Understanding Retrofit & Deep Retrofit (2024)

Understanding the distinction between retrofit and deep retrofit is crucial for homeowners and builders aiming to enhance a property's energy efficiency. A retrofit involvessmaller-scale improvementslike adding insulation or upgrading heating systems to improve comfort and reduce energy usage.

On the other hand, a deep retrofit represents a more comprehensive overhaul, including replacing windows and installing advanced heating systems for maximal energy efficiency.

Furthermore, this guide will clarify the differences between these two approaches, aiding in your decision-making process. Whether your focus is your budget, the current condition of your property, or the level of energy savings you wish to achieve, understanding the scope and impact of both retrofit and deep retrofit is essential.

This blog will help you determine which method aligns best with your needs for creating a more energy-efficient and comfortable home.

So, without any further ado, let’s get into it!

Key Takeaways

  • Retrofit refers to small-scale changesmade to an existing building, while deep retrofit involves a comprehensive renovation for significant energy performance improvement.
  • Shallow retrofits includetasks like adding draft stoppers and changing lights to LEDs, whiledeep retrofits involvemeasures like insulation upgrades and the installation of energy-efficient heating systems.
  • Deep retrofitting aims for an A-rated Building Energy Rating (BER)by improving overall energy efficiency, comfort, and carbon emissions.
  • Grants from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI)are available to help offset the costs of deep retrofits.

Understanding Retrofit and Deep Retrofit

Retrofit refers to small-scale alterations made to an existing building to improve its energy efficiency, while deep retrofit involves a comprehensive and in-depth renovation that results in significant energy performance improvements.

Definition of Retrofit

Retrofit meansmaking changes to an existing house. This is done to make it better. A retrofit can be small or big. Small changes includeputting up draft stoppersandchanging lights to LEDs.

So, these tasks can be done one at a time, over a while. These are also known asshallow retrofits. A retrofit helps save energy, which can lower the cost of bills at home.

Definition of Deep Retrofit

A deep retrofit is acomprehensive energy upgradefor your home that involves makingmultiple energy-saving improvementsall at once. The goal of a deep retrofit is to achieve an A-rating Building Energy Rating (BER) by improving the overall energy efficiency and comfort of your home.

It's like giving your house a full makeover to make it more sustainable and cost-effective in terms of energy consumption. Deep retrofits involve measures such asupgrading insulation,installing energy-efficient heating systems, and improving air tightness.

So, these upgrades can significantly reduce your energy bills and carbon emissions while also making your home more comfortable to live in. If you're planning on retrofitting your home for deep energy efficiency, you may be eligible for grants from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) to help offset the costs.

Key Differences Between Retrofit and Deep Retrofit

Retrofit involves small-scale alterations to improve energy efficiency, while deep retrofit is a once-in-a-generation change that significantly enhances the overall energy performance of a building.

Scale of Alterations

A key difference between retrofit anddeep retrofitis thescale of the alterations involved. In ashallow retrofit, small improvements are made to different parts of a house over time.

Examples includeinsulating hot water tanks and pipes, installing draft excluders, and upgrading lighting to LED. On the other hand, a deep retrofit involves carrying out multiple energy upgrades all at once in order to achieve an A-rating Building Energy Rating (BER).

So, this means making comprehensive changes to improve the energy efficiency and comfort of a home. Deep retrofits require a whole-house approach and aim forsignificant energy consumption reduction and carbon emission reduction.

Energy Saving Measures

To achieve energy efficiency in your home, it's important to implement effective energy-saving measures. These measures can help reduce your energy consumption and lower your carbon footprint.

One key measure isupgrading insulationin areas like walls, roofs, and floors. This helps to prevent heat loss and keep your home warm during the winter months.

Another important step isinstalling energy-efficient heating systems, such as condensing boilers or heat pumps. These systems use less energy to provide the same level of warmth and comfort.

Additionally,improving air tightnessby sealing gaps around windows, doors, and other openings can help prevent drafts and reduce heat loss.

Upgrading lighting to LED bulbs is another simple yet effective energy-saving measure. LED bulbs are more efficient than traditional incandescent bulbs, consuming less electricity while providing the same amount of light.

It's also worthconsidering smart thermostatsthat allow you to control your heating remotely and optimise its usage based on your schedule.

Overall Energy Efficiency

Deep retrofitting offerssignificant improvements in overall energy efficiencyfor homes in Ireland. By carrying out multiple energy upgrades all at once, homeowners can achieve an A-rating Building Energy Rating (BER), resulting inreduced energy consumption and carbon emissions.

Deep retrofits involve awhole-house approach to energy upgrades, addressinginsulation, heating systems, and air tightness. These comprehensive measures not only improve the comfort of a home but also contribute to sustainability efforts and help reduce energy bills.

