The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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i is MT 0 1 LEADING SINGLE SCULLERS IN NATIONAL REGATTA HERE i3ss dS 1NANCIAL GLASSIIED IPQim SECTION v' i T7BM mm 0 SPRINGIELD MASS WEDNESDAY JULY 17 1929 0 3 1 Turner Dougherty And Crack Scullers in National Regatta Here Myers to Enter Singles 23 Al HARTORD 6 TO 4 Counterpart Bought for $1000 Last all Wins $25000 American Pacing Derby at Kalamazoo The 0 3 4 0 5 0 0 1 10 4 SO 15 27 16 0 0 0 0 ah sb 2 1 4 8 i 0 3 4 0 0 Allentown YANKEES IN BERLIN po HOOVER REEREE Ieft 3 0 27 the ranconia pro scored ab a po a 4 1 0 0 WESTIELD SPORTS 0 0 4 4 In 0 1 0 0 A ERIC A A SM) TATIO 0 0 9 Columbus 8 Jersey City 15 Me 0 0 8 1x7 1 8 Bf I timers Mor broth er Batteries 10 Louisville AT HOLYOKE hecond Game Base on balls oft Ross 3 off 0 10 Am Thread 13 Minneapolis 1 3 3 9 0 1 1 0 0 JTM Baltimore532 (Reading a516 1 Buffalo 4 4 4 4 1 0 and the services later In 1 0 0 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 4 0 4 0 0 6 A 0 1 en 0 Toronto Montreat 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 4 0 0 po 0 0 1 3 1 ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 48 60 0 0 0 0 1 were first 4 0 a 1 1 0 0 0 Kansas Clt Toledo? po 0 an have 405 391 382 0 0 0 0 Reading Toronto Batteries: Gibson and the Mrs 494 484 341 a 0 national hcltj at Ji 0 0 0 0 0 ab 4 4 College Oarsmen the eight thit it pres 0 0 Hurleyr Deighml nn mbler Higgins 0 0 C65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 out re 9 27 16 0 Rapp 3 Lacy 2 1 t) fl 0 3 Umpires 38m Harris Providence Caldwell New Haven Yordy Albany Cicero Pittsfield Koser Hartford itzgerald Springfield Hohman Hartford MRS BARLOW WINS OVER MRS DOWNEY IL 10 the ar Roserr Brlaroes Smlthc Brown Cannon Groh A' 0 5 4 4 4 4 po 0 Mrs Jackson nine' in 38 Reymond of in 39 to 5 3 3 4 po I 2 1 11 2 4 Discarded as Cripple Defeats Record ield 8 21 5 3 0 4 2 3 4 103 130 128 become smoothed and 3 6 5 0 3 3 3 9 1 0 2 9 2 inWilaonr ojCaT'Tell! OiMej er 3 OifrTera n2 Oibtransrcf nj'addenc Barronef RoyUr Ppplo ki3 Mann 2 Jones Weston 1 Harrell but two weeks and Philip ox outgoing Ruth Ta went I AVheeler of Rye 1 ftlSwena 0 (Grubec OlRush 0 1 0 5 1 10 0 3 0 0 1 0 Wllsonr Barton 1 Meyer 3 Strong cf Panning a Owenp by four junior event? The division is not sponsored Li A A regattas but the 3M WiScheers 1 Bymg na 0 Rapp 3 oLacy2 1 Jarrett 1 1 1Hurleycf ulDelghanl (EL) 3 3 Manianx a Barnes 77 81 Mt 75 M2 Kalamazoo Mich July 16 A little roam stallion eight years old thrown into the racing junk heap three years ago because he was re garded as a hopeless cripple came back to life today to capture the $25000 American Racing Derby rich est event of the Grand Circuit season The winner was Counterpart son of John A Hallie Argotress owned and driven by Parshall a veternar ian of Urbana who drives horses for the love of it In Straight Heats Parshall purchased the horse last fall for $1000 him back to racing form and walked off with the race to the astonishment of 10000 spectatorsParshall piloted his resur rected find to victory in straight heats defeating a field of 22 pacing stars the largest field that ever went to the post In a Grand circuit event Counterpart won the com ing from behind in the stretch drive after allowing Hal McKinney and i Howman 1 2 3 9 3 4 0 Home Run Hitters In the Eastern League 2 42 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Biahlman Upper left Ken Myers in ac tion Upper right Myers at his job as fireman on the Phil adelphia Reading railroad Left faul Costello ab 5 5 reddy was runnerup in Keen and Bool Bell and BRADDOCK AND 10UGHRAN END HEAVY TRAINING EDDIE LOSES IN SECOND LONGWOOD ROUND Kenhpdys Wilkie 2 Rmalllt Cicero cf CrCon4r Player ami Chib Kimmlck Bdgpt YoWlf Albany Schtnklr Rdgpt arfelK Albany PeplhskU 4 5 03 10211 A 0 0 0 0 0 Baum rarent Jrop 2 0 0 0 0 0 Hopkins and Th1 i i i mi nn i Westfield July 16 Dr was sixth a field of 132 shooters who competed at the Atlantic Slates Trapshooting association tournament In Danbury Ct last week He broke 193 out of 20v targets Dr rep resented tlje Springfield Gun club The Tekoa Country club golf team will play the Dongtneadow team here tomorrow afternoon in a our DaU league match Lady Russell to set the pace time tvas 2024 The second and third heats