The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN MONDAY MAY 1 1922 Superiority of Republican and News Want Ads Is Plain to Those Who Investigate Miscellaneous or Sale Auto Parts and Accessories 74 Houses ht Sale TIRES SUUCELAND Autos cr Hire TIRE BARGAINS Real Estate Wanted Miscellaneous or Sale Suburban cr Sale cost 75 Wind inancial 80 Business Opportunities Heal Business Pieces to Rent Business Places or Rent TO RENT 157 159 DWIGHT ST MAIN STREET STORE In the Massasoit Building RANK DUNLAP See MR ElNER Merchandise at the Stores Mass Realty Corp Eggs Poultry and Supplies 76 Shore Places or Sale Service Stations Repairing SO Kerr Suburban or Sale 77 Baby 82 Money Loaned 11r Each' 1 A and Up Money Loaned Money Loaned Million to Loan Another BANK MONEY OR BUILDING BEST SERVICE LOWEST RATES 2d NORRIS HOWARD CO Tels Walnut 410 and 441 State 145 Street Wanted to Borrow 83 Auction Sales Auction Sales Merchandise at the Stores REAL ESTATE Miscellaneous or Sale 377 377 Main Street Walnut 1620 293 Bridge Street River 490 To Suit Your Needs on Second and Third loors Unho! Get our TALE ST Corner lot 60x100 eight rooms bath modern Improvements piazza front and aide painted last year newly papered Owner on premises WHITE TRUCK 5 ton dump complete with cab windshield underside hoist steel body new tires and In good mechanical condition An unusual opportunity to buy a good truck at a very low price will sell for tlaOO time payments 1f desired or will trade Sauers 721 Wurthlhgton St Walnut 630 Ideal for Auto Business hav ing large driveway and doors in rear 30x3 30x3 V4 31x4 32x4 33x4 BUY THEM READYMADE fac easy Building Lots or Sale house two hardwood HT1U front and nnd small to 4200 $V5 700 1000 Get your order booked at once for early chicks the most Want ed kind Whether you buy a a small or large quantity the tame KERR sendee is given We of fer chicks of the popular breeds All good take your choice at ARTHUR Walnut 1020 abrics $575 abrics 650 abrics 1000 abrics 1150 abrics 1200 abrics 1250 MANUACTURING SPACE TAYLOR CO 377 Main St Direct from the manufafefuter WINDOW DOO PORCH Bay State Window Screen Kr Shade LARGEST 356 Main St Walnut 888 MAID ORDERS ILLED MORRIS A WHEN Cor Main and Sharon and repaired 1922 1921 1920 1916 otv KS KNIGHT cars and Atterbury trucks sunrnni min Lvvviuni ois kjuiiiuiu cutci ma yaragei iuvuv Wheelbarrows PICKS AND SHOVELS THE CHAS LEWIS CO 30 36 Lyman St HUMOBILE 1916 Model 5 pass touring Perfect condition Run 27000 roilea or call A Gordon Optician IIP State SCREEN WIRE Copper Galvanized and Black Special Prices in Rolls HARRY ZUNDELL 524 MAIN STREET Corner Bliss St Near State ARTHUR TAYLOR Auctioneer OREST New 7 room semicottage steam flreplace rench doors eatra lava tory on first floor with extra sleeping room or den onk floors etc best location tn Park low price and only $60 down Cohen 288 Main st WaL 1512 or Wai 130 Open evenings WASHINGTON A real home of 8 rooms steam elect large living room etc 2 car garage Griffin Rush Co Wai ORD SEDAN Dem rims new pahit job motor $300 cash or terms See Henry 136 North Main St Tel River 4880 DUTCH BOY Atlantic Lead $1095 per 100 lbs Special Prices in 600 lb Lots HARRY ZUNDELL 524 MAIN ST Corner Bliss St Near State ELLIS TITLE AND CONVEYANCING CO 71 1 Mass Mutual Building Onr Service which protects Thirty Saving Banks loaning here Is ex tended to Buyers and Sellers We prepare papers figure adjustments certify title and protect all parties OR 0 rooui house on Greene St ur nace bent good condition Price $50X) Call Bm 309 Third National Bank Bldg ANDERSON SlN Spring field Anderson Motors Co distributors Cor Tlwicht and Worthington S's Wai 008 New Longmeadow Home TWO SINGLE HOUSES Nos 51 and 61 airfield Terrace Drive in Hopkins Place large lots house has large living rooms with fireplace dining room breakfast room sun porch and kitchen on 1st floor 4 bed rooms tile bath 2d floor Exterior of brick AIsq 2 two family houses in Springfield Price and terms are reasonable A WIGGLESWORTH River 8167 or Walnut 558 and 25 BUICK 1922 5 paas 6 cyl touring has been used as a demonstrator Springfield Buick Co 758 Main St River 7863 PARK Just off Sumner Are single 8 room i modern house Large living room with flreplace steam elect gas awn ings screened in porch 2 car garage More than a quarter acre or land Price $10500 GAULT REAL ESTATE BROKERS tl Elm St Tel River 2165 MONDAY MAY 1st 1922 1 Terms Announced at Sale WM CLAPPER AUTO PAINTER 82 College St Wai 437 Touring Touring Roadster Touring LEONARD POLLOCK MOTOR COMPANY 267 CHESTNUT STREET TEL RIVER 5230 Auto Tops and Body Repairing High Grade Work Done on Auto Tops seat covers ana stery at very low estimates Bodies enders shields made and Our guarantee goes with every job HAMPDEN AUTO TOP METAL COMPANY 31 33 Winter Street Tel 490B (Established 1908) Desirable Up to Date OICES AND STORES TO RENT BROADWAY BUILDING Corner Bridge St and Broadway Miss lynn Walnut 500 ORDS AND 1920 ord sedan withrire wheels and many extras $400 three 1911) ord tourings $175 each one 1921 runabout $250 1919 one half ton truck $175 