no Nos 1 and 2 eastern offered ro 3 clover mixed 724027 rye straw $26 oat straw $20021 White Tne American Sugar Refining company quotes 530c tor refined sugar with Its usual 2 per cent in seven days Beans New York and Michigan peas 76 650 white California S355O green peas 77 0750 Japanese peas 6650 dried limns 780850 yellow eyes $93250 red kidneys TabIe 21025c fancy white 2U24c pastry 17c cakemaking and bread making 18c nut margarine 2c perk Backs and snort heavy $2025 backs and short cuts medium $247502575: long cuts 727 25 loan ends 729 25 bean pork 721023 loose palf pork fresh ribs shoulders corned 156c: shoulders smoked lofelc shoulders fresh 170 1ac hams skinned 10'224c hams regular hams co*cked 33 04016c bacon 19i brisk ets bologna 1316015c fraukfurts 17022c: fresh sausage 2l)029c sausage meat bags 24c: pressed rooked meat o'a n7c' pork trimmings luc raw leaf lard 14c rendered leaf pure lard 10c: country dressed bogs 11013c medium 14016 piks 1 Dressed Pou 1 1 ry Dry packed broilers 300 3 I KO I Ja3 ilk SgfeSvkW Wnir Mt Package 1 1 i I i fl I1 Ro 1.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.