virtually a duplication of the Counterpart broke out in front in the second heat then fell back into third place and responding to urgings shot out in front winning by a length in 203 He came out of sixth place to win the third and de ciding heat in 203 Counterpart won $12500' for the youthful Ohio veterinarian with $400 going to Block Scott which finished second Colonel Strong was third landing $2250 The racing fans were treated to an added thrill when red Green governor of Michigan flying from Lansing the state capital to witness the races crashed with his airplane The open two seater biplane bound ing over the rough field to a landing hit a ditch and pitched over on its nose The governor and his pilot crawled out of the machine with only a slight shaing up The summaries: Struck out by Ross 2 by 3 by Doyle 2 Hits I HOMERS EATURE AS HiLLIES BEAT Runs Rann Dei flhan Kimble 4VAP i Laov Hurley Caldwell Meyer hit Dalrvmule Caldwell Lynch Deirhan Mever (ipn Stolen bases on bases Allentown 4 on balls off Lynch 1 Xins 4 by Lynch 3 summers CITY HALL TEAM BEATS IBERLOID Chic Remington of JVorcester inter nationally known hillclimber will be ono of the star performers at the hill climb Sunday at Enfield the sectional climb will be held under the auspices of the local Gwaks Motorcy cle club Secretary Charles Tuttle re ceived Remington's entry Tuesday Chic will arrive in New York Satur day morning coming direct from Lon don Since his departure from these shores last December Remington has met and defeated the best riders in England Ireland Scotland and Wales The Worcester boy is sure of a great reception Sunday when lie meets many of the stars of motorcycling in the professional events Orrie Steely Leo McKinney Tom and August Paradise Orrie Barber and the Webster rider Wasowieck are among the star riders in the pro class The winners in Sun day's events qualify for the championship events to be Muskegon Mich in August our events comprise the Sunday afternoon at Little mountain seen in Bob Armstron climber lease James Pete Bishop Pete orest Castonguay and his er CHIC REMINGTON AT ENIELD HILL CLIMB card for Qua bbin A big field of riders will be io amateur contests with pitted against such Heilman House 0 0 0 i 3 4 5 fnakes him 1i ver to played good ball this year have his 2f 17 1 5 14 14 Cicero a term in ive Leading Batters the Eastern League Champion May Have TroubleMaking Campolo Makes Debut Tonight at Ebbets ield NewA'ork July (AP) Witfi a world's light heavyweight champion ship bout billed for Thursday at the Yankee stadium and a giant South American candidate for heavy weight honors making his debut to morrow night at Ebbets field boxing followers today found plenty of pro spective entertainment in sight and lots of room for fistic speculation While the 6 foot 7 inch Victorio Campolo Argentine slugger will be watched with considerable interest in his 10 round encounter with Arthur De Kuh of Italy the battle of the left JejX and right hand sock between Champion Tommy Lottghran and sey Braddock finds a wider division of opinion as to the probable result Many astute followers of the boxing game prefer to string along with the champion's masterful hpxing ability in the 15 round defense of his crown un der the auspices of Madison Square Garden but punching abil ity as demonstrated against Pete Latzo Tuffy Griffith aijd Jimmy Slat tery has won a host of backers 'for the nger Both wound up hard training today Loughran working out at his Hooslck alls training camp garbed in a heavy sweat shirt and long jeans rom the Saratoga quarters of Bra came a message from Joe Gould his manager implying 7a belief that 'Loughran would have trouble making the Weight and notifying the state athletic commission that if such proved to be ahe case and the fight should lose its championship status thereby he would demand more than the chal lenger's 12 per cent of the purse handlers however scoffed at the Idea that he would tip the scale at more than the 175 pound liftiit when they weigh in Thursday afternoon at the Yapkee stadium Berlin July (AP) William Tilden and rancis Hunter Ameri can tennis stars arrived unannounced this morning from Paris and went di rectly to a hotel They said fliey would begin training immediately for the Davis cup interzone final be tween the United States and