This Day, June 3, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)

June 3

350: Roman usurperNepotianus, of the Constantinian dynasty, proclaims himself Roman Emperor,entering Rome at the head of a group of gladiators. The Constantinian Dynastytook its name from its most famous member, Constantine I, the Emperor whoturned the Roman Empire into a Christian entity; a policy followed by hissuccessors much to the dismay of the Jewish people.

1098: During the First Crusade, Antioch falls to the crusadersafter an eight-month siege. This would open the road to Jerusalem, where, afteranother siege, the Christians would capture the City of David and slaughter itsJewish inhabitants.

1140: French scholar Peter Abelard is found guilty of heresy. Abelard may havebeen a heretic in the eyes of the Catholic Church, but when it came to theJews, his views were classically Christian.He believed that the Jews were wicked, and that God’s grace had passedfrom them to the Gentiles who had accepted Christ. The grace of God wouldreturn to the Jews in the end of time when the Jews will be converted toJesus. Christ is spoken of as about tobe crowned or about to be crucified it is said that He “went forth”; to signifythat the Jews, who were guilty of so great wickedness against Him, were givenover to reprobation, and that His grace would now pass to the vast extent ofthe Gentiles, where the salvation of the Cross and His own exaltation by thegain of many peoples, in the place of the one nation of the Jews, has extendeditself. Whence, also, to-day we rightly go forth to adore the Cross in the openplain, showing mystically that both glory and salvation had departed from theJews and had spread themselves among the Gentiles. But in that we afterwardreturned [in procession] to the place whence we had set forth, we signify thatin the end of the world the grace of God will return to the Jews; namely, when,by the preaching of Enoch and Elijah, they shall be converted to Him. Abelardmay have been a heretic in the eyes of the Catholic Church, but when it came tothe Jews, his views are classically Christian.

1361: In Spain orders are given for the construction of a Juderia(Jewish Quarter) in Tarazona. The Jewish Quarter is to be separated by wallsfrom the Christian community. The Christians living where the Juderia is to bebuilt were given property of the same value and relocated.

1425: Pope Martin V issued “Sedes apostolica,” a Papal Bull thatcommanded Jews to wear “a distinctive badge.” [Editor’s note – this may havemore to do with Pope Martin’s fight against slavery. The badge was intended as a way of deterringthe sale of Christians as slaves. For aPope, his views on the Jews were on the positive side of the scale as can beseen from his “Declaration on the Protection of the Jews” issued in 1419.}]

1455:Pope Calixtus III canonized Vincent Ferrer, the Dominican friar who convertedthousands of Jews to Christianity with threats of violence and the actualincitement of mobs in a variety of places including Toledo and Valencia.

1621:The Dutch West India Company receives a charter for New Netherlands, whichwould come to include New Amsterdam. A Jewish merchant named Joseph d’Acostawas one of the company’s shareholders.The fact that the Dutch West India Company had Jewish shareholders wouldprove to be of critical importance when Peter Stuyvesant would try to expel theJews from New Amsterdam which was part of New Netherlands.

1658:Pope Alexander VII appointed François de Laval vicar apostolic in New France.Alexander was the pope who seemed to have a great deal of concern about therights of tenancy in the ghetto since he issued two bulls – Verbi Aeterni andAd Ea Per Quae- on the subject.

1658:Today the Court of Burgomasters, apparently on its own initiative, declined topermit judgment in civil actions to be taken against Jacob Barsimson, a Jew,holding that "though defendant is absent, yet no default is enteredagainst him, as he was summonedon his Sabbath": an instance of religioustoleration and just dealing foreshadowing a New York statute of two centurieslater that made it a misdemeanor maliciously to serve any one with process onhis Sabbath, or with process returnable on that day ("New York PenalCode," § 271). Similarly, the municipal authorities licensed Asser Levyand Moses Lucena, Oct. 1660, as sworn butchers, providing on their applicationthat they might take the oath at the hands of the officer "agreeably to theoath of the Jews," and with the reservation that they should not be boundto kill any hogs.

1767(6thof Sivan, 5527): Shavuot

1678(13thof Sivan): Rabbi Ephraim ben Jacob Katz, author of Sha’ar Ephraim, passed away

1752:During the quarrel between Rabbi Jacob Emden and Rabbi Jonathan Eybeschutz asecular Danish court ruled in favor of Emden, severely censuring the threecommunities of Altona, Hamburg and Wansbeck and ordering them pay a fine of onehundred thalers. This enabled Emden to return to Altona where he regainedpossession of his synagogue and his printing press.

1753(1stof Sivan, 5513): Rosh Chodesh Sivan observed three days before the BritishMuseum was “established in London by Act of Parliament and at a time when GreatBritain was waiting for Royal Assent to the recently passed JewishNaturalization Act of 1753

1755:In Hull, Plymouth, MA, Hannah and Joseph Gould, Jr gave birth to Moses Gouldthe husband of Anne Adams.

1756(5thof Sivan, 5513): Erev Shavuot observed for the first time since Britain hadofficially declared war on France in what would become known as the Seven YearsWar

1758(26thof Iyar,5518): Parashat Bamidbar read as the British fleet bombard Ft.Louisburg in preparation of an amphibious assault during the Seven Years War.

1768:King William V, the Dutch ruler, visited both the German and Portuguesesynagogues today which along with his attendance at the weddings of Jewishsubjects was an acknowledgement by the Prince of Orange of the loyalty Jewishcommunity.

1775(5thof Sivan, 5535): Parashat Bamidbar; Erev Shavuot was observed on the same daythat General George Washington took official command of the Continental Army,most of which was besieging the British at Boston.

1782(21stof Sivan, 5542): Aaron F. Goldsmid, the London merchant who was founder thefamous British Goldsmid family passed. Anative of Amsterdam, he “was the son of Benedict Goldsmid, a Hamburg merchant.In 1765 he left Holland with his family to settle in London, where he foundedthe firm of Aaron Goldsmid & Son, subsequently Goldsmid & Eliason. Thefirm of Aaron Goldsmid & Son experienced serious reverses through thefailure of Clifford & Sayer, one of the principal houses in Holland. Henceonly George, the eldest son, entered into partnership with his father. Theother sons founded new businesses for themselves in which they amassed largefortunes. Goldsmid left four sons and four daughters. The second son, Asher,was one of the founders of the firm Mocatta & Goldsmid, bullion-brokers tothe Bank of England. Benjamin and Abraham were famous as financiers andphilanthropists.” (As reported by the Jewish Encyclopedia)

1786(7thof Sivan, 5546): Second Day of Shavuot and Shabbat were observed three daysbefore Nathaniel Goham was chosen President of the U.S ConfederationCongregation which was the governing body the United States from the end of theRevolutionary War until the adoption of the United States Constitution.

1794(5thof Sivan, 5554): Erev Shavuot observed as rebel forces in “Lesser Poland” andLithuania home to a large Jewish population including the Vilna Gaon continuethe fight to throw off the Yoke of the Czar.

1802:Today, the election for Rabbi of the Great Synagogue took place with SolomonHirschell receiving 62 vote, Rabbi Aryeh Loeb of Rotterdam receiving 18 votesand “only three for Rabbi Zevi Hirsch of Krotoschin.”

1803:Birthdate of Talmudist Gabriel Jacob Polak whose works included “Dibre Kodesh,”a Dutch-Hebrew dictionary and “Halikot Kedem,”a collection of Hebrew poems.

1805(6thof Sivan, 5565): Shavuot observed as Lewis and Clark camped on the right sideof the river at modern Loma, Montana while they were trying to figure out whichriver was the Missouri, and which was the Maria River.

1812:In Copenhagen, Salomon Monies and his wife gave birth to Danish portraitpainter David Monies.

1813(5thof Sivan, 5573): Erev Shavuot observed during the War of 1812 as Americanforces advance towards modern day Stoney Creek, Ontario as they continue whathas been their successful invasion of Canada.

1815:“Naples was restored to Ferdinand of Sicily” – a kingdom which had expelled itsJews at the end of the 15th century.

1816(7thof Sivan, 5576): Second Day of Shavuot observed on the same day the UnitedStates signed a treaty with the Winnebago Tribe.

1824(7thof Sivan, 5584: Second Day of Shavuot is observed during the Presidency ofJames Monroe, the last of the founding fathers to occupy the White House.

1828(21stof Sivan, 5588): RaphaelMeldola, the Leghorn born of son Moses Hezekiah Meldola, a rabbi and professorof oriental studies at the University of Paris, in Leghorn, the husband of StellaBollaffi (Abulafia) with whom he had eight children and the father-in-law ofHazan David Aaron de Sola, the leader of Bevis Marks who sought to improve “collaboration between Ashkenaziand Sephardi Jews” and “persuaded the two communities to set up a joint boardfor shechita (ritual slaughtering)

1829:In Altenstadt, Germany Moses Kahn Klara gave birth to Herman Kahn who as MosesCone went into business with his brother-in-law Jacob Adler in Jonesboro, TN,before moving to Lynchburg, VA and later Baltimore where he laid groundwork forwhat would become Cone Textile Mills operated by two of his sons, Moses andCeasar whom he raised with his wife Helen.

1832(5thof Sivan, 5592): Erev Shavuot

1835(6thof Sivan, 5595): Shavuot

1845:In Westphalia, Germany, Abraham Bendix Weinberg, the German born son of SaraMoses Weinberg and Bendix Aron Weinberg, and his wife Fiekchen Sophia Weinberggave birth to Johanna Rosenthal, the wife of Leffmann Rosenthal.

1843(5thof Sivan, 5603): Parashat Bamidbar; erev Shavuot celebrated on the birthdate ofKing Frederick VIII of Denmark, under whose grandfather King Frederick the VII,the constitution removing the last restrictions on the Jews of that Denmark wasadopted two days after the infant heir’s second birthday.

1845:In Germany, Mayer and Dina Bamberger gave birth to Gabriel Bamberger, thehusband of Lina Wohl Bamberger who was living in Chicago when he passed away in1909.

1846:Abraham Edward Alexander married Hannah Symons on the United Kingdom.

1848(2ndof Sivan, 5608): Parashat Bamidbar

1848(2ndof Sivan, 5608): Three days before his 86th birthday, York, PA born,Philadelphia merchant and U.S. Marshall Reuben Etting w saw service during theWhiskey Rebellion and the War of 1812 passed away today in Philadelphia.

1848:In Pennsylvania Isaac and Henrietta Yetta Kohn gave birth to Berth Kohn whobecame Bertha Tim when she married Louis Tim

1849: In Montgomery, Alabama, the Chevra Mevaker Cholim, with theapproval of 30 members, became Congregation Kahl Montgomery which is now knownas Temple Beth Or. The congregation built its first sanctuary in 1862.

1850:The traditional founding date of Kansas City, Missouri. Temple B’nai Jehudah,the first Jewish congregation in Kansas City would be formed twenty years laterin 1870. The congregation built a temple in 1908. In 1909, United Jewish SocialServices opened the Alfred Benjamin Dispensary at 17th and Locust toprovide medical treatment to Jewish Immigrants.This institution evolved into Menorah Hospital by 1931.

1852: TheDemocratic National Convention during which Philip Philips, the Charleston bornCaroline Lazarus and Aaron Phillips, “prominent members of the Jewish community”gave a speech in support of future President Franklin Pierce, continued itsdeliberations in Baltimore for a thirdday.

