Simon Pettigrew on LinkedIn: I do like this time of year, as I can see a summer holiday on the horizon,… (2024)

Simon Pettigrew

Career & hiring partner for kindred spirits in the fascinating world of Marketing, Digital, PR & Social & Creative.

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I do like this time of year, as I can see a summer holiday on the horizon, plus some nice annual distractions - bit of Wimbledon, the Masters, my fave - the Euros (guaranteed semi-final, painful exit) & I do love the Olympics. I can already see myself planning the England games into the diary, and once again, I'll be full of optimism, and swept up into the hype & hysteria. And, then be delivered an enormous kick in the lower land, although I do have a little feeling Gareth may surprise us. Law of averages, we've got to nail one. It's also heart warming to see the market picking up a tad, and whilst I don't want to get too over happy, we've had a comprehensive increase in AM roles come through with both PR & integrated agencies. These have predominantly been in in & around Manchester, and not one does not include a salary, and most are well above average, plus a heap of other benefits, that makes your life a tad easier. So, if you need any tips on holiday destinations (I've been immersed in Majorca & Portugal), hit me up, or if you're spending excessive time thinking about your job, for all the wrong reasons, I may be able to provide a more enthusiastic outlook.

  • Simon Pettigrew on LinkedIn: I do like this time of year, as I can see a summer holiday on the horizon,… (2)



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Paul Leahy

CENTURY Tech Senior Partnership Manager Schools and FE = Intelligent Interventions -AI with cognitive neuroscience.


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I fancy the Germans , but you already that Simon Pettigrew 🤣

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Arber Ismaili

IT Support Specialist @ Barnet and Southgate College | and aspiring apprentice and strives to make an impact


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That is so good glad to see it and you are the best and a legenf

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    I do sometimes think there is an underlying rule in this country that you've got to rant & moan about your job. Bit like the weather. It's always baffled me why so many people can't stand their job, but do zero about it. I'm not saying that you should wear an 'I love my job' T-shirt which would be a bit sad, but don't think there's any shame in saying you enjoy work. If not, what's the point. Plus, if you see your work as enjoyable, and you're a bit bright & cheerful in the office, it doesn't half reduce the stress levels, and you'll find people will be drawn to you. In the past, I can remember one place where there was a pecking order of moaners, from the chiefs down to the minions, and it used to crack me up how much verbal warfare went on. Yet, no one resigned, just moaned all day, about every dam thing. I didn't stay long :) Enjoying work doesn't mean doing nothing, or winding up your colleagues, 24/7, although that can be funny. To me, its about finding value in what you do, no matter what it is, and if you're doing good stuff, what's not to like. A big thing is the people around you, and that's what makes it, more than anything. They'll help you get over the deals that go south, the general stresses of work, or the office annoying plank (everyone has one, or two, if you're unlucky). These cultures, quite literally kick some serious ass. And, if you're an SAE, looking to move up the ladder, in the right culture, with integrated experience, I do have a real beauty. Better than tea & chocolate biscuits.

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  • Simon Pettigrew

    Career & hiring partner for kindred spirits in the fascinating world of Marketing, Digital, PR & Social & Creative.

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    Hiring marketers is no small feat. The hiring process itself can be fraught with challenges. But one element can make all the difference between a drawn-out, cumbersome hiring experience and a smooth, efficient one: pop a decisive and positive person in the hiring seat. Never have I seen this fail.There are people that talk and talk & people that do – you want the latter.There are also people that leave their trolley in the middle of the car park, and others that put it back – be the latter. Over the past month, we’ve helped 4 different businesses hire Marketing Execs. All a little different, some mega creative and others a tad more analytical.Not one role lasted longer than 3 weeks, and 1 was wrapped up in under a week. Admittedly, we did get great insights into each business & role, warts & all, good & bad. Believe me, it helps. To me, hiring isn't easy. It often feels like navigating a wizard-like maze, with multiple decision-makers and layers of approvals. While diverse input can be valuable, too many cooks in the kitchen can lead to one hellish pizza, burnt to pieces. A decisive person, blessed with high IQ, provides clear, consistent guidance. This clarity helps avoid the back-and-forth game of table tennis that will occur when multiple stakeholders are involved. With one person steering the ship, decisions are made quickly and communicated, swift style. I don’t think speed is the correct term, but keeping it moving is crucial. Top talent doesn't wait, and neither should they. A positive and decisive hirer can cut through the red tape, and keep candidates engaged and interested. This efficiency not only reduces time-to-hire but also enhances the experience. A positive attitude is contagious. A hiring leader who exudes positivity sets the tone for the entire process. Candidates pick up on the energy, making them more likely to view the company favourably and accept offers. In marketing, your brand is everything. A good hirer & it can be anyone in the business, embodies your company’s values and culture, in the right way. Lastly, decisiveness doesn't mean impulsiveness. It’s also a great shame to miss out on people & a strong hirer will balance quick decisions with thoughtful consideration. This balance tends to result in better hiring outcomes. Give it a whirl - you'll be surprised at how much one person can create a smoother and more coherent process.Hiring isn’t easy but don’t make it hard on yourself.