Ger which is scheduled to begin here riday John Van Ryn and Wil mer Allison younger members or American team are expected to rive Wednesday 12 4 8 3 WII Drive Comes With Bases ull in Seventh to Beat League headers at Albany 12' to 8 and Check Losing Streak Brown Effective After Relieving Ross Triple Is Winiieiubr Hampdens tuntling of the Clubs Pe WatterieB: Hall Moultrop i and BRIDGEPORT (EL) po a tTordy rf jCrant If arrwll lb unn ft fHyborskL McNamaW Do vie Dernann Local Netmah Carries Beals of Boston 9 7 in irst Set and Wins Second Doeg and Shields Lead ield Brookline July (AP) Left handed Johnny Doeg of Santa Monica Cal seeded second in the Longwood bowb singles tennis tournament and rank Shieldsof New York seed ed fifth were a bracket ahead of the rest of the field today when the sec ond round matches were completed Both gained tle quarterfinals in straight set victories The other six seeded playcrs had little difficulty advancing into third round They were required to platy but two sets while Doeg and Shields were forced by the tournament rules to play tliree set matches in the third round ritz Mercier of Bethlehem Pa the1 top seeded player and Gilbert Hall of Orange seeded third who were unable to arrive in time Jor yes through Officials Draw urther Way rom ield in Triple A Net Loop The City Hall team increased its already large lead in the Triple A Tennis league by" taking all four points from iberloid on the orest park courts last night The West Spring field yi A combine the runner up garnered three of four points Kibbe Wico while Bosch whitewashed Gilbert Barker 3 to 4 as Ludlow and Mass Mutuals divided four points evenly Outstanding in last night's matches was the doubles in which Walters and Brown of the West Side aggregation defeated Schenck and Zimmerman of Kibbe Wico 6 4 This contest teemed with excitement as the athletes fought intensely to capture the hard earned points The sum maries: West Side A 3 Kihhe Wiro 1 Hughes Webster of West Springfield de feated Lucas Howo of Kibbe Wico 6 1 1 Walter Brawn of West Springfield de feated Schenck Zimmerman of Kibbe Wico 8 4 5 7 9 7 Howe of Kibbe Wico de feated Webster of West Springfield 6 3 6 3 Hughes of West Springfield defeated Lucas of Kibbe Wico 6 1 6 1 City Hall 4 iberloid 0 Snow Easton of City Hall defeated Wood man Easher of iberloid 6 2 6 1: Lean der Kelly of City Hall defeated Barnhardt Mossman of iberloid 6 2 Snow of City Hall defeated Woodmancx of iberloid Easton of City Hall defeated Lasher of iberloid 6 6 4 Bosch 3 lilbert Barker 0 Stynpeek Parlln of Bosch defeated Dietz TownsenS of Gilbert Barker 2 6 4 reeman Walker of Bosch won by de fault 0 0 Stynpeck of Bosch de feated Dietz of Gilbert Barker Ludlow Mass Mutual 2 Proctor Robb of Ludlow defeated Savage Bolin of Mass Mutual ti 3 6 Mor gan Vassar of Mass Mutual defeated Sears Culver of Ludlow Savage of Mass Mutual defeated Proctor of Ludlow 7 a 6 1 Robb of Ludlow defeated Bolin of Mass Mutual 6 3 0 6 6 2 mi uv Daly 0 4 36 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 5 2 4 4 Newark Rnff In Ratfei Hams and John 58 50 46 45 £503jJer City 31 27 10 01 no 5 10 0 Lacpv iiiuKins strong adden a io tcriia ii tronfl radden Two base Three base I IfilllO Dalrymple Strong Pad jaiitfitt 4IUHVJ New Haven rase Struck out by Hig Umnlres Butler and Time lh 46m Batted for Lynch in 9th second (ame 8 P'tzgerald 5 i ordy Goldman 7 wobaat ta Gleason Bowman Drpesm BurnsParentl Goldman Munn Sewell Threw baee hlti Gleason itzgerald Saci'liu'psRouman Grant Left on bases Sp cl Gel A Albany 10 Double plav Stvborakl Munn farreil off New Haven 3 0 0 0 1 Runs Wilson Dalrymple' Caldwell er Pannine Owen Runs batted In rymple 2 Caldwell Meyer 2 Sheridan base hits Lacy Wilson 2 Ca Ids el 4 pr Panning Sacrifices Dann Pouble play Dalrymple and Ua on bases Allentown 7 New Ha on balls off Reynolds 1 ff Ow mil bv Remolds 1 bv Osen 4 Summers and Butler Time 1h (EL) po 3 3 3 4 2 4 0 fipnng'ijfd I Alhan 0 Xbatted In Bur' X3 Brown Sgwdi Grant Bowman 42 I Albany i a at Atlelgth Ch 3 2b 5 i Gill cf 5 REDDY BONTEMPO 15 HAS 74 AT RANCONIA Many of the thousands of golfers who play the ro neon ia course here will get a thrill out of this story reddv Bontempo 15 year old cousin of Henry the ranconia pro scored a 74 at the local municipal layout vesterda the Metropolitan