The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (2024)


Secure your health with comprehensive insurance plans from Nivabupa

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Posted On : 25 April 2023, 1 Years Ago. Health-Insurance

The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (5)

Are you confused about what is deductible in health insurance? Don't worry; you're not alone. Many people need help understanding how deductibles work and which one to choose.

This blog will discuss the pros and cons of different health insurance deductibles, so you can make an informed decision when choosing the best option for you. Whether you're looking for a high-deductible or low-deductible plan, this article's got you covered.

Meaning of Deductibles

Ahealth insurance deductible is the amount of money you pay out of your pocket for medical expenses before your insurance coverage starts paying. Here are three types of healthcare insurance deductibles you should know about:

1. Standard Deductible

A standard deductible is a fixed amount you pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage starts, and this is the most common type of deductible in health plans.

2. Family Deductible

A family deductible is a single deductible that applies to all members of a family who are covered under the same health plan. Once the family deductible is met, insurance coverage starts for all family members.

3. Embedded Deductible

An embedded deductible is a feature in family health plans that allows each individual family member to have their deductible. Once an individual's deductible is met, insurance coverage starts for that person, even if the family deductible hasn't been met yet.

Advantages of Deductibles

If you're considering medical insurance options, you may come across the term "medical insurance deductible." While it may seem like an extra expense, having a deductible can provide several benefits. Here are four advantages of having an insurance deductible:

1. Lower Deductible Health Insurance Premiums

Having an insurance deductible can lower your insurance premiums. You take on more of the risk for your healthcare costs, which means the insurance company can charge you less for your monthly premium.

2. Encourages Responsible Healthcare Spending

When you have a health insurance deductible, you become more mindful of how much you are spending on healthcare. This can encourage you to shop for more affordable options.

3. Protection from High Medical Bills

If you have a high deductible in your medical insurance, you may be responsible for paying a significant portion of your medical bills out of pocket. However, once you meet your deductible, your insurance will typically cover the rest of your healthcare expenses.

4. More Control over Healthcare Expenses

A deductible plan gives you more control over your healthcare expenses. You can meet your deductible quickly by paying for more expensive procedures and treatments upfront, or you can spread out your healthcare expenses over the year.

Disadvantages of Deductibles

After familiarising yourself with what is deductible in health insurance, it's also important to be aware of the potential disadvantages. Here are four potential drawbacks to having a deductible in healthcare insurance:

1. Delayed Care

If you have a high health insurance deductible, you may hesitate to seek medical care until you've met your deductible. It can lead to delayed care, which can be harmful if you have a serious or urgent medical condition.

2. Limited Provider Network

Some medical insurance deductibles may have a limited provider network, so you may have to pay more out-of-pocket costs if you see a provider outside your network.

3. Higher Out-of-Pocket Costs

Deductible medical insurance premiums tend to be lower, which means you'll pay more out-of-pocket costs when you need healthcare services.

4. Complexity of Healthcare Costs

Having a deductible in medical insurance can make it more challenging to understand and manage your healthcare costs. You may have to track which healthcare expenses count towards your deductible and which do not.

In summary, knowing what is deductible in health insurance and weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each can help you select the best plan that suits your needs. If you're in the market for a health plan, Niva Bupa , the best health insurance company in India can provide various options matching your needs and budget. Please don't wait until it's too late; protect your health and financial future today

Live Healthy and secure your health with our comprehensive insurance plans

Looking for an ideal Health Insurance Plan

Secure your health with comprehensive insurance plans from Nivabupa

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I authorize Niva Bupa to call me. This will override your existing registry in DNCR. I want to get my quote and policy details on WhatsApp.


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Can NRIs Buy Health Insurance Policy for their Parents Living in India?

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Right Age to Buy Health Insurance Plan in India

Before you buy health insurance, you must have often wondered about the right age to buy the same. Typically, people think that they need to buy a health insurance policy only when they start ageing, or when their health begins to deteriorate. The biggest fallacy, believed in by some people, is that they don’t need to buy a health insurance plan, while they are young and healthy. But, market experts advise that the right age to buy health insurance plans is at a relatively younger age i.e. in between 18-25, while you are in sound health. Besides, the millennials of the present age are at a high risk of lifestyle diseases, like hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and cardiac ailments because of poor lifestyle habits. These include lack of exercise, odd working hours, stress, pollution, and poor dietary habits. Alongside, there is the risk of vector-borne diseases, like dengue, chikungunya, jaundice etc. and pandemics such as coronavirus. So, buying a health insurance policy should be a top priority for young people.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (52)

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The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (68)

Importance of Critical Illness Insurance for Kidney Failure

Without Health Insurance, it is difficult to bear the financial expenses of kidney treatment. A critical Illness Insurance plan can provide a lump sum amount to meet the costs of treatment, care & diagnosis of kidney disease. Know more about the importance of critical illness insurance for kidney failure treatment


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (69)

Insurance Schemes in India: A Guide to Choosing the Right Plan for You

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The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (70)

Claim Settlement Ratio: Importance, Process & How to Calculate?

Claim Settlement Ratio is the percentage of claims that an insurance company settles during a year. The claim settlement ratio process indicates an insurance company's potential to pay the sum insured to the policyholder. Know about the importance of CSR & how to calculate claim settlement ratio.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (71)

Should you get a separate health insurance plan for your grandparents?

If you want to purchase a good health insurance plan for your grandparents, consider investing in an insurance policy that is best suited for senior citizens. Read more about health insurance policies for senior citizens.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (72)

Why Medical Test is Important While Buying Health Insurance Policy?

To read more why the medical test is important while buying a health insurance policy and benefits of buying or claiming a medical policy without medical test.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (73)

All you need to know about chronic kidney diseases

To learn more about what is chronic kidney disease and what are its symptoms and its causes and what prevention you can take in chronic kidney disease


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (74)

Buy the Best Health Insurance for Parents

Do you know we can get a health insurance policy for our parents? And your parents too need it. Know what is Covered by Your Parent's Health Insurance Policy.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (75)

Know All About Arogya Sanjeevani Health Insurance Policy

The Aarogya Sanjeevani Policy is a basic health insurance policy for individuals and families that covers basic hospitalization expenses up to Rs 5 lakh. Click here to read more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (76)

Top Health Insurance Plans for Heart Patients

According to the Indian Heart Association, individuals under the age of 50 accounts for more than half of all heart attacks. Also there are many more reasons why you should get a health insurance plan for heart patients.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (77)

Why Is It Important to be Honest When Buying Health Insurance?

Be honest with your insurer while buying a health insurance policy. Always important details like age, pre-existing diseases, etc. correctly. Get to know about the importance of being honest with your insurer while buying health insurance.


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Best Health Insurance Plans for Parents in India

Know the need for a health insurance policy for parents and how to select the best health insurance plan for your parents.


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Why You Should Wear a Mask Even If You're Vaccinated

To Know more about why should you wear mask even after if you're completely vaccinated and what the benefits of its and by this how you can protect your love once


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Is Knee Replacement Surgery Covered by Health Insurance?

Don’t let your critical knee replacement surgery suffer due to financial crises, get your health insurance plan today and make your future secured. Read the article to get deep insight about the same.


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A Step-by-Step Guide to Calculating Your Health Insurance Premium

Know the entire mechanism of calculating your health insurance premium. Read the article to know more about it.


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Critical Illness Plans: All You Need To Know

Know the features, benefits and tips to choose the right critical illness plan for yourself and your family. Read this article to have a deep insight of the same.


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How to File a Reimbursem*nt Claim for Your Mediclaim Insurance Policy

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Reasons to Buy Health Insurance Policy Online

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What Are The Reasons For The Increase In Medical Expenses In India?

Medical expenses are increasing day by day & there are many factors that are influencing that cost. Click here to know about the reasons, which are resulting into increasing the medical expenses in India.


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Guide to Buy 2 Lakh Health Insurance Plan in India

Health Recharge is a plan offered by Niva Bupa, which provides a sum insured ranging from ₹ 2 lakhs to ₹ 95 lakhs. Read to know more.


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What are the Risks of Not Having a Health Insurance Policy?

In the event of a medical emergency, health insurance policy is the best financial support you may rely on. Read to know about the risks of not having a health insurance policy.


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Best Family Floater Health Insurance Plans in India

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How does the waist-to-hip ratio affect your health?

Studies have shown that waist-to-hip ratio can predict the probability of developing health concerns. Read this article to know, what is waist-to-hip ratio, and how it affects your health?


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What are the Eligibility Criteria for a Group Health Insurance Policy?

Discover the requirements for obtaining group health insurance coverage and confirm that you satisfy them. We've compiled a useful resource to help you understand the insurance market, including enrollment deadlines and coverage alternatives.


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What is Cashless Hospitalization?

With cashless insurance, say goodbye to all your worries about arranging money at the last minute of health emergency. Read on to know more about cashless hospitalization.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (93)

Mistakes to Avoid While Buying Health Insurance Plans

Mistakes made while buying a health insurance plan can land you in a tough spot. Make sure that you avoid these mistakes while buying health insurance plan.


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Everything You Need to Know About Family Medical Insurance Plans in India

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What You Need to Know Before Buying Health Insurance

What You Need to Know Before Buying Health Insurance


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (96)

10 Things to Know About Mediclaim Policy

Know about about mediclaim policy and find important factors of Mediclaim Policy, Types, Inclusions & Exclusions of Mediclaim Policy. Read more about the Rules & Regulations, Claim to settlement ratio and lots more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (97)

Things to Know About Mediclaim Policy

Mediclaim is a health insurance policy in which the insurer reimburses the policyholder for medical expenses. Buying a Mediclaim insurance plan might help you obtain financial aid in an emergency.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (98)

How Health Insurance is Helpful in Case of Respiratory Disease?

In case of respiratory diseases, a health insurance plan can ease payments and ensure a range of benefits. Read the article & understand how a health insurance plan is beneficial if you have respiratory disease.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (99)

Why Do Patients with Hypertension Need Health Insurance?

Patients with Hypertension need health insurance to reduce stress & to make sure that they receive quality healthcare treatment. The article explains why hypertension patients need health insurance.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (100)

Safeguard your Health with a Cashless Mediclaim

Know all the benefits and tips before choosing your medicliam plan. Read the article to get a deep insight of the topic.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (101)

What is Critical Illness Cover & How Does It Work?

Critical illness health insurance is a type of insurance that provides financial support in the event of a serious illness.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (102)

Why You Should Buy Health Insurance in Your 20s?

To know more about the health insurance value and why should you buy a health insurance, what are the benefits of buying a health insurance plan and how you can invest in it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (103)

Factors to Consider before Buying Health Insurance for Women

Women are more vulnerable to illnesses that are peculiar to them, such as ovarian and breast cancer. Because of this, it is advantageous for women in India.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (104)

What is the Role of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Health Insurance?

The AI technology has been making things faster and easier for many of us. Read to know how artificial intelligence has an impact on the health insurance industry now.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (105)

What are the Benefits, Choices & Characteristics of Mediclaim Policy?

Niva Bupa provides the best mediclaim policy. Read the article to know about mediclaim policy benefits, choices & chracterstics


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (106)

How Does Gender Affect Health Insurance Premiums in India?

Do you know that your gender can affect your health insurance premium in India? Read the article to know how does your gender affects health insurance premiums.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (107)

Benefits of Buying Health Insurance Policy from Niva Bupa

Buying a health insurance plan is one of the best things you can do for your health. In the article, Niva Bupa has explained the different benefits of buying a health insurance policy. Know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (108)

Short Term vs Long Term Health Insurance

Understand the difference, benefits, and disadvantages of short term health insurance & long term health insurance. As per requirements, opt for a long term or short term health insurance policy.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (109)

Breathing Exercises to Lower BP & Risk of Heart Attack in Senior Citizens

To know more about how breathing exercises can improve the lower BP & risk of a heart attack in senior citizens and how you can maintain BP levels.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (110)

The Benefits of Buying a Family Floater Medical Policy

Have you heard about family floater medical insurance? Know about it and its benefits. Also do remember the things before purchasing a family floater mediclaim


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (111)

Why Must Women Have a Separate Health Insurance Policy?

Why Must Women Have a Separate Health Insurance Policy


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (112)

What Are the Risks for Malaria Patients During Covid-19?

Every year, nearly 230 million people develop illnesses as a result of malaria. Niva Bupa covered the dangers, signs, and treatment of malaria during COVID-19 in the article. learn more


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (113)

8 Pillars of Health Insurance You Must Consider Before Buying a Policy

Consider these 8 pillars of health insurance if you are buying insurance for first time. Read the article & know about the pillars of health insurance that should be considered before buying a policy.


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10 Best Individual Health Insurance Plans in India

Do you know what is individual health insurance and best individual health insurance plans in India? Read this article and get your doubts cleared.


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Things to Consider Before Buying a Second Health Insurance Policy

You can always buy a second health insurance policy if you are not satisfied with your primary health insurance. Know about the things to consider before buying a second health insurance policy.


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Difference between Group Health Insurance & Individual Health Insurance Plan

Depending on the number of people you intend to cover with your health insurance policy, make a choice between group health insurance and individual health insurance plan. Know more.


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India's Seven Deadliest Diseases as of 2021

In practically every country today, deadliest disease and stroke have emerged as the main causes of health concerns. Some of the most deadly illnesses are affected.


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Should You Migrate Corona Kavach to a Comprehensive Health Insurance?

