What Is Cash Value Life Insurance? (2024)

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Cash value is a component of some types of life insurance. This is a feature that’s typically offered within permanent life insurance policies, such as whole life and universal life insurance.

You can use the cash value as an investment-like savings account and take money from it.

While buying cash value life insurance may seem like a smart choice, it’s not always the right one. Understanding what cash value life insurance is and how it works will help you determine if it’s the best life insurance for you.

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What Is Cash Value Life Insurance?

Cash value life insurance encompasses multiple types of life insurance that contain a cash value account. This cash value component typically earns interest or other investment gains and grows tax-deferred. Term life insurance has no cash value.

Cash value life insurance types include whole life and universal life insurance. Term life insurance policies have no cash value

You have several options if you want a cash value life insurance policy. Each policy type accrues cash value differently, but in all cases, you can get to your cash value through a policy loan, withdrawal or surrender of the policy.

How Cash Value Life Insurance Works

Cash value life insurance can provide lifelong coverage. When the insured person dies, a death benefit is paid to beneficiaries, as long as the premiums have been paid.

When you make a premium payment for cash value life insurance, it goes three places:

  1. Into the policy’s cash value.
  2. To the insurer’s cost providing the death benefit.
  3. Toward life insurance company fees and charges.

Only a portion of what you pay winds up in cash value. The part that goes into your cash value account grows based on a fixed amount and/or on investment gains.

Only a portion of what you pay in premiums winds up in cash value.

If you build up enough money in your cash value account, you may be able to use your cash value to cover premium payments. If you’re struggling to make the payments, this option could provide some relief so that you can keep the life insurance in force. Talk with your insurance agent to find out what rules apply.

One important aspect of cash value life insurance is tax code 7702. This tax code sets the guidelines for how much money can be paid into the cash value component of the policy without losing its tax-deferred status. If the amount of money put toward cash value exceeds these limits, it may be subject to taxes.

Types of Cash Value Life Insurance

When it comes to cash value life insurance, there are several different types of policies to choose from. It’s essential to know the difference among them if you’re considering buying cash value life insurance.

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance offers a fixed monthly premium, a fixed rate of growth for your cash value and a guaranteed death benefit amount. Because of these guarantees, whole life insurance is typically more expensive than other life insurance options.

Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance

This is a type of whole life insurance that doesn’t require a medical exam or health questions. You cannot be turned down.

Guaranteed issue life insurance may include cash value, but since coverage amounts are generally small, the potential cash value is small. It usually has a graded death benefit where beneficiaries won’t receive the full payout if the insured person passes away within two or three years after buying the policy, unless the death was due to an accident.

Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance.

This type of universal life insurance has fixed premium and death benefit amounts, and usually minimal cash value accumulation.

Indexed Universal Life Insurance

Indexed universal life insurance connects cash value growth to gains and losses in an index like the S&P 500. You can typically adjust premiums and death benefits within certain parameters.

Variable Universal Life Insurance

With variable universal life insurance your cash value growth is tied to sub-accounts containing investments of your choice, usually bonds and mutual funds. But you could lose money in the cash value based on the performance of the investments you choose. You can generally adjust your premium and death benefits within set limits.

Related: Term Life Vs. Whole Life Insurance

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Pros and Cons of Cash Value Life Insurance

Whether cash value life insurance is right for you depends on why you want a policy.

Benefits of Cash Value Life Insurance

  • Your beneficiaries receive a death benefit. Cash value life insurance is a permanent life insurance policy, which means it can remain in effect until you die as long as you pay the premiums due.
  • Participating life insurance policies have dividends. Many whole life insurance policies are “participating,” meaning you can potentially get life insurance dividends if the policy is from a mutual insurance company. Dividends can be taken as cash, added to your cash value, used to pay premiums or used to buy “paid up additions” that increase your death benefit amount.
  • You can add riders for extra coverage. One of the most common life insurance riders is an accelerated death benefit, which is often automatically included at no extra charge. Similar riders—but with an extra charge—for chronic illness, critical illness and long-term care let you tap into your own death benefit if you develop certain medical conditions.
  • Cash value life insurance offers tax advantages. Your cash value accumulates on a tax-deferred basis. So as your cash value grows, the IRS doesn’t take a cut. Also, if you borrow money against the policy, you won’t have to pay taxes on the loan. When you pass away, your life insurance beneficiaries receive the death benefit tax-free, as with all life insurance payouts.