junior tournament a year ago He was out in 35 and back in 39 Williams Mentor Named Intercollegiate Referee Williamstown July 16 Professor Guerdon Messer director of ath letics at Williams college has been ap pointed an official referee for the inters collegiate basketball league next winter He pains to starts his sabatical vear in the full and instead of enter ing the University of Iowa as original ly planned he will go to New York university to study for a degree of doctor of physical education for a number of years Besides coaching the Williams college quintet Prof Messers services been in demand as a basketball official throughout this sec tion Philadelphia Woman Beats Local Player in Opening Round at Westchester Rye July IG avor ites advanced without incident in the first round of match play in the first annual women's invitation golf tour nament of the Westchester Country club today Mrs Leo ederman of lushing the medalist reached the second round only after close struggle with Mrs John Chapman of Greenwich 2 and 1 Mrs ederman was 1 up at the turn but Mrs Chapman took the 11th to square the match Mrs ederman came back to take the ndkt two holes in par but the Connecticut golfer re duced her lead to 1 up by taking the 14th Mrs ederman took the 16th and halved the 17th to end the match Helen Hicks long driving Hewlett (N Y) star also had a difficult match on her hands eliminating Beatrice Gottlieb of Providence 1 up ourteen holes of play found them all square but Miss Hicks took the 15th and halved the next three to win Mrs II A Jackson of Greenwich turned in the best scoring record of the day eliminating Mrs A Samuels of Lees ood i ana covered strokes Baton Rouge eliminate Airs 7 nnrl Two Philadelphia representatives came through in fine style Mrs Ronald Barlow defeating Mrs Charles Dow ney of Springfield Mass 5 and 4 and Getz eliminating Louise Branch of Richmond Va 3 and 2 Mrs Thomas Hucknall of Woodway had an easy match in eliminating Airs Haldenstein of Rye 6 and 4 and Mrs A Alartelle 'of Hartford won handily Mrs Chandler of Gar den Citv 4and 2 Lillian Holland of Ossining defeated Airs Joseph Quirk of Greenwich 7 and 5 II 3 6 1 8 1 Zahniser II PitfsfielH 0 0 0 0 Hartford 2 0 0 1 Kiina wiik'ih small Borgmanrfl Corrella Watson Martirveck Parkinson Runs batted in O'Connor Borgmann Martineck 2 Smith Parkinson Two base hits Cicero Roser Corrella Three base hit Borgmann Home runs Wilkie Marttnerk Parklnspn Double plays Kennedy Wilkie and Douglas Kennedy and Rod rlguez Left on bases Hartford 7 Pittsfield 9 BUse on balls off Douglas 4 off Brown 2 SX rfiek Out by Brown 2 by Cannonby Douglas 2 Hits off Brown 9 In 5 1 3 innings off Cannon 6 in 3 2 3 linnlngs Hit by pitcher by Brown Wild pitch Cannon Losing pitcher Brown Um pires McDonald and Sullivan Time 2h 32m Groh batted for Cannon in 9th (By the Associated Press) AB 2W 72 321 7 DUPONT AND BARON CLARK BOOKED A return bout beVveen Jackie Du pont of Holyoke and Homer Thibeault of Easthampton slated lor six rounds and a four rounder which' brings Johhny Baron of Holyoke and Clark of Orange together were yester day added to the show" pro gram arranged by Art Greaney for the West Springfield arena Alonday night One more four program opener will be announced later by Greaney will complete card of 3S rounds Bobby Brown busy middleweight from Lowell and Jim Griffin a new comer from Alemphis Tenn are book ed jn one of the eights rom the middleweights Greaney moves up to the heavyweights for his second eight which will bring Johnny Dwyer of Athol against Dan Regan of Gardner Then he swings down the weight scale until ho stops at the featherweight limit present Eddie Curley the Boston favorite against the veteran Phil Verde of Rochester 39 Providence 0 1 0 1 0 Bridgeport 1 0 2 0 0 Runs Barron Boyle 2 Peploskt 3 Jones Touchstone Veltnian 2 Schlnkel Runs batted in Kimmlck 2 Weston Swenson Mann Boyle 2 eploskl Jones Two base hits Mann Swenson Three base hits Jones Boyle Stolen bases Schmkel Boyle SacrificesWeston Mann Double plays Swenson Marshall and Jordan Left on 'bases Ptaividence 7 Bridgeport 9 Base on balls off Touchstone 3 Struck out by Touchstone 3 by Rush 3 Hit by pitcher by Rush (eploskl) Umpires Teck and Meyers Time th 59m Batted tor Rush In 9th Martineck Parkinson and Wilkie Hit for Circuit Near Riot