Corona Kavach is a health insurance policy that protects policyholders against coronavirus. IRDAI had mandated general insurance companies to offer short-term insurance plans to cater to the maximum number of people. It also provided options to renew, migrate & port existing Corona Kavach policy to the comprehensive health insurance plan.


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Best Health Insurance Plans: How to Find the Right Coverage for You

Do you know what Health Insurance is? Why do we need it? And factors to consider for choosing the best health insurance plan.


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Factors to Consider While Comparing Critical Illness Insurance Plans in India

Comparing & buying a critical illness plan is not easy. The article explains the components of a critical illness insurance plan & what you should look out for while comparing them.


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Need, Significance and Benefits of Having a Health Plan

Know the significance and benefits of having a health plan. This article provides you a deep knowledge about the same.


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Get optimum coverage with Niva Bupa Health ReAssure

Health ReAssure Plan offered by Niva Bupa is among the best plans for the family. Read the article to know all about health the reassure plan.


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Reasons Why Health Insurance is a Necessity, Not an Option

Health insurance programmes enable both individuals and families to obtain the necessary medical care without having to worry about the cost. Read More.


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Need of a Personal Accident Insurance Policy

Do you know the actual reason behind buying a personal accident insurance policy? This article tells you everything from why you need a personal accident insurance policy to how you can choose the best one for yourself.


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Benefits of Family Floater Health Insurance Plans in India

Understand the various benefits offered by a family floater health insurance policy & know who should buy it in India. Click here to know more about it.


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How to Choose the Right Health Insurance Policy for Employees?

Picking the right health insurance for employees is crucial to keep their financial & health goals align. Read & know how to choose the right health insurance policy for your employees


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How to Deal with a Bad Health Insurance Plan?

The article discusses what constitutes a bad health insurance plan and how to avoid getting a bad health insurance plan. Read to know about how to deal with a bad health insurance plan.


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Why is Buying Family Health Insurance So Important Nowadays?

For many people, having a health insurance plan for family has become a priority. Read the article and understand why is buying a family health insurance plan so important nowadays.


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Impact of Coronavirus on Kidney Patients

Coronavirus has been found to affect kidney patients. In the article, Niva Bupa has explained how Covid-19 has severely impacted kidney patients. Read to know more.


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Why is Health Insurance Necessary for Asthma Patients?

Over 10% of patients with asthma are thought to reside in India, making it one of the most prevalent respiratory disorders in the world.


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Why Buying Health Insurance is Better Than Taking Medical Loan?

Confused between health insurance and taking a medical loan? Understand why buying a health insurance plan is way better than taking a medical loan. Read to know more.


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Health Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance: A Comparison

There are several differences between health insurance and personal accident insurance. Read the article to have a deep insight about the topic.


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Does your Existing Health Insurance Policy Covers Omicron?

IRDAI stated that every health insurance plan covering the treatment of Coronavirus issued by different health insurance companies must also cover the treatment of Omicron. Indemnity health insurance policy covers Omicron infection treatment. Read to know if Omicron is covered under your existing health insurance.


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Importance ofpersonal accident insurancein construction

Despite safety precautions, a construction site can be a dangerous place. In this article, we have discussed the importance of personal accident insurance in the construction sector. Read more.


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Why is Health Insurance Important?

In today's world, health insurance has become an essential requirement for individuals and families. With rising medical costs and the increasing prevalence of lifestyle diseases, having adequate insurance can provide financial security and peace of mind.


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Importance Of Health Insurance For Low And Middle Income Groups

Importance Of Health Insurance For Low And Middle Income Groups


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Why do Family Floater Policies Offer you More for Less

If you are thinking of purchasing health insurance for all members of your family, a family floater plan might work out to be more economical and beneficial.


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Why You Should Review your Health Insurance Plan Every Year

With increasing age, susceptibility to various diseases gets higher. Thus, an annual review of health insurance policies can ensure that you have a plan that suits your changing lifestyle. Read to know more.


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XBB.1.16 Variant: Symptoms, Risk Factors and Need for Boosters

The XBB.1.16 variant of the COVID-19 virus has been identified as a new variant with potentially concerning symptoms and risk factors


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What Makes Health Insurance one of the Most Important Covers to Buy in 2021?

A resolution for all of us in 2021 should be to financially prepare by buying health insurance plan online. Click here to know what makes health insurance an important policy to buy in 2021.


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Important Considerations of Personal Accident Insurance

Know all about Personal Accident Insurance in this article. This article provides you with all the information from why you should buy the personal accident insurance to its benefits.


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7 Ways to Get Affordable Health Insurance After A Job Loss

It is difficult to manage a health insurance plan from your savings if you have lost your job. Read the article & know about different ways to get affordable job loss insurance India


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How to Choose Health Insurance for a Single Parent?

Health insurance for single parent comes with many financial benefits, for both the parent & the child. Click here to know, how to choose the best health insurance for single parent.


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The Best Critical Illness Policy to Keep You Safe and Secure

Get an insight of critical illness plan and the benefits of critical illness policy


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Family Policy Insurance: The Key to Your Family's Financial Stability

Family healthcare insurance is a type of insurance that covers medical expenses for your entire family. It can be a lifesaver in times of need and provide financial stability for your family. Read the article to learn more.


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Top 5 Ways to Boost your Oxygen Level at Home

Rapidly falling oxygen saturation levels were the most noticeable concern among COVID patients. So, here are a few tips to increase oxygen levels with simple practices like correct breathing. Know more.


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Know About New Age Features of Health Insurance in India

Shop health insurance in India only after thoroughly reviewing the policy's features. Read the article to learn about the modern features of Indian health


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Everything you Need to Know about Accident Insurance

Accident Insurance is a form of insurance that provides financial coverage to individuals in the event of an accidental injury.


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Put that Stress to Rest

Niva Bupa offers behavioral assistance program & covers counselling sessions to provide support, lifestyle, stress, child and parenting, Give that stress a rest with Niva Bupa's insurance plans.


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Top Reasons To Get A Health Insurance For Your Mother

It has become important to provide your mother with advanced medical care & treatment if she faces any health issues. Know about the reasons why health insurance is important for your mother.


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How to Identify Hypertension in Ageing Parents

To learn more about that how to identify hypertension in ageing parents and signs and symptoms of hypertension and how to spot the signs of hypertension.


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Guidelines for Selecting the Best Health Insurance Policy

There are certain guidelines for Selecting the Best Health Insurance Policy such as Select and Review the Coverage Wisely, Look for a Cashless Network, and many more. Before selecting health insurance make sure to follow each guideline.


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Health Insurance: Why You Need to Start Early

Health Insurance: Why You Need to Start Early


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Importance of Buying Health Insurance Plan for Women

Women's health is an untapped space when it comes to covering medical expenses. This article explains why it is essential for every woman to sign up for a health insurance policy in India.


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The Impact of Chronic Conditions on Health Insurance Plans

Chronic conditions, characterised by long-lasting and often progressive symptoms, can significantly impact the health insurance plans of individuals who suffer from them. Read the article to know more.


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Healthy Foods to Consume After You Get The Covid-19 Vaccine Shot

It is vital to understand the importance of taking a healthy diet after covid-19 jab. Read the full article to know about healthy foods that you can consume post-vaccination.


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Personal Accidents Insurance Options in India

A personal accident insurance policy provides complete financial coverage to policyholders in case of accidental death, bodily injuries and physical disabilities (temporary and permanent).


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Advantages of Buying a Family Health Insurance Plan

It’s important to know family health insurance and its benefits. Read out the things to remember before buying health Insurance Plans for a Family.


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Different Health Insurance Policies for your Diverse Needs

Niva Bupa offers different health insurance policies depending upon the needs of the users. Choose from a wide range of health insurance policies like an individual health insurance policy, family floater policy, etc. Know more.


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5 Reasons You Should Need Personal Accident Insurance

know about personal accident insurance, its benefits and the 5 prime reasons for buying it.


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Why to Buy Health Insurance And Critical Illness Insurance Separately

Many assume either a health insurance plan or critical illness insurance policy is enough of a cover. However, it is imminent to equip yourself with both and here is why.


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Cashless Health Insurance Policy for Senior Citizens

Medical insurance for senior citizens ensures that they get the best medical treatment. Get cashless hospitalization facility for senior citizens & take care of their medical needs & requirements.


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Why is it Important to Read Health Insurance Terms & Conditions Before Finalizing?

Reading terms & conditions might be boring, but it is very crucial also. Click here to know why it is vital to read the terms & conditions thoroughly before you finalize health insurance policy.


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Top Reasons to Choose a Health Insurance Plan

When choosing a health insurance plan, there are many factors to consider. Finding a plan that meets your needs and fits your budget is crucial. Read the entire article to know about the top reasons to choose a health insurance plan.


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Find Peace of Mind with Health Insurance for Cancer Treatment

This blog will help you understand how health insurance for cancer treatment can help you manage the cost of care and provide you access to the top cancer hospitals in India.


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Things You Must Consider Before Health Insurance Policy Renewal

Get a deep insight on health insurance policy renewal , medical policy renewal and the factors to think about before renewing your health insurance policy.


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Key Factors to Keep in Mind When Purchasing Health Insurance

This year many top health insurance plans have been brought up by many companies. A few of them are listed in this article. Read this article to get a deep insight.


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A Guide to Choosing the Best Mediclaim Insurance Policy for your Family

Many purchase a health plan without understanding if it would suit them. The comprehensive information in this article will make it easier for you to buy a mediclaim policy for your family.


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Family Health Insurance Plans to Look Out

When it comes to choosing the right family health insurance plans it is important to know its benefits and how to choose it. Read the article to know more about it.


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How Does Cashless Mediclaim Work?

This article gives an insight of what Cashless Mediclaim is, how it works and the different types of Cashless Mediclaim. Read the article to know more about it.


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Health Insurance Deduction: How to Get the Most Out of Your Coverage

Are you paying for your healthcare insurance? If so, you might be eligible for a health insurance deduction which means you can save money on your income tax return. Read the article to know more about this.


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Accidental Insurance A Requirement for Every Home

Accident insurance is considered supplemental insurance, and it is most useful when combined with a major medical plan.Read the entire article to know it’s requirement


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Why You Should Timely Re-Evaluate Your Family Health Insurance Plan?

Re-evaluate family health insurance plans & stay well-informed about latest market offerings. Read the article & know more about how to re-evaluate family health insurance plans.


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How Does Yoga Help in Lowering your Health Insurance Costs?

There are numerous health benefits of doing yoga. The article has explained how yoga can also help you in lowering your health insurance cost. Click here to know more.


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All The Information You Will Need on Health Insurance for Senior Citizens

Read this article and know everything about health insurance for senior citizens and get their future secured.


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Why Buying Critical Illness Insurance is a Must

know about critical illness., its benefits and things to consider before buying it along with the necessity.


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When is the Right Time to Buy a Health Insurance Policy in India?

People might get confused regarding when to buy health insurance. In the article, Niva Bupa has explained the right time for buying a health insurance plan in India. Read more.


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Myths And Facts About Critical Illness Insurance Plans

Myths and facts related to critical illness insurance plans have always been present. Read further to know which are the myths and which are the facts.


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How to Buy the Best Health Insurance Plan for Senior Citizens

Are you looking for the best health insurance plans for senior citizens and are confused which one to buy? Check out NIva Bupa’s Health Insurance Plan for Senior Citizens. Read the article to get a deep insight.


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Why One Must Have a Mediclaim Insurance Policy

Know all the benefits and reasons of having a Mediclaim Insurance Policy. Read the article to know more.


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Malaria and Monsoon Explained | Symptoms & Prevention of Malaria

Malaria is spread in humans through bites of female Anopheles mosquito. Read this article to learn about the symptoms of malaria and how can you prevent mosquito breeding.


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Why do Women Need Insurance?

Do you know why specifically women need health insurance plans. Read the article to know about this topic.


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Best Mediclaim Policy for Family: Save on Healthcare Costs

Get an insight of what is mediclaim policy , its types and benefits. Also know the Factors to Consider Before Buying a Mediclaim Policy


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Choosing the Best Family Floater Health Insurance Plans in India

While choosing a family floater health insurance plan in India, one must perform comprehensive research about the plan's features and benefits. Click here to read more about it.


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Omicron Symptoms: A Rare Disease with Devastating Affects

Have an insight of what Omicron is? Know its symptoms and get yourself prepared with the protection against Omicron variant


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All the Health Insurance Information You'll Ever Need

Know everything about health insurance in one article.Starting from the types of health insurance plans to why you need it.


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Why You Should Buy a Health Insurance Plan

Health insurance policy grants you the provision of having your medical expenses reimbursed or directly paid in case of a medical emergency.


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All About the Corona Kavach Policy

In this article know the need, features and benefits of Corona Kavach Policy and get the future of your family secured.


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7 Ways to Smartly Save on Health Insurance Policy

Looking to save more, while keeping your health secure? Here are 7 different ways in which you can save money when buying a health insurance policy. Click to know more.


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How Health Insurance Can Reduce your Father’s Financial Stress?

Health insurance plan helps in reducing your financial burden at times of financial crisis & helps in reducing your father's financial stress as well. Click here to read more about it.


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How Does a Health Insurance Card Benefit You?

With a health insurance card, you can pay for hospitalization expenses without any hassles. Read the article to know more about the benefits of health insurance cards in India.


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Effects of Union Budget 2021 on Health Insurance

The Union Budget 2021 has affected different sectors this year. Know how Union Budget has affected the expectations of the health insurance sector.