Cash or easy terms Acker man ord Authorized Service 48 Willow St USED CARS We have a few choice used cars taken In exchange for new 1922 Studebaker Motor Cars This Is your opportunity to select a good automobile at a price governed by the new trading allowance to which we have added normal overhead Our assortment will be small come early PARKER CO 484 Worthington Street rT A V7T CABS AUTOS AX all occasions 1 ruu RIVER 7683 Packard Twin Six Cars for Long Trips Cooper Taxi Service 234 Allen St 1 TON In good running order motor and all running parts repainted express body bargain The Ar row Co 11 27 Park St JOHN ISH 476 Main St Your Needs Concern Telephone River Residence just IWted 11 fine well arranged steam heat electricity 2 tireplaces aie one car garage Ixt 70x 160 Special price and terms or ap pointment ee ORMER SPELLMAN RESIDENCE Corner Sumner Afenue and ort Pleasant Avenu BOILER SETTING (High and Rw pressure) power plant ape eialty furnace work of any description OSCAR CARLSON Maaon Contractor 145 State St River 5013 AUCTION SALE OREST Tills side of 14 room 2 BUILDING LOTS OR family modern Price $9000 Griffin Rush I tus Houses are in demand In the East CO WRl I SnrintrflpLI tnpHnn Dim froeta zvfTxxv nui sized lots ixear car lines ana topics at reasonable prices terms Large Newly Remodeled STORES fiUlCK ROADSTER for sale New paint good tires easy terms mechanical condition good Garage Court St Westfield Mass 1110 EAST ALVORD ST Strictly modern stucco house A beautiful comer residence Terms HealV 168 Bridge Walnut 3029 or 26 East Alvord St EIXIOMIELD ST Large lot call owner River or write Box 170 side also bam for garage henhouse Price reduced easy terms THE KERR CHICKERIES INC Phone River 1680 76 Elmwood Aver West Springfield Mass OOT HEN WIRE 150 oot Rolls Special or One Week Only $600 MORRIS A COHEN Cor Main and Sharon VO 17 Spring St Tel 2075 Holyoke Springfield Agency 11 1 Main St 1539 PAILS 15c 10 qt Wood Handles 3 NATHAN Hardware 27 Walnut St Wai 4239 EAST New 6 room cot ta re with fi flir garage Steam electricity Will sell on easy terms Omer Meunier 43 arra ga nsett St River 7998 LINSEED OIL 99c per Gallon ZUNDELL Two Stores Wholesale 524 Main St 704 Retail Lawn ence 8c ft and up Sheep ertilizer $265 100 lbs Screen Doors $275 up Army Packs 50c Lawn Mowers $675 up MASCHIN KRATOVIL 463 State near Walnut 1750 30x3 Cords 106(1 UX4 33x4 34x4 33x5 ARTHUR TAYLOR CO REALTORS 377 MAIN ST WAL 1620 TAXI Day and night Call WaL 697 or 4120 Albert Mosher Mgr Lenox hotel TRUCKS Sates and Service Springfield Buick Co 7u8 Main St JORDAN MOTOR CARS inriix ii rMii mu i ieiu vju 523 Worthington St River 7915 Cortis 1700 Cords 1750 ords'V1800 25 OG Cords 2500 OREST PARK Two family 14 rooms electricity hardwood floors team two cur garage Krlee nd terms an Immediate Mie Healey Healey 3 7 Matii Str et OREST BARK 6 room cottage team heat electric lights fireplace garage Tel Owner River 7949 OREST PARK HOME Large rooms steam heat elec etc Very complete home with large variety of flow ers garden with asparagus and ever bearing strawtorrle garage Owner left town must be sold See HAWLEY 1OCKH 881 MAIN ST RIVER 3552 VELIE 1921 5 pass touring practically new tires mechanically perfect Can be bought very cheap if Larrett COO State St River 6444 WEBSTER ST West Springfield near Park A fine 6 roori cottage with Bleeping rprcli and nice large veranda fine view Price only AUBURN batch Nash Cadillac Dort Chevrolet Overland Hudson Maxwell Oldsmobile and a few other roadsters and touring at prieee from 840 up ward' Terms to suit the purchaser Inter national Motor Car Co 452 Worthington St Wai 3(1117 Open evenings and Sundays BUICK ROADSTER 1920 Overhauled andrepainted tires cord and very good 1 spare Will make a good car for traveling man $775 163 Dwight St River 5646 a bargain Arthur taylor co REALTORS MAIN ST WAL 1620 Lot 75 150 bst ROOING 13 Tar and Tin also Shingle design Roll Rouf painting and repairing BBUNTON 773 Liberty Street River 6653 REPUBLIC TRUCK 3U ton with cab wind shield and platform body Price for quick Rale $750 Sauers 721 Worthington St Phone Walnut 630 SAXON SIX CHUMMY ROADSTER Splendid condition Price only $300 Walnut 4030 SCRIPPS BOOTH TOURING 1920 new paint mechanically KL Blue B)hlxn MotolfrSoles Co 96 Main St Wai 18T STUDEBAKER 1918 alx cyllnrter: good ne clianlcnl condition $250 Blue B'hhon Mo tor Sales Co 96 Main St Tel 17 al 1287 Auto and Truck Dealers 84 USED CARS BARJHAULT (WHITE STAR GARAGE) 454 WORTHINGTON ST WALNUT ISIHl WJILS S'l CLAIRE Sale'and Service Station Springfield Wills St Claire Co 1156 Stare St motorcycles and Bicycles USED TIRES We have a few slightly used tires taken in trade on now sales that we can sell very reasonably' Parsons Reynolds 93 101 Dwight St River S04S LSED CARS bought and sold parts for makes Genden Bros 23 Morgan Street Walnut 1300 USED TIRES and tubes in good condition specnl low prices Liberty Tire Excha ige rR(l North St Telephone Walnut 859 VULCANIZING adds mileage to vour tires Triangle Tire Service Co former isk Serv lee Station 7 Winter St Walnut 898 