Drawbacks of Cash Value Life Insurance

  • Cash value life insurance costs more than term life insurance. If you don’t need insurance for the duration of your life, and you don’t care about building cash value, term life insurance will give you the most coverage bang for your buck.
  • Cash value can take time to build. Some policies take a long time to build up any significant cash value. You could wait many years before you have a substantial amount to access.
  • Cash value is not paid to beneficiaries in most cases. When you pass away, cash value typically reverts back to the life insurance company. Your beneficiaries receive the policy’s death benefit amount minus any loans and withdrawals from the cash value you made.
  • Your policy could lapse if you borrow too much. If you take loans or withdrawals from the policy, you also have to make sure you maintain a minimal cash value level or your policy could lapse.
  • Taxes may apply. If you withdraw cash value or take the surrender value and terminate the policy, you can be taxed on the portion of the money that came from interest or investment gains.

Ways to Utilize a Cash Value Life Insurance Policy

There are various ways to tap into the cash value component of your life insurance policy while you’re alive.

  • Take out a loan. You can borrow against the cash value of a permanent life insurance policy and use the money for anything you want—an emergency, supplementing retirement income or anything else. Your loan amount accrues interest until it’s paid back in full. State law can dictate the maximum policy loan interest rate. For example, in California, insurance companies can’t charge more than 8% a year.
  • Withdraw money from cash value. When the amount you withdraw includes investment gains, often referred to as the part “above basis,” that portion is taxable as income. Making a withdrawal reduces your beneficiaries’ future life insurance payout.
  • Surrender the policy for cash. If you cancel life insurance, it’s known as surrendering your policy. When you do this, you get back the cash value minus any surrender charge. The insurance company also subtracts any unpaid premiums or outstanding loan balances.

Related: How To Cash Out Your Life Insurance Policy

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Cash Value Life Insurance Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does every life insurance policy have cash value?

Not every type of life insurance has a cash value component. For example, term life insurance does not have a cash value component.

Whole life and universal life are forms of life insurance that have a cash value component.

How long does it take to build cash value on life insurance?

It can take decades to build a substantial cash value, but some policies are designed to accumulate a cash value more quickly in the early years of the policy.

For example, New York Life’s Custom Whole Life policy is designed to accumulate cash value faster than a regular whole life insurance policy.

Can I take the cash value of my life insurance?

You can withdraw money or take a loan against your cash value and use the money for anything you like. If you decide to terminate the policy, you can take the cash value (minus any surrender charge).

If you withdraw money from the cash value and the amount you withdraw includes interest or investment gains (known as “above basis”), you will be taxed on that portion of the withdrawal.

Should you choose a life insurance policy with cash value?

Cash value is an attractive option for some life insurance buyers, but shouldn’t be your first investment option. Instead, first maximize other savings options like IRAs and 401(k)s.

If you’ve already maxed out your retirement account contributions and want an additional account for tax-deferred savings, a cash value life insurance policy might be a good fit.

If you just want life insurance for covering financial obligations with a known end, like a mortgage or a child’s college tuition, a term life insurance policy is a better fit.

Is life insurance with cash value worth it?

A life insurance policy with cash value could be worthwhile if you want to tap into money while you’re still alive.

If you’re looking primarily for a death benefit for your beneficiaries, term life insurance or certain forms of universal life insurance are likely good bets. They can provide a death benefit at a lower overall cost than other policies such as whole life insurance.

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What Is Cash Value Life Insurance? (2024)


What Is Cash Value Life Insurance? ›

With a cash value life insurance policy, a portion of each premium you pay goes toward insuring your life, while the other portion goes toward building up a cash value. The cash value portion of your policy accrues tax-deferred interest.

What is the cash value of life insurance? ›

Cash value life insurance policies provide both a death benefit and cash value accumulation during the policy owner's lifetime. Whole life is permanent life insurance, designed for the long-term, with steady cash value growth. Your policy builds cash value that is guaranteed to grow over time.

What is the cash value of a $100,000 life insurance policy? ›

A typical life settlement is worth around 20% of your policy value, but can range from 10-25%. So for a 100,000 dollar policy, you would be looking at anywhere from 10,000 to 25,000 dollars.