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What are the Perks of Having a Best Family Health Insurance Plan?

The most crucial benefit of having a family health plan is that it can save money. It can help to offset the cost of expensive medical treatments and procedures. Read the article to know more about it.


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Get to Know Everything About the Family Mediclaim Plans

Knowing the benefits and tips to choose the best family mediclaim plans for your family will always be an important part of safeguarding your family's future. Read the entire article to know more about it.


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Should Corona Kavach be switched over to Comprehensive Health Insurance?

Do you know what Corona Kavach policy is? Why should we purchase it and the need to switch Corona Kavach plan to comprehensive health insurance


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Mediclaim Insurance Plans: A Smart Investment for Your Future

Are you future ready for your family’s health? Know about the


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Things to Keep in Mind Before Buying Health Insurance in India

There are several things to keep in mind before buying a health insurance plan in India. Read this article to know everything in detail.


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Simple Ways to Plan for Your Health Insurance

Simple Ways to Plan for Your Health Insurance


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An Affordable Mediclaim Insurance Policy to Protect Your Family's Health

Let’s know the benefits of Family Mediclaim Insurance and reasons to choose it along with the way to choose.


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The Best Medical Insurance Policy to Buy in India

Have a deep insight about mediclaim insurance policy and the factors to consider before buying mediclaim insurance in India.


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How to Choose between Critical Illness Plan & Disease Specific Insurance Plans?

Choose between critical illness insurance and disease specific insurance plan based on your needs & health status. Read this article to know how you can make the right choice.


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Choose the Best Senior Citizen Health Insurance

There are several factors and benefits you must know before choosing a Senior Citizen Health Insurance Plan. Read the article to know all about the topic.


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Senior Citizen Health Insurance Plans: Features and Advantages

Know all the features and advantages of buying senior citizen health insurance plans.


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Benefits of Purchasing Critical Illness Insurance Early in Life

There are 5 major benefits of buying critical illness insurance namely- Financial protection, Comprehensive Coverage, Guaranteed Renewal, Tax Benefits, and No Claim Bonuses. Read the article to know more.


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Tips for Finding the Best Health Insurance Policy in India

Get a deep insight of health insurance policy, its types, benefits and how to pick the best health health insurance plans in India.


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How Can a Critical Illness Insurance Plan Back You Up at the Time of Crisis?

Avail a critical illness insurance plan & protect yourself against critical illnesses like cancer, stroke, heart attack. Know more about the benefits of critical illness insurance plan.


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Myths About Health Insurance in India

There are several myths about health insurance policy that people have in their minds. This article burst all the myths. Read this article to have a deep insight about the topic.


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Choose the Right Medical Insurance Plan to Protect your Health

Choosing the right medical insurance plan is a critical decision that can significantly impact your physical and financial well-being.Read the article to know more about it.


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What do Critical Illness Insurance Plans Cover?

Read the certain features that are covered under critical illness insurance plan in this article.


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Group Employee Insurance: A Comprehensive Solution for Employee Benefits

Group Employee insurance is an insurance plan offered to a group of employees working for a small to large-scale organisation. Employees can achieve financial security during medical emergencies with this medical insurance coverage. Read the article to know more.


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Health Insurance Jargons You Must Know

Do you still have questions about health insurance plans? This article provides you answers to all your questions. Read the article to know more.


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Optimising Your Healthcare: The Perks of Section 80D for Medical Insurance

The Indian government has introduced various incentives for medical insurance for parents, such as Section 80D, to make healthcare affordable for everyone.This blog will discuss the features of section 80D and its impact on healthcare insurance plans


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Why is Having an Individual Health Insurance Plan Important?

An individual health insurance policy protects the policyholder for medical expenses. Click here to read why it is important to have an individual health insurance plan in India.


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The Need to Purchase the Best Health Insurance Plan

This article provides all the information about why we need to choose a health insurance plan and how we can select it. Read the article to know more.


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Secure Your Future By Choosing the Right Mediclaim Plan

Knowing the benefits and tips of choosing the right medicliam plan can help you secure your future. Read this article to know more.


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Ensure Financial Security in Health Crises with Medical Plans

When it comes to financial security in times of health crises; nothing can be more important than having a medical plan. Read the entire blog to know more.


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Coverages Under Medical Insurance Plan

Medical insurance plans are designed to cover a wide range of medical expenses, including hospitalization costs, physician fees, diagnostic tests, prescription drugs, and other medical care.Read the article to more.


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Understanding Health Insurance Policies

Health insurance is an insurance product which covers medical, surgical and other expenses of an insured individual or family or even a group of people.


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Significance of Having an Individual Health Insurance Plan

Know all the advantages of buying individual health insurance plans along with the tips of how to choose it in this article


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Buy Health Insurance Policy

Read this article today to understand the importance of buying a health insurance plan in India & the factors that should be considered before buying a medical policy. Click here to start reading.


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Tips for First-time Insurance Buyers

Health insurance proves to be a saving grace as it helps provide financial security in the face of unexpected medical emergencies. Here are some tips for first-time insurance buyers. Read to know more.


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Corona Kavach Policy and Medical Coverages

Know everything you need to know about corona kavach policy and medical coverages. Read the article to get a deep insight of the topic.


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How to Find the Best Accident Insurance Plan?

Know the ways of how you can get the best accident insurance plan. Read the article to get a deep insight of the topic.


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Prioritising Your Health: A Guide to Individual Insurance

In this article, we will discuss how to prioritise your health by getting individual health insurance plans and their benefits.


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Stay Prepared for the Worst with Comprehensive COVID Insurance

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the significance of being prepared for unforeseen circ*mstances.Read the article to know more about it.


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Mechanism of Personal Accident Insurance Policy

This article gives an insight of how personal accident insurance policy works in India. Read the article to get a deep insight.


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Understanding the Impact of your Family Size on Health Insurance Plans

Before buying any family health insurance, you should understand the impact of a family's size on the cost of a family health insurance plan. This blog will discuss the same.


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Navigating the Employee State Insurance Act Scheme for Optimal Coverage

The Employee State Insurance Act is a scheme governed by Employee State Insurance Corporation(ESIC) under ESI Act 1948. Read the article to have a deep insight about the topic.


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Dos and Don'ts of a Health Insurance Plan

This blog will discuss the benefits of having health insurance plans in India and the dos and don’ts to consider while buying the best health insurance plans in India.


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Which Health Insurance Plan is Best for You?

Do you know what a health insurance policy is? Why do we need it and how can we choose the best health insurance policy? Read this article and get your questions cleared.


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A Guide to Finding the Best Policy for Senior Citizens

Do you know What is Senior Citizen Mediclaim and its benefits along with the Need for Medical Insurance for Senior Citizens?


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No Claim Bonus Health Insurance: How it Works, Types & Benefits

No Claim Bonus Health Insurance is a benefit offered by Niva Bupa health insurance company to policyholders who do not make any claims during the policy period


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Health Insurance Portability: A Detailed Guide

Health insurance migration is a term used to describe the ability of an individual to transfer their health policy from one insurance provider to another without losing their policy benefits


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Everything you need to know about health insurance

It is important to have a comprehensive health insurance. Know all about the types of health insurance, it's benefits & understand how to make the best of your medical insurance policy.


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Factors that can impact your health insurance premium

Premium is an important factor while buying a health insurance policy. Read the article to know about the different factors that impact health insurance premium in India.


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All You Need to Know About Personal Accident Cover

We all should consider adding a personal accident cover to our health insurance plan. Hence, you must consult your insurance provider before selecting a policy. Know more.


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Millennials are expected to have worse health problems than their parents. Read the article to understand why health insurance is a necessity & best investment option for millennials.


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How to choose the cheapest health insurance plan in India?

It is not always the right choice to buy an expensive health insurance policy. Sometimes a cheaper policy might work too. Get to know about how to choose cheapest health insurance plan.


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How to Protect Your Parents or Elderly People from Coronavirus? | Niva Bupa

Elder people are more vulnerable to coronavirus pandemic. The article explains the different ways in which you can protect your parents/elder people from coronavirus. Know more.


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Is Coronavirus Covered by Your Existing Health Insurance Policy? | Niva Bupa

Does your health insurance offers coronavirus cover? In the article, Niva Bupa has explained how to identify whether coronavirus is covered by your health insurance plan or not.


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All you need to know about Health Insurance plans for children

It is important to ensure that your children get the best healthcare possible when they need it. Buy health insurance for children & protect your children.


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What are the benefits of an individual health insurance plan?

Individual health insurance plan covers a single person & offers financial protection during health emergencies. Benefits include hospitalization coverage, OPD coverage, etc.


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Tips to Buy the Best Health Insurance Policy for Coronavirus

As Covid-19 numbers are rising, it is important that you look at some of the tips to buy a health insurance plan for coronavirus, that ensures financial security for you and your loved ones


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (244)

What is maternity benefit?

Understand the concept of maternity benefit and its significance with Niva Bupa. Explore the range of maternity benefits provided by health insurance plans, including pre and postnatal care, delivery expenses, and newborn coverage.


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The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (245)

What are the Eligibility Criteria for a Group Health Insurance Policy?

Discover the requirements for obtaining group health insurance coverage and confirm that you satisfy them. We've compiled a useful resource to help you understand the insurance market, including enrollment deadlines and coverage alternatives.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (246)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporate Health Insurance plan

Read about the Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporate Health Insurance plans in India. Check out the difference between Corporate & Individual Health Insurance plans.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (247)

Economical Health Insurance Plans for Senior Citizens

Explore 5 economical health insurance plans for senior citizens with Niva Bupa. Ensure comprehensive coverage and peace of mind for your loved ones today.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (248)

The Benefits of Mediclaim Insurance for Senior Citizens

Learn about the benefits of senior Mediclaim Insurance, including its thorough coverage, reasonable rates, and specialised healthcare alternatives.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (249)

Navigating the Employee State Insurance Act Scheme for Optimal Coverage

The Employee State Insurance Act is a scheme governed by Employee State Insurance Corporation(ESIC) under ESI Act 1948. Read the article to have a deep insight about the topic.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (250)

What is Difference Between Mediclaim and Health Insurance?

Explore the differences between Mediclaim and Health Insurance to make informed decisions about your coverage. Learn about the features, benefits, and nuances of each option for better financial protection and healthcare support.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (251)

Is it a Good Idea to Buy Health Insurance on EMI?

Do you know buying health insurance on an EMI is a smart way of gaining higher health insurance coverage and quality treatment for your medical needs. Read this article to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (252)

What is Incurred Claims Ratio (ICR) in Health Insurance?

Incurred Claim Ratio (ICR) is the ratio of net claims provided by an insurance provider to the net premiums received in a financial year. With ICR you can have a good idea about the financial health of a company.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (253)

What is maternity benefit?

Understand the concept of maternity benefit and its significance with Niva Bupa. Explore the range of maternity benefits provided by health insurance plans, including pre and postnatal care, delivery expenses, and newborn coverage.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (254)

No Claim Bonus Health Insurance: How it Works, Types & Benefits

No Claim Bonus Health Insurance is a benefit offered by Niva Bupa health insurance company to policyholders who do not make any claims during the policy period


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (255)

Does Health Insurance Cover for Total Knee Replacement Surgery?

It's true that most of the health insurance providers give total knee replacment health insurance in their plans. But to know more in detail read this article about total knee replacement surgery.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (256)

Does Health Insurance Cover IVF Treatment?

Yes, IVF treatment is covered in Health Insurance .Explore the options provided by Niva Bupa. Uncover the details of IVF insurance plans. Learn how to secure insurance for IVF treatment and fertility treatments, ensuring financial support and peace of mind with Niva Bupa.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (257)

What is the Concept of Room Rent Limit in Health Insurance?

The article explains the room rent limit in health insurance. Understand all about room capping in health insurance, different types of room rent coverages & how it affects insurance claims.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (258)

What is a Super Top-Up Health Insurance Plan?

A super top-up health plan covers the total hospital bills up to the limit specified in your super top-up helth insurance plan. Know all about super top up health insurance plans in India.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (259)

How & Why Network Hospitals Play an Important Role in Health Insurance?

Network hospitals play a key role in providing quality healthcare. Understand how & why network hospitals play an important role in health insurance.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (260)

Difference between Group Health Insurance & Individual Health Insurance Plan

Depending on the number of people you intend to cover with your health insurance policy, make a choice between group health insurance and individual health insurance plan. Know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (261)

Importance Of Health Insurance For Low And Middle Income Groups

Importance Of Health Insurance For Low And Middle Income Groups


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (262)

Understanding the Niva Bupa claim reimbursem*nt process

Present the bills, prescriptions, discharge summary and other necessary documents when you request for reimbursem*nt. Download & fill the reimbursem*nt form, available on the insurance website. This is how to claim health insurance


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (263)

How to Get Free Medical Checkups Under your Health Insurance Policy?

In the article, Niva Bupa has explained how you can avail free medical checkup as part of your health insurance policy and things to look out for. Click here to read more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (264)

What is Covered & Not Covered Under Mediclaim Policy?

Before choosing a mediclaim insurance policy, it is important to know what is covered and what is not. This article explains, what has covered & not covered under a mediclaim policy.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (265)

Cashless Health Insurance Policy for Senior Citizens

Medical insurance for senior citizens ensures that they get the best medical treatment. Get cashless hospitalization facility for senior citizens & take care of their medical needs & requirements.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (266)

A Guide to Finding the Best Policy for Senior Citizens

Do you know What is Senior Citizen Mediclaim and its benefits along with the Need for Medical Insurance for Senior Citizens?