1853:In Kent (UK), Anne and Will Petrie gave birth to William Mathew FlindersPetrie, the Egyptologist who discovered the Merneptah Stele and identified theword Israel in the writing. This becamean important non-biblical proof of the existence of the ancient kingdom ofIsrael.

1853:“The Last Hartford Convention” published today described the activities of aconvention that began yesterday to discuss the Bible. In mocking tones the author assumes that bynow “the very existence of the Hebrew law-giver has been pronounced a myth; theCreation a counterfeit; the Deluge a fable; the Exodus a forgery.” The author wonders what “stores of rabbinicallearning” including “Talmud, Targums and Commentators” as well as contemporaryhistorians who have corroborated the stories of the Israelites will bediscredited by these contemporary philosophers whom he compares to the infidelsgoing back to Roman times who have tried and failed to discredit “the firstfive books.”

1854(7thof Sivan, 5613): Second Day of Shavuot and Shabbat

1854:Birthdate of Polish native and Breslau trained rabbi, Adolf Posnanski who “officiatedas rabbi at Reichenberg, Bohemia, from 1888 to 1891, when he was called toPilsen.”

1855: In Rothenburg, Bavaria, Koppel Oppenheimerand his wife gave birth to Levi Oppenheimer, the husband of Rachel Levor withwhom he had at least seven children and with whom he “immigrated to Baltimore,MD in the last decades of the 19th century.

1857:Henry Hart married Rosa Nathan at the Great Synagogue in London

1857:Barend Hyman married Rachel Minden at the Great Synagogue in London.

1862(5thof Sivan, 5622): Erev Shavuot

1862:Birthdate Justine Koen, the mother of Leah K. Jospeh

1863:Birthdate of William H. King, the Senator from Utah who in 1927 “declared…thathe favored the United States severing diplomatic relations with any countrywhich failed because of anti-Semitism to protect its Jewish nationals” and“expressed the belief that eventually Palestine would be able to support apopulation of a million Jews.”

1867:Four days after his death, Simon Lazarus Oppenheim, a native of Frankfurt amMain, was buried today at the Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.

1870:The London Standard denounced thereview of Benjamin Disraeli’s Lothair published in Blackwood. The Standard did not take issue with Blackwood’s rightto make negative comments about the book.The complaint was that Blackwood made the review “the vehicle for acoarse, violent and outrageously personal attack” on Mr. Disraeli. “The critic has used the book as opportunityfor indulging his spleen against its distinguished author.”

1870:“A petition by Jews living in Indianapolis, Indiana urging the President of theUnited States to Intervene on behalf of Romanian Jews was referred the Senate’sCommittee on Foreign Relations.”

1870:It was reported today that Simon Wolf delivered telegrams from all over theUnited States asking that the U.S. intervene with the government of Romania onbehalf of its Jewish citizens. The U.S.has decided to appoint Adolphe Buchner, who is Jewish, to serve as Consul atBucharest as a way of expressing its desire that the Romanians stop mistreatingtheir Jewish citizens. [The President who was showing support for the Jews wasU.S. Grant, who as Dr. Sarna has pointed out in his marvelous book on thefamous General and President, was no anti-Semite.

1870:The United States Senate spent an hour this morning discussing the recentmassacre of Jews in Romania during which Senator Morton of Indiana presented arequest that the President intervene to “save the Jews of” Romania “fromfurther persecutions.” The Senatepassed a motion offered by Senator Sumner of Massachusetts asking the Presidentto provide the Senate with any information in the possession of the StateDepartment concerning the violence. “Mr.Sumner said that the interests of humanity demanded that the fullestinformation should be had by the Senate on this subject.” According to Sumner, “the massacre was a mostterrible affair, the whole enormity of which was not yet made public.” Senator Sprague of Rhode Island said thatJews owned most of the land in Romania and controlled all of the trade in thePrincipality “while a vast population of Christians” were deprived of the meansof support” and that this was the cause of the violence. He said that these facts “furnished food forprofound reflection…to affairs here in our country, where the tendency” israpidly moving “in the same direction.Senator Stewart of Nevada “said he hoped Mr. Sprauge did not mean toimply that when a man gets rich he ought…to be killed.” Senator Sprague “smiled faintly” but made nofurther reply. [Editor’s note – Theconcern for the Jews of Romania was the first expression of support for theplight of foreign Jews in the post-Civil War United States. Senator Sumner had been a leadingAbolitionist and was a major political power in the dominant Republican Party.The President who would show support for the Jews was U.S. Grant. By the same token the views of SenatorSprague, the son-in-law of Salmon P. Chase, another prominent Republican whoserved as Sec. of Treasury and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, were the anexample of the genteel anti-Semitism which would manifest itself in everythingfrom exclusion at fancy hotels to quotas at the leading ivy league universities.]

1871:“Rome: The Press in the Eternal City” published today reported in the newlyunited Italy, Jews and Free-thinkers dominate the world of literaryopinion. Among the Jews are: GiacomoDina ‘the patriarch of Italian journalism” and the editor of Florence Opinione;” Carlo Levi, editorof the Nuova Roma; Edward Arib, “theablest representative of the liberal press” and editor of Liberta; Alessandro D’Acona of Pisa and Luigi Camerini of Milan,“accomplished critics of belles lettres. At the same time, the clerical press which isan inferior journalistic product is filled with anti-Semitic comments. Forexample, Buon Senso referred toEdward Arib as a “shameless Jew…’following the example of the Jews in the daysof Nero who were the real instigators of the Roman Emperor’s persecution of theChristians.” [Editor’s Note – Italy, after the reunification, was one of thebest places for Jews to live in Europe. At the same time, there was anundercurrent of anti-Semitism tied to the Papal parties that would flower whenMussolini would become Hitler’s partner.]

1873:Birthdate of German born and educated American pharmacologist Otto Loewirecipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. He passed away in 1961.

1875:In Cleveland, OH, of Julius (Joseph) Feiss and Caroline (Carrie) Feiss gavebirth to Paul Lewis Feiss, the chairman of the board of the Joseph and Feiss, amen’s tailoring firm in Clevenland, the husband of Edith Feiss andphilanthropist who was “a founder of the Cleveland Museum of Art, the ClevelandOrchestra and Mount Sinai Hospital while serving on the executive committee ofthe Cleveland round Table of the National Conference of Christians and Jews.

1875(29thof Iyar, 5635): Fifty-four-year-old Israel Cohen the son of Kitty Etting andBenjamin I. Cohen, the husband of Cecilia E. Levy with whom he had sevenchildren passed away today.

1877:“The Return of the Jews” published today reported that the long dreamed of“rehabilitation of Judea” by the Jews might be realized in the not too distantfuture. While there are only a smallnumber of Jews living in Jerusalem thanks to the advances in moderntransportation there has been increasing stream of Jews coming to visit fromPoland, Morocco and Russia. CaptainCharles Warren, who is best known for the maps he has made of Jerusalem, thinksthat that the Jews of Morocco would be the best candidates for restoring Judeato its former glory. They are the onlysignificant Jewish population with agricultural skills. Unlike the Jews ofJerusalem whom Warren described as being “incompetent to revive the glories ofthe past” because of long years of “indolence and degeneracy” the Jews ofMorocco are “patient…and less fanatical than many oftheir brethren” as well as having a proven track record of being able to useirrigation to raise crops. [The vision of Captain Warren “the agent of theEnglish exploration fund in Pale tine pre-dates Herzl by thirty years.]

1877:It was reported today that there are 152 synagogues in the United States with33 in New York, 23 in Maine, 14 in Pennsylvania, 9 in Illinois and 7 each inCalifornia, Ohio and Vermont.

1877:The Board of Jewish Delegates reported that 174 out of 341 congregations and 99other organization have responded to its questionnaire. According these responses there are 189,576Jews in the United States. Based on thisadmittedly incomplete response, the board estimated that there are 250,000 Jewsliving in the United States with 60,000 living in New York City.

1878:In Alexandria, VA, founding of Congregation Beth El on North Washington Street

1878:While serving as regent during Kaiser Wilhelm’s recuperation from anassassination attempt, Frederick appointed Dr. Friedberg, who was both Jewishand a Liberal “to the highest judicial post in the kingdom” – a move thatgreatly displeased the Kaiser who refused to honor Friedberg with the Order ofthe Black Eagle when he returned to power. (Editor’s note – “Dr. Friedberg” isHeinrich von Friedberg who had converted to Christianity – a conversion thatapparently did not satisfy the first Kaiser and showed how the idea of “Jewishblood” had taken hold in 19th century Europe.)

1879(12thof Sivan, 5639): Lionel Nathan de Rothschild the son of Nathan Mayer Rothschildand Hanna Barent Cohen passed away. Lionel’s was the first Jew to serve as anMP in the House of Commons. Firstelected in 1847, he was not able to assume his seat until 1858 following adecade long fight to change the rules about the oath of office. Queen Victoria refused to appoint him to theHouse of Lords. She would later recantand elevate Lionel’s son to the Lords.

1879:Birthdate of New York native Sadie Cecillia Annenberg, the philanthropist whoestablished the Sadie C. Annenberg Soil and Irrigation Institute in Gila.

1879:In Yalta, “Yakov Abramovich Leventon, a pharmacist, and Sofia (Sara) LvovnaHorowitz: gave birth to Marem-Ides Leventon who gained fame as actress AllaNazimova.

1880:HarryHat and Brothers, the Jewish owned clothier advertised in the Chicago Tribune thatbusiness suits were on sale for $6.50, $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00.

1880:As unrest continues to grow in Russia, it was reported that several Jews havebeen arrested near St. Petersburg on charges that they are connected with theNihilst (an all-purpose term used by the authorities for revolutionariesseeking to over-thrown the Czar)

1880:Birthdate of Pennsylvanian Benjamin Rosenbloom the University of West Virginiatackle who “during several games away from home heard he cry of ‘Kill the Jew’”and who went on to a career in law and politics which took him to U.S. House ofRepresentatives

1881(6thof Sivan, 5641): Shavuot

1882:In Tilsit, East Prussia “merchant and Rabbi Isidor Urdang and his wife EmmaMarrie” gave birth Georg Urdang, the University of Wisconsin professor ofpharmacy and founder of “the American Institute of the History of Pharmacy.”

1882:As conditions worsen for Jews in the Ukraine, it was reported that Russian Jewswho lack passports are being denied the right to immigrate.

1885(OS May 22): Birthdate of Yakov Mikhaylovich Sverdlov, a leader of theBolsheviks who also was a leader of the infant Soviet Union. He passed away in 1919, before the Revolutionturned sour and anti-Semitism reared its ugly head.

1885:The Board of Directors of the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children appealed forcontributions to support its upcoming summer program of excursions. Donations should be sent to Nathan Lewis,President of the Board, John J. Davis or any of the other directors. [Editor’sNote – This was the Jewish version of the popular movement to provide trips tothe country for children living in the tenements of major cities.]

1885:It was reported today that in Vienna, the Liberals had elected 8 candidates,the Democrats had elected three candidates and the anti-Semites had elected onecandidate. It was their poor showing atthe polls that caused the anti-Semites to begin rioting in the Austriancapital.

1886(29thof Iyar, 5646): Seventy-four-year-old Croatian born artilleryman and authorEduard Breier who first novel Derfluch des Rabbis was published in 1840 and whose Kaiser Joseph is anexample of “highly nationalistic” works on Austrian history passed away today.