Caused WhSn Drive is Called oul Special Dispatch to The Republican Hartford Ct July 16 Hot words fines protests hard hits disputed um piring and a demonstration against the umpires were all combined into a 6 to 4 victory by the Pittsfield Hillles over the Senators at Bulkeley stad ium yesterday The umpiring caused the protests The protests caused the hot words and the hot words caused a fine of $25 to be slapped on Shep Cannon for dilatory tactics and of 10 oil Alan ager Groh for talking out of turn And all this combined Taused the demonstration against the indicator men Drive Th eSenators weer leading 3 to 0 in the fifth' with Brown pitching splendid ball Two were on bases and one out when Hohman lofted a high one which sailed away towards the right field fence It appeared to pass several feet Siside the foul marker where stand and playing field in t6IS6Ct The ball fell in the extreme end of the right field stand apparently a real home run The hit would have put Hartford in front 6 to 0 and clinched a victory Si AIcDonald at the plate stood and gazed after the disappear ing ball He was looking directly into the sun and possibly lost the flight of the ball Sullivan umpiring on bases was over near second and gave AfcDonald no help "Waiting as long as he flared before making his de cision AIcDo'nald called the ball foul Then the storm broke Alanager Groh rushed on the field and so did the other Hartford players The crowd was so stunned by the decision that it was quiet for a minute and then broke Joose abusing the um pires verbally But the decision stood and Hohman came back to strike out and the Senators failed to score The attitude of the Senators changed So did that of the Hillies who accepted this gift by hammering Walter Bit wn off the mound and tak ing a 4 to 3 lead in the sixth and then kept on in the seventh by making two runs off Cannon who had succeeded Brown with one out in the sixth Once in the lead Ken Douglas who had been easy picking tightened up and the Senators did little with his deliverey in the last three innings But Douglas was no puzzle Alarti neck accounted for Hartford's two runs in the first inning by hitting a long one out of the park after Cor rella had started the game with a triple Parkinson in the eighth add ed another circuit clout to tht list and Wilkie in the sixth started thePittsfield Barrage with a homer over the right field wall" Th? score: riTTSIEJLD (EL) HARTORrP (EL) ab OiEmmhcf 4 3 4 His card: 4 3 4 4 4 New York 'July Presi dent Hoover has consented to serve as honorary referee of the international track and field meet between the Ox ford Cambridge and Princeton Cornell i teams at Travers island on Saturday although he cannot be present in per son Sir Esine Howard British em bnssador replied in a similar vein to his invitation oft Ross 7 in 2 1 6 2 3 innlnfls off 34 11 27 14 04 2 0 0 0 1 LONGMEADOW PLAYS 1 AT TEKOA CLUB TODAY Longmeadow will open the second half of its season today in the Western Alassacbusetts our Ball Golf league The leaders are scheduled for a match at the Tekoa Country club in West field This will be a return engage ment for which the Whip City team has long been waiting If Tekoa can take five points this afternoon or even four and a half the Westfield team will pass Mt Tom and go into third place in the league stand ing That is the least of 1 lie Tekoa ambitions as there is even a hope in some quarters for a win over Longmeadow which scored the first shutout in the history when Tekoa played at Longmeadow early in the season North Pownal Tosser To Play at Shelburne North Pownal July Jimmy Ryan of Waltham who has been play ing first base and pitching an occasional game foiethe North Pownal club this season has signed with the Shelburne alls Indians in the West ern Atassachusetts league He will al ternate on the slab and Ln the field for that team during th( mainder of the season hitting especially useful around Ryan has with North Pownal local club hopes to for a few important contests the season ATTENTIOS KAI SME Ah There Is a Jptter in The Republican ofiice addressed to Ray Smead pres ident of the City League Joe Wright of Canada and Gunthur of Holland Ten Invitation to Nationals by A A Presi dent Local Crew Rounding Into Shape I 37 10 27 44 3 i 4 0 0 0 1 01 0 Jarrett Huley' 2 uairympie Runs