WINDSHIELDS and Glass of all kinds for vour car Snringfield Mirror Co 15 17 19 Taylor St Telephone River 2663 WINDSHIELDS fitted to your car while yon wait: prices low Springfield Sash nd Glass Co 28 Belle Ave rear 210 rauihn St Walnut 3 30x3 30x3 V4 "1x4 32x433x4 '31x4 amous Grow Tires at Special Prlcefc AUTO EXCHANdfc SIH Dwight 8t CHALMERS TOURING Thoroughly overhauled $500 Blue Ribbon Motor Sales Co 96 Main St Tel Wai 1287 1920 7 pn ssenger Tonring Ex cellent edndition Tel Wai 1733 Bal 2015: Rlv Automobiles Waited 91 We pay high prices for all makes lneberg's Auto Exchange 41 Bridge St 'Phone Walnut 531178 ELENRY WILL Pay cash tor used ords and all other makes ot ears or write 136 No Main St River 48X0 SECOND HAND AUTOS in any condition Highest price" paid Ilampdeu Auto Lx cliniipp 2(1 Morcan St 2v0o GEORGE A TUCKEY 129 Dwight St Tel River TIRES Thhiy dv Special Sale tn Star Comet Tires oversize extra henvy $1095 ParsonR Revmolds Co 93 131 Dwight St River 8048 TIRES "AND 25 off on ell makes used tires and repairing at low price Smile Tire Exchange 761 North St 983 Pennsylvania Vurumn Cup Tires all first quality Wiener Tire Co Bridge and Dwight St River 2781 TIRES Did you know von could bring your old tirea here and exchange them for new ones See us for price Gelineau The Tire Man 48 Dwight Victoria Sq River 7627 Guaranteed A1 first at low prices 30x3 GO00 miles $775 62x3 $11: 34x4 $15 other sizes 93 Broadway 7 $1000 WANTED from private party best of Becurity will pay 7 Walnut II WILL SELL good 2nd mortgage at a dis count TeL Walnut 2761 II STUDEBAKER SPECIAL This car has been thoroughly gone over by us ana repainted In wonderful condition Cannot be tnld from new $875 Bland 163 Dwight St River 5646 STEWART ton In except is1pg' condition Price no object William Cheluo Co 318 Chestnut St Thone Walnut 1994 TRUCK 2 ton in Al mechanical condition has been completely overhauled repainted and Is good for hard service a bargain at the price we are asking Come tn and look it over The Arrow Co ll 2i Park St USED We buy sell ahff trade nothing but late model cars If you want a price for your car come in and sefc us Auto Exchange The Big Used Car Dealer 163 Dwight St Rtver VELTE COUTU Nearly new used short time for demonstrator Big discount Barrett 600 State St River 6444 abric abric J745 abric SIO'OO 1st Cord1 800 1st Cord S1350 Guaranteed 8000 miles EASTERN TIRE SALES CO 311 Dwight St River $374 Hous es or Sale 74 Beuntiful suburb for sale houses and building lots Call or telephone Win Rush 575 Berkshire Ave S218 MANUACTURING A very un usual chance for some ope to get a small mfg business Investigate at once Address Box 77 Republican Office MEAT AND $1700 buys modern meat and grocery Park section: a splendid location and real bargain See us today Mass Realty Corp Largest Agency" 356 Main St Walnut 388 MOVING PICTURE HOUSE Ccnn Real es tate and personal property Seats 1100 Will trade for real estate In Mass or Conn See rederick Shine 274 Main RESTAURANT and lunch room best business In the city wonderful opportunity Box 435 Meriden Ct I SACRIICE SALE of the best corner grocery candy and tobacco store In the city Going on farm Inquire 108 White St SMALL STORE fcr sale On the newly opened Berkshire Trail In 'he enter of Haydenville Excellent location for drug store No competition Inquire Wal pole Tel 71 I Williamsburg STORE $70 18x30 East Hartford Center hardware drug or 10c Arthur Gould 74 Central Ave STORE ancy and dry goods and millinery store on Main St big town business good ine opportunity for party looking for busl ness Cahill Brown 168 Palmer STORES Yea 1 pay spot casfl for stores of any size anywhere any time Write Carter 61 Somerset St City Walnut 1542 STUDIO or Office $25 East Hartford Center Arthur Gould 74 Central Ave East Hartford WANTED TO PURCHASE a small manufac turing business one that can be bought for around $5000 Address Box 105 Republican Office Investments Bonds Stocks 81 CASH PAID OR STOCKS! bonds mortgages securities Construction loans Room 108 25 a rrlson Avft HISGEN TEXAS PETROLEUM 400 shares at $125 share Write or Room 414 Lenox hotel HISGEN TEXAS PETROLEUM 1S00 shares at $500 per rdinre Owned needs cash Box 147 Republican office Autos or Hire Garages to Let 88 AUTOS OR or the best service in the citv call WALNUT 444 Smith Bros 521 State St DODGE touring car for hire reasonable rates owner drives Call Rher 3499 for RENT 1 GARAGE Steam heated flne location about 5000 ft floor space for stor age or service station truck or pleasure car agenev Will lease at attractive fig ure Box 454 Holyoke GARAGE Cement block 15 car capacity electricity cos nnd water connec tion Reasonable Holbrook Public Mar ket 2S1 Westfield St Top bill Mittlncagne ONE CAR garage to rent Inquire at the Sumner Service Station 36 Sumner Ave Ch Biver 1851 TRUCK STORAGE Space tor several trucks Easy access Best of service Open all night Oil can and accessories Storage reasnnan Hanco*ck nnd Union Garage SO Hanco*ck St Walnnt 3208 79 I have customws with cash who want farms List vimrs with me nt once Mead" 17 Holland Ave