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (267)

Senior Citizen Health Insurance Plans: Features and Advantages

Know all the features and advantages of buying senior citizen health insurance plans.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (268)

Best Health Insurance Plans for Diabetics

Health Insurance Plan for Diabetics: Patients in India find it overwhelming to find the right diabetes health insurance plan. Get to know about diabetes, types & causes of diabetes, preventive measures, etc.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (269)

Group Employee Insurance: A Comprehensive Solution for Employee Benefits

Group Employee insurance is an insurance plan offered to a group of employees working for a small to large-scale organisation. Employees can achieve financial security during medical emergencies with this medical insurance coverage. Read the article to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (270)

Guide to Buy 2 Lakh Health Insurance Plan in India

Health Recharge is a plan offered by Niva Bupa, which provides a sum insured ranging from ₹ 2 lakhs to ₹ 95 lakhs. Read to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (271)

Know All About Arogya Sanjeevani Health Insurance Policy

The Aarogya Sanjeevani Policy is a basic health insurance policy for individuals and families that covers basic hospitalization expenses up to Rs 5 lakh. Click here to read more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (272)

Importance Of Health Insurance In India

Medical emergencies generally exhaust most of our savings, so it is suggested to have a health insurance to secure the future. Read the article to know the importance of insurance.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (273)

Niva Bupa Claim Procedure - Explained

Niva Bupa ensures that health insurance claim procedures are processed as quickly as possible & has 89% claims ratio which a reason and result of the trust of many, when it comes to claims processing.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (274)

Understand Sub-Limit in Your Health Insurance Policy

This article explains what a sub-limit in health insurance policies is, and things to look for in the sub-limits of your policy of choice. Click here for further details.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (275)

What is the Meaning of Copay in Health Insurance?

What is copay in health insurance? A very common question is anwered in this article. Read the article to know about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (276)

Should you get a separate health insurance plan for your grandparents?

If you want to purchase a good health insurance plan for your grandparents, consider investing in an insurance policy that is best suited for senior citizens. Read more about health insurance policies for senior citizens.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (277)

Why do Family Floater Policies Offer you More for Less

If you are thinking of purchasing health insurance for all members of your family, a family floater plan might work out to be more economical and beneficial.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (278)

How to Get a Covid Vaccine?

Read about the Corona 19 vaccine, check out who can take covid 19 vaccine and how to register for covid vaccination and its process. Know about the commodities that make you eligible for vaccination.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (279)

How Unlimited Automatic Recharge in Mediclaim Policy is Helpful?

Recognize the benefits that auto recharge mediclaim coverage provides to policyholders. The article highlights the benefits of medical insurance coverage.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (280)

Breathing Exercises to Lower BP & Risk of Heart Attack in Senior Citizens

To know more about how breathing exercises can improve the lower BP & risk of a heart attack in senior citizens and how you can maintain BP levels.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (281)

Importance of Critical Illness Insurance for Kidney Failure

Without Health Insurance, it is difficult to bear the financial expenses of kidney treatment. A critical Illness Insurance plan can provide a lump sum amount to meet the costs of treatment, care & diagnosis of kidney disease. Know more about the importance of critical illness insurance for kidney failure treatment


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (282)

Why Adding Parents to Existing Health Cover is not Advised

Discover why adding parents to your existing health cover may not be advised. Understand the potential drawbacks and complexities involved in adding parents to your policy with Niva Bupa.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (283)

What You Need to Know Before Buying Health Insurance

What You Need to Know Before Buying Health Insurance


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (284)

Tips to Buy the Best Health Insurance Policy for Coronavirus

As Covid-19 numbers are rising, it is important that you look at some of the tips to buy a health insurance plan for coronavirus, that ensures financial security for you and your loved ones


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (285)

How Can a Critical Illness Insurance Plan Back You Up at the Time of Crisis?

Avail a critical illness insurance plan & protect yourself against critical illnesses like cancer, stroke, heart attack. Know more about the benefits of critical illness insurance plan.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (286)

Impact of Coronavirus on Kidney Patients

Coronavirus has been found to affect kidney patients. In the article, Niva Bupa has explained how Covid-19 has severely impacted kidney patients. Read to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (287)

Best Healthcare Plans for Senior Citizen Parents

With Niva Bupa health insurance for senior citizens get your parents future completely secured. Read the article to know more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (288)

Claim Settlement Ratio: Importance, Process & How to Calculate?

Claim Settlement Ratio is the percentage of claims that an insurance company settles during a year. The claim settlement ratio process indicates an insurance company's potential to pay the sum insured to the policyholder. Know about the importance of CSR & how to calculate claim settlement ratio.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (289)

What is the Age Limit to Buy Health Insurance for Parents?

There is no age limit to buy health inusrance for parents but as the age increases the benefits varry according to your plan. Niva Bupa explains about the same in the given article .Read the article to get a deep insight.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (290)

What is the Importance of Micro Health Insurance?

Micro Insurance is a sort of insurance that is specifically designed for assets that are less valuable, for those making modest incomes, and for people with incredibly tiny savings.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (291)

What Is Recharge Benefit In Health Insurance Plan?

The recharge benefit in a health insurance plan is often the best way to ensure that you are never unprepared in case a medical emergency crops up unexpectedly. Click here to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (292)

How to Protect Your Parents or Elderly People from Coronavirus? | Niva Bupa

Elder people are more vulnerable to coronavirus pandemic. The article explains the different ways in which you can protect your parents/elder people from coronavirus. Know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (293)

Top 10 Deadliest Diseases in 2023

Despite its horrific nature, the coronavirus is not one of the top 10 deadliest illnesses. Here is a list of the most serious illnesses that you need to be aware of.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (294)

Is Health Insurance Available for Insulin-Dependent Diabetes?

Is Health Insurance Available for Insulin-Dependent Diabetes?


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (295)

Top Reasons To Get A Health Insurance For Your Mother

It has become important to provide your mother with advanced medical care & treatment if she faces any health issues. Know about the reasons why health insurance is important for your mother.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (296)

Mental Illness Cover in Health Insurance - Meaning & Benefits

People & insurance companies have recognized the importance of mental health. So, most insurance plans now include coverage for mental illness. Know about mental illness cover in health insurance, exclusions of mental illness insurance, diseases covered under health insurance for mental illness, etc.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (297)

Factors to Consider While Comparing Critical Illness Insurance Plans in India

Comparing & buying a critical illness plan is not easy. The article explains the components of a critical illness insurance plan & what you should look out for while comparing them.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (298)

8 Pillars of Health Insurance You Must Consider Before Buying a Policy

Consider these 8 pillars of health insurance if you are buying insurance for first time. Read the article & know about the pillars of health insurance that should be considered before buying a policy.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (299)

Why Do Patients with Hypertension Need Health Insurance?

Patients with Hypertension need health insurance to reduce stress & to make sure that they receive quality healthcare treatment. The article explains why hypertension patients need health insurance.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (300)

How Does Gender Affect Health Insurance Premiums in India?

Do you know that your gender can affect your health insurance premium in India? Read the article to know how does your gender affects health insurance premiums.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (301)

How to Choose between Critical Illness Plan & Disease Specific Insurance Plans?

Choose between critical illness insurance and disease specific insurance plan based on your needs & health status. Read this article to know how you can make the right choice.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (302)

5 Things to Check Before Health Insurance Renewal

Renewing health insurance is important as it allows the policyholder to receive continued benefits. Before renewing health insurance, read about 5 things you should check.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (303)

Myths And Facts About Critical Illness Insurance Plans

Myths and facts related to critical illness insurance plans have always been present. Read further to know which are the myths and which are the facts.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (304)

Why to Buy Health Insurance And Critical Illness Insurance Separately

Many assume either a health insurance plan or critical illness insurance policy is enough of a cover. However, it is imminent to equip yourself with both and here is why.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (305)

How to Choose the Right Health Insurance Policy for Employees?

Picking the right health insurance for employees is crucial to keep their financial & health goals align. Read & know how to choose the right health insurance policy for your employees


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (306)

How Health Insurance Can Reduce your Father’s Financial Stress?

Health insurance plan helps in reducing your financial burden at times of financial crisis & helps in reducing your father's financial stress as well. Click here to read more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (307)

10 Best ways to manage anxiety during COVID-19

People have been largely confined to houses by the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak. Read and find out how to manage your stress, mental health, and anxiety.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (308)

Health Insurance Portability: A Detailed Guide

Health insurance migration is a term used to describe the ability of an individual to transfer their health policy from one insurance provider to another without losing their policy benefits


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (309)

No Claim Bonus Health Insurance: How it Works, Types & Benefits

No Claim Bonus Health Insurance is a benefit offered by Niva Bupa health insurance company to policyholders who do not make any claims during the policy period


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (310)

Buy Health Insurance Policy

Read this article today to understand the importance of buying a health insurance plan in India & the factors that should be considered before buying a medical policy. Click here to start reading.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (311)

15 Benefits of Ayushman Bharat Yojana

Ayushman Bharat Yojana scheme (PMJAY) is the largest in the world in terms of health insurance. Read the article to know more about the Ayushman Bharat yojana benefits.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (312)

Difference between Incurred Claim Ratio and Claim Settlement Ratio

Understanding the difference between incurred claim ratio and claim settlement ratio is key to knowing which insurance company is best suited for your health insurance needs.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (313)

India's Seven Deadliest Diseases as of 2021

In practically every country today, deadliest disease and stroke have emerged as the main causes of health concerns. Some of the most deadly illnesses are affected.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (314)

Malaria and Monsoon Explained | Symptoms & Prevention of Malaria

Malaria is spread in humans through bites of female Anopheles mosquito. Read this article to learn about the symptoms of malaria and how can you prevent mosquito breeding.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (315)

Best Health Insurance Plan for COPD

COPD is a medical condition that includes a host of respiratory diseases. Niva Bupa offers the best health insurance plan for COPD & how it is helpful for COPD patients.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (316)

Why is Buying Family Health Insurance So Important Nowadays?

For many people, having a health insurance plan for family has become a priority. Read the article and understand why is buying a family health insurance plan so important nowadays.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (317)

How does the waist-to-hip ratio affect your health?

Studies have shown that waist-to-hip ratio can predict the probability of developing health concerns. Read this article to know, what is waist-to-hip ratio, and how it affects your health?


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (318)

Things to Know About Mediclaim Policy

Mediclaim is a health insurance policy in which the insurer reimburses the policyholder for medical expenses. Buying a Mediclaim insurance plan might help you obtain financial aid in an emergency.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (319)

Importance ofpersonal accident insurancein construction

Despite safety precautions, a construction site can be a dangerous place. In this article, we have discussed the importance of personal accident insurance in the construction sector. Read more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (320)

How to Improve your Health Insurance Cover with 5 Add-On Covers?

Know about the different types of health insurance add-ons you can choose from. Read the article and know about 5 add-on covers that can help you in improving your health insurance cover.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (321)

Benefits of Family Floater Health Insurance Plans in India

Understand the various benefits offered by a family floater health insurance policy & know who should buy it in India. Click here to know more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (322)

7 Ways to Smartly Save on Health Insurance Policy

Looking to save more, while keeping your health secure? Here are 7 different ways in which you can save money when buying a health insurance policy. Click to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (323)

How Does Yoga Help in Lowering your Health Insurance Costs?

There are numerous health benefits of doing yoga. The article has explained how yoga can also help you in lowering your health insurance cost. Click here to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (324)

Everything you need to know about health insurance

It is important to have a comprehensive health insurance. Know all about the types of health insurance, it's benefits & understand how to make the best of your medical insurance policy.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (325)

10 Things to Know About Mediclaim Policy

Know about about mediclaim policy and find important factors of Mediclaim Policy, Types, Inclusions & Exclusions of Mediclaim Policy. Read more about the Rules & Regulations, Claim to settlement ratio and lots more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (326)

Why You Should Buy Health Insurance in Your 20s?

To know more about the health insurance value and why should you buy a health insurance, what are the benefits of buying a health insurance plan and how you can invest in it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (327)

Why Medical Test is Important While Buying Health Insurance Policy?

To read more why the medical test is important while buying a health insurance policy and benefits of buying or claiming a medical policy without medical test.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (328)

Short Term vs Long Term Health Insurance

Understand the difference, benefits, and disadvantages of short term health insurance & long term health insurance. As per requirements, opt for a long term or short term health insurance policy.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (329)

Reasons to Buy Health Insurance Policy Online

To know more about the insurance and reasons to buy health insurance policy, read this article and have a deep insight for the same.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (330)

Mistakes to Avoid While Buying Health Insurance Plans

Mistakes made while buying a health insurance plan can land you in a tough spot. Make sure that you avoid these mistakes while buying health insurance plan.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (331)

Important Changes to Make in your Health Insurance Policy after Marriage

To have a secure future for you and your spouse, it is vital to make important changes in your health insurance policy after marriage. Read to know more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (332)

How to Enhance your Existing Health Insurance Plan?

Your current health insurance might not be sufficient to take care of your future healthcare needs. Know how to enhance your existing health insurance plan & get more benefits.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (333)

How Does a Health Insurance Card Benefit You?

With a health insurance card, you can pay for hospitalization expenses without any hassles. Read the article to know more about the benefits of health insurance cards in India.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (334)

What is the Role of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Health Insurance?

