25 Best Pieces of Marriage Advice for Newlyweds (2024)

25 Best Pieces of Marriage Advice for Newlyweds (1)

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Being a newlywed is so exciting. You’re still on a high from the wedding and the honeymoon, and your life together stretches before you with the promise of glorious adventure.

In fact, you might well be wondering why you need marriage advice for newlyweds! After all, you’re madly in love and newly married. Could things be any rosier?

Don’t let your new rose-tinted view of marriage get the better of your judgment.

While fresh into the marriage, everything looks exciting and exhilarating, don’t let the feeling overwhelm you too much. First-year of being newlyweds encompasses a lot of hard work and effort.

The time just after you get married is prime time to start laying the foundations for the rest of your marriage. The actions you take and the decisions you make now will influence how your marriage progresses.

By paying attention to some practical matters and building good habits together, you’re helping ensure a long and happy married life.

Make the most of the newlywed life with our vital marriage advice for newlyweds.

1. Enter married life with realistic expectations

Newlyweds often enter a marriage thinking (or at least hoping) that the entire duration will be full of excitement, tons of love, and honest, open conversation.

A large portion of it will be maintaining all those things, and that requires effort from both partners. Entering with realistic expectations and realizing that consistent effort is part of the deal will make your marriage so much better.

Pro-tip: Here’s expert advice for the bride and groom on managing expectations in marriage that can help them foster a healthy relationship.

2. Get to know each other

The chances are that if you just got married, you already know each other rather well. There’s always more to learn, though.

The newlywed period is an excellent time for long walks or lazy Sunday afternoons relaxing together and talking about anything and everything.

Get to know each other even better so you understand what the other needs, what they dream of, and where you fit into that.

Pro-tip: Do you think you and your partner know each other well?

Take this fun quiz and find out now!

3. Accept your partner the way they are

Would you like to be changed by your partner to suit their convenience?

If the answer is a big NO, you must try to accept your partner the way they are.

The best marriage advice for newlyweds is that from the start, you also must come to terms with the fact that you will never change your spouse.

Pro-tip: Are you wondering how it helps to see things from your partner’s perspective?

Read this expert advice for newlyweds. It will make you realize how accepting your partner and understanding their viewpoint can help boost love in your marriage.

4. Sort out your budget

Money causes problems in many marriages. It’s a contentious topic and one that can quickly descend into fighting.

The newlywed period is the ideal time to sort out your budget. Agree on it and set it now, and you’ll be off to a great start with money before issues have the chance to creep in.

You might have quite different money styles, so it’s important to find a compromise you’re both happy with. This word of advice for newlyweds is often ignored but is extremely critical.

Pro-tip: For achieving the financial goals, have a look at this checklist for newly married couples.

5. Divide up the chores

Chores are just part of life. Decide now who will be responsible for what, to save disagreements later.

Of course, you’ll want to be flexible from time to time as life happens, or one of you gets sick or worn out from work, but in general, it helps to know who is doing each daily or weekly chore.

A critical piece of advice for newlyweds-if you find you can each take over something the other hates, that’s even better.

Pro-tip: Learn how to effectively handle the most common housework arguments by checking out these vital marriage tips for newlyweds.

6. Plan for emergencies

There are tons of good advice for newlyweds out there, but this one among the rest is most important to adhere to.

Emergencies can happen at any stage of marriage. Planning for them isn’t being a doom monger – it’s simply being sensible and making sure you don’t get taken by surprise.

Make a realistic list of what could arise, such as unemployment, illness, even a leaking appliance or lost bank card, and devise a plan for how you’ll deal with each eventuality.

Pro-tip: If you are not sure about how to start planning for financial emergencies, skim through these crucial pieces of advice for newlyweds.

7. Don’t sweat the small stuff

One great piece of marriage advice for newlyweds is not to sweat the small stuff.

If your wife has a growing pile of coffee cups next to her desk or your husband leaves his sweaty gym bag in the hallway each morning, and it’s making you crazy, ask yourself this: Will it matter tomorrow?

The answer is probably “No,” so why fight about something that, while annoying at the moment, doesn’t make a whole lot of difference in either of your lives?

Pro-tip: Do you feel that you are the perfect partner who doesn’t fight too much?

Well, take this fun quiz and know the truth!

8. Communicate regularly

One of the biggest pieces of marriage advice for newlyweds is to communicate, communicate, communicate. Happy relationships are built on good communication.

Loving partners tell each other when something is bothering them; they don’t resentfully wait for their partner to try and figure out that something is wrong.