Westfield iPEltTl A live agency can sell youl property quickly amt hand you the cash got the customers Onr service de partment Will call at your boms or of fice and lint your use or block Advice and appraisal free Call or write Mass Realty Corp 356 Main Telephone Walnut 8S8 TRACT I AND 10 to 40 neves suitable for development easily accessible to citv Home Construction "Company Inc 196 Worthington Street River 571 WANTED Your real estate to sell or auc tion off I iho turn the cash tn vmtr hand on short notice Dragon 476 Main bt Gasoline station on good state read rederick Shine 274 Main St GROVELAND ST nsrKEN LOTS for sale in Longmeadow 12 room two famllr house fl ooma on a nt state line $110 each $1 weekly suit floor Modern Terms $1000 down Prlca I able for camps and bungalows Property right I has a large frontage on the car line Will ARTHUR a TAYIXIR CO 8cn fifteen lots for $1490 Terms $15 down STI MAIN ST WAL 1620 and $7 weekly payments Apply 31 Elm street Room 438 IN WHOLE or part the 3 Barr place 'I sesMence I Main Sttffleld and ederal Streets Ag H1LL SECTION Lare rd! lltrer I swam 30 acres about 200 lots large spacious grounds 2 car garage Call reiver i arI1 anq orchard house reserved If not 820 I sold soon will rent Emma I Iteed 33 I Main St Agawam new High school" 45 47 Kenyon St off Oa 3 LONGMEADOW building lot for sale exccp family of 15 rooms 3 furnaces i ec tlonal location Price reasonable Phoue tricity set tubs Open Iliver rear piazza Easy terms A Garneau 807 Main St 5562 or IL It LOTS OR SALE in the Boston Road Har 1n ZT vry Street and Bay Road section suit New modern 5 room bungalow only fOr camps and bungalows $85 to $12o $4800 with $300 down Also terms $2 to $4 monthly A few email ment steam oak and ash tile jots covered with woodfor $78 each Two 2 ear rarage Trice $0500 with terms to jot fop $149 down $1 weekly Applynit Cohen 288 Main St Wai 1512 or state Street Room 43St Court Square Wai Open evenings Building rOOicinnaCelRl flAT)aG' I LOTS OR CAMPS and bungalows In the Jot 60x240 A I Boston road and Wilbraham road section Bonrke 94 State St VI alnut 385 I amone u10 frees overlookirg the water $100 HILL 2 famlly steam elect 2 each $5 down $5 monthly our lots to eae price only $3700 easy terms gether for $880: terms $10 down $6 month Sam Cohen 75 Beaumont St 4183 lt ly Will furnish lumber to build camp or I bungalow on monthly payments Address HILI Modem single house 10 rooms 2 Are Box 182 Republican Office places oak floors eJectJe LOTS OR SALE in Longmeadow near State Ing 1 car 10 12 Meadow street section $125 to $200 afreet near rhool Buy of eacl) tern)g f3 to $8 monthly A few java commission easy terms Owner Box cRmp and bUngalow lots $90 each Apply 154 Republican Office I Room 433 Court Square Building 154 Cambridge cor Burr 9 room I 0P STATE ST Between Maynard St nnd cottage all modem to be vacant 1st Must Willard Ave a parcel of land 200 ft be eold $1000 down 3 A Gamean 807 front and from 57 to 58 ft deep River Main St River 5562 or River HILL WILBRAHAM 7 room 1 Rood building lots for sale several bouse one ot the best built finished In I to seiect from all Improvements quartered oak large rpoms fireplace steam prIce an(1 terms are right Inquire of heat heated garages Also a two famlly I DRAGON alx rooms each floor steam double garage I Main St lot BOX151 good terms Wilcox S74 Main St River 4698 PARK SECTION Building lots $250 and up New 2 famlly 10 room steam elec 'ggg? oak floor and finish fireplaces 3 car garage OIJ rents $1188 a year price $9500 $1000 cash ROGERS AVE Jenney 423 Main St Wai 1164 j7t 62x160 a big lot a big bar I gain terms easy This Is West HOMES or Investments Call at our office I Springfield select home location new and look over our many good buys Prices I school city water electricity are right terms to suit Now Is a good CENTRAL REAL ESTATE CO time to buy real estate the safest Invest 476 MAIN ST ment possible Mass Realty Corp bpnd KIMBERLY AVE New modem residence of plSe Meam he ivoi? and mahiSnized SHERMAN LAKE rimfield MaS finish oak floors throughout An elegant lake front lots adjoining Boy Pcout Camp home In a neighborhood of real values Ash? I Can build your cottage A Bramble ley Peterson Third Bank Bldg Tel Palmer Mass Biw 7964 I ORD ROADSTER 1917 mechanically perfect new tlrea $133 rash 165 Marble St OR 1921 TO TlfuC Ca bin express body tires nnd mechanical condition fine Reo Spmngtteld Co River 1336 OR 2d hnrd Lyots camp trailer Chas A Nash 120 Oakland St River 7130 HAYNES Agency and Sendee William Cheilis CO 318 Chestnut St Walnnt 1994 HUDSON 191? ROADSTER td shape very low price: bargain The Arrow Co 11 Park St ilU Special body wire wheels car In excellent condition price $700 Huntting Co 78 HUI man St Walnnt 8788 HUDSON 7 passenger for sale New paint tires good Easy terms Mechanical ren dition good Sauers Garage Court St Westfield Mass 1110 BICYCLE Bring In your bike now and rave money New Iver Johnsons Edward Rich 14 East Court St DYER EVERETT INC authorized dealers Tor Harley Davidson Motorcycles 555 State St 'Phone Walnut 4370 HARLEY DAVIDSON