batted in 2 Dalrymple hits Kimble runs Hurley PROVIDENCE GRAYS TOPPLE BEEPORT Bridgfeport July (AP) Provi dence pushed back the threat of Bridgeport for second place by beating the Bears in the first gime of the series today to 3 The Ggays scored four runs in the seventh inning to overcome an early Bridgeport lead The score: ROV1D ab Special Dispatch to' The Rereiblicah Albany July Springfield fought a splendid uphill game "today and beat Albany 12 to 8 after over coming a six run disadvantage to break a losing streak that Bad extend ed through nine games Albany show ing no respect at all Ross and Myrl Brown in the third inning punched in eight runs all they qored in thb game and went into tire Tn tHe fourfh inning leading by 8 to I But the Hampdens sticking in the game pecked awaj at Joe otyborski and finally brought about his removal from the box in the seventh inning with the score 8 to 6 In and a man on second basejvith one out Brown Efif'ctlve 1 Before Albany retired the Hampdens In this seventh inniiffc they had used Tim McNamara andJack Doyle on the mound ands six Springfield rtins hjd i crossed the plate giung them their winning msrS'n AIcNamara pitched our TOe aria? was nIckei for three hits and also gave a pass andemade a balk Ha was relieved by Doyle and an error and a triple by itzgerald9 with the bases loaded gave the Hamp riens aAiead the Senators could not nverconTe AIcNamara was in the game just long enough to be charged with the loss ft Brown pitched excellent ball in the last six innings holding Albany score less and yielding only five scattered hits in these frames and to top off his I good pitching he delivered the single Lj off McNamara that chased Sewell across the plate with the thirdorun of tt he big seventh inning rally This 1 proved to be the winning market Brown had the Lawmakers popping tip and four of them went dowtfl on Befoul flies Avhlch AVitry Springfield catcher grmbbed eifily The veteran with the side arm devery slow balled them iiXo submission A The Hampdens made a great uphill battle Theywiidn'? curl up afterAlbany's rfflly but kept fighting "and this win to win splrimiarried them to a well earned yictyy They made four hits for three runs Jn the fifth tr ginning they across a run in the sixth round after two were out and then they went to work and won the game in the seventh inning by scoring six times on five hits a pass 1 and an error One of the hits a single I by Sewell was a tricky roller that a Parentwas all set to field JJ'ben the ft ball hopped to one side andQolled on into rightfield Bill Gleason former Senator and ft Rav itzgerald were the big hitters for the Hamp ftns although all the visitors with the exception of AVitry and Ross were in abutting mood Gleason punched out a triple double and single while itzgerald with a three bagger and two singles drove in five of the Springfield tallies and also scored twice himself or the Senators rankie Parentl ar Munn each banged out three hits a double" and two singles Parentl made two of his hits tn the third inning while Johnny Gill also out two in this frame two sacker also came in this inning and sent two runners across the plate I But the Hampdens overpowered Al bany although they got only one morehit than the McCorry clan the totalsbeing 16 to 15 Springfield had five HBloubles and two' triples among Its 16 ftwhile extra base hitting in eluded three two timers The Hampdens went into a one run lead in the first inning and put across their second run in the third scormp machine got under way in the third mninp Helgeth was passed as a starter Parent! singled to center and Gill bunted safely down the third base line putting men on every sack Yordy hit to left for a base scoring Parent! fly to itzgerald letaGlll scoje arrell was passed Goldmarfiingleditoj ignt scor ing Yordy apd? putting "Kanrell on ft third 'a db(fble to ft fright bringing'Jnearrfel! Affti Gold and ending Rosss service in th? box Brown went In topitcharfd Stypof Bki got a hit oyer sAcafijJ which Grea aon' fielded towWolcf Mnrfti at tfiiad i ouled4out "Ao Vry rentl bouncedsahitsoft Brown bJtve to score Munn GilPals singled ip 1 center to Styborski bbtfParenti Awho also tried tcrcome home on thelow was retired Burns to Sewell to Springfieldrallied for Three runs in tl fifth inning and its sixth nin