Communication is also a great way to talk and get to know one another on a deeper level by talking about your feelings, fears, likes, dislikes, and anything else that may come to mind.

Pro-tip: Click here to get expert tips on communicating and connecting with your partner for a happy and healthy relationship.

9. Always fight fair

Learning to fight fair is a part of marriage and maturity. Do not use an argument as an excuse to be disrespectful or discouraging about your partner.

Instead, listen to your partner respectfully and focus on the topic at hand so you can find a way to solve the problem together.

Pro-tip: Do you find it tough to manage disagreements and fight fair?

One of the best pieces of marriage advice for newlyweds lies a click away!

10. Drop the blame game and adopt a problem-solving approach

When you find yourself locking horns with your spouse or disagreeing over something, refrain from the blame game. Passing the buck as ammunition to win a fight is a bad idea.

Develop a belief system that you are on the same team. Channelize your energies and undivided focus on resolving the conflicts in the marriage.

It would be a good idea to utilize mistake-driven learning to build a better understanding with your spouse.

Pro-tip: Read this expert advice article to know why blaming your partner won’t help.

11. Always set aside time to connect

Busy schedules and personal obligations may keep you busy, but don’t let that be a reason to skip spending quality time together.

Happy couples set aside time to connect every day. This can become your morning ritual over breakfast or your after-work bonding session. Whenever you can devote 30 minutes to talking with your partner and de-stressing together, do it. Your marriage will benefit from it.

Pro-tip: Check out these ways to spend quality time with your partner. You can thank us later for this handy marriage advice for newlyweds!

12. Start the date night habit

You’d be amazed at how quickly newlyweds can become like housemates. As life gets busier, promotions arise, kids come along, or family issues rear their head, it’s oh so easy to let quality time together slip.

Start the date night habit now. Set aside one night a week where it’s just the two of you with no kids, friends, TV, or phones.

Go out, or cook a romantic meal in. Whatever you do, make it a priority and keep it that way as your marriage develops.

This is one of the most crucial marriage tips for newly married couples that you must abide by; it will definitely make a difference in your relationship.

Pro-tip: Date night ideas don’t have to be elaborate and expensive. You can plan a date night at home too. For interesting ideas, you can watch this video.

13. Never go to bed angry

Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry. This Ephesians 4:26 Bible verse has lived on as sage advice for married couples – and for a good reason!

A study affirms that not only does going to sleep angry strengthen negative memories, but it possibly contributes to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

You never know what tomorrow will bring or if you get a second chance to make things right with someone, so why risk it?

The only thing going to bed feeling angry or upset with your spouse is going to accomplish- giving you both a terrible night’s sleep!

Pro- tip: Watch this video on how to deepen your connection with your partner to avert the possibility of going to bed angry!

14. Be honest about your sex life

Not only is sex a fun and exciting part of a marriage, but it is also one of the most important ways that couples connect on an intimate level.

If you are going to be happily married for the rest of your lives, there’s no reason why you should be faking org*sms or feeling nervous about making a move for sex with your partner.

Couples should be honest about how many times they would like to be intimate with one another as well as what type of sex they do and do not enjoy.

Pro-tip: Do not miss out on these five fantastic tips to have great sex in your marriage!.

15. Set some long term goals

Long term goals promote teamwork and give you a sense of where your marriage is going and what your future might look like.

Setting and then checking in about goals together is fun and exciting and gives you a sense of shared achievement.

Your goal can be anything you’re both enthusiastic about, whether that’s learning ballroom dancing, meeting a savings goal, or building your own deck.

Pro-tip: Do you share goals with your partner? And if yes, how good are you at setting shared goals?

Take this quiz and find out now!

16. Talk about the future

Starting a family, getting a pet, or striving toward a new job are all exciting plans for the future, but those aren’t the only plans you should be making now that you’re married. Plan ahead for holidays and celebrations.

Whose family will you be spending the holidays with? Whose friends get dibs for events like New Year’s Eve?

These are important questions that are best to figure out before you hit your first official holiday vacation as a newly married couple.

Pro-tip: If you are looking forward to planning a trip of a lifetime, you might like to check out these handy tips.

17. Celebrate everyday

Rather than letting everyday life take the shine off that newlywed feeling, embrace and celebrate it. Make little daily rituals together, such as always texting at lunchtime or having a coffee together after work.

Have fun while you do the grocery shopping and whip up that night’s dinner. The everyday things are the backbone of your marriage, so take the time to notice and appreciate them.

Pro-tip: Here are the eight little things that you can do to instill romance in your relationship.