Bicycles A quality wheel at a bargain price $o900 picr i Everett Cadillac Bldg 5oo State St Wai 4370 INDIAN BICYCLES AND MOTOnCYCLES Accessories supplies and sm vpTone with an Indian Write tor our W22 Geo Holden 33 Dwtgbi St River 4455 TAXI SERVICE day or night Call Wai 697 or R4130 Albert Mosher Mgr Lenox Hot el Auto Parts and Accessories MENARD SPRING OILERS stop squeaks pre vent breskage htrUory open for salesmen 31 Elm St Room 651 Wai 111 OILS AND Wholesale and retail distributors of al! grades ot Mobilotl Ve dol Atlantic and Stanand oils 50c gal and HP We deliver Garage Ct 5O PISTON RINGS for all makes of rars TheTarbell Watters Co Inc 158 162 Cbosr nut St 1 'PARTS OR ALL MAKES Chevrolets ft parts Shapiro 55 Morgan St Telephone River 7227 Pl ATE GLASS for closed ears Installed while yon wait Eastern Plate and Window Glass Co Inc 6 Auburn St Wai 845 TIRE BARGMNS 30x3 30x3 31x4 Autos and Trucks or Sale 85 MARMON 7 pass touring car newly painted thoroughly gone over Will make a wonderful car for private use $1100 163 Dwight St River 5646 MILBURN ELECTRIC BROUGHAM for quick sale leaving city new 25 cell battery new carnet and curtains just painted and var nished big bargain Address Box 6 Washington Sq Station Worcester Mass NASH 1921 Touring Seven passenger Orr Motor Co 339 Worthington St River 1330 OAKLAND £921 An exceptionally good used car Jordan Springfield Co 623 Worthington St River 7915 OLDSMOBILE Meeh a I ca lly good Tire equipment good Express body Canopy ton Price Is right Reo Spring field Co Phone River 1636 OLDSMOBHJD 1920 SPEEDW In Al condition and a real bargain at the price The Anw Co 11 Park St OLDSMOBTL 1919 Good bargain for little money The Arrow Co 11 Park St OAKLAND ROADSTER Good running order newly painted Will make a good knock about car $225 163 Dwight St River 5646 OAKIAKr COUPE 34 1920 excellent me chanical condition has new Panyard rings Japanese leather upholstering newly paint cd Price $S75 Tel Holyoke 4156 OVERLAND Must be seen to appreciate value Call King 44 Webster St OVERLAND Model 90 touring newly painted excellent condition new top good tires $325 163 Dwight St River 5646 OVERLAND COUNTRY CLUB Newly painted very good running order $275 Bland 163 Dwight St River 5646 OVERLAND Sales nnd Service Willys Over land Inc 153 Chestnut St Wai 1570 PACKARD touring £ar Twin Six perfect condition price reasonable owler Estate Westfield 38 PACKARD TOURING CAR 3 38 Always has had the best of care and Is In lat class con dition Box 175 Republican office PAIGE 7 passenger for Sale good tires nnd paint mechanical condition gnnd Easy terms" Garage Court St West flcld Mass 1110 PIERCE ARROW 1920 48 horse power 7 pnss 4 door vestibule sedan newly nainted like new In every tespect ft wonderful bargain The Arrow Co 11 Park St PIERCE New model 7 pass touring demonstrating car perfect condition The Arrow Co 11 27 Park St PIKRCE ARKOW 4 paas 4 door sedan newly painted equipped with Westinghouse shock absorbers car in perfect condition Tlio Arrow Co 11 Park St PIERCE ARROW 7 passenger in very good condition throughout Come in sno see It The Arrow Co 11 Park St i RED Thoroughly overhauled excel lent condition mechanically Price right River 1636 REO TOURING 4 cyl thoroughly gone over repainted good set or coni tires i spare $550 163 Dwight St River 5646 RED SEDAN 1920 Tn excellent condition original paint very good Will make a fine family car $900 163 Dwight St River 5646 2 REO TOURING 5 New paint good tiros top and upholstery good mechanical condition A good family car nt a very low price Barrett 600 State St River 6444 Series 18 4 cyl 7 pass tour ing tires good paint poor price $230 I Huntting Co 78 Hillman St 3788 CHANDLER 7 pass touring newly painted had very little mileage set of cord tires 1 spare in excellent condition price $900 163 Dwight St River 5646 CHALMERS TOURING 5 passenger touring good condition $250 William Chellls Co 318 Chestnut St Walnut 1994 CHANDLER DISPATCH 1920 in good condi tion Price right Cadillac Used Car Dept State at Oak River 7410 CHEVROLET 4 5 pass Touring paint top and upholstery like new fine mechani cal condition Make us an offer Barrett 600 State St River 6414 CHEVROLET 5 pass 1921 ine condition throughout Priced below mar ket price Barrett 600 State St River 6444 COMMONWEALTH TOURING Newly paiuted thoroughly gone over Lot of ex tras Price $375 G3 Dwight St River 5646 DODGE TOURING Good running or der $230 Bland's 163 Dwight St River 5646 DODGE TRUCK (1 ton) Graham rear end mechanical condition gnod fine closed cab with platform body Reo Springfield Co River 1636 DODGE TOURING 1913 In perfect condl tion tires good Will take $350 for quick cash sale Tel 4087 or Room 409 318 Main St ESSEX TOURING CAR Actual mile age 5360 miles 1 brand new tire wind shield wings 2 bumpers shock absorbers cannot be told from new 163 Dwight St River 5G 16 ESSEX TOURING 1920 Just out of the paint shop if you w'ant a good Essex get this on cash or terms See Henry 136 North Main St River 4880 RANKLIN BROUGHAM 1922 Model Brand new Will sell at a big sacrifice Address 14 Hawley