    • Simon Pettigrew on LinkedIn: I do like this time of year, as I can see a summer holiday on the horizon,… (11)


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  • Simon Pettigrew

    Career & hiring partner for kindred spirits in the fascinating world of Marketing, Digital, PR & Social & Creative.

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    If you're going to be a colleague, be a damn good one. They can sometimes play an even bigger & more important role than the boss. I sometimes think we live in a 'me, me & me' culture, and being a good work pal can sometimes be a significant responsibility. When I look back, I never remember the bosses, or owners, it’s the people around me that gives me the nicest memories. In particular, the ones that were genuine & not in it for themselves. To be a good one, you need to be honest, above everything else, along with being dependable, sincere, open & responsive. You'll also do more to help your colleague get along & prosper, but also point out, politely, when they screw up, or there's no value. A bit like your best mate who will, unequivocally, tell you when you're being a donut. Thankfully, I have a few :) The best ones are also forgiving at times, prepared to help but will also be brutally candid, so it helps you, rather than hinder. Sometimes, the most important bit is just being there, and not just for the good times. You're also there when they're going through it, or in times of stress & hassle. Basically, you'll do everything you can to bring them back up, or just be a good set of ears. To me, a real pal or colleague is someone you might not see for a few years, then you meet again, and carry on the same conversation, as though you've never been apart :) Shout out to the ones who are the counsellor, friend, helper, career angel and true companion. They're rare but if you've got one, hold & cherish them.

    • Simon Pettigrew on LinkedIn: I do like this time of year, as I can see a summer holiday on the horizon,… (14)



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  • Simon Pettigrew

    Career & hiring partner for kindred spirits in the fascinating world of Marketing, Digital, PR & Social & Creative.

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    Unfortunately, we can't all be rocks stars, sporting icons or film stars, but we can take a moment to recognise what we have got & how best to utilise our hidden super powers to give us a bit more joy at work, or home, for that matter. I don't think school helps, either - to me, it just puts you in a lane of either being good with numbers, words, science or if you're lucky, the arts. Like me, if you weren't too hot at most things & found it mind numbingly boring, you may start to think you're a little thick, which is bonkers. It's obvious, but focus more on your strengths, not your weaknesses, and your character, not what others think, and your blessings, not your misfortunes. Most days, I'm quite happy to be alive, considering the wildness of this modern world. I knew early on I wasn't going to playing up front for Villa, or rocking up at NASA, but finding a role that I wasn't too bad at, and sort of used the things I was down with, did make me more productive, and a tad happier. In other words, a bit of a feel good factor, and a few pennies to fund my obsession with trainers. On another note, there's been quite a wonderful peek in roles at SAE & AM level with some rather cool PR & integrated agencies in & around Manchester. It's also grand to see more openings cropping in general, because, let's face it - it's been a seriously pants market so far. So, if you're looking for a new place, where you can thrive, be a tad more happier & add value, I'm all ears :)

    • Simon Pettigrew on LinkedIn: I do like this time of year, as I can see a summer holiday on the horizon,… (19)


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  • Simon Pettigrew

    Career & hiring partner for kindred spirits in the fascinating world of Marketing, Digital, PR & Social & Creative.