The AI technology has been making things faster and easier for many of us. Read to know how artificial intelligence has an impact on the health insurance industry now.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (335)

Can you Buy Health Insurance for a New-Born Baby?

Yes, you can buy health insurance for new born baby. Discover the options of buying health insurance for a new-born baby with Niva Bupa.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (336)

Benefits of Buying Health Insurance Policy from Niva Bupa

Buying a health insurance plan is one of the best things you can do for your health. In the article, Niva Bupa has explained the different benefits of buying a health insurance policy. Know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (337)

Why is it Important to Read Health Insurance Terms & Conditions Before Finalizing?

Reading terms & conditions might be boring, but it is very crucial also. Click here to know why it is vital to read the terms & conditions thoroughly before you finalize health insurance policy.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (338)

Health Insurance Migration: A Detailed Guide

Health insurance migration is a term used to describe the ability of an individual to transfer their health policy from one insurance provider to another without losing their policy benefits


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (339)

Health Insurance for Physically & Mentally Disabled People

Health insurance can be availed in different ways by physically & mentally disabled people. Know about the plans offered by government for physical & mentally disabled people.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (340)

Does your Existing Health Insurance Policy Covers Omicron?

IRDAI stated that every health insurance plan covering the treatment of Coronavirus issued by different health insurance companies must also cover the treatment of Omicron. Indemnity health insurance policy covers Omicron infection treatment. Read to know if Omicron is covered under your existing health insurance.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (341)

Right Age to Buy Health Insurance Plan in India

Before you buy health insurance, you must have often wondered about the right age to buy the same. Typically, people think that they need to buy a health insurance policy only when they start ageing, or when their health begins to deteriorate. The biggest fallacy, believed in by some people, is that they don’t need to buy a health insurance plan, while they are young and healthy. But, market experts advise that the right age to buy health insurance plans is at a relatively younger age i.e. in between 18-25, while you are in sound health. Besides, the millennials of the present age are at a high risk of lifestyle diseases, like hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and cardiac ailments because of poor lifestyle habits. These include lack of exercise, odd working hours, stress, pollution, and poor dietary habits. Alongside, there is the risk of vector-borne diseases, like dengue, chikungunya, jaundice etc. and pandemics such as coronavirus. So, buying a health insurance policy should be a top priority for young people.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (342)

Know about the Benefits of a Multi-Year Health Insurance Policy

The expiry of your health insurance policy is nearing, you may consider purchasing a multi-year health insurance policy through a single premium especially.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (343)

What is Restoration Benefit in Health Insurance & How It Works?

Learn about the restoration/refill benefit in health insurance and how it works with Niva Bupa. Understand how this feature allows you to replenish your health coverage limit during a policy year.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (344)

Medical Insurance Policy for Pre- existing Disease Coverage | Niva Bupa

Niva Bupa offers a comprehensive medical insurance policy with pre-existing condition coverage. Discover the benefits and features of Niva Bupa's policy to safeguard your health and manage pre-existing conditions effectively.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (345)

Different Health Insurance Policies for your Diverse Needs

Niva Bupa offers different health insurance policies depending upon the needs of the users. Choose from a wide range of health insurance policies like an individual health insurance policy, family floater policy, etc. Know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (346)

Is Catarct Surgery Covered Under Health Insurance

Surgery is the best way to treat cataracts. Cataract insurance coverage is inclusive of surgical expenses. Read & understand the need for health insurance for cataract surgery.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (347)

Why Is It Important to be Honest When Buying Health Insurance?

Be honest with your insurer while buying a health insurance policy. Always important details like age, pre-existing diseases, etc. correctly. Get to know about the importance of being honest with your insurer while buying health insurance.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (348)

Essential Aspects To Consider Before Deciding On A Health Insurance

Read this article today to understand the importance of buying a health insurance plan in India & the factors that should be considered before buying a medical policy. Click here to start reading.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (349)

Factors to Consider before Buying Health Insurance for Women

Women are more vulnerable to illnesses that are peculiar to them, such as ovarian and breast cancer. Because of this, it is advantageous for women in India.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (350)

All you need to know about chronic kidney diseases

To learn more about what is chronic kidney disease and what are its symptoms and its causes and what prevention you can take in chronic kidney disease


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (351)

Challenges of Cashless Health Insurance

Cashless health insurance policies, are those insurance plans wherein the policyholder has the option to avail of cashless treatment at an insurer's network hospital. In case of cashless treatment, all your medical bills are settled between the insurer and the hospital.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (352)

Can NRIs Buy Health Insurance Policy for their Parents Living in India?

NRIs can buy a health insurance policy for your parents living in India. NRIs can either buy an individual or senior citizen health insurance policy. Click here to read the details.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (353)

6 Things to Remember Before Buying a Cancer Insurance Plan in India

Buying a cancer insurance plan in India? Here are 6 things that you should remember before buying a cancer health insurance plan. Read to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (354)

How to Avoid Medical Insurance Claim Rejection in India?

To learn more about how you can avoid medical claim rejection in India and what are the main reasons you can face while claiming the insurance


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (355)

Why Must Women Have a Separate Health Insurance Policy?

Why Must Women Have a Separate Health Insurance Policy


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (356)

Simple Ways to Plan for Your Health Insurance

Simple Ways to Plan for Your Health Insurance


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (357)

Should You Migrate Corona Kavach to a Comprehensive Health Insurance?

Corona Kavach is a health insurance policy that protects policyholders against coronavirus. IRDAI had mandated general insurance companies to offer short-term insurance plans to cater to the maximum number of people. It also provided options to renew, migrate & port existing Corona Kavach policy to the comprehensive health insurance plan.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (358)

Health Insurance: Why You Need to Start Early

Health Insurance: Why You Need to Start Early


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (359)

Why You Should Timely Re-Evaluate Your Family Health Insurance Plan?

Re-evaluate family health insurance plans & stay well-informed about latest market offerings. Read the article & know more about how to re-evaluate family health insurance plans.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (360)

What is Cashless Hospitalization?

With cashless insurance, say goodbye to all your worries about arranging money at the last minute of health emergency. Read on to know more about cashless hospitalization.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (361)

Know About New Age Features of Health Insurance in India

Shop health insurance in India only after thoroughly reviewing the policy's features. Read the article to learn about the modern features of Indian health


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (362)

How Health Insurance is Helpful in Case of Respiratory Disease?

In case of respiratory diseases, a health insurance plan can ease payments and ensure a range of benefits. Read the article & understand how a health insurance plan is beneficial if you have respiratory disease.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (363)

Tips for First-time Insurance Buyers

Health insurance proves to be a saving grace as it helps provide financial security in the face of unexpected medical emergencies. Here are some tips for first-time insurance buyers. Read to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (364)

Everything You Need to Know About Family Medical Insurance Plans in India

know about medical policy for family, its benefits and what to look for while buying a medical policy for a family?


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (365)

How to choose the cheapest health insurance plan in India?

It is not always the right choice to buy an expensive health insurance policy. Sometimes a cheaper policy might work too. Get to know about how to choose cheapest health insurance plan.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (366)

All you need to know about Health Insurance plans for children

It is important to ensure that your children get the best healthcare possible when they need it. Buy health insurance for children & protect your children.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (367)

Healthy Foods to Consume After You Get The Covid-19 Vaccine Shot

It is vital to understand the importance of taking a healthy diet after covid-19 jab. Read the full article to know about healthy foods that you can consume post-vaccination.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (368)

Choosing the Best Family Floater Health Insurance Plans in India

While choosing a family floater health insurance plan in India, one must perform comprehensive research about the plan's features and benefits. Click here to read more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (369)

Importance of Buying Health Insurance Plan for Women

Women's health is an untapped space when it comes to covering medical expenses. This article explains why it is essential for every woman to sign up for a health insurance policy in India.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (370)

What are the benefits of an individual health insurance plan?

Individual health insurance plan covers a single person & offers financial protection during health emergencies. Benefits include hospitalization coverage, OPD coverage, etc.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (371)

Why is Health Insurance Necessary for Asthma Patients?

Over 10% of patients with asthma are thought to reside in India, making it one of the most prevalent respiratory disorders in the world.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (372)

What Makes Health Insurance one of the Most Important Covers to Buy in 2021?

A resolution for all of us in 2021 should be to financially prepare by buying health insurance plan online. Click here to know what makes health insurance an important policy to buy in 2021.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (373)

Reasons Why Health Insurance is a Necessity, Not an Option

Health insurance programmes enable both individuals and families to obtain the necessary medical care without having to worry about the cost. Read More.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (374)

Is Coronavirus Covered by Your Existing Health Insurance Policy? | Niva Bupa

Does your health insurance offers coronavirus cover? In the article, Niva Bupa has explained how to identify whether coronavirus is covered by your health insurance plan or not.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (375)

Why You Should Review your Health Insurance Plan Every Year

With increasing age, susceptibility to various diseases gets higher. Thus, an annual review of health insurance policies can ensure that you have a plan that suits your changing lifestyle. Read to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (376)

What Are the Risks for Malaria Patients During Covid-19?

Every year, nearly 230 million people develop illnesses as a result of malaria. Niva Bupa covered the dangers, signs, and treatment of malaria during COVID-19 in the article. learn more


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (377)

Top 5 Ways to Boost your Oxygen Level at Home

Rapidly falling oxygen saturation levels were the most noticeable concern among COVID patients. So, here are a few tips to increase oxygen levels with simple practices like correct breathing. Know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (378)

When is the Right Time to Buy a Health Insurance Policy in India?

People might get confused regarding when to buy health insurance. In the article, Niva Bupa has explained the right time for buying a health insurance plan in India. Read more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (379)

How to Identify Hypertension in Ageing Parents

To learn more about that how to identify hypertension in ageing parents and signs and symptoms of hypertension and how to spot the signs of hypertension.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (380)

Get optimum coverage with Niva Bupa Health ReAssure

Health ReAssure Plan offered by Niva Bupa is among the best plans for the family. Read the article to know all about health the reassure plan.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (381)

7 Ways to Get Affordable Health Insurance After A Job Loss

It is difficult to manage a health insurance plan from your savings if you have lost your job. Read the article & know about different ways to get affordable job loss insurance India


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (382)

Why is Having an Individual Health Insurance Plan Important?

An individual health insurance policy protects the policyholder for medical expenses. Click here to read why it is important to have an individual health insurance plan in India.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (383)

What are the Risks of Not Having a Health Insurance Policy?

In the event of a medical emergency, health insurance policy is the best financial support you may rely on. Read to know about the risks of not having a health insurance policy.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (384)

5 Easy Freehand Exercises for an Effective Workout

Regular physical activity has many benefits for the human body. Since daily exercise at home is necessary for today’s time, learn about easy freehand workouts and acquire a healthy lifestyle. Read more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (385)

Which Health Insurance Plan is Best for You?

Do you know what a health insurance policy is? Why do we need it and how can we choose the best health insurance policy? Read this article and get your questions cleared.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (386)

Why You Should Wear a Mask Even If You're Vaccinated

To Know more about why should you wear mask even after if you're completely vaccinated and what the benefits of its and by this how you can protect your love once


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (387)

Effects of Union Budget 2021 on Health Insurance

The Union Budget 2021 has affected different sectors this year. Know how Union Budget has affected the expectations of the health insurance sector.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (388)

Tips for Finding the Best Health Insurance Policy in India

Get a deep insight of health insurance policy, its types, benefits and how to pick the best health health insurance plans in India.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (389)

All You Need to Know About Personal Accident Cover

We all should consider adding a personal accident cover to our health insurance plan. Hence, you must consult your insurance provider before selecting a policy. Know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (390)

Insurance Schemes in India: A Guide to Choosing the Right Plan for You

Know how to choose the right health insurance plan and compare the different types of health insurance schemes in India.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (391)

Need of a Personal Accident Insurance Policy

Do you know the actual reason behind buying a personal accident insurance policy? This article tells you everything from why you need a personal accident insurance policy to how you can choose the best one for yourself.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (392)

Mechanism of Personal Accident Insurance Policy

This article gives an insight of how personal accident insurance policy works in India. Read the article to get a deep insight.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (393)

Secure Your Future By Choosing the Right Mediclaim Plan

Knowing the benefits and tips of choosing the right medicliam plan can help you secure your future. Read this article to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (394)

All The Information You Will Need on Health Insurance for Senior Citizens

Read this article and know everything about health insurance for senior citizens and get their future secured.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (395)

How to Buy the Best Health Insurance Plan for Senior Citizens

Are you looking for the best health insurance plans for senior citizens and are confused which one to buy? Check out NIva Bupa’s Health Insurance Plan for Senior Citizens. Read the article to get a deep insight.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (396)

Documentation Requirements for Health Insurance

While purchasing a health insurance policy there are several documents that are required. These documents are listed in this article by Niva Bupa.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (397)

Personal Accidents Insurance Options in India

A personal accident insurance policy provides complete financial coverage to policyholders in case of accidental death, bodily injuries and physical disabilities (temporary and permanent).


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (398)

Guidelines for Selecting the Best Health Insurance Policy

There are certain guidelines for Selecting the Best Health Insurance Policy such as Select and Review the Coverage Wisely, Look for a Cashless Network, and many more. Before selecting health insurance make sure to follow each guideline.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (399)

What is Critical Illness Cover & How Does It Work?