1887:Witnesses continued to testify in the trial of Adolph Reich who has beencharged with murdering his wife last April. A former landlady testified thatReich had hit his wife and pulled her hair out while another testified thatReich thought his wife was having an affair with him. The witnesses denied the accusations sayinghe visited her to pick up the coats which made for his shop. Proceedings weredelayed because a Hebrew Bible had to be brought to the courtroom for use bysome of the witness.

1888: A convention was held today in Philadelphia thatincorporated the American Jewish Publication Society. In a telegram sent to the meeting from Berlinby Jacob H. Schiff, the prominent businessman and philanthropist offered todonate five thousand dollars to an endowment named in honor of Michael Heilprinif the society can raise an additional fifty thousand dollars in the nextyear.The purpose of JPS was and is to publish in English books of Jewishinterest. Among its hundreds of publications are Graetz's, Dubnov's and Baron'sHistory of the Jews, and Ginsburg's Legends of the Jews. Otherimportant authors included Israel Zangwill, Leo Baeck, Cecil Roth, Jacob R.Marcus, and Louis Finkelstein. Starting in 1899, the JPS has published theAmerican Jewish Yearbook.

1892(8th of Sivan, 5652): Isidore Loeb, aFrench-Jewish scholar passed away. Bornat Sulzmatt (Soultzmatt), Upper Alsace in 1839, he was “the son of RabbiSeligmann Loeb of Sulzmatt” and “was educated in Bible and Talmud by hisfather. After having followed the usual course in the public school of hisnative town, Loeb studied at the college of Rufach and at the lycée of Colmar,in which city he at the same time attended classes in Hebrew and Talmud at thepreparatory rabbinical school founded by Chief Rabbi Solomon Klein. In 1856 heentered the Central Rabbinical School (Ecole Centrale Rabbinique) at Metz,where he soon ranked high through his knowledge of Hebrew, his literaryability, and his proficiency in mathematics. In 1862 he was graduated and receivedhis rabbinical diploma from the Séminaire Israélite de France at Paris, whichhad replaced (1859) the Metz Ecole Centrale Rabbinique. Loeb did notimmediately enter upon a rabbinical career, but tutored for some years, firstat Bayonne, France and then at Paris. In 1865 he was called to the rabbinate ofSt. Etienne (Loire). His installation sermon, on the duties of the smallercongregations (Les Devoirs des Petites Communautés), is one of the bestexamples of French pulpit rhetoric. Soon, however, he felt a desire to extendthe field of his activity. He went to Paris, where he was appointed secretaryof the Alliance Israélite Universelle, which position he held until his death.It was largely due to Loeb's labors that this association became an important factorin the progress of Oriental Judaism; and he created the library of theAlliance, which is one of the most valuable Jewish libraries in existence.Meanwhile he continued his historical and philological researches, anddeveloped an extensive literary activity. The chair of Jewish history in theRabbinical Seminary of Paris having become vacant through the death of AlbertCohn (1877), Loeb was appointed his successor. He held this position for 12years. His main activity, however, was devoted to the Société des EtudesJuives, which was organized in Paris in 1880. Beginning with the first number,he successfully edited the Revue des Études Juives, the organ of that society,and was, moreover, a voluminous and brilliant contributor thereto.

1889: Forty-six-year-old Bernhard Förster a leading Germananti-Semite who described Jews as “a parasite on the German body” and who wasmarried to the Elisabeth Nietzsche, the sister of philosopher FriedrichNietzsche committed suicide today in San Bernardino, Paraguay.

1890: The Reverend Dr. Madison Clinton Peters, the author of Justiceto the Jew, The Wit and Wisdom of the Talmud and The Jew as a Patriotmarried Miss Sarah H. Hart in Philadelphia, PA, today.

1890: “Catechising The People” published today described thechallenges census takers faced among New York’s immigrant population. Once the Jews understood “the purpose of thequestions they became quite cheerful and communicative.”

1891: It was reported today that New York’s 25th policeprecinct under the command of Captain John Gunner is home to many prominentpublic buildings and institutions including several synagogues and the MountSinai Hospital

1891: In Vilna, David and Sarah Abramowtiz gave birth Universityof Cincinnati graduate and HUC ordained Rabbi, Samuel Joshua Abrams, thehusband of Sarah R. Friedman who served several congregations starting withB’nai Israel in Kalamazoo before finally settling in at Temple Ohabei Shalom inBoston in 1920 which led to him being a member of the Board of Jewish EducationIn Boston and being a member of the executive committee of the Boston ZionistOrganization.

1892(8th of Sivan, 5652): Fifty-two-year-old IsidoreLoeb the editor of the Revue Des Etudes Jives, a quarterly created by the Société des Etudes Juives passed awaytoday.

1892: Comptroller Myers said today “that the discrepancies he haddiscovered in the accounts of two public institution,” one of which the Ladies’Deborah Nursery and Child’s Protectory, “arose from a lack of conformitybetween the commitment papers of the children made out by the policemagistrate’s clers and the papers made out by the officials of the homes.”

1892: “Hamilton College Clark Prize” published today described theoutcome of the school’s public speaking competition which was won by GregoryRosenblum who spoke on “The Jews of Russia,”

1893(19th of Sivan, 5653): Sixty-one-year-old JoshuaHendricks passed away this evening at his home on Fifth Avenue in New YorkCity. Mr. Hendricks was a fourth-generation owner of Hendricks Brothers, a firmspecializing in metals (specifically copper) which was founded in 1764.

1893: Forty-six-year-old Member of Parliament “Arthur Straussmarried 29-year-old Minna Cohen on 3 June 1893 at the Register Office in theDistrict of St. George's Square, Pimlico, London.”

1893: “Senator Hill Backed Down” published today described averbal altercation that took place when Senator Hill, a member of the SenateCommittee on Immigration asked Colonel John Weber, the former Commissioner ofImmigration at the Port of New York (Ellis Island) if he gotten his position asa general agent for the Baron Hirsch Fund “because of the special favors showto Jews on Ellis Island.” Weber, a veteran of the Civil War and a former memberof the House of Representatives who had used his experience as anagriculturalist to help the Hirsch Colony at Woodbine, NJ “flushed angrily” atthe accusation and told Senator Hill, “You had better put that questionagain. I hardly understand it.” Hill chose not to repeat the question whichwas indicative of his anti-Jewish bias when it to immigration.

1893: Six years after the Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition washeld in 1887, a meeting was held under the leadership of Lucien Wolf at theclub of the Maccabaeans in London where the Jewish Historical Society of Londonwas founded for the purpose of "conducting researches into the history ofthe Jews of the British empire, transcribing and publishing documents, forminga library and museum, and organizing a course of lectures on general Jewishhistory."

1894: Approximately 2,000 people attended the annual reception atthe Montefiore Home for Incurables which was held this afternoon.

1894: “New Publications” published today included a review ofRoger Williams: The Pioneer of Religious Liberty by Oscar S. Strauss.

1895: Isaac Stern, Dr. Alfred Meyer and Professor Felix Adler wereamong those who spoke at the graduation exercise of the 1895 class of the MountSinai Training School for Nurses where sixteen graduates four of whom wereJewish were honored today.

1895: Birthdate of Hungarian born American movie maker ZoltanKorda, who was the ‘middle brother” of two other filmmakers – Alexander Kordaand Vincent Korda.

1896: General James R. O’Beirne and Rabbi Rudolph Grossman ofTemple Beth-El were among those who gave addresses at exercises held today inthe auditorium of the Educational Alliance Building where students enrolled inthe Baron de Hirsch English day classes demonstrated the progress they had madesince Memorial Day.

1896: Birthdate of Rochester, NY native, NYU trained attorney andU.S. Navy Ensign in WW I, Benjamin Jacob Rabin, the New York Congressman whom*oved on to being a judge in the New York state judicial system while beingmarried to Syd Sobel Rabin.

1897: In Louisville, KY, forty- twoyear old Prussian born Phillip Grauman and thirty-five year old Polish bornDorothea gave birth to Jefferson School of Law trained attorney Lawrence SamuelGrauman who “is perhaps best known for the special hearing he conducted withMuhammad Ali in 1966 at the request of the Department of Justice, where herecommended that Ali’s claim as a conscientious objector be upheld” and who wasthe husband of Katherine Grauman.

1897: Birthdate of Minsk native and Columbia trained biochemistand pathologist Dr. David Mathews Grayzel, the associate pathologist at the JewishHospital in Brooklyn.

1898: In Uvarovichi, which is now part of Belarus, EstherKunin and Hillel Zeitlen gave birth toYiddish author Aaron Zeitelin, the author of popular play “Chelmer Chacomim,” aProfessor of of Hebrew Literature at JTS and, starting in 1939, the Director ofthe Yiddish Art Theatre in New York

1898: Four days after his death, 38 year old Myer Franks wasburied today at the Plashet Jewish Cemetery in London.

1899: Birthdate of Cincinnati, OH native and University ofCincinnati trained chemist, Dr. Moses L. Isaacs, the Professor of Chemistry atYeshiva University and the dean of Yeshiva College whose wife Elizabeth “wasdean of students at Stern College for Women…”

1899: “The Court of Cassation” revised “the Dreyfus case and”ordered “a new trial before the court-martial at Rennes.

1900(6th of Sivan, 5660): First Davy Shavuot of the 20thcentury

1900(6th of Sivan, 5660): Louis Schwabacher the firstof the three Schwabacher brothers to come to the United States where theystarted a series of businesses in California and Washington state including wholesalegrocers Schwabacher Brothers and theSchwabacher Hardware Company passed aay toda.

1900: Birthdate New York native and college drop-out Abel Green,the longtime editor of Variety whowas first hired as journalist by Simon Silverman.

1900: Birthdate of Brooklyn native, NYU trained accountant andFordham trained attorney, Abraham Mandel a political reformer, Zionist andsupporter of FDR.

1900: The International Ladies’ Garment Workers Union (ILGW) isfounded. In its early days, the unionwas dominated by Jews who made up a disproportionate number of the workers inan industry known for its sweatshop conditions.At the close of the 20th century, the Union gained renewedfamed for its jingle “Look for the Union label in the clothes you are wearing.”

1901: “Protective League Meeting” published today described ameeting what used to be called the Jewish Peddler’s Union where “an appeal forjustice was made for the entire Jewish race, both rich and poor.”

1901 Twenty-nine-year Medical College of Ohio trained physicianSamuel Rothenberg, the Cincinnati, OH born son of Louis and Setta Rothenbergwho did post-graduate work at Strausberg, Berlin, Vienna and Berlin beforereturning to Cincinnati where he became Director of the Department ofObstetrics at the Jewish Hospitalmarried Cora Oettinger today.

1902: “Jerome Answers Gruber” published today provided theDistrict Attorney’s criticism of him for using the term “Ghetto” when referringto the Lower East Side saying that “the Ghetto is not a term of reproach” andthat is merely “signifies a district in which a number of Hebrews live.”

1903: Birthdate of Russian native David C. Anchin, the CCNYtrained accountant and Fordham trained attorney who raised two daughters – Ruthand Isabel – with his “wife, the former Anne Sternlight.

1903: A mass meeting to protest the atrocities inflicted by theRussians on the Jews is scheduled to be held tonight at the Academy of Music inPhiladelphia.

1904: Herzlleaves for Edlach, Austria accompanied by his wife and his fellow Zionist YonaKremenetzky.

1904: “The Seventh Annual Convention of the Federation of AmericanZionists” opened today at Germania Hall in Cleveland, OH.