18. Make memories together

As the years go by, a store of beautiful memories is a blessing for both of you. Start now by keeping your phone handy, so you can always snap photos of big and small occasions.

Keep ticket stubs, souvenirs, love notes, and cards from each other. You can even get into the scrapbooking habit, if crafts are your thing, or keep a digital archive of your favorite shared moments to look back on in years to come.

Pro-tip: Click here to learn about the seven awesome ways to create memories with your partner.

19. Practice active listening

Practice active listening when you communicate with your partner, and your marriage will stay strong as the years go by.

Learn how to listen to each other with compassion and approach difficulties together as a team rather than as combatants. Practice speaking kindly and taking responsibility for your feelings and the way you express them.

Pro-tip: If you aim for a lasting relationship, practice these ten effective communication skills for healthy marriages.

20. Have some adventures while you can

No matter what stage of life you get married at, one thing is for sure – there’s a good chance life has a few surprises in store for you yet.

Why not take this chance to have some adventures before jobs, kids, finances, or health get in the way. Don’t worry if you had a big budget wedding; fantastic adventures don’t have to cost a lot of money.

Try something new, go somewhere new, or eat somewhere new to add variety and fun to every day.

Pro-tip: Check this video for some incredible ideas for couples to bring fun to their married life.

25 Best Pieces of Marriage Advice for Newlyweds (3)

21. Don’t ignore other relationships

You may love spending every single free moment you have with your spouse, but don’t forget that your friends and family need you too.

They were the ones who were there for you before you ever met your husband or wife, so remember to keep giving them your love and attention.

You’re married now, but that doesn’t mean you’ve become conjoined twins. It’s important for couples to maintain a sense of personal identity.

Pro-tip: If you are wondering how to manage your friendships after marriage, here’s essential advice for newlyweds to help you tackle this aspect.

22. Cultivate and pursue your interests

While letting go of an elephant-sized ego is a good idea, you don’t always have to tag along with your spouse for a late-night movie show if you’re not up for it.

Acknowledge sincerely and early on where your differences in preferences and interests lie with your partner and let your spouse just go do that with their friends.

Meanwhile, you get to pursue your own interests with your circle of friends, and when it’s time to get back together with your spouse, you will both be happy and content individuals minus the claustrophobic clinginess.

This is great marriage advice for newlyweds to remember for life. A healthy space that you give each other will allow you both to flourish as self-aware and flourishing individuals.

Pro-tip: You might be wondering how it is possible to pursue your interests while being married. Well, here’s vital advice to help you make time for your hobbies.

23. Accept that your spouse is weird

This tip definitely falls into the category of humorous marriage advice for newlyweds. Although funny, it is very true and one of the best advice for newlyweds.

After two people are married, they get even more comfortable with one another. This comfort reveals strange quirks, interesting habits, unique ways of handling daily tasks, and more.

Everyone is kind of weird, and after the honeymoon, you’ll learn that your spouse is too. When you do, accept it and practice tolerance (some of that weirdness will annoy you at some point).

A word of caution: It is quite possible that your spouse, too, might be thinking on similar lines about you. So, the crux is, you need to take it easy and practice lots of patience.

Pro-tip: If you are looking for more funny marriage advice for newlyweds, don’t miss out on these amusing tips that will help you prepare for the upcoming challenges.

24. Have a lot of fun in the bedroom

The best marital advice for newlyweds is to keep the spark alive in the relationship even in the bedroom.

You might think that it is so obvious that you do not need a third person to tell you about it by referring it to be ‘the best advice for newly married couples.’

A lot of marriage advice for newlyweds surrounds communication, emotional connection, and tolerance. All are important, but a large portion seems to have more difficulty in the bedroom than anywhere else.

This is especially the case for those that have been married for some time. To prevent sex from becoming a problem, have a lot of fun in the bedroom.

Pro tip: If you are shy to try something new, don’t be!

You are missing out on a lot of fun. Check out these amazing tips to spice up your sex life!

25. Get over yourself

We can all be a little selfish and self-absorbed at one time or another, but marriage is the time to get over yourself. Seriously!

A selfless marriage is a long-lasting one. Once you have a life partner, you have to consider them in every decision you make and most of the things you do.

Think about what your spouse needs, just be kind, and make small adjustments to make your love happy. Once you have a spouse, it is no longer all about you, but you do have someone that will put you first!

Pro-tip: If you are struggling with making your relationship a priority, run through these handy tips that will help you overcome the challenges.

Seeking advice by using the newlywed tip jar

The newlywed tip jar is very much in vogue and is undoubtedly one of the wonderful ways to seek marriage advice from your guests and loved ones.

