Everything Machine - Chapter 7 - Dimmadoome (2024)

Chapter Text

~Three Hours Earlier~

Fionna woke to sun in her eyes and a couple bodies wrapped around her for warmth. Cake must have come in in the middle of the night and Simon was snoring at her back. A wet heat hit her naked shoulder as he snored again. She could feel both the heat of his breath and the chill of that icy chunk of hair stuck to the portion her back that Simon had smushed his face into. Both were very interesting and very nice sensations to have concentrated in one spot.

Fionna had a million things to think about when it came to Simon. Last night was a surprise...a really really nice surprise too. She never expected, not in a million years, that he would do that with her.

Who knew a 1000 something year old man still had that much dawg in him!

She turned in his arms and studied him as he slept. He looked so much younger than he was....even when he was awake he didn't look like he was in his fifties. Now with him asleep, he could even pass for late thirties.

Guess that's what happens when you're new to aging after being immortal for a thousand years. You just don't look any sort of age you should be.

How old was Simon really? He never really said, just hinted at the 1000 years. Somehow she didn't think he knew his exact age either.

Fionna adjusted herself in the bed and reached up to brush the white part of his hair out of his face. Smiling at the unusual chill that always came off of the silky strands. She really liked his little quirks. His unfathomable age and the bits of ice and snow left over from Ice King. She liked all the ways he felt different to her than any other Simon she had met. Like he was unique in the multiverse.

Hell, maybe he was.

Fionna kissed him on the cheek gently before disentangling herself from his arms and getting out of the bed. As she crawled out from under the covers and surveyed the sunny after rain morning through the window, her stomach growled. Alerting her to the notion of eating, which she hadn't done for an entire day.

her body was pissed about that.

She couldn't see any of herself in the old room. Even the spot on the left wall by the door where she had thrown up and stained the paint was gone. Standing here felt like looking at her life through a funhouse mirror.

"Hey Cake" She whispered to the sleeping cat. Shaking her when she batted Fionna's hand away and rolled over. "Cake!!"

"What" The cat lifted her head and stared at Fionna. Narrowing her eyes in irritation.

"Lets go explore. I want to see how they changed up the old place. Plus I'm hungry" right on cue, her stomach growled again. Fionna made a face at it. Irritated. "We haven't eaten since before we left yesterday."

"Speak for yourself. I ate dinner with the Petrikovs"

"Caaake" Fionna whined, pulling cake's paw with her as she went to the bathroom to find some clothes to put back on. The cat stayed firmly in the other room. Once she was dressed, Fionna made her patented sad eyes at the cat. Begging her to come with her. "Please Cake. I like exploring with you!"

"Uggh. Fine." She sounded irritated, though the cat was smiling happily instead.

They made their way downstairs. Following the smell of fresh bacon and eggs as it wafted from the kitchen. Fionna's mouth watered and she groaned a little bit. Just a little. At the thought of finally eating some normal, non magical human breakfast.

The woman and her cat entered the kitchen to see Betty and Other Simon already eating breakfast.

"Hey Fionna." Betty waved to her from the other side of the bar, red hair glinting in the morning light "would you like some breakfast."

"Yesss" she hissed excitedly. "It smells so goooood"

She immediately grabbed a piece of bacon and some toast. Stuffing them into her mouth and plopping herself unceremoniously on the stool next to the other Simon.

He looked uncomfortable at her proximity. She side eyed him as she picked up a plate and helped herself. Deciding that he'd tell her what was going on if he wanted to and if he didn't, she wasn't going to push.

"So Fionna. Do you have any plans for today?" Betty asked.

Fionna started slathering a piece of toast with some strawberry jam. Pulling the plate towards her to set the food she had pilfered down on it.

"Just searching for the crown. But Simon needs to be awake for that and he isn't yet so....." She cut herself off short and shrugged, biting into another piece of bacon, groaning in happiness when she tasted the salty deliciousness of the fried meat.

"He was up at two last I saw. So it'll be a little while." Betty shifted a glass of orange juice in her direction. Gauging her reaction to her statement. Not that fIonna cared who Simon decided to spend his time with, especially if it was Betty.