Critical illness health insurance is a type of insurance that provides financial support in the event of a serious illness.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (400)

Understanding Free Look Period And Its Benefits

The free look period is a provision included in health insurance in India that allows the policyholder to review the terms and conditions of the policy, and make changes or even cancel the policy without any penalties.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (401)

Everything you Need to Know about Accident Insurance

Accident Insurance is a form of insurance that provides financial coverage to individuals in the event of an accidental injury.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (402)

Why Buying Health Insurance is Better Than Taking Medical Loan?

Confused between health insurance and taking a medical loan? Understand why buying a health insurance plan is way better than taking a medical loan. Read to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (403)

Key Factors to Keep in Mind When Purchasing Health Insurance

This year many top health insurance plans have been brought up by many companies. A few of them are listed in this article. Read this article to get a deep insight.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (404)

Family Policy Insurance: The Key to Your Family's Financial Stability

Family healthcare insurance is a type of insurance that covers medical expenses for your entire family. It can be a lifesaver in times of need and provide financial stability for your family. Read the article to learn more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (405)

A Guide to Choosing the Best Mediclaim Insurance Policy for your Family

Many purchase a health plan without understanding if it would suit them. The comprehensive information in this article will make it easier for you to buy a mediclaim policy for your family.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (406)

Stay Prepared for the Worst with Comprehensive COVID Insurance

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the significance of being prepared for unforeseen circ*mstances.Read the article to know more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (407)

Optimising Your Healthcare: The Perks of Section 80D for Medical Insurance

The Indian government has introduced various incentives for medical insurance for parents, such as Section 80D, to make healthcare affordable for everyone.This blog will discuss the features of section 80D and its impact on healthcare insurance plans


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (408)

Prioritising Your Health: A Guide to Individual Insurance

In this article, we will discuss how to prioritise your health by getting individual health insurance plans and their benefits.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (409)

Choose the Right Medical Insurance Plan to Protect your Health

Choosing the right medical insurance plan is a critical decision that can significantly impact your physical and financial well-being.Read the article to know more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (410)

Accidental Insurance A Requirement for Every Home

Accident insurance is considered supplemental insurance, and it is most useful when combined with a major medical plan.Read the entire article to know it’s requirement


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (411)

Health Insurance Deduction: How to Get the Most Out of Your Coverage

Are you paying for your healthcare insurance? If so, you might be eligible for a health insurance deduction which means you can save money on your income tax return. Read the article to know more about this.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (412)

Mediclaim Insurance Plans: A Smart Investment for Your Future

Are you future ready for your family’s health? Know about the


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (413)

A Step-by-Step Guide to Calculating Your Health Insurance Premium

Know the entire mechanism of calculating your health insurance premium. Read the article to know more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (414)

Find Peace of Mind with Health Insurance for Cancer Treatment

This blog will help you understand how health insurance for cancer treatment can help you manage the cost of care and provide you access to the top cancer hospitals in India.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (415)

The Family Floater Insurance Concept Simplified

Family floater health insurance, often known as a family health insurance plan, covers all members of your family under a single healthcare insurance policy. Read the entire article to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (416)

The Impact of Chronic Conditions on Health Insurance Plans

Chronic conditions, characterised by long-lasting and often progressive symptoms, can significantly impact the health insurance plans of individuals who suffer from them. Read the article to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (417)

Understanding the Impact of your Family Size on Health Insurance Plans

Before buying any family health insurance, you should understand the impact of a family's size on the cost of a family health insurance plan. This blog will discuss the same.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (418)

Top Health Insurance Plans for Heart Patients

According to the Indian Heart Association, individuals under the age of 50 accounts for more than half of all heart attacks. Also there are many more reasons why you should get a health insurance plan for heart patients.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (419)

What do Critical Illness Insurance Plans Cover?

Read the certain features that are covered under critical illness insurance plan in this article.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (420)

Why do Women Need Insurance?

Do you know why specifically women need health insurance plans. Read the article to know about this topic.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (421)

What are the Benefits, Choices & Characteristics of Mediclaim Policy?

Niva Bupa provides the best mediclaim policy. Read the article to know about mediclaim policy benefits, choices & chracterstics


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (422)

Why One Must Have a Mediclaim Insurance Policy

Know all the benefits and reasons of having a Mediclaim Insurance Policy. Read the article to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (423)

Important Considerations of Personal Accident Insurance

Know all about Personal Accident Insurance in this article. This article provides you with all the information from why you should buy the personal accident insurance to its benefits.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (424)

Benefits of Purchasing Critical Illness Insurance Early in Life

There are 5 major benefits of buying critical illness insurance namely- Financial protection, Comprehensive Coverage, Guaranteed Renewal, Tax Benefits, and No Claim Bonuses. Read the article to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (425)

All the Health Insurance Information You'll Ever Need

Know everything about health insurance in one article.Starting from the types of health insurance plans to why you need it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (426)

Things to Keep in Mind Before Buying Health Insurance in India

There are several things to keep in mind before buying a health insurance plan in India. Read this article to know everything in detail.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (427)

Safeguard your Health with a Cashless Mediclaim

Know all the benefits and tips before choosing your medicliam plan. Read the article to get a deep insight of the topic.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (428)

How Does Cashless Mediclaim Work?

This article gives an insight of what Cashless Mediclaim is, how it works and the different types of Cashless Mediclaim. Read the article to know more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (429)

The Need to Purchase the Best Health Insurance Plan

This article provides all the information about why we need to choose a health insurance plan and how we can select it. Read the article to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (430)

Get to Know Everything About the Family Mediclaim Plans

Knowing the benefits and tips to choose the best family mediclaim plans for your family will always be an important part of safeguarding your family's future. Read the entire article to know more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (431)

Choose the Best Senior Citizen Health Insurance

There are several factors and benefits you must know before choosing a Senior Citizen Health Insurance Plan. Read the article to know all about the topic.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (432)

All About the Corona Kavach Policy

In this article know the need, features and benefits of Corona Kavach Policy and get the future of your family secured.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (433)

Corona Kavach Policy and Medical Coverages

Know everything you need to know about corona kavach policy and medical coverages. Read the article to get a deep insight of the topic.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (434)

Family Health Insurance Plans to Look Out

When it comes to choosing the right family health insurance plans it is important to know its benefits and how to choose it. Read the article to know more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (435)

Critical Illness Plans: All You Need To Know

Know the features, benefits and tips to choose the right critical illness plan for yourself and your family. Read this article to have a deep insight of the same.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (436)

Significance of Having an Individual Health Insurance Plan

Know all the advantages of buying individual health insurance plans along with the tips of how to choose it in this article


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (437)

Need, Significance and Benefits of Having a Health Plan

Know the significance and benefits of having a health plan. This article provides you a deep knowledge about the same.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (438)

Top Reasons to Choose a Health Insurance Plan

When choosing a health insurance plan, there are many factors to consider. Finding a plan that meets your needs and fits your budget is crucial. Read the entire article to know about the top reasons to choose a health insurance plan.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (439)

Coverages Under Medical Insurance Plan

Medical insurance plans are designed to cover a wide range of medical expenses, including hospitalization costs, physician fees, diagnostic tests, prescription drugs, and other medical care.Read the article to more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (440)

What are the Perks of Having a Best Family Health Insurance Plan?

The most crucial benefit of having a family health plan is that it can save money. It can help to offset the cost of expensive medical treatments and procedures. Read the article to know more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (441)

Ensure Financial Security in Health Crises with Medical Plans

When it comes to financial security in times of health crises; nothing can be more important than having a medical plan. Read the entire blog to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (442)

Dos and Don'ts of a Health Insurance Plan

This blog will discuss the benefits of having health insurance plans in India and the dos and don’ts to consider while buying the best health insurance plans in India.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (443)

Myths About Health Insurance in India

There are several myths about health insurance policy that people have in their minds. This article burst all the myths. Read this article to have a deep insight about the topic.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (444)

Health Insurance Jargons You Must Know

Do you still have questions about health insurance plans? This article provides you answers to all your questions. Read the article to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (445)

Is Knee Replacement Surgery Covered by Health Insurance?

Don’t let your critical knee replacement surgery suffer due to financial crises, get your health insurance plan today and make your future secured. Read the article to get deep insight about the same.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (446)

Understanding the Grace Period in Health Insurance

Your health insurance grace period is the additional time you are provided if you fail to pay your policy renewal payment by the due date. Read the entire article to know more about the topic.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (447)

Understanding the Inclusions and Exclusions of Health Insurance Plans

“Inclusions” and “Exclusions” are two terms used in every health insurance policy which state the expenses covered and not covered by the insurer. This blog will cover the basic understanding of the same.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (448)

Why You Should Buy a Health Insurance Plan

Health insurance policy grants you the provision of having your medical expenses reimbursed or directly paid in case of a medical emergency.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (449)

Why is Health Insurance Important?

In today's world, health insurance has become an essential requirement for individuals and families. With rising medical costs and the increasing prevalence of lifestyle diseases, having adequate insurance can provide financial security and peace of mind.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (450)

Health Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance: A Comparison

There are several differences between health insurance and personal accident insurance. Read the article to have a deep insight about the topic.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (451)

XBB.1.16 Variant: Symptoms, Risk Factors and Need for Boosters

The XBB.1.16 variant of the COVID-19 virus has been identified as a new variant with potentially concerning symptoms and risk factors


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (452)

Best Health Insurance Plans for Parents in India

Know the need for a health insurance policy for parents and how to select the best health insurance plan for your parents.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (453)

Should Corona Kavach be switched over to Comprehensive Health Insurance?

Do you know what Corona Kavach policy is? Why should we purchase it and the need to switch Corona Kavach plan to comprehensive health insurance


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (454)

Ensure your Well-being with PM Modi's Health Insurance Plan

In a country like India, where healthcare costs can be outrageous, access to quality healthcare can challenge many people. Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the PM health insurance scheme or Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana to manage healthcare services. Read to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (455)

Best Mediclaim Policy for Family: Save on Healthcare Costs

Get an insight of what is mediclaim policy , its types and benefits. Also know the Factors to Consider Before Buying a Mediclaim Policy


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (456)

An Affordable Mediclaim Insurance Policy to Protect Your Family's Health

Let’s know the benefits of Family Mediclaim Insurance and reasons to choose it along with the way to choose.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (457)

How to Find the Best Accident Insurance Plan?

Know the ways of how you can get the best accident insurance plan. Read the article to get a deep insight of the topic.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (458)

Things to Consider Before Buying a Second Health Insurance Policy

You can always buy a second health insurance policy if you are not satisfied with your primary health insurance. Know about the things to consider before buying a second health insurance policy.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (459)

How to Deal with a Bad Health Insurance Plan?

The article discusses what constitutes a bad health insurance plan and how to avoid getting a bad health insurance plan. Read to know about how to deal with a bad health insurance plan.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (460)

Understanding Health Insurance Policies

Health insurance is an insurance product which covers medical, surgical and other expenses of an insured individual or family or even a group of people.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (461)

The Best Medical Insurance Policy to Buy in India

Have a deep insight about mediclaim insurance policy and the factors to consider before buying mediclaim insurance in India.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (462)

The Benefits of Buying a Family Floater Medical Policy

Have you heard about family floater medical insurance? Know about it and its benefits. Also do remember the things before purchasing a family floater mediclaim


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (463)

Best Family Floater Health Insurance Plans in India

Get an insight about family floater health insurance plan its benefits and how you can select the best family floater health insurance plans.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (464)

5 Reasons You Should Need Personal Accident Insurance

know about personal accident insurance, its benefits and the 5 prime reasons for buying it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (465)

Omicron Symptoms: A Rare Disease with Devastating Affects

Have an insight of what Omicron is? Know its symptoms and get yourself prepared with the protection against Omicron variant


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (466)

Best Health Insurance Plans: How to Find the Right Coverage for You

Do you know what Health Insurance is? Why do we need it? And factors to consider for choosing the best health insurance plan.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (467)

Why Buying Critical Illness Insurance is a Must

know about critical illness., its benefits and things to consider before buying it along with the necessity.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (468)

Disadvantages of Not Buying a Personal Accident Insurance

Get an insight of personal accident insurance, its benefits and what does a personal accident insurance cover. Also know the disadvantages of not buying a Personal Accident Insurance


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (469)

The Best Critical Illness Policy to Keep You Safe and Secure

Get an insight of critical illness plan and the benefits of critical illness policy


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (470)

10 Best Individual Health Insurance Plans in India

Do you know what is individual health insurance and best individual health insurance plans in India? Read this article and get your doubts cleared.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (471)

Things You Must Consider Before Health Insurance Policy Renewal

Get a deep insight on health insurance policy renewal , medical policy renewal and the factors to think about before renewing your health insurance policy.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (472)

How to File a Reimbursem*nt Claim for Your Mediclaim Insurance Policy

Read this how to guide to Claim for Mediclaim Policy, Learn what is mediclaim policy and its benefits for claim settlement, health insurance and lots more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (473)

Buy the Best Health Insurance for Parents

Do you know we can get a health insurance policy for our parents? And your parents too need it. Know what is Covered by Your Parent's Health Insurance Policy.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (474)

Advantages of Buying a Family Health Insurance Plan

It’s important to know family health insurance and its benefits. Read out the things to remember before buying health Insurance Plans for a Family.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (475)

Put that Stress to Rest

Niva Bupa offers behavioral assistance program & covers counselling sessions to provide support, lifestyle, stress, child and parenting, Give that stress a rest with Niva Bupa's insurance plans.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (476)

What Are The Reasons For The Increase In Medical Expenses In India?