StWalnut 3G53 Hiserodt RANKLIN ROADSTER 9 Excellent me chanical condition Good tires and paint winter top Jordan Springfield Co 523 Worthington St River 7915 RANKLIN Series 7 tires excel lent car in good running order price $200 Huntting 78 Hillman St AV 3788 ORD COUPES 1921 (3 to choose from) In excellent condition newly painted tires nearly new price $35O $375 163 Dwight St River 5646 ORD TRUCK ton in good condition Call Wai 870 or AV ORD TOURING 1018 in very good shape onlv $140 cash or terms See Henry 136 North Main St Tel River 4880 ORD 1917 touring fine running condition good motor good tires $100 terms Tel River ORD Will do 73 miles per hour cord tires special body fastest car In city 427 State St ORD 1920 and 1921 Touring One at $225 3 at $275 Byrnes Motor Company Au thorized Sales and Sendee 29 Belmont Ave nue Walnnt 882 ORD ROADSTER for sal? Good tires and starter Easy terms Mechanical condition good Garage Court St Westfield Mass 1110 HEAR MAIN Within walking distance two famity house of 16 with all mod $6500 BUYS ft modern Longmeadow home of era convenlencea price and terms right 8 rooms comer lot ax2) garage rwnltry Sm Dragon 470 Main St Ik? 7 81 81 I Dwight St WaL 4360 MANITOBA 7 room cottage siteam elec ITHIb 218 SpHnflfleld St Agawam Mara Largest Agency" 356 Main qt Walnut piIOL Two family 10 rooms steam heat 888 electricity 2 barns 1 car garage acre mxcmwrn Near Belmont of Vei7 reasonable Write or call MAreT room JngaireaSJrgaVnTi 400 youra If you step lively (Owner) BARGAIN fl room cottage steam heat slate ceW Ses? klso striated neighborhood $500 cash balance good bnys $50 per month on interest and principal I COTTAGE rooms modern large lot with Price low for quick sale Lox 18O 4 mlnntrs waik from North End Republican Office bridge price $0500 Owner Wai ON THE 6 rooms water lights furnace terms henhouse barn nice garden near trolly1yMlln w3nuet and school Box 98 Republican office I EAST LONGMEADOW On car line 2 famlly 0IJANGE ST Ph New 2 amlly house h0w taam 0 acres of land hen 12 rooms 2 steam boilera houses for 2000 here barn and garage Will front and rear Call 381 no r(iU trafle foj a fn the clty Wilcox 374 J'aln St 4608 EAST 4 room cottage elec 4000 small down A Kenjon trlclty 1 car garage laige lot $2500 very 875 Main St River 1179 easy terms Cohen 2S3 Main St 1512 VT I or 1302 open evenings Mod 2 fam 14 hear trql and school large lot $8000 Louis Karp 803 Dickinson 0383 AV I PARK Brand new and EAST two xamuy nouses zor terms and particulars Dragon 476 Alam bi Autos and Trucks for Sale 85 11)20 ORD TON TRUCK chassis dem rims tires $275 overhauled Easy terms vlf desired 1020 ton truck dem wheels cx press body $325: 1920 touring with starter 1918 rebuilt dem rims $125 Anto mobile Sales Co ord oTdson and Lin coln agents 05 Liberty alnut 1460 1918 OAKLAND TOURING $325 An excel lent value Let us show it to you River 5280 Leonard Pollock Motor Co 267 ('host nut Street iu20 CHALMERS TOURING in tirat class condition $600 Call River 5280 for dem onstration Leonard Pollock Motor Coin pany 267 Chestnut St Real Estate for Exchange 78 CITY SUUUixHAN ARM PROPERTY OB MORTGAGES bought sold' or exchanged Lincoln Realty Trust Room SOU Third Na tlonal Bank Bldg Biver 80118 MODERN COTTAGE with garage sec tion Will trade for 2d mortgage or build ing lots The Hanlon Agency ol0 Main St TWO AMILY HOUSE OR SALE or will exchange for automobile Address Box 90 Republican office' WILL TRADE good Hudson 7 pass Tvur car 4 house lots and a secund mortgage for cood 2 family house See cllor Nestor 264 Main St River 1207 2 BLOCKS 1 apt 1 business Centrally lo cated Low price Terms or exchange fou farm Colon Main A Clothing urrUhin and Hat Bus iness for sale Mori maker for a mer chant Best location lease modern fixtures Wil! sacrifice if YeJn quick Apply AV Hatch New Britain Conn We Specialize in Business Op portunities Get in touch with the live of fice where every business listed Is investi gated by experienced men who know values in this line You are cordially invited to call et our office and look o'c list ol good business opportunities Watch our Mass Realty Corp Larg est 356 Main St Wai 888 CASTI paid for your entire stock any de scription no stores too small none too large Young 770 Sumner Ave AV 8 3 COUNTRY GENERAL STORE on state rd doing $35000 yearly carries groceries shoos rubbers hardware tobacco candy gas oil etc Will inventory about $7000 a real money maker tan buy or lease building see us nt once Mass Realty Corp Largest 356 Main St WaL 888 E1GHT APARMENT BLOCK all rented good location $29000 $5000 cash ederal Sales Co 91 Dwight St Walnut 4360 HOTEL IN THE BERKSHIRES OR ine business Owner retiring Money maker Address Dox AV 97 Repub office INN AND Monroe Co all year round near city of 300000 4 lease and furnishings $3500 terms a big money maker illness compels Im mediate sale Box J76 Republican office Dutch colonial home that be meat oak throughout sun porch built "hU Wa! Sata8e' LUDLOW 12 room 2 famlly tucco houae all modern good location or particulars call PARK the XM between Sumnef and 1fJ2 Hubbard