1904: Birthdate Jacob Pincus Perelmuth who gained fame as JanPeerce, the Cantor and a tenor performing at the New York Metropolitan Opera.

1905(29th of Iyar, 5665): Parashat Bamidbar

1905: Dr. David Blaustein presided over “the first of a series ofmeeting of Jews throughout the United States to raise a fund for the relief ofthe Jews Russia which was held tonight in the auditorium of the EducationalAlliance on East Broadway.

1905: “At the Lake Mohonk International Arbitration Conference Mr.Oscar S. Straus expressed the opinion that ‘instead of lessing the scope, themeaning and the future application of The Hague Tribunal this terrible andbloodiest war of all history will home to the nations of the world that no warcan bring victories comparable to peace with honor.’”

1906: In Louisville, Adath Israel Temple dedicated its thirdcongregational home. The building was designed by architects Kenneth McDonaldand J.F. Sheblessy and was commonly known as the “Third Street Synagogue.”Following it merger with Brith Sholom in 1976, the congregation took the nameCongregation Adath Israel Brith Sholom

1907: Harry Harris, the Jewish boxer who had given up the ring forthe theatre, missed the “rosin” so much that today he was signed to fightHarlem Tommy Murphy, a leading contender in the lightweight class.

1907:Twent-six-year-old Harvardgraduate Alvin D. Goldman, the St. Louis born son of Jacob and Sarah (Hirsch)Goldman, the President of Lesser-Goldman Cotton Company and a director of theFederation of Jewish Charities in St. Louis today married Blanche Lesser.

1908: At the conclusion of the meeting where The Children’s ReliefSociety was formed, Phillip Sachs and Mrs. Feltenstein started “look for asuitable loft for a food depot” from which “cheap, nutritious food can be givento school children of the lower east side.”

1908: “Stanley Brown-Serman read a paper entitled ‘The Mission ofthe Church to the Jew’” at the graduation ceremonies of the General TheologicalSeminary in New York.

1909: The Hebrew Relief Association of Peoria, Illinois gave $5.00to the National Conference of Jewish Charities today.

1909: Birthdate of New York City native and Columbia trainedattorney Ira David Wallach, the “head of Central National-Gottesman, “thelargest privately held marketer of paper and pulp products who was the husbandof Miriam Gottesman Wallach with whom he had four children and the son-in-lawof fellow paper man D.S. Gottesman whose opposition to the Viet Nam War landedhim on the notorious Nixon “political opponents” list and who with his wifecreated a notable charitable foundation.

1910: In New York, Joseph Russell Levy, “the son of a prosperousJewish cigar manufacturer from Salt Lake City” and Alta Mae Goddard, anEpiscopalian gave birth to Marion Goddard Levy who gained fame as actress ofPaulette Goddard.

1911(7th of Sivan, 5671): Second Day of Shavuot

1911(7th of Sivan, 5671): Mildred G. Calisch the onlydaughter Edward Nathan Calisch, the graduate of HUC and rabbi of CongregationBeth Ahabah in Richmond, VA, was killed today in an automobile accident.

1911: Birthdate of Marion Levy who gained fame as the actressPaulette Goddard known for playing opposite Charlie Chaplin in "The GreatDictator."

1912: The 16th annual convention of the NationalAssociation of Clothiers opened at the Royal Palace Hotel in Atlantic Citywhere for the first time the organization was not led by Marcus W. Marks who,after eleven years had resigned his Presidency in Januuary.

1912: Aviation pioneer and Adas Israel congregant, Arthur Welshprepares for a two-hour test of the Wright military planes.

1913: Birthdate of Yitzhak Berman the native of Berdychiv who madeAliyah in 1920 and following military service pursued a successful legal careerbefore entering politics where he rose to Speaker of the Knesset.

1913: In Manhattan, Abraham and Ida Krim gave birth to NormanBernard Krim “an electronics visionary who played a pivotal role in theindustry’s transition from the bulky electron vacuum tube, which once lined theinnards of radios and televisions, to the tiny, far more powerful transistor…He, did not invent the transistor…but he saw the device’s potential and persuadedhis company to begin manufacturing it on a mass scale…” (As reported by DennisHevesi)

1914: In a telegram dated today, the St. Petersburg Correspondentof The Times said, “In order to attract” foreign investments the Czar isbelieved to be “in favor of the gradual removal of certain disabilities regardthe participation of Jews in joint stock companies.”

1915: It was reported today that Rush Rhees, the President of theUniversity of Rochester is scheduled to speak at the upcoming meeting called toprotest the execution of Leo M. Frank.

1915: At a mass meeting, the Cincinnati (Ohio) Businessman Men’sClub “passed a resolution asking for the Governor of Georgia to commute thesentence” of Leo Frank “to life imprisonment.

1915: At Columbus, Ohio, the Directors of the Chamber of Commercevoted to ask for clemency for Leo Frank.

1915: Following his release from prison for his role in the deathof Mary Phagan, Jim Conley was reported today to “show no remorse” and declaredthat Frank “ought to be hanged.”

1915: Among those who signed the petition sent from Brooklyn tothe Governor of Georgia asking for clemency for Leo Frank were Brooklyn BoroughPresident Lewis H. Pounds, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Callaghan, Dr. S.Edward Young, the pastor of the Bedford Presbyterian Church, Congressman RuebenHaskell and United States District Attorney Melville J. France.

1916: In London, Isaak and Olga, Winogrdasky, who had escaped frompogroms in Russia, gave birth to Laszlo Winogradsky who gained fame as talentagent Leslie Grade, the co-founder along with his broth Lew Grade of the GradeOrganization and who was the father of British television executive MichaelGrade.

1916: The British and French declare a state of siege in Salonicaand remove all Greeks from official posts due to the possibility they werepro-German.

1916: It was reported today that “under Austrian lawnon-Christians may marry Jews but not Catholics nor Protestants.”

1916: It was reported today that the State Board of Charities hadheard conflicting information at the hearing on granting a charter for the BethMoses Hospital in Williamsburg with Justice Jacob St. Strahl representing theHebrew Ladies’ Dispensary and Dr. J.M. Goldberg asserting that the chartershould not be granted and Rabbi Raisin telling the board that “Williamsburg had200,000 Jews…and that it could well afford to maintain two ‘kosher’ hospitals.’

1917: “The thirteenth annual meeting of the Jewish Consumptives’Relief Society” is scheduled to “be held at the Auditorium of the IreneKaufmann Settlement” in Pittsburgh at two o’clock this afternoon.

1917: In Chicago, the meeting of the Young Women’s Auxiliary ofthe Jewish Consumptive’s Relief Society is scheduled to take place today at theSinai Center.

1917: Following reports ofa German bombing raid conducted for the first time by bombers instead ofZeppelins that killed 95 and injured 192, “Albert Einstein wrote a friend inHolland, ‘The ancient Jehovah is still abroad.Alas he slays the innocent along with the guilty, whom he strikes sofearsomely blind that they can feel no sense of guilt.’”

1917: In Chicago, the closing exercises of the K.A.M. SabbathSchool are scheduled to take places this morning in vestry rooms of the Temple.

1917: Joseph Feinberg, N.M. Barnett, Leo H. Hoffman and N.D.Kaplan are among those who are scheduled to address this afternoon’s massmeeting at Congregation Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel as preparations are made forelecting delegates to the American Jewish Congress.

1917: Ruby Davis will play patriotic airs and Major Abel Daviswill speak on “Jewish Patriotism” at the annual meeting and supper of theIsaiah Alumni Association will is scheduled to start at 6:30 this evening.

1917: The Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association ofCamden, New Jersey purchased 572 and 574 Walnut Street from Smith C. Moore andhis wife Elizabeth, for the sum of $4,000 as recorded in Camden County's realestate records, Book 418, pages 296 and 297. On the same the Young Men's andYoung Women's Hebrew Association of Camden, New Jersey purchased 570 WalnutStreet from Joseph F. and Mary C. Mack for $2100, as recorded in CamdenCounty's real estate records, Book 418, pages 297 and 298.

1917: In New York City, 16-year-old Josephine (née Condon) and 31-year-oldBernard Gorcey, both of whom were vaudeville actors gave birth to Leo BernardGorcey best known for his roles with The Bowery Boys and the Dead End Kids.

1917: During WW I, anti-Jewish riots broke out Leeds, UK.

1917: U.S. premiere of “The Slave,” a silent five reel move filmedby cinematographer Joseph Ruttenberg.

1918: “The provisional Zionist Committee” in New York City“received a cable from Lemberg, Galicia,” today that described the arrivalthere of Daniel Auster “a teacher at the Jewish High School in Haifa” who wasone of the 1,500 Jews deported by the Turks and sent to Damascus.

1918(23rd of Sivan, 5678): Seventy-eight-year-old LouisBarnett Abrahams, the son of Hannah and Cantor Barnett Abrahams, the husband ofFannie Rosetta Mosely and the nephew of Sofer and Dayan Rabbi Aaron Levy, whobecame the headmaster of Jews’ Free School in London and founder of the JewishRecord passed away today.

1919(5th of Sivan, 5679): Erev Shavuot; Jews prepare toobserve the holiday for the first time since the end of the World War

1920: Rabbi Jacques J. Lyons son Julius J. Lyons the lawyer andbanker who had left his home in New Jersey a year ago to live with his sonEdwin in San Diego and who passed away last month was remembered in print todayfor his charitable and civic activities including service on the boards of theMount Sinai Hospital, the Hebrew Technical Institute and the Montefiore Home

1921: On the King’s Birthday, Sir Herbert Samuel, the HighCommissioner for Palestine made the first official interpretation of theBalfour Declaration, assuring the Arabs that immigration would be controlledaccording to the "economic absorptive capacity" of the country - andin fact suspended immigration, though only temporarily. In describing the impact of the speech toWinston Churchill at the end of the month, Samuel said the Jewish populationviewed the speech as a “severe set-back” to their aspirations and that it madethem feel “very nervous and apprehensive.

1921(26th of Iyar, 5681): German born New York physician SimonBaruch, father of Bernard Baruch, passed away

1922(7th of Sivan, 5682): Second Day of Shavuot

1922: “After the Haycraft Commission of Inquiry had published itsfindings on the Arab Riots of 1921,” today, the government issued a White Paperstating “that the Balfour Declaration could not be amended and that the Jewswere in Palestine by right,” but which “reduced the area of the Mandate byexcluding the area east of the Jordan River” giving given to the Emir Abdullahand establishing for the first time “theprinciple of "economic absorptive capacity" as a factor fordetermining the immigration quota of Jews to Palestine”

1922: Birthdate of English actress Joy Shelton, the wife of actorSydney Tafler, the son of “Eva (née Kosky) and Mark Tafler.

1923: The thirty-seventh annual convention of the IndependentOrder, B'rith Abraham at Saratoga Springs, NY this morning with 1,200 delegatesand visitors.

1924(1st of Sivan, 5684):Rosh Chodesh Sivan

1924(1st of Sivan, 5684):Franz Kafka, author of The Trial and Metamorphosis, passedaway at the age of 40.

1924: In his first year as a professional 18-year-old Sidney “Sid”Terris won “a ten round decision on points at the Henderson Bowl in Brooklyn.”

1925: In the Bronx, Helen (née Klein) and Emanuel Schwartz gavebirth do Bernard Shwartz, who gained fame as actor Tony Curtis and may be bestknown for his performance in the film"Some Like It Hot," where he co-starred with Marilyn Monroe and JackLemon.