Medical expenses are increasing day by day & there are many factors that are influencing that cost. Click here to know about the reasons, which are resulting into increasing the medical expenses in India.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (477)


Millennials are expected to have worse health problems than their parents. Read the article to understand why health insurance is a necessity & best investment option for millennials.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (478)

How to Choose Health Insurance for a Single Parent?

Health insurance for single parent comes with many financial benefits, for both the parent & the child. Click here to know, how to choose the best health insurance for single parent.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (479)

Factors that can impact your health insurance premium

Premium is an important factor while buying a health insurance policy. Read the article to know about the different factors that impact health insurance premium in India.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (480)

Everything you need to know about health insurance

It is important to have a comprehensive health insurance. Know all about the types of health insurance, it's benefits & understand how to make the best of your medical insurance policy.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (481)

Factors that can impact your health insurance premium

Premium is an important factor while buying a health insurance policy. Read the article to know about the different factors that impact health insurance premium in India.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (482)

All You Need to Know About Personal Accident Cover

We all should consider adding a personal accident cover to our health insurance plan. Hence, you must consult your insurance provider before selecting a policy. Know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (483)


Millennials are expected to have worse health problems than their parents. Read the article to understand why health insurance is a necessity & best investment option for millennials.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (484)

How to choose the cheapest health insurance plan in India?

It is not always the right choice to buy an expensive health insurance policy. Sometimes a cheaper policy might work too. Get to know about how to choose cheapest health insurance plan.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (485)

How to Protect Your Parents or Elderly People from Coronavirus? | Niva Bupa

Elder people are more vulnerable to coronavirus pandemic. The article explains the different ways in which you can protect your parents/elder people from coronavirus. Know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (486)

Is Coronavirus Covered by Your Existing Health Insurance Policy? | Niva Bupa

Does your health insurance offers coronavirus cover? In the article, Niva Bupa has explained how to identify whether coronavirus is covered by your health insurance plan or not.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (487)

All you need to know about Health Insurance plans for children

It is important to ensure that your children get the best healthcare possible when they need it. Buy health insurance for children & protect your children.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (488)

What are the benefits of an individual health insurance plan?

Individual health insurance plan covers a single person & offers financial protection during health emergencies. Benefits include hospitalization coverage, OPD coverage, etc.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (489)

Tips to Buy the Best Health Insurance Policy for Coronavirus

As Covid-19 numbers are rising, it is important that you look at some of the tips to buy a health insurance plan for coronavirus, that ensures financial security for you and your loved ones


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (490)

What is maternity benefit?

Understand the concept of maternity benefit and its significance with Niva Bupa. Explore the range of maternity benefits provided by health insurance plans, including pre and postnatal care, delivery expenses, and newborn coverage.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (491)

What Are the Risks for Malaria Patients During Covid-19?

Every year, nearly 230 million people develop illnesses as a result of malaria. Niva Bupa covered the dangers, signs, and treatment of malaria during COVID-19 in the article. learn more


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (492)

7 Ways to Get Affordable Health Insurance After A Job Loss

It is difficult to manage a health insurance plan from your savings if you have lost your job. Read the article & know about different ways to get affordable job loss insurance India


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (493)

Importance of Critical Illness Insurance for Kidney Failure

Without Health Insurance, it is difficult to bear the financial expenses of kidney treatment. A critical Illness Insurance plan can provide a lump sum amount to meet the costs of treatment, care & diagnosis of kidney disease. Know more about the importance of critical illness insurance for kidney failure treatment


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (494)

5 Reasons You Should Need Personal Accident Insurance

know about personal accident insurance, its benefits and the 5 prime reasons for buying it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (495)

Buy the Best Health Insurance for Parents

Do you know we can get a health insurance policy for our parents? And your parents too need it. Know what is Covered by Your Parent's Health Insurance Policy.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (496)

Why You Should Buy Health Insurance in Your 20s?

To know more about the health insurance value and why should you buy a health insurance, what are the benefits of buying a health insurance plan and how you can invest in it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (497)

Know About New Age Features of Health Insurance in India

Shop health insurance in India only after thoroughly reviewing the policy's features. Read the article to learn about the modern features of Indian health


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (498)

How to Get a Covid Vaccine?

Read about the Corona 19 vaccine, check out who can take covid 19 vaccine and how to register for covid vaccination and its process. Know about the commodities that make you eligible for vaccination.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (499)

A Guide to Finding the Best Policy for Senior Citizens

Do you know What is Senior Citizen Mediclaim and its benefits along with the Need for Medical Insurance for Senior Citizens?


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (500)

Which Health Insurance Plan is Best for You?

Do you know what a health insurance policy is? Why do we need it and how can we choose the best health insurance policy? Read this article and get your questions cleared.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (501)

Top 5 Ways to Boost your Oxygen Level at Home

Rapidly falling oxygen saturation levels were the most noticeable concern among COVID patients. So, here are a few tips to increase oxygen levels with simple practices like correct breathing. Know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (502)

Malaria and Monsoon Explained | Symptoms & Prevention of Malaria

Malaria is spread in humans through bites of female Anopheles mosquito. Read this article to learn about the symptoms of malaria and how can you prevent mosquito breeding.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (503)

Best Family Floater Health Insurance Plans in India

Get an insight about family floater health insurance plan its benefits and how you can select the best family floater health insurance plans.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (504)

Things to Consider Before Buying a Second Health Insurance Policy

You can always buy a second health insurance policy if you are not satisfied with your primary health insurance. Know about the things to consider before buying a second health insurance policy.


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Healthy Foods to Consume After You Get The Covid-19 Vaccine Shot

It is vital to understand the importance of taking a healthy diet after covid-19 jab. Read the full article to know about healthy foods that you can consume post-vaccination.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (506)

Importance Of Health Insurance In India

Medical emergencies generally exhaust most of our savings, so it is suggested to have a health insurance to secure the future. Read the article to know the importance of insurance.


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Reasons to Buy Health Insurance Policy Online

To know more about the insurance and reasons to buy health insurance policy, read this article and have a deep insight for the same.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (508)

10 Things to Know About Mediclaim Policy

Know about about mediclaim policy and find important factors of Mediclaim Policy, Types, Inclusions & Exclusions of Mediclaim Policy. Read more about the Rules & Regulations, Claim to settlement ratio and lots more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (509)

Tips for Finding the Best Health Insurance Policy in India

Get a deep insight of health insurance policy, its types, benefits and how to pick the best health health insurance plans in India.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (510)

Benefits of Family Floater Health Insurance Plans in India

Understand the various benefits offered by a family floater health insurance policy & know who should buy it in India. Click here to know more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (511)

Important Changes to Make in your Health Insurance Policy after Marriage

To have a secure future for you and your spouse, it is vital to make important changes in your health insurance policy after marriage. Read to know more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (512)

The Best Critical Illness Policy to Keep You Safe and Secure

Get an insight of critical illness plan and the benefits of critical illness policy


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (513)

Claim Settlement Ratio: Importance, Process & How to Calculate?

Claim Settlement Ratio is the percentage of claims that an insurance company settles during a year. The claim settlement ratio process indicates an insurance company's potential to pay the sum insured to the policyholder. Know about the importance of CSR & how to calculate claim settlement ratio.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (514)

Does Health Insurance Cover for Total Knee Replacement Surgery?

It's true that most of the health insurance providers give total knee replacment health insurance in their plans. But to know more in detail read this article about total knee replacement surgery.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (515)

Best Mediclaim Policy for Family: Save on Healthcare Costs

Get an insight of what is mediclaim policy , its types and benefits. Also know the Factors to Consider Before Buying a Mediclaim Policy


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (516)

What is the Concept of Room Rent Limit in Health Insurance?

The article explains the room rent limit in health insurance. Understand all about room capping in health insurance, different types of room rent coverages & how it affects insurance claims.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (517)

How to File a Reimbursem*nt Claim for Your Mediclaim Insurance Policy

Read this how to guide to Claim for Mediclaim Policy, Learn what is mediclaim policy and its benefits for claim settlement, health insurance and lots more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (518)

Why do Family Floater Policies Offer you More for Less

If you are thinking of purchasing health insurance for all members of your family, a family floater plan might work out to be more economical and beneficial.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (519)

Is it a Good Idea to Buy Health Insurance on EMI?

Do you know buying health insurance on an EMI is a smart way of gaining higher health insurance coverage and quality treatment for your medical needs. Read this article to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (520)

What Makes Health Insurance one of the Most Important Covers to Buy in 2021?

A resolution for all of us in 2021 should be to financially prepare by buying health insurance plan online. Click here to know what makes health insurance an important policy to buy in 2021.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (521)

An Affordable Mediclaim Insurance Policy to Protect Your Family's Health

Let’s know the benefits of Family Mediclaim Insurance and reasons to choose it along with the way to choose.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (522)

Why is it Important to Read Health Insurance Terms & Conditions Before Finalizing?

Reading terms & conditions might be boring, but it is very crucial also. Click here to know why it is vital to read the terms & conditions thoroughly before you finalize health insurance policy.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (523)

Importance ofpersonal accident insurancein construction

Despite safety precautions, a construction site can be a dangerous place. In this article, we have discussed the importance of personal accident insurance in the construction sector. Read more.


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Best Health Insurance Plans for Diabetics

Health Insurance Plan for Diabetics: Patients in India find it overwhelming to find the right diabetes health insurance plan. Get to know about diabetes, types & causes of diabetes, preventive measures, etc.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (525)

How Unlimited Automatic Recharge in Mediclaim Policy is Helpful?

Recognize the benefits that auto recharge mediclaim coverage provides to policyholders. The article highlights the benefits of medical insurance coverage.


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What You Need to Know Before Buying Health Insurance

What You Need to Know Before Buying Health Insurance


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How to Improve your Health Insurance Cover with 5 Add-On Covers?

Know about the different types of health insurance add-ons you can choose from. Read the article and know about 5 add-on covers that can help you in improving your health insurance cover.


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What Is Recharge Benefit In Health Insurance Plan?

The recharge benefit in a health insurance plan is often the best way to ensure that you are never unprepared in case a medical emergency crops up unexpectedly. Click here to know more.


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How to Deal with a Bad Health Insurance Plan?

The article discusses what constitutes a bad health insurance plan and how to avoid getting a bad health insurance plan. Read to know about how to deal with a bad health insurance plan.


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5 Things to Check Before Health Insurance Renewal

Renewing health insurance is important as it allows the policyholder to receive continued benefits. Before renewing health insurance, read about 5 things you should check.


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Best Health Insurance Plans for Parents in India

Know the need for a health insurance policy for parents and how to select the best health insurance plan for your parents.


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Advantages of Buying a Family Health Insurance Plan

It’s important to know family health insurance and its benefits. Read out the things to remember before buying health Insurance Plans for a Family.


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Choosing the Best Family Floater Health Insurance Plans in India

While choosing a family floater health insurance plan in India, one must perform comprehensive research about the plan's features and benefits. Click here to read more about it.


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Importance Of Health Insurance For Low And Middle Income Groups

Importance Of Health Insurance For Low And Middle Income Groups


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What is Covered & Not Covered Under Mediclaim Policy?

Before choosing a mediclaim insurance policy, it is important to know what is covered and what is not. This article explains, what has covered & not covered under a mediclaim policy.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (536)

10 Best ways to manage anxiety during COVID-19

People have been largely confined to houses by the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak. Read and find out how to manage your stress, mental health, and anxiety.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (537)

7 Ways to Smartly Save on Health Insurance Policy

Looking to save more, while keeping your health secure? Here are 7 different ways in which you can save money when buying a health insurance policy. Click to know more.


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Understand Sub-Limit in Your Health Insurance Policy

This article explains what a sub-limit in health insurance policies is, and things to look for in the sub-limits of your policy of choice. Click here for further details.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (539)

How Can a Critical Illness Insurance Plan Back You Up at the Time of Crisis?

Avail a critical illness insurance plan & protect yourself against critical illnesses like cancer, stroke, heart attack. Know more about the benefits of critical illness insurance plan.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (540)

How Health Insurance Can Reduce your Father’s Financial Stress?

Health insurance plan helps in reducing your financial burden at times of financial crisis & helps in reducing your father's financial stress as well. Click here to read more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (541)

Impact of Coronavirus on Kidney Patients

Coronavirus has been found to affect kidney patients. In the article, Niva Bupa has explained how Covid-19 has severely impacted kidney patients. Read to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (542)

All you need to know about chronic kidney diseases

To learn more about what is chronic kidney disease and what are its symptoms and its causes and what prevention you can take in chronic kidney disease


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (543)

How Does Gender Affect Health Insurance Premiums in India?

Do you know that your gender can affect your health insurance premium in India? Read the article to know how does your gender affects health insurance premiums.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (544)

Should Corona Kavach be switched over to Comprehensive Health Insurance?

Do you know what Corona Kavach policy is? Why should we purchase it and the need to switch Corona Kavach plan to comprehensive health insurance


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (545)

Breathing Exercises to Lower BP & Risk of Heart Attack in Senior Citizens

To know more about how breathing exercises can improve the lower BP & risk of a heart attack in senior citizens and how you can maintain BP levels.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (546)

Why is Buying Family Health Insurance So Important Nowadays?

For many people, having a health insurance plan for family has become a priority. Read the article and understand why is buying a family health insurance plan so important nowadays.


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How to Choose the Right Health Insurance Policy for Employees?

Picking the right health insurance for employees is crucial to keep their financial & health goals align. Read & know how to choose the right health insurance policy for your employees


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What is the Importance of Micro Health Insurance?