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    Find your place. A job search, career move, is tricky at the best of times, and can involve a few twists & turns, and the happiest people I come across are quite simply in a place, where they can be themselves, and have freedom to express their opinion, ideas, and have decent & supportive folk around them. I'd call it their happy place - mine as a kid was climbing buildings or trees, until I impaled myself on a railing beneath a tree, which put an instant end to my Bear Gryll's type activities. It also involved the local firemen removing said railing from my leg & can you imagine the look of my Mom's face :) Furthermore, it doesn't have to be a sexy or cool brand, and I've seen many marketers more than happy in companies that produce or sell the most random products, from industrial fans, fire doors to plastic widgets. I've also seen a few people leave the industry altogether & one super marketer I got to know, is now immersed in making gardens & hedges look wonderful, and boy, is she happy. I think she just got tired of not being appreciated & continually explaining the finer details of why marketing is so important. To me, it's simple, if you're in a place something that makes you feel a tad flat, it's a good idea to find another one. It's not easy & mine is just watching the world go by on a beach, but it doesn't pay the bills or the new cost of following Villa across Europe :)And, once you're in the right place, you'll see it as as massive stress relief rather than endless moments of tension. I don't think anywhere is perfect, but if you smile more than you frown. you've cracked it :)

    • Simon Pettigrew on LinkedIn: I do like this time of year, as I can see a summer holiday on the horizon,… (23)


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  • Simon Pettigrew

    Career & hiring partner for kindred spirits in the fascinating world of Marketing, Digital, PR & Social & Creative.

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    I love people that are individual & never worry about fitting in, following the rules, that say no more than yes, and in a nice way, are a bit beyond caring what others think. In fact, it must be quite liberating.I also love the weird & eccentric folk out there, and I find them naturally confident, as they're prepared to go against the masses. I can remember a teacher that would quite happily launch the nearest object at anyone he thought was out of line. Everyone loved him because he was against the conventional ways of teaching. Don't worry, nobody was seriously injured. It takes guts to be different, and be open about it, and it's a pity that some people take years that to drop the veneer & are too focused on fitting in. To me, as long as your not hurting anyone, do & be what you want. Say no to your pal's party - in reality, everyone knows they're a plank :) Saying no to things or just speaking the plain truth, is just wonderful. I also love companies that do as they say, don't take themselves too seriously, welcome the eccentric, and recognise that everyone has the right to be themselves. They don't just recognise people's differences, they embrace & celebrate them. I'm not saying they're perfect but when people are staying for long periods, and the office has a natural buzz, you know something is right. And, if you've got itchy feet & fancy a bit of the different, and the project management side of events & supporting material is your beast skill - do check out our latest role - bang in the centre of Manchester along with some tasty PR AM opportunities. There's now't to be gained by trying to hard to fit in.

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  • Simon Pettigrew

    Career & hiring partner for kindred spirits in the fascinating world of Marketing, Digital, PR & Social & Creative.

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    I’m often asked by clients about the average salary for certain roles. A few moons ago, we used to curate data on such topics, and then stopped. Sorry, but I also found it mind numbingly boring. I do not think there is a concrete salary guide for the in-house or agency sectors anymore, and to say there is, would be misleading. Of course, salary will have an impact of finding the most apt person, and you do need to compete. You won’t get free wi-fi, electricity, and gas on your next house purchase and the same applies to your next hire. To put it bluntly, the more you want from your new employee, the more you will have to pay. Each firm, depending on size, internal structure & location can pay significantly different.Plus, the rate of salary inflation has significantly slowed over the last few quarters, which is down to employer budgets being a bit tighter, after a period of rapidly rising pay. Also, the modern job seeker is very different.Their requirements are more focused on flexibility, diversity, career path on offer, people/culture, type of work, company ethos & values. Top talent wants to innovate, work alongside smart teams, and have their work make a positive impact. In my eyes, people really value learning and development opportunities & if you’re not investing in their growth, you’re not going to hold onto them. To me, its about getting your culture right & this will take time, but if you put in the leg work, and create somewhere that's stimulating, alive, and creates togetherness, people will be drawn to you. People aren’t cold, unfeeling machines, so if you want to hire the best, create somewhere ace, and get them emotionally immersed in your work and brand.If that's your jam, check out the latest Project Manager roles :)

    • Simon Pettigrew on LinkedIn: I do like this time of year, as I can see a summer holiday on the horizon,… (31)


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  • Simon Pettigrew

    Career & hiring partner for kindred spirits in the fascinating world of Marketing, Digital, PR & Social & Creative.

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    One for senior marketers near to Worcester :)


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  • Simon Pettigrew

    Career & hiring partner for kindred spirits in the fascinating world of Marketing, Digital, PR & Social & Creative.

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    Something a tad different......


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Simon Pettigrew on LinkedIn: I do like this time of year, as I can see a summer holiday on the horizon,… (39)

Simon Pettigrew on LinkedIn: I do like this time of year, as I can see a summer holiday on the horizon,… (40)


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Simon Pettigrew on LinkedIn: I do like this time of year, as I can see a summer holiday on the horizon,… (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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