1925: Birthday Bucharest native Mindru, the Israeli pianist.

1926: Birthdate Newark, NJ Irwin Allen Ginsberg who gained fame aspoet and beatnik, Allen Ginsberg.

1927: It was reported today that Newton Joseph, “a steward onboard the British steamship Lunkin” has been arrested for his role in analleged “far-reaching conspiracy going on in Cuba for the importation of thousandsof Russian Jews into the United States through Florida.

1927: Thirty-year-old Sid Marks, alia Arthur S. Kaufman “was heldwithout bail for action by the grand jury on a charge of grand larceny by MagistrateLouis Brodsky in Yorkville Court” today in connection with two schemes one ofwhich involved commercial artist Saul Tepper.

1928: In New York, “Max and Eva Rebecca Dolansky” gave birth toRabbi Hayim Halevy Donin, the husband of Tziva Donin and the author of To Bea Jew: A Guide to Jewish Observance in Contemporary Life.

1928(14th of Sivan): Samuel Chaim Landau founder of Torah va-Avo-dah,the religious Zionist movement, passed away

1929: In Philadelphia, “Edith (née Cohen) and Nathaniel Barris, adentist” gave birth Charles Hirsch Barris who as Chuck Barris gained fame forcreating numerous TV game shows including the Newlywed Game and the Gong Show.

1930(7th of Sivan, 5690): Second Day of Shavuot

1930: A tribute to the memory of Louis Marshall was paid by JudgeOtto A. Rosalsky today while stressing the importance of the ideal of unity inAmerican Israel, in an address in the Jewish Centre at the memorial service”(Yizkor) “that is part of the ritual of the second day of Shevouth.”

1931: “The Band Wagon,” “a musical revue with book by George S.Kaufman and Howard Dietz, lyrics by Howard Dietz and music by Arthur Schwartz”“opened on Broadway at the New Amsterdam Theatre.”

1931: In Bronx County, NY, Joseph and Bertha Drube Rothenberg gavebirth to Idelle “Dell” Rotehnberg, the half-sister of Maurice Rothenberg.

1932: Birthdate of Fischel Lebowitz the native of Transylvania,Romania, who survived the Holocaust, and as Fred Lebow became a successfulAmerican businessman, an avid distance runner and the founder of the New YorkCity Marathon.

1933: As the Catholic Church sought to establish positiverelations with the new Nazi regime, “a joint pastoral letter appeared from theGerman Bishops' Conference” that “contained a statement that if the State wouldonly respect certain rights and requirements of the Church, the Church wouldgratefully and happily support the new situation.”

1934:I. Edwin Goldwasser, Nathan Straus, Jr. and Ira M. Younkerannounced today that “with gifts of $113,00 received last week, the fund beingraised by the UJA for the aid of German Jews now totals $415,000.

1935: According to provisional figures released today by theImmigration Department of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, “more than 4,000Jews entered Palestine as immigrants during the month of May.”

1936(13th of Sivan, 5696): Abraham Adelberg who came tothe United States in 1888 where he was a successful “clothing merchant” andtrustee of the village of Cedarhurst, NY which he served as Mayor from 1926 to1932 passed away today.

1936: Professor Georg Bernhard, the German journalist, statesmanand economist” who had said “in an interview that his mission is to work tounseat Hitler in Germany” arrived in New York today aboard the liner Paris “asthe guest of the American Jewish Congress.”

1936: “Assurance that Great Britain would halt Arab uprisings andsafeguard the rights of Jews in Palestine was given” today “by Major Henry AdamProcter, Conservative Member of the House of Commons, at a luncheon tenderedhim by the Zionist Organization of America at the Hotel Astor.”

1936: “The Mandates Commission of the League of Nations decidedtoday after a two-day discussion to deal with the present unrest in Palestineat this session, in connection with the 1935 report of Great Britain as themandatory, in so far as is now possible and not to defer discussion of thereport to its Autumn session.”

1936: As the Arab uprising continues, David Vardi, a 27 year oldowner of an orange packing house near… Rishon Litzion and Israel Arger, a 31year old workman, were seriously wounded today when two Arabs who were oldfriends of theirs shot them in the packing house. Both were shot in the headand there is little hope for their recovery. In Haifa, a bomb was thrown at aJewish owned bus, wounding three riders.

1937: The Palestine Post reported that the Polish GeneralConsul in Jerusalem told the Va’ad Leumi (The National Council of PalestineJews) that he was deeply distressed at the recent anti-Jewish disturbances inPoland. He promised to forward, without delay, the Va’ad protest to hisgovernment. The Palestine government agreed to compensate, to a certain extent,the victims of the 1936 Arab disturbances, or their dependents

1938: “Josette,” a comedy co-starring Simone Simon and with musicby Walter Scharf was released today in the United States.

1939: The fifty children rescued from Nazi Europe in act ofcourage and derring-do by Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus, arrived today in New Yorkaboard the S.S President Harding.

1939(16th of Sivan, 5699): Fifty-year-old Sir PhilipSassoon, a member of the distinguished Sassoon family passed away today.,_3rd_Baronet

1940(26th of Iyar, 5700): Seventy-four-year-old WilliamBenjamin Cardozo, the son of Sarah Peixotto Cardozo and Abraham Hart Cardozo,the husband of Jennie Cardozo who he married in1890 and the father of MildredRosalie Cardozo Furst after which he was buried at the Woodlawn Cemetery in theBronx.

1940: It was reported today that during his commencement addressat the Jewish Institute of Religion, Dr. James G. Heller, vice president of theCentral Conference of American Rabbis said “When the world is faced withterror, go back to the past of Israel and believe in your people and inyourself.” (He said this as the Jews of Poland feel under the heel of Nazi andSoviet tyranny)

1941: Author Irving Wallace married writer Sylvia Kahn.

1941: In Iraq, the Jewish community asse the damage by two-dayFarhud, or pogrom in which approximately 200 hundred Jews were murdered by thesupporters of the revolutionary government and hundreds of homes and businesseswere looted or destroyed and are forced to confront the fact that their ancientcommunity had missed the fate their co-religionists were suffering.

1941: Today the synagogue in Esch, Luxembourg was destroyed afterthe synagogue of Luxembourg City was closed by the Gestapo in May of 1941.

1941: Eighty-two-year-old Kaiser Wilhelm II died in exile today.

1942: The German military commander of occupied France ordered allJews to wear a yellow Star of David with the inscription "Juif" onit.

1942(18th of Sivan, 5702): In Warsaw, 110 Jewswere shot inthe prison on Gesia Street. Ten Jewish policemen are among the victims.

1942:Jews revolt in Breslau,Germany.

1943(29th of Iyar, 5703):Germantroops in the Warsaw Ghetto destroy a bunker on Walowa Street that conceals 150Jews. It was one of the last remainingbunkers in the ghetto. By September, all that were remaining would be flushedout and destroyed.

1943:Near Michalowice, Poland,Germans kill two Polish farmers who have rescued and hidden three Jewishescapees in a barn.

1943: Max Sievers, a non-Jewish opponent of the Nazis who hadimmigrated to the United States in 1939 but was forced to leave because hecould not get a visa was arrested by the Gestapo today.

1944: In response to Rudolf Kastner's plea to let some of theHungarian Jews remain in Budapest, Eichmann said, "I have to clean up theprovincial towns of the Jewish garbage. I must take this Jewish muck out of theprovinces. I cannot play the role of the savior of the Jews.”

1944: A train from Lyon arrived in Birkenau. One survivor, FredaSilberberg, stated how it was the French that arrested her, not the Germans.Dr. Mengele selected Freda for his experiment pool.

1945: As European colonial powers sort out their holdings in apost-war world, French troops temporarily left Damascus at the same time thatJews in Palestine were suffering the disillusioning reality that the Britishhad no intention allowing the establishment of a Jewish homeland.

1946: “The foundation stone of the Institute of Biophysics andPhysical Chemistry was laid today under a blazing sun” today Rehovoth.

1947: “Ernest Papanek, executive director of American Youth forWorld Youth, today told the national conference of Jewish Social Welfare” attheir meeting in Baltimore that “Jewish youth in Europe, particularly in thedisplaced persons camps, constitute a new pschological species of shock cases,as a result of "an utterly abnormal life.”

1948: Four Egyptian aircraft flew over Tel Aviv on what would bethe 16th bombing raid over the Jewish city. Numerous civiliancasualties had been sustained in the previous attacks and the residentsexpected more of the same.

1948: Tonight, an Iraqi assaultsucceeded in overwhelming the remaining Israeli-held hills around Jenin.

1948: In a modern version of David versus Goliath, Modi Alon flewIsrael’s one serviceable fighter aircraft across the Tel Aviv skies andattacked four Egyptian aircraft that were set to bomb the city. Alon shot down the two bombers and forcedtheir fighter escorts to flee. Thesewere the first aerial combat victories scored by the IAF. In one of those strange moments of the war,the people of Tel Aviv actually watched the performance of a combat air armthat they had not known even existed.

1948(25th of Iyar, 5708): Eighty-one year old AvrahamMordechai Alter who was also known as the Imrei Emes after the works heauthored, was the third Rebbe of the Hasidic dynasty of Ger a position he heldfrom 1905 until his death in 1948 passed away today.He was one of the foundersof the Agudas Israel in Poland and was influential in establishing a network ofJewish schools there. It is claimed that at one stage he led over 200,000Hasidim.

1948: Having survived the Holocaust and the “Communist takeover ofCzechoslovakia” wine make Eugen Herzog, his wife Sidonia and their childrenarrived in New York City clinging to the earthen potato pot on which they hadprepared their meals while hiding in Europe. (As reported by Laurie GwenShapiro)

1949: “Du Guesclin” a film about a 14th century generalfeaturing Gérard Oury as “Charles V of France” was released in France today.

1949: In Baltimore, MD, Elizabeth D. (née Davidson) and Donald N.Rothman, a lawyer and the brother of film executive Tom Rothman, gave birth toactor John Mahr Rothman.

1949: NBC and DuMont broadcast the final episode of the “AdmiralBroadway Revue” a variety show created by Max Liebman with scripts by MelBrooks and Mel Tolken starring Sid Caesar.

1951: Funeral services are scheduled to be held this morning forCelia Horowitz, the mother of EliasHorowitz, the treasurer of the Hebrew Institute of Long Island, Harry Horowitz,Jack Horowitz and Lena Cohen of Atlanta, GA.

1953: Professor Otto Loewi, winner in 1936 of the Noble inmedicine for the discovery of the chemical transmission of nervous impulses whois now the Research Professor of Pharmacology in the New York UniversityCollege of Medicine celebrated his 80th birthday today.

1953: “Sir Alexander Korda to Wed” published today described theplans for 59-year-old British movie mogul who had divorced movie star MerleOberon in 1945 to marry 25 year old Canadian Alexandra Boycum.

1954(2nd of Sivan, 5714): Eighty-two year oldMontgomery, AL and University ofVirginia trained physician Joseph Henry Abraham, the laryngologist and memberof the faculty of New York Polytechnic and husband Eleanor B. Abraham passedaway today in New York.

1954: Today 17-year-old Abbie Hoffman was arrested for the first,but not the last, time “for driving without a license.

1956: NBC broadcast the last episode of “The Bachelors” with musicby David Rose today.

1957: Howard Cosell's television show appeared for the first time.