There’s a lot to do on the wedding day that it becomes impossible to hear out the wedding wishes from all your loved ones. A newlywed tip jar is an amazing way to reminisce about your big day.

You and your spouse can read all the loving wishes at leisure. The jar will make the guests feel valued as they will know that their wishes matter to the bride and groom.

The paper can have either clever prompts to help the guests pen down their wishes or be kept blank to let them unleash their creativity! (Tips jar sayings can be easily found online!)

You can expect to receive an amazing variety of marriage advice for newlyweds entailing some loving wishes, some serious pieces of advice, and also some hilarious tips!


As you begin your new life together, remember that marriage is a commitment that brings with it a unique set of challenges and rewards.

But, a happy marriage is not a myth. If you remember this important marriage advice for newlyweds, you can live a healthy and fulfilling marriage for all your life.

Being a newlywed is wonderful. Make the most of it with our handy marriage advice for newlyweds and set your marriage up for success and joy for decades to come.

25 Best Pieces of Marriage Advice for Newlyweds (2024)


What is the best advice for a newly married couple? ›

Advice for Newlyweds
  • Don't ask for marriage advice from someone who dislikes your partner.
  • Be understanding and show compassion.
  • Don't use threats of divorce as a way to get what you want.
  • Make time for activities as a couple.
  • Don't focus on past regrets.
  • Show (and tell) your partner that you love them.
Dec 6, 2022

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Respect that they have different hobbies, interests, and perspectives. Just because you would spend your time and energy differently, doesn't mean it's better/worse. Respect that they have an equal say in the relationship, that you are a team, and if one person on the team is not happy, then the team is not succeeding.

What is the 2 2 2 rule in marriage advice? ›

The 2-2-2 Rule involves going on a date night every two weeks, spending a weekend away every two months and taking a week-long vacation away every two years. The idea behind it is that prioritizing and planning to spend time together strengthens your relationship.

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Below are some important keys to work on each day to make your marriage successful.
  • Communicate clearly and often. ...
  • Tell your spouse that you're thankful for having them in your life. ...
  • Make time for you two as a couple. ...
  • Plan for some personal time. ...
  • Understand that it's OK to disagree. ...
  • Build trust. ...
  • Learn to forgive.

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A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short.” – Andre Maurois. “Marriage is the most natural state of man, and the state in which you will find solid happiness.” – Benjamin Frank.

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A strong and healthy relationship is built on the three C's: Communication, Compromise and Commitment. Think about how to use communication to make your partner feel needed, desired and appreciated.

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He repeated a refrain he has often used when meeting with families and married couples, listing the three most important words in a marriage: “Please, thanks and sorry.”

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10 life advices that are still relevant today
  1. There's more than one way of doing something. ...
  2. Treat others how you want to be treated. ...
  3. Follow your passion. ...
  4. Never stop learning. ...
  5. Take responsibility for your actions. ...
  6. It's not all about you. ...
  7. Expect yourself to change. ...
  8. Focus on what you can control.
Mar 3, 2023

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In a research project Heller tackled in 1983 as an undergraduate at UC-Santa Cruz, he found five components present in successful relationships. These components are communication, compatibility, commitment, care and compromise.

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Every Couple Should Never Forget to Do These 10 Things
  • Number 1: Go on dates. ...
  • Number 2: Travel together. ...
  • Number 3: Do things together. ...
  • Number 4: Have your hobbies as well. ...
  • Number 5: Have traditions. ...
  • Number 6: Hug and kiss every day. ...
  • Number 7: Do the small things for each other.
Nov 17, 2021

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Jeffrey's Advice: “You and your partner will and should share many things but it's important to keep your independence and not to lose yourselves in each other. Not every hobby or friend has to be mutual. In fact, a marriage stays fresh when partners have separate interests and relationships.”

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Married life tips
  1. Learn the art of compromise.
  2. Set aside time to connect as often as possible.
  3. Don't give up on each other.
  4. Treat each other with respect.
  5. Have some adventures while you can.
  6. Set realistic expectations.
  7. Never stop being friends.
  8. Good marriage is like good wine—it only gets better with age!
Oct 27, 2023

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Condoms -

The safest and effective way to protect your sexual life from unintentional complications is to use condoms. Using condoms every single time while being intimate with your partner can prevent unwanted pregnancy or STD.

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Updating Your Social Security Card

If you are changing your name, changing it with the Social Security Administration (SSA) should be the first thing on your list. Other entities will refer to the SSA's database before approving your name change on other documents, like your passport.

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