went oWr in The Hamp I dens slx tMnJraIly in the seventh in nlng beganw ft tj Dreesen hit ft to left for "basest Stybcftski was a went in He balked and Dreesen scored Parfenti hopped a way frjjm the second iserhan and Burns camejhome with the tying run Witry walkejij Brown felnigled over)hlrd and Sewell crossed the plate Gleason wasf jfjeon fumbleand The" bases' Robulated itz gerald hit to center fgr thre bases emptying them SPRINGIELD Jab Olea son 2b 6 itzgerald It eAx 5 Dougherty rt I Bownfan lb Dreesen 3b Burns" ct ft Rewell ss ft Witry ar BRoss Plrown INTERNATIONAL LKAbl I 0 0 2 0 i Holley and Grace Rensa Ilunghng ab po 5 3 4 5 3 0 42 7 4 3 LESI OWEN SHUTS OUT DUKES WITH IVE HITS New Haven July Allen town and New Haven broke even in a double header here the visitors win ning the first game 9 to 5 and the Profs the second 6 to 0 In the open ing game the Dukes failed? to get an earned run off Lynch and theProfs had four home runs each with the bases empty jLem Owen pitching his first game for the Profs turned in a masterful exhibition In the nightcap holding the visitors to five hits Heinie Scheer in jured his left leg sliding into second base in the first inning and was taken to the hospital where it was reported his leg was sprained Thescores: ALLENTOWN (EL) I NEW HAVEN (EL) po 1 2 2 2 0 1 1 10 1 0 By GEORGE SPRINGER The 0 single event in theNational i egSlta here yigust 2 and 3 may turn out to be thj prettiest race the two day affair if invita tions sent out by President Henry Venn Burke are accepted The A A boss has invited Joe Wright the Canadian sculler and former Olympic champion along with Gunther of Holland recent winner of the Diamond sculla to compete la the events on the Connecticut river 1 Ken Al yers Coming If these two champions accept the invitation they will find some worthy opposition here for it is already known that wen Mjers uie club of Philadelphia and runner up in the Olympics last year Paul Costello former champion and Ches ter Turner 1928 national sculling champion will be on hand for this event And these are only the notables The Penn Athletic ckib believes it has a in Joe Dougherty who is being pushed along by Coach rank Muller The singles should then be a hard fought affair Ken Myers keeps in condition firing and engine on the Philadelphia leading railroad He tvas rurnerup in the Olympic sculls last year Ho scored a esweeping five length victory over uuther the Dutch oarsman who recently took the Diamond sculling crowp from Joe Wright of Canada Mvers cadis Gunther a first class oars THp Upllander weighs about 180 pounds arid stands arond five feet 10 'i In tiu Diamond sculls held on the Thames nearly two weeks aw Gun flier nosed qut Joe Wright of Canada in a race His winning mar gin was three feet His time was eight minutes 42 seconds a ClK Turner vas victor in the tional regatta held at PMladclphla last year and has been hard at work preparing to defend his crown Costello in Doubles This Joe Dougherty of tlu Ptfnn A is apt to cause a good deal of trou ble according Jo critics whoftiw him with the junior and inter 3 mediate "singles fit the Sphuykili river the 4th He won the junior event by 11 lengths and then with but an i hour's rest came bffck in the inter mediates and won by 12 boat lengths tin dfArJa vmHv tn rnmnptp in senior" competition Ha should with thosetwo' victories back of him It was the first thne he ever tried racing alone Dougherty Is not a new star at rowing by any means He is captain of the en A senior eight and was a star when his crew won the I ward Hanlan Memorial trophy in Canada in 1925 He weighs 175 pounds and jr stands "six feet three inches Muller expects him to make a strong bid for the single sculling title And with all this international flavor together with scullers entered from other cities in the United States this race has all the aspects of being the headliner of the twoJay stand on the Connecticut river The Pehn A eight aspires to na tioiiaJ lionijsTt turned in a victory over the Ne iv York Atiptic club on JuTy 4 withhe Vikings of New York and the' Arundels of Baltimore iratl jng In the Penn lineup are some laces seen before by members of the Spring field Rowing association when they lost to Catholic High of Philadelphia at Detroit two years ago Tom Cur ran Babe MKichoI and Dan Barrow