1959(26th of Iyar, 5719): Sixty-nine-year-old Polish born and WW Iveteran of the Russian Army, Samuel Lewin “a writer of novels, short storiesand plays” who was the husband of Mrs. Miriam Lewin and the father of Isaac,Simon and Jeremiah Lewin passed away today.

1960: Four newly deciphered letters of Bar Kochba describingorganizational challenges faced by the leader of the revolt against the RomanEmpire (132-135 CE) were presented in a lecture given today by Professor YigalYadin today at Hebrew University. The letters revealed that the supply routefor Bar Kochba’s soldiers was via Ein Gedi and Tekoa. This is the same Tekoa which was home to theprophet Amos. Yigal Yadin was head ofthe Israeli military during the War for Independence. His work helped to establish for those whohad doubts, the legitimacy of Jewish history.

1961: The final curtain came down on “Wildcat,” with music by CyColeman and lyrics by Carolyn Leigh

1963(11th of Sivan, 5723): Eighty-eight-year-oldAmerican Orientalist William Popper, the husband of Tess Magnes, andbrother-in-law of Dr. Judah Magnes, who wrote his doctorial decision atColumbia under Dr. Richard Gottheil passed away today.;NAAN=13030&doc.view=frames&

1963: Pope John XXIIIpassed away. Born Angelo Roncalli, in 1935 he was made Apostolic Delegate toTurkey and Greece. Roncalli used this office to help the Jewish underground insaving thousands of refugees in Europe, leading some to consider him to be aRighteous Gentile

1964: Israel played South Korea in the finals of the 1964 AFCAsian Cup football tournament at Ramat Gan Stadium.

1964: Services are scheduled to be held this afternoon atRiverside Chapel for “Matthew M. Fox, a motion picture and television executivewho was once known as the “economic godfather of Indonesia…”

1964: After a week of matches, Israel won the 1964 AFC Asian Cup.

1965: U.S. premiere of “The Sandpiper” with a script co-authoredby Dalton Trumbo and music by Johnny Mandel.

1965: “The Knack…and How to Get It,” the award-winning comedydirected by Richard Lester and produced by Oscar Lewenstein was released todayin the United Kingdom

1967: Shabbat was not a day of rest as the Arab vise squeezedaround the state Israel. The people werebeginning to feel the psychological pain of being surrounded. The Israeli economy was unraveling under thepressure of continuous mobilization.Dyan continued to review the plans of the General Staff. Israel’s Ambassador to the United States,Avraham Harman landed in Israel and reported to Eshkol, Eban, and the seniormilitary officers that the West would not come to Israel’s assistance. If the blockade were to be broken, Israelmust do it herself. As the variousleaders left that evening the plan was clear.Israel would take action against Egypt, and only Egypt. Jordan would not be attacked if Jordan stayedout of the fight. Contrary torevisionist historians, there was no grand military plan to seize the Sinai,the Golan, the West Bank and Jerusalem.The fact that Israel ended up with these at the end of the war was aresult of shifting tactical situations as well as the fear on the part of the Arabstates that if they did not fight they would miss out on the spoils that wentwith the destruction of the Jewish state

1968(7th of Sivan, 5728): As Gene McCarthy andBobby Kennedy battle out it in California during the Democratic PresidentialPrimaries, Jews observe the second day of Shavuot, the last Jewish holidayKennedy will be alive for.

1969(17th of Sivan, 5729): Seventy-two-year-oldJames Warburg, the son of Paul Warburg and nephew of Jacob Schiff whosecolorful life including serving as a Navy pilot in WW I, financial advisor toFDR, a stint with Wild Bill Donovan during WW II and advocacy for internationalcooperation as a way of preventing WW III passed away today.

1970(28th of Iyar, 5730) Yom Yerushalyim

1970: Funeral scheduled to be held today for seventy-four-year-oldBrooklyn Law School and CPA Abraham Kraditor, the veteran of both world warsand the wife of the former Henrietta Lipschutz who “was former nationalcommander of the Jewish War Veterans who had suffered a fatal heart attack.

1971(10th of Sivan, 5731): Sixty-eight-year-old civicleader Barbara Ochs Adler, the widow of General Julius Ochs Adler passed awaytoday.

1971: German born mathematician Heinz Hopf passed away. His father was Jewish but his mother wasnot. For the Nazis, this made him Jewishand he sought refuge in Swiss citizenship during the Hitler period.

1972: In Cincinnati, Ohio, Sally J. Priesand, 25, became the firstwoman in Reform Judaism to be ordained as a Rabbi.

1973(3rd of Sivan, 5733): Eighty-one year old Dr. Joseph HermanIsenstead, the West Prussian born son of Herman and Jenny (Eisack) Eisenstadtand a holder of the Iron Cross for his four years of service in the MedicalCorps of the German Army in WW I who, along with his wife the former EllyNeuman, in 1936, came to the United States where he practiced “medicinespecializing in the treatment of liver disease” passed away today.

1974: Albert Isakovich Koltunov, a lottery worker from Chernovtsywas sentenced to five years strict regime prison on trumped-up charge ofbribery after he had applied for exit visa to Israel mid-February 1974 and wasarrested on March 14th.

1974: Aharon Uzan completed his term as CommunicationsMinister.

1974: Yitzhak Rabin, the first native-born Israeli (Sabra) tobecome prime minister of Israel, assumed office.

1974: Avraham Ofer replaced Yehoshua Rabinovitz as Minister ofHousing and Construction.

1974: Yosef Burg completed his term as Interior Minister

1974: Shlomo Hillel replaced Yosef Berg as Interior Minister

1974: Yigal Allon began his term as Foreign Minister

1974: Avraham Ofer, replaced Yehoshua Rabinovitz as CommunicationsMinster

1974: Gad Yaacobi replaced Aharon Yariv as Transportation Minister

1974: Hairm Yosef Zadok replaced Yitzhak Rafael as Minister ofReligious Services.

1975: “Chicago,” a musical with lyrics by Fred Ebb, whoco-authored “the book” and co-starring Jerry Orbach openeded today at the 46thStreet Theatre.

1976(5th of Sivan, 5736): Erev Shavuot

1976: Composer Randy Edelman, the son of a New Jersey Jewishfamily, married singer Jackie DeShannon.

1976: “President Gerald M. Ford signs into law a bill creating aU.S. Commission on Security andCooperation in Europe (the “Helsinki Commission”) to monitor adherenceto the Helsinki process. The Commissionhas the active support of the Soviet Jewry Movement and human rights groups.”

1977(17th of Sivan, 5737): Eighty-three year oldBaltimore born Simon Cohen, the University of Cincinnati graduate and HUCordained rabbi, passed away today.

1977: The Jerusalem Post reported that Israel would nottake any steps against Syria until more was known about the extent and purposeof their incursion into Lebanon. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabinreported that Syrian soldiers were clashing with and killing terrorists.

1977: The Jerusalem Post reported that Yigael Yadin, theleader of the new political party, the Democratic Movement for Change, whichwon 13 seats in the Knesset elections, was offered the deputy premiership inthe Menachem Begin's new Likud cabinet. 1977:The Jerusalem Post reportedthat the Israeli Kfir multi-mission combat aircraft was one of the leadingstars at the Le Bourget aircraft mart in Paris. 1977: The Jerusalem Postreported that an annual prize in the field of the coverage of Israel's foreign relationswas established in memory of Ted Lurie, the second editor of the Post.

1979: Three people were injured when a bomb went off at abookstore in Jerusalem.

1982: Moscow refusenik and Hebrew teacher Pavel Abramovich wassummoned to the KGB for the third time in the course of a month.

1982:The Israeli ambassador to Britain, Shlomo Argov, was shot on a London street.The failed assassination attempt was under the command of Fatah leader AbuNidal. Argov survived but was permanently paralyzed.

1982:Israeli planes attack Palestinian camps in Lebanon after Fatah attempted tomurder Ambassador Argov in London.

1983:“The Man With Two Brains” a comedy directed by Carl Reiner who also co-wrotethe script was released in the United States today.

1983:A month after premiering at the Cannes Film Festival, “WarGames” produced byLeonard Goldberg and featuring Maury Chaykin was released in the United Statestoday.

1983:“The Last American Virgin” directed by Boaz Davidson who also wrote the script,produced by Yoram Globus and Menahem Golan and filmed by cinematographer AdamGreenberg was released in Sweden today.

1983(22nd of Sivan, 5743): Harry Lieberman, aprimitive-style painter who began his career as an artist in his 70's,diedtoday in North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, L.I., aftersuffering a cardiac arrest. Mr. Lieberman was 106 years old and lived in GreatNeck, L.I. Throughout his 26 years as a painter, Mr. Lieberman completedhundreds of pieces and his work was shown in museums and galleries in GreatNeck, in New York and in the Hirshhorn Museum in Washington. His work has alsobeen on display in Houston, Seattle, Los Angeles, La Jolla, Calif., andRotterdam, Holland. It was the boredom of his retirement after selling hisconfectioner business at the age of 74 that prompted Mr. Lieberman to try hishand at sketching at an art class at the Great Neck Golden Age Club. Mr.Lieberman soon moved on to watercolors and oil painting, using thetwo-dimensional primitive style. As a young man Mr. Lieberman studied theTalmud, and stories from that religious work as well as the Bible served as thesubject matter for most of his paintings. He once told an interviewer that aman of his age - he was 100 at the time - needed a reason to get out of bed inthe morning and that the older he got the better that reason needed to be. Mr.Lieberman was born Naftulo Hertzke Liebhaber in Gnieveshev, Poland, in November1876. In 1906 at the age of 29 he emigrated to the United States, sending forhis wife two years later. The Liebermans, who worked first as cloth cutters,bought a candy store that soon prospered into a wholesale confectionerbusiness.

1983(22nd of Sivan, 5743): Eight-six-year-oldlabor leader Charles S. Zimmerman passed away today (As reported by Joseph B.Treaster)

1985: Larry King Live was broadcast for the first time by CNN.

1987(6th of Sivan, 5747): Shavuot

1987(6th of Sivan, 5747): Seventy-nine-year-old JackieFields (born Jacob Finkelstein) who won a Gold Medal in the featherweightdivision during the 1924 Summer Olympics and as a professional won theWelterweight Title passed away today in Los Angeles.

1988: “Big,” a comedy produced by James L. Brooks, with a scriptco-authored by Anne Spielberg, featuring Jon Lovitz, with music by Howard Shoreand filmed by cinematographer Barry Sonnenfeld was released in the UnitedStates today.

1988(18th of Sivan, 5748): Eighty-two year old EdithMayer Goetz the wife of the late movie producer William Goetz and daughter ofthe late film mogul Louis B. Mayer, passed today at her home in Los Angelesafter a lengthy illness.

1990(10th of Sivan, 5750): Eighty-five year oldNathaniel “Nate” Weinstock who “played tackle at Western Maryland College inthe 1920’s” and who was good enough to play for the East team in the East-WestShrine All-Star Football Game passed away today.

1992: Ron Castan and Briean Keon-Cohen represented Eddie Mabobefore the High Court in Australia which ruled in the claimant’s favor thusestablishing the “concept of native title.”

1995(5th of Sivan, 5755): Erev Shavuot

1995(5th of Sivan, 5755): Ninety-seven-year-old JuliaAdler Foshko, the widow of artists Joseph Foshko and “the last surviving memberof a generation of Adlers who began their theatrical careers on stage withtheir parents in the Yiddish theater, died today at Englewood Hospital inEnglewood.”