So, the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) providesgrants of up to €25,000 to offset the cost of deep retrofits, making it an attractive option for homeowners seeking long-term energy efficiency benefits.

Benefits and Considerations of Retrofit and Deep Retrofit

  • Cost:Retrofitting a home is generally less expensive than deep retrofitting, as it involves smaller-scale alterations and energy-saving measures.
  • Time Frame:Retrofitting can often be completed in a shorter time frame compared to deep retrofitting, which may require more extensive renovations and upgrades.
  • Grants and Funding:Homeowners may be eligible for grants and funding from organisations like the SEAI (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland) for both retrofit and deep retrofit projects.
  • Comfort and Energy Performance:Both types of retrofits can significantly improve the comfort and energy performance of a home, leading to reduced energy bills and increased sustainability.


Deep retrofitting a home for energy efficiency can be asignificant investment, but it offerslong-term benefits. While the cost of deep retrofitting varies depending on factors such as thesize and condition of the house, grants from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) are available to help offset these costs.

Homeowners can receiveup to €25,000 in grantstowards their deep retrofit project. It's important to consider that, while there may be upfront costs involved, deep retrofits can lead tosubstantial energy savings over timeand contribute to a more sustainable future.

Time Frame

Deep retrofits, being a comprehensive and extensive process,require a longer time framecompared to shallow retrofits. Since deep retrofits involve multiple energy upgrades carried out all at once, itmay take several weeks or even monthsto complete the entire process.

The duration of the project will depend on thesize and complexity of your homeas well as the specific energy efficiency measures being implemented. It's important to understand that achieving an A-rating Building Energy Rating (BER) through deep retrofitting is not a quick fix but rather a once-in-a-generation change that requires careful planning and coordination.

However, thelong-term benefits in terms of energy savings, improved comfort, and reduced carbon emissions make it a worthwhile investment for Irish homeowners seeking sustainable housing solutions.

Grants and Funding

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) provides grants to help homeowners with the cost of deep retrofits. Thesegrants can cover up to €25,000, which is a significant amount towards the overall cost.

So, by taking advantage of these grants, homeowners can offset some of the expenses and make deep retrofitting more affordable. This funding opportunity makes it easier for Irish homeowners to invest in energy upgrades and improve their homes' energy efficiency.

It's an excellent incentive for those looking to reduce their energy bills and contribute to sustainability efforts in Ireland.


In conclusion, the key difference between retrofit and deep retrofit in Ireland lies in thescale of alterations and overall energy efficiency. While ashallow retrofit involves small improvements over time, adeep retrofit aims to achieve an A-rating BERby carrying out multiple energy upgrades at once.

Deep retrofits require careful planning and coordination but can significantly reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions.

With grants available from SEAI, more homeowners are opting for deep retrofits to make their homes more energy-efficient and sustainable. Transform your home today with BuildTech!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What do we mean by a retrofit?

A retrofit means to make small-scale alterations or home improvements on a building for energy conservation purposes.

What does a deep retrofit stand for?

Deep Retrofit is a once-in-a-generation change that involves large-scale renovations, aiming for an A rating on the BER scale, and turning your place into sustainable buildings with green measures.

Can you explain what the BER rating is used for in Ireland?

In Ireland, the Building Energy Rating (BER) rates buildings from A to G, with 'A' being highly energy efficient and 'G' less so.

How can SEAI grants help with these building upgrades?

SEAI grants can help fund home retrofits or deep retrofits that cost much less out-of-pocket expenses, making it easier to carry out energy-saving measures and achieve better BER ratings.

Why should I consider doing a home renovation or building refurbishment using retrofit methods?

Doing home renovations using either building retrofitting or deep retrofitting could lead to big savings in energy costs over time while increasing comfort levels inside the household.

Are there long-term benefits to opting for a deep retrofit over a shallow one?

Yes, while both methods offer energy-saving advantages, a deep retrofit provides comprehensive and transformative changes that can significantly reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption. This results in sustained long-term savings on energy bills and a substantially improved living environment in terms of warmth and air quality.

What do we mean by a retrofit?

A retrofit means to make small-scale alterations or home improvements on a building for energy conservation purposes.

What does a deep retrofit stand for?

Deep Retrofit is a once-in-a-generation change that involves large-scale renovations, aiming for an A rating on the BER scale, and turning your place into sustainable buildings with green measures.

Can you explain what the BER rating is used for in Ireland?

In Ireland, the Building Energy Rating (BER) rates buildings from A to G, with 'A' being highly energy efficient and 'G' less so.

How can SEAI grants help with these building upgrades?

SEAI grants can help fund home retrofits or deep retrofits that cost much less out-of-pocket expenses, making it easier to carry out energy-saving measures and achieve better BER ratings.