St Ludlow Belmont 8 room all modern cottage price $6800 Also 2 ienement 14 Special seven room bunga modern near Sumner ave price Inw type Has nil modern conveniences $8200 $800 down Cohen 288 Main St ith lot 75x150 fireplace Owner leaving WaL 1512 or WaL Open evenings town Reni bargain for someone Wm II I eltham Son Mass Mutual Bldg PARK Modern new 7 room cot oak finish and open fireplace extra 11 lavatory on first floor lot 50x135 See Owner and Builder TcL Walnut I TENDLETON AVE or sale 7 roum LONGMEADOW cottage No I Seven room cottage modern and up to Excellent alngle 10 OnIy rooms steam elect 1 car garage large lot ARTHUR TAYLOR CO with fruit trees Griffin Rush Co Wai REALTORS 377 MAIN ST WAL 1620 RANNEY ST 7wo famlly lionse electric llglt furnace heat or quick sale $8090 $2 60 mail Inquire Walnut 3520 or River i LONGMEADOW Near Town Hall seven rooms steam electric fireplace etc two ROOMING HOUSE OR 13 room rlce $6s00: terms to suit furnished reasonable Address 75 Cohen 288 Main St 1312 or 1302 LONGMEADOW 7 room house all mod 4UMNVJ11 AVE ern garage henhouse Wai Every known modernism contained In I LUDLOW New' bouse 7 rooms wltb bath thls remarkable residence that Is now I tUh about 2 acres of land pond besides a placed upon the market Steam I garage 2 hen coops About five elect gas hardwood floors beamed' I Walk from Ludlow station Michael Albert ceilings heated garage This property 07g Center St Indian Orchard Mass should appeal to a particular pur I TK chaser I LUDLOW 1 room cottage corner ot trice $3700 $1(W css) Sec at once Arn Orchard 234 or Orchard 8L 31 Elm St tel River 2165 BUMMER AVE JUST 26 street from excellent 14 room 2 fumlly modem with 2 mr garage Pike right Griffln Rusb Co Wai 942 PINE JLroom cottage electricity fur nace city water etc extra lot price $3500 only $300 down Cohen 288 Main St 1511 or Open evenings CADILLAC LIMOUSINE in perfect mechan leal condition Price $850 CadillAe Used Car Dept State at Oak iver 7410 CADILLAC 1918 Al condition new paint new tires Geo A Tuckey 120 Dwight St Thone River CHALMERS 5 PASSENGER $200 34 Sanford street Phone River 198 CHANDLER COUPE 1920 Al mechanical condition good tires Inq Parsons 93 101 Dwight St Tel River 8048 River 4255 after 6 CHANDLER 7 pass new paint wire wheels This enr rima and looks like new Has been run about 9000 miles Can be bought at a real saving Chandler Motors of Spfld Inc 246 Chestnut St Cor Liberty Walnut 1350 CHANDLER TOURING 7 New in roar No reasonable offer refused Parrott 606 State St River 6441 Auto Parts and Accessories 86 ALL AUTO Continental Buda Spicer Alemite etc Parsons Brothers Inc 41) Enrt Court St Walnut 4270 AUTO BODIES mudguards tops upholstery made nnd repaired Hampden Auto Ton and Metal Co 31 33 Winter St River 4966 AUTO BODIES mudguards atid radiators made and repaired painting and enameling The All Metal Co 690 Worthington St AUTO PARTS 1017 18 Chevrolet worm drive rear end 1920 Studebaker parts 1916 17 Shapiro 27 Osgood St 7141 AUTOISTS Equip your cars with Safetee Glass Windshields It is a physical Im possibility for one to be Injured by scat tering glass where Safetee Glass Is used information furnished Bigelow Walnut 940 Worthington St AUTO PARTS New gears and used parts motors bodies tops 25 30 off 1000 bargains Bankrupt supplies and tires New complete tops $35 IK) Batteries $1600 10O late cars nnd trucks offered regardless price Cars bought sold and exchanged Bright man Auto Exchange 321 Windsor Ave Ch 4255 Hartford AUTO BODIES REPAIRED mudguards and radiators made and repaired Nat Auto Metal Radiator Wks 1 5 Dwight 8016 AUTO REPAIR BILLS REDUCED Have those minor troubles attended to now and eave money later Brosseau Bros 38o vva ter St River 3S0P AUTOMOBILE TOPS recovered and repaired Upholstering In all Its branches The Smith Carriage Company 2 20 Park Street AUTO Prides never so low before for highgrade work Auto aint Shop Tel River 7497 AUTOMOBILE SPRING The kind yon can depend on to be fijne right Iarge lot of springs for all cars A II Rice New Txmntlon 130 Union St AUTO 7 seat covers and side curtains California tops National Auto Top 4 Isaiy Co 452 Worthington St Walnut 1977 AUTOMOBILE Top work upholstery general repair metal work and wood work Costl an 4 inney 125 Dwight St 4176 AUTO TOPS AND SIDE we can do the most reasonable work In the city consistent with quality because our over head Is low Highland Top Co Pear 16 Andrew St Wai 460 AUTO SPRINGS Repai e) uui Reset Saves time and money Makes car ride easier Berry Bros 454 Walnut St River 11)58 BODIES lamps radiators tenders etc re paired The Vehicle Metal Works 265 6 Summer St cor ederal Biver 6451 COMMERCIAL AUTOMOBILE We build all kinds The Smith Carriage Co 2 20 Park St BUICK Pressure proof rings In stalled motor troubles cured II I Albee 454 Worthington 2d floor CYLINDER IMIGRINDING redsmn Cylimlei Kegrimling Co Kant Shoke Pistons Dve quality rings 563 Liberty St WaL 424 ENDERS brazed and welflert all auto metal and sheet metal work 1 Co 37 Dwight St (rear) Walnut 2I1OB ORDS PAINTED In a shop specializing ords alone Best results