1995(5th of Sivan, 5755): Seventy-two-year-old “ArthurK. Shapiro, a psychiatrist whose work at Mount Sinai Medical School advancedthe knowledge and treatment of Tourette's Syndrome” passed away today. (Asreported by Wolfgang Saxon)

1996:"Theme from Mission: Impossible” the theme tuneof the TV series Mission: Impossible The theme which was written and composedby Lalo Schifrin was released on CD and vinyl today.

1996: New York native and University of Michigan trained attorney Rosemary ShankmanPooler began serving as a Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for theSecond District today.

2000: “Today the Four Mothers” led Ms. Ben Dor who had opposedIsrael’s fighting in Lebanon, met with Prime Minister EhudBarak, who last week completed the unilateral withdrawal from Lebanon that theyhad pushed for.” (As reported by Deborah Sontag.

2001: Mel Brook's won a record 12 Tony Awards for the musicalcomedy "The Producers."

2001: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interestto Jewish readers including Heinz Kohut: The Making of a Psychoanalyst by Charles B. Strozier and the recently released paperback editions of Ravelsteinby Saul Bellow,I Will Bear Witness: A Diary of theNazi Years, 1942-1945 byVictor Klemperer, The Human Stain by Philip Roth and Bee Season by Myla Goldberg.

2001(12th of Sivan, 5761): Twenty-fiveyear old Jan Bloom from Ramat Gan succumbed to the wounds she sustained when asuicide bomber exploded a bomb two days earlier at the Dolphinarim.

2001(12 of Sivan, 5761): Seventy-seven-year-old“Harry Zohn, an educator, writer and translator of important works of Germanliterature” passed away today. (As reported by Wolfgang Saxon)

2001: Yitzhak Vaknin began another term as DeputyMinister of Labor and Social Welfare.

2002(23rd of Sivan, 5762): Eighty-nine-year-old businessman LewWasserman who was Chairman and CEO of MCA from 1946 until 1995 passed awaytoday.

2002: Ariel Sharon completes his term as InteriorMinister.

2002: EliYishai begins his term as Minister of Internal Affairs.

2002: David Azulai becomes Deputy Minister ofInternal Affairs.

2003: Riding on the shoulders of ecstaticsupporters, Ahmed Jubarah, a Palestinian released by Israel today after serving28 years for a deadly 1975 bombing in Jerusalem as an act of goodwill on thepart of the Israelis on the eve of peace talks, proclaimed himself a man ofpeace

2004: Today, Neil “Sedaka will bare his Yiddishsoul at Carnegie Hall by singing the kind of songs he may have heard at his barmitzvah party at Rosoff's in Times Square” No Jewish rock star has exposed hisroots so explicitly with warhorses like ''My Yiddishe Mamme,'' ''Shein Vi DiL'Vone'' (''Pretty As the Moon'') and ''Mein Shtetele Belz'' (''My Village ofBelz''). (As reported by Joseph Berger)

2005: The funeral of Israel Epstein, which wasattended by numerous Chinese dignitaries, took place this morning at theBabaoshan Cemetery for Revolutionaries, in Shijingshan District, Beijing

2005(25th of Iyar, 5765): Leon Askin passed away today in Vienna atthe age of 97. Born in 1907 as LeoAschkenasy into a Jewish family in Vienna, Askin already wanted to be an actoras a child. His dream came true, and in the 1930s he worked as a cabaret artistand director at the "ABC Theatre" in Vienna: in this position he alsohelped the career of the writer Jura Soyfer get off the ground in 1935.Persecuted by the Nazis, Askin escaped to the United States via France,arriving in New York in 1940 with no money and less than a basic knowledge ofEnglish. When the U.S. entered the Second World War Askin joined the U.S. Army.While serving in the military he learned that his parents had been killed atTreblinka extermination camp. After the war, Askin went to Hollywood,invariably portraying foreign characters who speak English with a strongaccent. He gained wide popularity by appearing as Gen. Albert Burkhalter in thesitcom Hogan's Heroes in the late 1960s.As opposed to other exiled Austrians,Askin never refused to work again in his home country. In 1994 he permanentlytook up residence in Vienna, where he remained active until his death incabaret, as well as the Volksoper and Festwochen. He was awarded Vienna's GoldMedal of Honor.

2005: Release date for “Lords of Dogtown”co-starring Emile Hirsh

2005: In “Ghosts from the Ghetto” published todaySarah Ozacky-Lazar reviews Return to the Warsaw Ghetto by Marian Apfelbaum.

2005: Irish editor David Marcus, author of Oughtobiography– Leaves from the diary of a hyphenated Jew “was awarded an honorary Degreeof Doctor of Literature by the National University of Ireland, UniversityCollege, Cork”

2006(7th of Sivan, 5766): Second Day of Shavuot

2006: A group of neo-Nazis assaulted Croatia's Chief Rabbi EliezerAloni on a Zagreb street in front of his synagogue on Shabbat.

2007: In London, the ZF presents Portraits of Israel “aphotographic journey through the history of Israel as seen through the lens ofRudi Weissenstein. He dedicated his lifeto documenting Israel’s growth from 1936 until his death in 1992. He was the official photographer at thesigning of the Declaration of Independence in 1948.

2007: The Sunday New YorkTimes book section features reviews of two tomes about Jewishcomedians, It’s Good to be the King:The Seriously Funny Life of Mel Brooks by James Parish and Rickles’ Bookby Don Rickles with David Ritz; The Big Question by Jewish game showhost Chuck Barris, Summer Reading by Hilma Wolitzer, A Day at theBeach by Helen Schulman, From A Cause to a Style: Modernist Architecture’s Encounter With theAmerican City byNathan Glazer, The Ministryof Special Cases by NathanEnglander, Opening Day: The Story of Jackie Robinson’s First Season byJonathan Eig and Jewish author Joseph Finder’s review of April inParis by Michael Wallner.

2007: The Sunday WashingtonPost book section features a review of The Gravediggers Daughter, anovel about a Jewish immigrant who struggles to blot out her past, by JoyceCarol Oates, who discovered late inlife her own family's Jewish history. Her grandmother, who immigrated to theUnited States in the 1890s, kept her religion hidden for fear of persecution

2007:In “Lower East Side Is Under a Groove,” published today the New York Times reports on the roleplayed by Sion Misrahi, the son of Jewish immigrant from Greece, in therejuvenation of New York’s Lower East Side.

2008:In Cedar Rapids, at Temple Judah, funeral services are held for Abbott Lipskyfollowed by the internment at Eben Israel Cemetery. Those who knew Abbott B.Lipsky remembered him t as the kind of person you wanted to befriend. Lipsky,well-known in Cedar Rapids for his work in the community, was described as arole model who had a wry sense of humor and a keen and inquiring mind. Lipskypassed away on Wednesday, May 28 at the age of 94. Lipsky's roles in thecommunity included serving as the first chairman of the Cedar Rapids CivilRights Commission, and founding the Citizen's Committee for the Cedar RapidsPublic Schools and the Downtown Cedar Rapids Association. He moved to CedarRapids in 1945 to join his wife's family business, Smulekoff's Furniture Co.,where he has served in management, later rising to president.

2008:As the race of Grand Rabbi of France heats up with weeks of sniping from bothsides, the two main Jewish communal organizations in France — the CRIF and theUnified Jewish Social Fund, or FSJU — issued an unusual joint statement urgingboth sides to calm down

2008:the Ville-Marie council unanimously voted to demolish the building that hadbeen home to Bens De Luxe Delicatessen on condition that the developer mustcommemorate the deli in the new building.

2008:“Waiting for the Barbarians” an opera in two acts composed by Philip Glass, wasperformed today at the Barbican Centre in London.

2008:A recording of Philip Glass’ “Waiting for the Barbarians” “was released todayon the Orange Mountain Music Label.”

2009:The Brooklyn International Film Festival, which will feature two Israelimovies, hosts a Kick-Off Party at Delancy restaurant.

2010:A series of programs Jewish including “Identity through Music” in whichpercussionists and composer David Freeman demonstrates how contemporarymusicians incorporate and reinterpret traditional Jewish texts and “A One-PotSeminar” in which Gabe Goldstein, Associate Director for Exhibitions andPrograms at the Yeshiva University Museum discusses what we can learn about anindividual's identity and community from a cholent pot are scheduled to bepresented at Yeshiva University Museum as part of Limmud NY

2010:Danny Valencia “went 1 for 3” in his “Major League debut with the MinnesotaTwins” today.

2010(21stof Sivan, 5770): Steve Averbach, the former Monmouth County resident who wasparalyzed in an attempt to thwart a suicide bomber in Jerusalem in 2003, diedsuddenly today at his home in Tel Aviv

2011(1stof Sivan, 5771): Rosh Chodesh Sivan

2011(1stof Sivan, 5771): One hundred one yearold “Harry Bernstein, whose painfully eloquent memoir about growing up Jewishand poor in a northern English mill town earned him belated literary fame onits publication in 2007, when he was 96” passed away today. (As reported byWilliam Grimes)

2011(1stof Sivan, 5771): Eighty-nine-year-old Israeli businessman Sammy Ofer passedaway this morning in Tel Aviv (As reported by Isabel Kershner)

2011(1stof Sivan, 5771): Fifty-nine-year-old pop music icon Andrew Gold passed awaytoday. (As reported by Paul Vitello)

2011(1stof Sivan, 5771): Gus Tyler, who had been associated with the Forwards since1932 passed away today.

2011:The final Musical Shabbat of the year is scheduled to take place at TempleJudah in Cedar Rapids, IA. This marksthe fourth year that the community has participated in this most popular way ofexperiencing the Joy of Shabbat.

2011:In the midst of a swirling controversy, Tony Kushner accepted an honorarydoctorate today during the graduation ceremonies at John Jay College ofCriminal Justice.

2011:The Historic 6th & I Synagogue plans on meeting a variety ofspiritual needs as it hosts two Shabbat services – the laid back, lay led 6thStreet Minyan and Friday Night Shabbat Services with MesorahDC followed by atraditional Shabbat dinner.

2011:Labapalooza is scheduled to present “Planet Egg” by Zvi Saharis, an Israeli whostudied directing at the University of Haifa, at St. Ann’s Warehouse inBrooklyn, NY.

2012: JCCNV is scheduled to sponsor the IsraelStreet Festival in Fairfax, VA

2012:Sally Priesand, Sandy Eisenbeg Sasso, Amy Eilberg, and Sara Hurwitz met again,this time at Monmouth Reform Temple at a celebration honoring the four firstwomen rabbis to be ordained in their respective denominations, and the 40thanniversary of Sally Priesand's ordination as the first Reform female rabbi.

2012:Temple Emanuel in Kensington, MD is scheduled to host “Tango Comes to the Landof Milk & Honey, Kolot Halev’s annual concert with Hazzan AyeletPiatigorsky and featuring Emmanuel Trifilio on the original tango folkinstrument, the bandoneón performing selections that range from Sephardicballads to Yiddish songs to Moroccan and Mexican melodies.

2012:The National Museum of American Jewish Military is scheduled to host “FamilyStories: Sons, Fathers and Zaydes,” anafternoon long event that will enable participants “to create a lasting tributeto that special male relative or friend through a skit, a scrapbook, a video, asong and dance routine, or whatever the imagination conjures.”