Why should I consider doing a home renovation or building refurbishment using retrofit methods?

Doing home renovations using either building retrofitting or deep retrofitting could lead to big savings in energy costs over time while increasing comfort levels inside the household.

Are there long-term benefits to opting for a deep retrofit over a shallow one?

Yes, while both methods offer energy-saving advantages, a deep retrofit provides comprehensive and transformative changes that can significantly reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption. This results in sustained long-term savings on energy bills and a substantially improved living environment in terms of warmth and air quality.

*FYI, parts of this blog post were drafted by artificial technlogy. But rest assured, it's been thoroughly researched, edited, reviewed and me & my team.

Understanding Retrofit & Deep Retrofit (2024)


Understanding Retrofit & Deep Retrofit? ›

Understanding Retrofit and Deep Retrofit

What is the difference between retrofit vs deep retrofit? ›

Scope of your retrofit: A basic retrofit could save around 5-15% on your bills, whereas a deep retrofit could cut bills by 50% or more. Current energy consumption: If your energy consumption is already low, the savings may be small; high-energy households could see significant savings.

What is a deep carbon retrofit? ›

A deep retrofit is an extensive, holistic overhaul of a building's systems, utilizing best practices with the goal of significantly reducing energy consumption and GHG emissions. A deep retrofit is either a step or a leap towards net zero emissions.

What are the phases of retrofit? ›

... A building retrofit project usually comprises five major phases: project set up and pre-retrofit survey, performance assessment, identification of retrofit options, site implementation and commission, and validation and verification [15].

How much does deep energy retrofit cost? ›

Project costs range from about $50,000 to well over $100,000, often including renovations or improvements that are not directly energy related. Some programs have reported the incremental cost of adding deep retrofit measures to already planned renovations such as a siding or roofing replacement.

What is a deep energy retrofit? ›

Deep energy retrofits renovate buildings to reduce site energy use by at least 40%. Though often more expensive up front, deep energy retrofits deliver substantially greater value than quick-fix solutions.

What are the problems with retrofit? ›

Damp, condensation and mould are the most usual problems, and many retrofits affected by moisture problems will be underperforming thermally as well. The issues are often interlinked, and a good installation can hopefully avoid both at once.

Can you name the 5 main roles within the retrofit process? ›

The Six Roles:

PAS2035 standards have introduced five new roles, and one was existing; Retrofit Advisor, Retrofit Assessor, Retrofit Co-ordinator, Retrofit Designer, and Retrofit Evaluator – with the existing role of the Retrofit Installer.

What is an example of a retrofit process? ›

Retrofitting is an important process used for valves and actuators to ensure optimal operation of an industrial plant. One example is retrofitting a 3-way valve into a 2-way valve, which results in closing one of the three openings to continue using the valve for certain industrial systems.

What is the concept of retrofit? ›

When you retrofit something, you replace old parts with new ones. You might retrofit an antique car with updated brakes and seat belts, for example. You can use retrofit as a verb, or it can be a noun meaning the new part itself, or something that's added on later.

What is a shallow retrofit? ›

Shallow retrofits offer micro-solutions to individual problems, focusing on the minutiae of energy efficiency, rather than the complete building system. According to Colin Bebbington from Ireland's Bord Gáis Energy, low-impact examples that offer decent results include: Converting to more efficient lightbulbs.

How big is the energy retrofit market? ›

The global energy retrofit systems market was valued at USD 148.2 billion in 2021. It is projected to reach USD 216.5 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 4.3% during the forecast period (2022–2030).

Does retrofitting save money? ›

Green Retrofits Can Help Save You Money. If you're looking to cut the costs of property ownership, start with your utility bills. Green building retrofits can make your property more eco-friendly while reducing your monthly expenses, and many retrofits provide an immediate return on investment.

What is the difference between retrofit and retrofit2? ›

Retrofit 2 uses OkHttp as the systems administration layer and is based over it. Retrofit naturally serializes the JSON reaction utilizing a POJO (PlainOldJavaObject) which must be characterized in cutting edge for the JSON Structure. To serialize JSON we require a converter to change over it into GSON first.

What is the difference between refit and retrofit? ›

In summary, Refit is a . NET-specific library with seamless integration, concise syntax, and good error handling capabilities. Retrofit, on the other hand, is an Android-specific library with a larger community support, slightly different syntax, and manual error handling.

What is the difference between renovation and retrofit? ›

While retrofitting and refurbishment primarily aim to enhance energy performance and address environmental challenges, renovation focuses on improving the overall aesthetics and functionality of a building 5.

What are the disadvantages of retrofit insulation? ›

Drawbacks: For solid wall buildings, it is less thermal efficient than external wall insulation. Without proper mitigations, dampness and mould problems can arise. Cost effective solutions may result in a reduction of floor space.

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.