How to make money with cash value life insurance? ›

Beneficiaries of these policies only receive the death benefits, not the cash-value accumulations.
  1. Don't Throw Away Your Cash Value.
  2. Strategy 1: Boost the Death Benefit.
  3. Strategy 2: Pay Life Insurance Premiums.
  4. Strategy 3: Take out a Loan.
  5. Strategy 4: Make a Withdrawal.
  6. Strategy 5: Grow Your Nest Egg.

What is cash value insurance quizlet? ›

Define Cash Value. The cash value of an insurance contract, also called the cash surrender value or surrender value, is the cash amount offered to the policyowner by the issuing life carrier upon cancellation of the contract. This term is normally used with a life insurance or life annuity contract.

Can I withdraw my cash value from life insurance? ›

If you have a permanent life insurance policy that has accumulated cash value, then yes, you can take cash out before your death.

How much can I borrow from my life insurance policy? ›

The limit for borrowing money from life insurance is set by the insurer, and it's typically no more than 90% of the policy's cash value. When your policy has enough cash value (minimums vary by insurer), you can use it as collateral to request a loan from your insurance company.

How long does it take to build cash value on whole life insurance? ›

How long does it take to build cash value on life insurance? The length of time varies by insurer, but in most cases, cash value does not start to accrue until you have paid premiums for two to five years.

How much is a $1 million dollar life insurance policy? ›

The average cost for a million-dollar life insurance policy is anywhere from approximately $50 to more than $1,000 a month, depending on your age, health, annual income, policy type and other factors.

How much will I get if I cash in my life insurance policy? ›

You can cash out a life insurance policy. How much money you get for it will depend on the amount of cash value held in it. If you have, say $10,000 of accumulated cash value, you would be entitled to withdraw up to all of that amount (less any surrender fees).

How do millionaires build wealth using life insurance? ›

How can you use life insurance to build wealth? Term life insurance can be used to build wealth across generations by providing a payout to your surviving loved ones. The death benefit can be used to pay estate tax, as well as preserve remaining assets.

What is the disadvantage of cash value life insurance? ›

Though they are tax-advantaged, policy loans and withdrawals do have one major downside: The more you take out, the less your beneficiaries will receive. It's also worth noting that cash value will not build up quickly. It may take 10 years or longer before your policy is worth enough for you to reap the benefits.

How to use life insurance to build wealth? ›

So, here are a few ways to use life insurance as a wealth building tool.
  1. Cash Value Accumulation. Life insurance policies, such as Farm Bureau Insurance's whole life policy, often come with a cash value component. ...
  2. Tax Advantages. ...
  3. Estate Planning. ...
  4. Business Succession Planning. ...
  5. Charitable Giving.
Aug 22, 2023

What is cash value life insurance for dummies? ›

What is cash value life insurance? With cash value life insurance, a portion of every premium payment goes toward a savings feature that collects interest over time. As your policy's accumulated cash value grows, you can use it to make premium payments, borrow money, or even withdraw cash.

What does it mean if your life insurance policy generates cash value? ›

Last updated: August 2023. Cash value life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance that includes an investment feature. Cash value is the portion of your policy that earns interest and may be available for you to withdraw or borrow against in case of an emergency.¹

How does actual cash value insurance work? ›

A policy that provides actual cash value coverage typically reimburses you for the depreciated value of an item. For example, if a fire damages your TV, a policy with actual cash value coverage would reimburse you for its depreciated value, which may be less than it will cost to purchase a new one.

How long does it take to build cash value on life insurance? ›

Cash value: In most cases, the cash value portion of a life insurance policy doesn't begin to accrue until 2-5 years have passed. Once cash value begins to build, it becomes available to you according to your policy's guidelines.

What is life insurance with a cash in value? ›

A life insurance policy with cash value may be considered an investment. At some companies, a portion of the premiums are put into a cash savings account, earning interest with potential tax savings.

Is cash value of life insurance the same as face value? ›

The face value is the amount your heirs would receive after you die. Cash value is the amount of money that has accumulated within the policy that you can withdraw or borrow while alive. Cash value will be less than the face value and death benefit of your policy.

How do you determine actual cash value? ›

How Is Actual Cash Value Calculated? In the insurance industry, actual cash value gets calculated by taking the replacement cost value of property and subtracting the depreciation from it.

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