2012:“The Steins Collect: Matisse, Picasso, and the Parisan Avant-Garde,” an exhibitof works collect by Gertrude, Leo, Michael and Sarah Stein is scheduled to comean end at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

2012:“Celebrate Israel,” complete with an 8 o’clock fun run through Central Park anda five hour parade is scheduled to take place today in the Big Apple.

2012:Early this morning, IAF jets attacked three weapons manufacturing facilities inthe central Gaza Strip and two tunnels that the Israel Defense Forces say areused to commit terrorist acts against Israeli military patrols in the area.

2013:Justice Minister Tzipi Livni is scheduled to address the American JewishCommittee’s Global Forum today.

2013:Marlene Trestman, the author of a book on Bessie Margolin, was honored at thisevening Supreme Court’s Historical Society Gala Dinner “where she was alsopresented with a piece of marble from the Supreme Court edifice.” (As reportedby Crescent City Jewish News)

2013:The seating capacity of Teddy Stadium, an athletic venue in the Malhaneighborhood of Jerusalem named for Teddy Kollek, the city’s greatest mayor,was increased to 31,733 when the “south side stand was completed” today.

2013:Just a month before the 150th anniversary of the Battle ofGettysburg, The American Jewish Historical Society and Yeshiva UniversityMuseum are scheduled to present “Jewish Soldiers in the Civil War: Jews and theBattle of Gettysburg.”

2013:Syria will not get S-300 missiles from Russia until 2014, Defense MinisterMoshe Ya’alon told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee today.

2013:Chief Rabbis Shlomo Amar and Yona Metzger received letters today threateningviolence if the Women of the Wall activist group is not allowed to prayaccording to its practices at the Western Wall in its upcoming prayer service.

2013(25thof Sivan, 5773): Ninety-year-old Arnold Eidus who gave up a successfuladvertising career to become a concert violinist passed away today. (Asreported by Margalit Fox)

2013(25thof Sivan, 5773): Eighty-nine-year-old New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenbergpassed away today.

2014(5thof Sivan, 5774): Erev Shavuot – Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, Iowa is scheduledto host Confirmation Services led by Alyssa Roach and Lincoln Ginsberg.

2014(5thof Sivan, 5774): Eighty-four-year-old New York Republican leader Roy Goodmanpassed away today. (As reported by Richard Perez-Pena)

2014:The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington is scheduled to host“Shavuot After Dark” where members will lead an interactive session, “ExploringJewish Washington: Another Kind of Jewish Geography.”

2014:A group of Palestinians clashed this morning with security forces and threwrocks at Israeli cars near the Tapuah Junction resulting in at least 2 Israelicivilians being injured by their rocks.

2014:In Jerusalem, the First Station Complex will feature street theatre, a puppetshow and “kid’s activities” as part of the Shavuot celebration

2014:Midburn Israel, “an experiment in community, art, self-expression andself-reliance” is scheduled to start in Ramat Hanegev.

2014:Israel's Teva is being sued by the city of Chicago together with other majorpharmaceutical manufacturers for excessively promoting painkillers, effectivelygetting people hooked and costing the city untold amounts of money, Bloombergreported today. (As reported by Ynetnews)

2015:Gilad Hekselman and his trio are scheduled to appear at Smalls where they play“Gilad's original music as well as some jazz standards and Israeli songs.”

2015:“The first anniversary of the deaths of Naftali Fraenkel, Gil-ad Shaer and EyalYifrach, the Israeli teenagers kidnapped and killed by Palestinian terroristslast summer, was marked today with a Unity Day.”

2015:“When a School Board Victimizes Kids” published today described the conflictsurrounding education in East Rampo, the school district in Rockland County.

2015:“The Tale of the Allergist’s Wife” opened at Theatre J in Washington, DC

2015:As the Red Alert siren was sounded in places that included the Ashkelon andNetivot areas, two rockets from Gaza exploded in the Sdot Negev region. Therewere no physical injuries or damages.

2016:In Cedar Rapids, IA, Temple Judah is scheduled to host its final MusicalShabbat of the year featuring Shir Yehudah..

2016:As part of the Israel Film Center Festival the JCC Manhattan is scheduled tohost a Kabballat Shabbat Concert featuring Israeli Idan Raichel.

2016:The Cedar Rapids Gazette published “Morley Raised Writing to an Art Form.”

2017(9thof Sivan, 5777): Parashat Naso

2017(9thof Sivan, 5777): Ninety-eight-year-old political activist Sara Ehrman passedaway today. (As reported by Amy Chozick)

2017:Today, “Israeli security forces stood guard during a protest of Ultra OrthodoxJews protesting against businesses that operate on Saturdays and recruitment ofthe ultra-Orthodox to the army, outside the Mea Shearim neighborhood inJerusalem.” (As reported by Sue Surkes)

2017: In Jerusalem, The Israel Festival isscheduled to host performances by “flamenco dancer Israel Galván” and the“intensive pop performance of “Crazy Girls Save the World,” from the JapaneseMiss Revolutionary Idol Berserker.”

2017:Twenty-seven year old right-hander Brad Goldberg “faced five batters inone-third of an inning, allowing four runs on a walk and three hits, includinga solo home run to Tigers outfielder Justin Upton” “when he made his MajorLeague Baseball debut for the Chicago White Sox” today. (As reported by EdCarroll)

2018:The New York Times featured reviewsof books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readersincluding Flash: The Making of Weegee the Famous byChristopher Bonanos, Pops: Fatherhood in Pieces by Michael Chabon,Robin by Dave Itzkoff and Asking for a Friend: Three Centuries of Adviceon Life, Love, Money and Other Burning Questions From a Nation Obsessed byJessica Weisberg

2018:“Famed Israeli singer Shiri Maimon is scheduled to perform in Times Square thisevening as of an event celebrating Israel’s 70th Anniversary.

2018:The Breman Museum in Atlanta is scheduled to host “The Way We Were: A JourneyInto the Music of Alan and Marilyn Bergman.”

2018:“The Yemenite Conference: Shared Cultural Values of Jews & Muslims inYemen” is scheduled to begin tonight at The Center for Jewish History

2018:The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington is scheduled to host a musicalcelebration marking Israeli’s 70th anniversary at Tysons CornerCenter in Virginia.

2018:“Hero Among Us,” a film funded by The Tahler Holocaust Memorial Fund,“providing an account of Army combat medic Sgt. John Gualtier’s liberation ofthe Gunskirchen Lager concentration camp in Austria” is scheduled to be shownin Iowa City

2019:The Center For Jewish History and the American Jewish Historical AmericanJewish Historical Society are scheduled present “Out of the Box” during whichRachel Miller, the Director of Archive and Library Services at the Center forJewish History talks about “tens of thousands of boxes in the archivalcollections filled with photographs, journal, letters, documents” and untoldstories such as the one labeled El Toreo de la Torah or the Bullfighter fromBrooklyn that tells the tale of Brooklyn born Sydney Franklin, “the world’sfirst Jewish matador.

2019:The Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host a discussion of howJewish refugees coped “in China after escaping persecution under the SeleucidEmpire, under the Romanov’s, and under the notorious Nazi Regime” preceded by adinner of “Chinese Food”

2019:Temple Emanu-El is scheduled to present “American Hit Parade – Jewish Tonys”curated by Scott Siegel during the an explanation may be offered for the factthat “more than 60 percent of all Tonys ever awarded for musical productionhave gone to Jewish composers, lyricists and librettists” including RichardRodgers, Leonard Bernstein, George Gershwin, Jerry Herman, Harvey Fierstein andso many more.

2020:Dr. Bernice Lerner, in conversation with Dr. Michael Zank, director of the ElieWiesel Center for Jewish Studies at Boston University, is scheduled to discussher new book, All the Horrors of War: A Jewish Girl, a British Doctor, andthe Liberation of Bergen-Belsen.

2020:Filmmaker Laura Bialis (“Rock in the Red Zone”) is scheduled to join producerRoberta Grossman (“Above and Beyond”), writer Sophie Sartain and executiveproducer Nancy Spielberg (“Who Will Write Our History”) to give Boston aspecial behind-the-scenes look at their new film, “Vishniac.”

2020:Live on Zoom YIVO is scheduled to present “Dybbuks, Golems, S. An-ski, andJewish Legends in Times of Fear.”

2020:Jewish Family and Children’s Services are scheduled to present a workshop onspiritual fitness and moving forward in tough times, with chaplain BruceFeldstein and therapist Mimi Ezray.

2021: The Israel Festival which is celebrating its60th anniversary is scheduled to begin today.

2021:COJECO and the ASF Young Leaders are scheduled to present “The Jews of theCaucasus: The Multifaceted History of Kavkazi and Georgian Jews.”

2021:JWA and Central Synagogue are scheduled to present a lecture on “Doña GraciaNasi, with Dr. Miriam Bodian.”

2021:The Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum is scheduled to host “CrucialConversations: Confronting Antisemitism.”

2021:The London School of Jewish Studies is scheduled to host “CEO Joanne Greenaway,a graduate of the Susi Bradfield & Ma’ayan programmes, who will be startingto teach a new course exploring the complexities and intricacies of thecommandment to honour one’s parents and how they apply in the 21st Century.”

Antisemitismin the United States

2021:In Palm Beach Gardens, FL, as a sign of the abatement of the Pandemic, TempleJudea offers is scheduled to hot in person an online morning services withRabbi Yaron.

2021:Based on reports published yesterday, Israelis are awakening to political wordwith a new President-elect ---- Isaac Herzog, the son of Israel’s 6thPresident and the grandson of Israel’s first chief rabbi. (As reported by RaoulWootliff)

2022:Lockdown University is scheduled to host Rabbi Shippel lecturing on the parshaof the week.

2022:Docaviv – the Tel Aviv International Documentary Film Festival is the largestfilm festival in the city of Tel Aviv is scheduled to continue tonight at theTel Aviv Cinematheque.

2022:FiftiethAnniversary of the ordination of Rabb Sally Priesand. For more see

2023:The Eden-Tamir Center is scheduled to present “Love Storis in Two Pianos”featuring the piano duo of Tami Kanazawa and Yuval Admony.

2023:Israel braces for more rolling blackouts and wind whipped forest fires as thecountry deals with a heat wave where temperatures have already exceeded 100degrees Fahrenheit.

2023(14thof Sivan, 5783): Parashat Naso;

2024:In anotherlecture in the online lecture series "The Legend of the Writers: Agnon andKafka",Rabbi Yosef Sacks, Head of Research at Agnon House is scheduled todiscuss the significance of the fire that broke out at Agnon’s house in BadHamborg, Germany one hundred years ago in which much of his library and twomanuscripts were destroyed and the untimely death of Franz Kafka the day beforethe fire.

2024:The 26th New York Sephardic Jewish Film Festival is scheduled tohost a screening of “The Blond Boy from the Casbah.”

2024:One-hundredth anniversary of the death of Jewish author Franz Kafka, author of The Trial and Metamorphosis, who passedaway at the age of 40.

2024:“A Fare-Well Celebration of the Music of Frank London, a founder of theKlezmatics and leader in the revival of Yiddish music. is scheduled to takeplace at Roulette in Brooklyn

2024:The Streicker Center is scheduled to host pop-up class on “Is Pluaralism ReallyA Jewish Value?”

2024:As June 3rd begins in Israel, anunprecedented wave of anti-Semitism sweeps the United States and the Hamas held hostages begin day 241 in captivity. (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluidfor this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting atmidnight Israeli time.)

This Day, June 3, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)
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