are 'former Catholic High schoolbojs wit the Penn A While Paul Costello is not sure Whether he will enter the single sculfe here he is sure to be out strong 4 1 ZX enninn zv no 4 1'13 T1 A Ci'IlllQ tello has just recovered from an mobile accident He may gee togeuier with Charley Mcllvafne and enter the doubles Costello has won the Olympic doubles crown for thr past three times He may row with Mcllvaine at St Catherines Ont before coming to this city "With the regatta awav Bruce Virnie coaches of the Springfield Rowing as sociation eight are rapidly rounding their into shape and hope to have the crew in the thick of the battle on the Connecticut river Au guest 2 and 3 While the seating is not definite it takes on the aspect of being a very well balanced eftw and with two weeks moreTf nightly work outs should smoother Three Included in ent has caught the eye of the coaches are three college boys Harold Dem ing who will captain the Syracuse crew in 1930 is seated at No 7 Jack Knight an oarsman from I and now working at Westinghouse is at No 5 Burke peppery little coxswain is handling the rojies "I Ln the pit of the local boat Deming and Burke are former Tech High boys while Knight did not go to high school here having just recently moved to town The stroke of the crew is Vaughan who Ar rowed with Tech during the past sea son Wesley Lenois former oca 5" tional High captain is at No 6 and Lindgren former Tech man at No 4 Kilbridge another recent star at Tech is at No 3 with Tony Kozak' captain of Tech's crack crew in 1926 as at No 2 Miller is rowing in tho bow position 4 The crew is rapidly reaching its stride and should give the visiting A oarsmen something to worry about when they congregate the Connec 4 ticut river early nex" month The regatta here will also bo foa tured junior nflirifl 1 local committee has decided on hold ing four events in this class an eight oared race besides single double and fours An eight will represent the Spring field high schools while the Lynn High schools Classical and English will send along their strongest eight The Springfield Boat club is alsocon templatmg entering a crew in the junior event while the local" commit toe also hopes to have crews from Hartford and Worcester included As yet nothing definite is known (Continued on Sixteenth nlngs off Brown 8 tn burst I 12 In 6 1 3 In ti In Inning (pltehrd off Doylr 1 In 3 1 3 in nins: Wild pitch styborski Passed ball Witi Italk MeNainarac Wtnfllbg pitcher Brow'll losing pitcher McNamara plrR Dunn and Kuhn TiniP 20 Im ag Batted for Dojla In 9tl' eV first round play went thAir nnstnnnpjl ODCllinff matches then caught up with the bulk of the field by winning their sec ond rounds Play in the Longwood bowl doubles was also started during the day and 15 teams qualified for the second round The only upset came when Kenneth Appel and Bradshaw Har rison defeated Hyde and Lee Wiley the Hartford Ct pair seeded third 6 4 6 3 The summaries: irst round ritz Mercer of Bethlehem Pa defeated Lusch of Boston 2 6 6 6 1: Gilbert Hall of Orange defeated Hill of Boston rank Shields of New York defeated Johnson of Boston 6 3 Second round ritz Mercer defeated A D'Arcy of Worcester 6 3 6 1 Lee Wiley of Hartford defeated Edgar Ward of New York 8 6 6 1 Sadakuszu Onda of Japan defeated Jacobs of Boston David Jones of Syracuse defeated Charles Devons of Boston 5 7 6 1 Gilbert Hall of Orange defeated Josiah Wheelwright of Boston 3 8 6 a Tfaffman of Boston defeated Niles of Boston Hyde of Hartford defeated Culley of Santa Barbara Cal 1 6 0: Heat itson of Boston defeated Dr Wyman Rich ardson of Boston 6 John Doeg of Santa Monica Cal defeated Taran guoll of New York 6 2 4 6 1 Perkins of Boston defeated John Ray of Boston 6 1 0 2 Beals Jr of Boston defeated Edward McKnight of Springfield 7 4 6 6 3 Evans' of Princeton university defeated Shaw of Boston 6 2 Gregory Mangin of New ark defeated Bradshaw Harrison ow Boston Kenneth Appel of Orange 1 defeated Stanley Almquist ot Boston rank Shields of Mw York defeated Ogden Goelet of Newport 6 0 Hall of OJrange defeated Kazanjlan of Boston Third John Doeg defeated 3 Perkins 6 4' 6 0: rank Shields defeated Hall 6 4 6 2 0 HOLYOKE DISTY LOOP Deane 11 Bankers 0 0 0 1 (3i (EL a 0 0 0 0 1 I a Wk Ar 'T tug 6 2 3 3 1.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.