Who was she kidding. She still felt sore about the whole soulmate thing. Learning Betty was hers as well didn't stop her from the slight jealousy that came with the territory of being second soulmate.

Though thinking about it. Maybe she was more jealous of Simon than she was Betty.

"Oh...you saw him?" She raised her eyebrow in curiosity. Staring at the other woman as she blushed.

What did they talk about? She shook her head, trying to empty it of those errant thoughts. It didn't matter. That was private.

"We talked a little bit." Betty buttered a piece of toast and stuffed it in her mouth. "About you."

About her? Fionna smiled into her toast.

"I'm glad. Simon needed some Betty time real bad." She decided that she was glad they talked. Simon definitely needed it.

"What about you?" Other Simon finally interjected. Setting his glass of orange juice aside and adjusting his glasses. Studying her with big brown eyes. "Do you need some Betty time too?" His voice sounded slightly resentful to her ears. She'd heard that tone from her own Simon enough to pick it out of this ones words.

Poor guy. It might have been the amazing sex last night, or the way this Simon had the same bitter look in his eye she was use to seeing in her own, but she wanted to make him feel better, so she smirked at him toothily and raised her eyebrows. Giving him a good flirt for his trouble.

"Do you need some Fionna time Simon?" She smiled at him, watching as his cheeks burned pink behind his large square glasses

"I just..." He stumbled on his words and sighed. Running his hands through his hair. Shoulders dropping in defeat. "I...no. no please just.....Take your time with each other sweetheart." He looked sad and far away as he said the pet name. Like a million years of pain crashed over his shoulders at once and he was barely hanging on. Simon rushed out of the door before Fionna could react to the unintentional pet name. Leaving her behind with a dropped jaw and a feeling of sadness and guilt in her gut.

She felt like a bull in a china shop. Emotions weren't really her forte.

"I don't know what I did!" She caught Betty's glance, trying to convey her apologies to the other woman. Betty just smiled softly and took her hand. Giving it a squeeze in return.

"He's fine Fionna. You can spend the day with me if you want. I'm going to the gym in an hour...if you would like to come with me. I figure they'll both be up and less mopey in a couple hours when we get back."

"Sure!" She couldn't help but watch the woman as she smiled brightly. Her green eyes lit up like leaves in the sun. Freckles pinking over her nose.

Betty really was gorgeous. She wondered if her Simon felt the same confusion that Fionna felt when looking at Betty. Like she wants to kiss her, but at the same time, that'snot HER soulmate so she can't.

This was getting really hard to come to terms with.

Fionna spent the rest of breakfast in silence. Thinking over their time with the alternative versions of themselves. Once Betty was done eating, she went upstairs to change. Leaving Fionna to head out to the living room and wait for her. Once she was done, they left the house together with an excited Cake in tow and a promise from Betty's Simon to let her own Simon know what was happening when he woke up.

Fionna didn't see her Simon before they left for the gym. Somehow the feeling of missing him got worse the farther they drove. She tried to fill the void with conversation, both with Cake and Betty.

Betty was a surprisingly good conversationalist when she got on the topic of petroglyphs. Of which Fionna had not a single idea about. As they got out of the car and made their way into the empty Gym, she was explaining how her Fionna had gone with her to Australia to look at petroglyphs while Simon was busy teaching his class on magical artifacts.

Once they got settled in and circled each other on the mat. Betty started back up again. Speaking brightly on the subject as she dodged Fionna's punches.

"Poor Simon" Betty chuckled and threw a punch of her own. Fionna dodged and sent a kick to her shin. Betty took the hit like a champ and laughed. Continuing on with her train of thought. "He felt so left out. We had to make it up to him by calling him every single day and sending lots of letters and photographs."

Fionna dodged a punch as Betty continued to reminisce.

"It sounds like you guys had a lot of fun together." Fionna grunted as she took a punch to the gut. She wished she got to go on a cool adventure to Australia with a hot scientist while their hot doctor boyfriend stayed home and manned the house. "It sounds like my dream!"