In shortest time Harry smith 824 State 4380 ORD ORDSON repairing: shot equipped lor ords only Starters and mo tors a specialty Harry Smith ore Specialist S24 State WaL 3251 MAGNETO ITils has become an Art with us not a mere trade Everything Is personally attended to Masnetoes only: Eisemann Slnuns Bosch Dixie Bplltdorf Apollo Kingston Berling Service night and day Bnmillet 61 Dresden St Tele phone River 3183 Six streets above Iler toward Worcester Auto and 1'ruck Dealera 84 The eight with 80 lees parts Russell Hathaway 427 State Tele phone Walnut 2376 The Springfield Buick Company cor Main and Gardner Sts River 7868 CADILLAC Distributors for Western Mass and Southern Vermont West Mass Cadil lac Co cor Oak and State Sts River 7410 DAVIS AND EARL Sales and Service Sta tion 660 State St Barrett River 6444 i DODGE BROTHERS automobiles and light trucks Salesrooms and Service Station 64 and 66 Howard St Walnut 2882 ORD AND LINCOLN Sales and Service Automobile Sales Co 1)5 101 Liberty St Telephone Walnut 1460 or Walnnt 1461 ORD USED CARS as Is or guaranteed HARRY SMITH 824 State St River 4389 CASH IN HAND for a few second mortgages Boston 318 Main St WaL 570 CAN WE ASSISI YOU! We to wage earners and housewives on their furniture piano nnd salary Always glad ra give in formation National Loan Co Room 303 318 Main St DIAMONDS Watches Tools Guns Liberty Bonds 40 Dwight Near State LOANS We loan money on diamonds watches and Jewelry Also pny highest cash prices for same Jewelry 238 Main St near the Arch MONEY TO LOAN on 1st and 2d mortgages will loan money on same Roy Long 374 Main St Walnut 2907 MONEY to loan on first and second mortgages and construction loans Call River 3579 or Walnut 3526 nnd ask for Mr iles or cnll at 647 Main St MONEY TO LOAN on first and second mort aages or particulars call Oliver Coates 168 ridge St River 3740 MONEY to loan on second mortgages or one year first mortgages Bion Wheeler 374 Main St Walnut 4(92 MONEY for construction and mortgage loans Box 545 Ludlow TI1E NEW METHOD OERS a simple and dignified meth id wbery employes can ob tain loans without Indorsers publicity or red tape 318 Main St Room 309 WANTED TO BUY good second mortgage Address Box 161 Republican Office WE HAVE AMPLE UNDS tor approved city first single and 2 famllv houses and central business property preferred John Crane Co 289 Main St opposite post office WILL BUY 2d mortgages with cash John Tritan' Room 309 Stearns Bldg 293 Bridge St Tel 4292 or Poultry Wire 150 foot AQ 6 feet Rolls tpVH rngn Special price? on other sizes ZUNDELL '1 WO STORES Just off Park 6 room modem single Large lot fruit trees etc Must sen at once Brackett Peek 168 Bridge 8t Wai 3120 WESTIELD 8 room house large lot barn with space for two cars poultry nouses xi prrrtn tr tiARirpa vv nitrcniarp vm varK xiwara vvesmeia H'1 1 1 cw vw AVI Hl if 'Terms SACRIICE SALE of 3 famfly house Income $1992 year must go by May 1 Inquire 216 Pine St second floor TWO AMILY Up to the minute Onlv $ln00 Walnut 4365 VENTURA house of 10 rooms not air neat anti electricity Price right terms Bank Bldg Tel River 7061 Third ensy BATTERIES ord Overland (small cars) $16 Dodge Maxwell (12 volt type) $25 9o am lir Ra dio Batteries $16 All guaranteed to give real service SIX CORNERS BATTERY STATION 312 Walnut St River 8296 BATTERIES Philadelphia Diamond Grid Battery authorized sales and service all makes of batteries repaired and recharged ord magnet 'S recharged while you wait Stacy Battery Service Ralph Stacy Mgr 11 Kenwood park River 7947 BIG ALLOWANCE made for your old tires We carry only ftrata high grade In every respect Culp lan store 59 Dwight St River 8032 ERIK None better fl Hartwell Saa 174 Chestunt St 2012 Open eve GABRIEL SNUBBERS OR ORDS prove riding qualltlea lessens spring break age and prevents Same con structlon as standard oret orer (springueia snuooer ooi uwixut oi 'Phone River 6945 HOOD TIBES "The Tire of No It you ride on them once you will always demand them Every one guaranteed Dis tributing agent orer tfc corer is i vwigni bl X'nonc Rver 5 fb pall for J9c lubricating grearf ballot Bnerhil Hfe to aud stores AUlfl Aiid HUP 1017 Good tires and paint Jnsl through onr workshop Dodge commercial truck tires good just overhauled $450 Reo apeeffwagon 1918 price $350 Reo Bpeedwagon 1920 price $400 HaU Motor "Co Tel Holyoke 3660 INTERNATIONAL 1 ton solid tires $600 William CholHs Co 318 Chestnut SL hnrie Walnut 1994 JORDAN TOURING in Al shape throughout engine recently overnauied good tires ana paint Jordan Springfield Co 523 Worthing ton St River 7915 MAXWELL Late 1020 model: rotd tires new battery paint like new run 7000 miles or good buy write Box £1 144 KenubHcau A suburban home on the stats road only 500 feet from trollies About one acre of land plenty of tinwpnr nix room four rooms on the first floor Av a MAAj vnrV 1CVZST I liming vii inc cclvuu uw uw finish electricity steam heat fireplace fine piazzas on front reduced IM 'V i l't KI i aa i I i i I i A A I'1 I I H4 I I I I I1 I I i 'I 1 Mh Chicks.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.