She threw a punch back at Betty, mesmerized at how the lithe woman spun out of her way. Red hair swirling around her head like a halo.

"We did! All three of us were always going on adventures. You really did bring something to us that Simon and I were missing on our own. He needed your company a lot more than he ever needed mine." Betty huffed the words, out of breath and she swung her leg out to collide with Fionna's. Dragging them both down to the mat. When she was down, Betty swung her legs over Fionna's, straddling her, chest heaving at the exertion. "I don't think we would have been able to find the right balance of work and life without you."

Fionna stopped struggling and relaxed into the mat. Staring up at the woman with stars in her eyes and a searing heat in her belly, right where she expected Bettys Name should be if this had been the right Betty.

She didn't know how to follow up on that statement. Lost in all the feelings she was feeling right now, Fionna decided to make a run for it. Get to the bathroom and take a breather.

Is it ok to be attracted to an alternative version of your soulmate? Especially when you FINALLY got your first one to admit he actually liked you and wanted something with you?

She didn't know.

"I..." she trailed off. Stuttering and blushing as Betty got off her and helped her up. "um...I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back"

She felt her face flush as she hurried her way into the bathroom. Shutting the door behind her with a click.

Oh my god oh my god oh my god she's so HOT! Why didn't Simon say she was so hot?

Fionna had just washed her hands and wiped off her sweaty face when she started to feel woozy. Looking into the mirror above the sink, she saw a pink haze surround her. Shocked, she stumbled a bit as finally, a familiar pink light fully enveloped her and teleported her away.

Oh god what's happening! Betty! Cake! Simon!

The first thing she saw when her vision cleared from pink to yellow was Simon and Cake. Both reforming on Prismo's concrete floor. Both standing next to her in various stages of confusion.

The abrupt change of scenery left her wrong footed. Brain sluggish and working in overdrive all at once.

"Fionna!" She felt a hand grip her waist. Nice and warm. It sent shocks of electricity through her body, straight to her soulmark on her thigh. She shivered and blinked a few times, clearing her head, even as the unforseen teleportation bogged her mind down with grogginess. "Hey. Woah woah its just me." Simon helped her to move closer to him, supporting her so she didn't fall to the floor. Pushing his arms under her to give her a massive hug. Already the memories of this morning seem far away as Simon held her close. She couldn't tell if he was the one shaking or if she was.

Prismo's concerned face came into view over Simon's shoulder. His pink shadowed arm reaching toward her as if he could do anything to help her.

"Prismo. What's happening?" Her voice came out as a croak. Already she was getting stronger and more used to interdimensional travel. "Why did you bring us here again? We were doing stuff you know!"

Her head started pounding so she pushed her face into Simon's chest. Smelling the basil on his skin.

Twice in as many days. She didn't know of her atoms could keep this up much longer.

"Turns out" Prismo waved his hand. Pointing to the television screen on the wall that was playing a scene of other Simon and Betty reuniting at the house. "My boss wasn't as peeved as I thought. I just got a slap on the wrist and they said that Fionna's universe can stay where it is. Intact and not destroyed. So I brought you back as soon as I could. Ill send everyone home now. If you want?"

The couple on the screen were chatting with each other about the missing Simon and Fionna. Both seemed concerned.

She really hoped they were ok after she and her own Simon disappeared into thin air.

"So that means we can go to Ooo?" She finally got her bearings and stood on her own two feet. Staring Prismo down as he sheepishly shrugged.

"No." To his credit. He did look upset having to say it. " You're still a crossover. You still have to go home, to your own universe."

Fionna saw red. Reaching for a beer can that had been left on the floor from their previous excursion and picking it up with her fingertips. The can was still cold and a small bit of the brown liquid dribbled down onto the floor by her foot. She threw the thing at Prismo's head angrily.

"f*ck you Prismo! You can't just...." she trailed off. Frustrated and angry and tired. She wanted to kick him, though it would do no good. "You cant just send us out on a week long journey like this and bring us back with no explanation as to why you did it! We were going to be killed! The scarab is still out there!"

"Fionna..." Simon seemed to finally get his bearings. He pulled her back from Prismo and held onto her middle. Pulling her to him and gently kissing her forehead. Trying to soothe her anger. She pulled the crown from his hands and let him. Holding the cold mass of gold and rubies in her hands while he fussed.

She hated the way it felt underneath her fingertips.

"I can't lose you Simon. Not now." It was too quick. They just got here. They didn't even have time to say anything to each other after last night.

They didn't have time to say goodbye.

It was too much. How could she explain that there was a sick feeling inside of her. That there was something wrong with this. That she couldn't put her finger on it but the ease in which Prismo just...got out of it and sucked them back here to send them home had her spine tingling.

The scene changed on the big screen behind them. Simon and Betty rushed into the old library and started pulling books off of the shelf willy nilly. A couple of the books were obscured with static.

"I'm sorry Fionna. Its the only way." She ignored Prismo as he tried to plead with her. Watching the couple on screen in tandem lift a glass box off of a podium. The book underneath was one of the books obscured with static.

"I always knew it was going to end this way." Simon pulled the crown from her hands and kissed her on the forehead. His snowy eyes glittered with sadness. She stared up at him. Willing this nasty feeling to go away.

She felt like a prisoner in her own mind. Everything kept happening all at once.

"It should never have ended this way. You shouldn't let it" she tried pleading with him. "We can still go back, to Ooo. We can find ourselves a home and live out the rest of your days together."

"Fi. We need magic in our universe" even Cake was in on it. Pleading with Fionna to let it go. "I don't want to be stuck as a house cat forever"

"I can still restore magic to your universe." Simon Jumped back in. "Even if we never see each other again, every time you go on a magical adventure, I want you to think of me. It's the only thing I can give you now."

"This isn't the way."

Other Simon and Betty were clearing out a space in the living room. Drawing circles and symbols on the hardwood. The static book was set in between them.

"I want you to be happy Fionna. Please. Let me give you that." Simon pleaded.

What were they doing? Chanting? She couldn't make out the words.

The screen in the background went black right as the couple on it finished their drawing. Reflecting the lurid yellow of the walls back on the group.

"What about you? Why can't you be happy too?" One last plea.

Don't leave me!

"I'll be happy if you are...." He sounded so sincere. Fionna finally broke. Staring at her three companions as they all pleaded with her to let Simon wear the crown.

He told her it would be fine. Prismo seemed to think it was fine and Cake...well. Cake did deserve to live in a world of magic.

Fionna finally nodded. Agreeing with him. If he wanted to do it, if he needed to do it, she wouldn't stop him.

Simon kissed her one last time. Warm breath floated across her cheek. She tried to memorize his smell. Tried to keep he soulmate in her heart, even as he stepped back from her. Staring at her face while he slowly settled the crown in his head. Gold and rubies shining in the bright lighting of prismo's sunshine yellow cube.

Fionna felt her heart beat in her throat. Nauseated. Head pounding. Something was wrong. Her entire soul was screaming that something was wrong.

"I wish for the power to keep Fionna safe." Simon closed his eyes and smiled as a blue light surrounded him.

Fionna watched, horrified as he started to change. Brown skin to blue. Eyes glowing white, hair growing longer, floating around him like an invisible wind was in the room.

Suddenly Fionna knew what was wrong. She knew why her mind had been screaming at her since they got back. She needed to stop Simon from putting on the crown. Her mark had been burning the entire time he had the thing in his hand. The magic in it was telling her to stop this.

She failed.

Her mark burned. Painful, piercing. It took her to her knees. Burning the breath out of her lungs. She pulled her stocking down to see it fade to black. Looking around in horror as she watched her soulmate change into a completely new person.

They made a mistake.

They lied to her. All of them. They said it would be ok. They said.

She screamed as the specter of her soulmate flew around cackling and shooting shards of ice into the walls. Frost covered the floors and the walls. The hot tub was frozen solid.

Simon was gone.

And Ice king was terrifying.

Everything Machine - Chapter 7 - Dimmadoome (2024)
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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.