Micro Insurance is a sort of insurance that is specifically designed for assets that are less valuable, for those making modest incomes, and for people with incredibly tiny savings.


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Benefits of Buying Health Insurance Policy from Niva Bupa

Buying a health insurance plan is one of the best things you can do for your health. In the article, Niva Bupa has explained the different benefits of buying a health insurance policy. Know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (550)

Why Medical Test is Important While Buying Health Insurance Policy?

To read more why the medical test is important while buying a health insurance policy and benefits of buying or claiming a medical policy without medical test.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (551)

Disadvantages of Not Buying a Personal Accident Insurance

Get an insight of personal accident insurance, its benefits and what does a personal accident insurance cover. Also know the disadvantages of not buying a Personal Accident Insurance


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Factors to Consider before Buying Health Insurance for Women

Women are more vulnerable to illnesses that are peculiar to them, such as ovarian and breast cancer. Because of this, it is advantageous for women in India.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (553)

Things You Must Consider Before Health Insurance Policy Renewal

Get a deep insight on health insurance policy renewal , medical policy renewal and the factors to think about before renewing your health insurance policy.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (554)

How to Choose Health Insurance for a Single Parent?

Health insurance for single parent comes with many financial benefits, for both the parent & the child. Click here to know, how to choose the best health insurance for single parent.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (555)

Why is Health Insurance Necessary for Asthma Patients?

Over 10% of patients with asthma are thought to reside in India, making it one of the most prevalent respiratory disorders in the world.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (556)

Short Term vs Long Term Health Insurance

Understand the difference, benefits, and disadvantages of short term health insurance & long term health insurance. As per requirements, opt for a long term or short term health insurance policy.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (557)

What is a Super Top-Up Health Insurance Plan?

A super top-up health plan covers the total hospital bills up to the limit specified in your super top-up helth insurance plan. Know all about super top up health insurance plans in India.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (558)

Omicron Symptoms: A Rare Disease with Devastating Affects

Have an insight of what Omicron is? Know its symptoms and get yourself prepared with the protection against Omicron variant


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (559)

What are the Risks of Not Having a Health Insurance Policy?

In the event of a medical emergency, health insurance policy is the best financial support you may rely on. Read to know about the risks of not having a health insurance policy.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (560)

How to Avoid Medical Insurance Claim Rejection in India?

To learn more about how you can avoid medical claim rejection in India and what are the main reasons you can face while claiming the insurance


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (561)

Mistakes to Avoid While Buying Health Insurance Plans

Mistakes made while buying a health insurance plan can land you in a tough spot. Make sure that you avoid these mistakes while buying health insurance plan.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (562)

6 Things to Remember Before Buying a Cancer Insurance Plan in India

Buying a cancer insurance plan in India? Here are 6 things that you should remember before buying a cancer health insurance plan. Read to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (563)

How Health Insurance is Helpful in Case of Respiratory Disease?

In case of respiratory diseases, a health insurance plan can ease payments and ensure a range of benefits. Read the article & understand how a health insurance plan is beneficial if you have respiratory disease.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (564)

What Are The Reasons For The Increase In Medical Expenses In India?

Medical expenses are increasing day by day & there are many factors that are influencing that cost. Click here to know about the reasons, which are resulting into increasing the medical expenses in India.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (565)

Importance of Buying Health Insurance Plan for Women

Women's health is an untapped space when it comes to covering medical expenses. This article explains why it is essential for every woman to sign up for a health insurance policy in India.


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Best Health Insurance Plan for COPD

COPD is a medical condition that includes a host of respiratory diseases. Niva Bupa offers the best health insurance plan for COPD & how it is helpful for COPD patients.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (567)

Top Reasons To Get A Health Insurance For Your Mother

It has become important to provide your mother with advanced medical care & treatment if she faces any health issues. Know about the reasons why health insurance is important for your mother.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (568)

Is Health Insurance Available for Insulin-Dependent Diabetes?

Is Health Insurance Available for Insulin-Dependent Diabetes?


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (569)

The Benefits of Buying a Family Floater Medical Policy

Have you heard about family floater medical insurance? Know about it and its benefits. Also do remember the things before purchasing a family floater mediclaim


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (570)

How Does a Health Insurance Card Benefit You?

With a health insurance card, you can pay for hospitalization expenses without any hassles. Read the article to know more about the benefits of health insurance cards in India.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (571)

The Best Medical Insurance Policy to Buy in India

Have a deep insight about mediclaim insurance policy and the factors to consider before buying mediclaim insurance in India.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (572)

Simple Ways to Plan for Your Health Insurance

Simple Ways to Plan for Your Health Insurance


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (573)

Why Must Women Have a Separate Health Insurance Policy?

Why Must Women Have a Separate Health Insurance Policy


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (574)

When is the Right Time to Buy a Health Insurance Policy in India?

People might get confused regarding when to buy health insurance. In the article, Niva Bupa has explained the right time for buying a health insurance plan in India. Read more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (575)

Why to Buy Health Insurance And Critical Illness Insurance Separately

Many assume either a health insurance plan or critical illness insurance policy is enough of a cover. However, it is imminent to equip yourself with both and here is why.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (576)

Cashless Health Insurance Policy for Senior Citizens

Medical insurance for senior citizens ensures that they get the best medical treatment. Get cashless hospitalization facility for senior citizens & take care of their medical needs & requirements.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (577)

What is Cashless Hospitalization?

With cashless insurance, say goodbye to all your worries about arranging money at the last minute of health emergency. Read on to know more about cashless hospitalization.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (578)

Things to Know About Mediclaim Policy

Mediclaim is a health insurance policy in which the insurer reimburses the policyholder for medical expenses. Buying a Mediclaim insurance plan might help you obtain financial aid in an emergency.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (579)

10 Best Individual Health Insurance Plans in India

Do you know what is individual health insurance and best individual health insurance plans in India? Read this article and get your doubts cleared.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (580)

Why Buying Critical Illness Insurance is a Must

know about critical illness., its benefits and things to consider before buying it along with the necessity.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (581)

Why Do Patients with Hypertension Need Health Insurance?

Patients with Hypertension need health insurance to reduce stress & to make sure that they receive quality healthcare treatment. The article explains why hypertension patients need health insurance.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (582)

Put that Stress to Rest

Niva Bupa offers behavioral assistance program & covers counselling sessions to provide support, lifestyle, stress, child and parenting, Give that stress a rest with Niva Bupa's insurance plans.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (583)

Best Healthcare Plans for Senior Citizen Parents

With Niva Bupa health insurance for senior citizens get your parents future completely secured. Read the article to know more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (584)

Should You Migrate Corona Kavach to a Comprehensive Health Insurance?

Corona Kavach is a health insurance policy that protects policyholders against coronavirus. IRDAI had mandated general insurance companies to offer short-term insurance plans to cater to the maximum number of people. It also provided options to renew, migrate & port existing Corona Kavach policy to the comprehensive health insurance plan.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (585)

What is Incurred Claims Ratio (ICR) in Health Insurance?

Incurred Claim Ratio (ICR) is the ratio of net claims provided by an insurance provider to the net premiums received in a financial year. With ICR you can have a good idea about the financial health of a company.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (586)

Reasons Why Health Insurance is a Necessity, Not an Option

Health insurance programmes enable both individuals and families to obtain the necessary medical care without having to worry about the cost. Read More.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (587)

What is the Age Limit to Buy Health Insurance for Parents?

There is no age limit to buy health inusrance for parents but as the age increases the benefits varry according to your plan. Niva Bupa explains about the same in the given article .Read the article to get a deep insight.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (588)

5 Easy Freehand Exercises for an Effective Workout

Regular physical activity has many benefits for the human body. Since daily exercise at home is necessary for today’s time, learn about easy freehand workouts and acquire a healthy lifestyle. Read more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (589)

Effects of Union Budget 2021 on Health Insurance

The Union Budget 2021 has affected different sectors this year. Know how Union Budget has affected the expectations of the health insurance sector.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (590)

How to Identify Hypertension in Ageing Parents

To learn more about that how to identify hypertension in ageing parents and signs and symptoms of hypertension and how to spot the signs of hypertension.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (591)

Tips for First-time Insurance Buyers

Health insurance proves to be a saving grace as it helps provide financial security in the face of unexpected medical emergencies. Here are some tips for first-time insurance buyers. Read to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (592)

How Does Yoga Help in Lowering your Health Insurance Costs?

There are numerous health benefits of doing yoga. The article has explained how yoga can also help you in lowering your health insurance cost. Click here to know more.


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Myths And Facts About Critical Illness Insurance Plans

Myths and facts related to critical illness insurance plans have always been present. Read further to know which are the myths and which are the facts.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (594)

How does the waist-to-hip ratio affect your health?

Studies have shown that waist-to-hip ratio can predict the probability of developing health concerns. Read this article to know, what is waist-to-hip ratio, and how it affects your health?


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (595)

Can NRIs Buy Health Insurance Policy for their Parents Living in India?

NRIs can buy a health insurance policy for your parents living in India. NRIs can either buy an individual or senior citizen health insurance policy. Click here to read the details.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (596)

Best Health Insurance Plans: How to Find the Right Coverage for You

Do you know what Health Insurance is? Why do we need it? And factors to consider for choosing the best health insurance plan.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (597)

Does your Existing Health Insurance Policy Covers Omicron?

IRDAI stated that every health insurance plan covering the treatment of Coronavirus issued by different health insurance companies must also cover the treatment of Omicron. Indemnity health insurance policy covers Omicron infection treatment. Read to know if Omicron is covered under your existing health insurance.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (598)

Know about the Benefits of a Multi-Year Health Insurance Policy

The expiry of your health insurance policy is nearing, you may consider purchasing a multi-year health insurance policy through a single premium especially.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (599)

Mental Illness Cover in Health Insurance - Meaning & Benefits

People & insurance companies have recognized the importance of mental health. So, most insurance plans now include coverage for mental illness. Know about mental illness cover in health insurance, exclusions of mental illness insurance, diseases covered under health insurance for mental illness, etc.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (600)

What is the Role of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Health Insurance?

The AI technology has been making things faster and easier for many of us. Read to know how artificial intelligence has an impact on the health insurance industry now.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (601)

Different Health Insurance Policies for your Diverse Needs

Niva Bupa offers different health insurance policies depending upon the needs of the users. Choose from a wide range of health insurance policies like an individual health insurance policy, family floater policy, etc. Know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (602)

15 Benefits of Ayushman Bharat Yojana

Ayushman Bharat Yojana scheme (PMJAY) is the largest in the world in terms of health insurance. Read the article to know more about the Ayushman Bharat yojana benefits.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (603)

How to Enhance your Existing Health Insurance Plan?

Your current health insurance might not be sufficient to take care of your future healthcare needs. Know how to enhance your existing health insurance plan & get more benefits.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (604)

Why You Should Timely Re-Evaluate Your Family Health Insurance Plan?

Re-evaluate family health insurance plans & stay well-informed about latest market offerings. Read the article & know more about how to re-evaluate family health insurance plans.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (605)

Why You Should Wear a Mask Even If You're Vaccinated

To Know more about why should you wear mask even after if you're completely vaccinated and what the benefits of its and by this how you can protect your love once


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (606)

Everything You Need to Know About Family Medical Insurance Plans in India

know about medical policy for family, its benefits and what to look for while buying a medical policy for a family?


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (607)

What is Critical Illness Cover & How Does It Work?

Critical illness health insurance is a type of insurance that provides financial support in the event of a serious illness.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (608)

Understanding Health Insurance Policies

Health insurance is an insurance product which covers medical, surgical and other expenses of an insured individual or family or even a group of people.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (609)

Guidelines for Selecting the Best Health Insurance Policy

There are certain guidelines for Selecting the Best Health Insurance Policy such as Select and Review the Coverage Wisely, Look for a Cashless Network, and many more. Before selecting health insurance make sure to follow each guideline.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (610)

Documentation Requirements for Health Insurance

While purchasing a health insurance policy there are several documents that are required. These documents are listed in this article by Niva Bupa.


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Everything you Need to Know about Accident Insurance

Accident Insurance is a form of insurance that provides financial coverage to individuals in the event of an accidental injury.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (612)

Personal Accidents Insurance Options in India

A personal accident insurance policy provides complete financial coverage to policyholders in case of accidental death, bodily injuries and physical disabilities (temporary and permanent).


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (613)

Understanding Free Look Period And Its Benefits

The free look period is a provision included in health insurance in India that allows the policyholder to review the terms and conditions of the policy, and make changes or even cancel the policy without any penalties.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (614)

Is Knee Replacement Surgery Covered by Health Insurance?

Don’t let your critical knee replacement surgery suffer due to financial crises, get your health insurance plan today and make your future secured. Read the article to get deep insight about the same.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (615)

Coverages Under Medical Insurance Plan

Medical insurance plans are designed to cover a wide range of medical expenses, including hospitalization costs, physician fees, diagnostic tests, prescription drugs, and other medical care.Read the article to more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (616)

What are the Perks of Having a Best Family Health Insurance Plan?

The most crucial benefit of having a family health plan is that it can save money. It can help to offset the cost of expensive medical treatments and procedures. Read the article to know more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (617)

A Step-by-Step Guide to Calculating Your Health Insurance Premium

Know the entire mechanism of calculating your health insurance premium. Read the article to know more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (618)

Understanding the Inclusions and Exclusions of Health Insurance Plans

“Inclusions” and “Exclusions” are two terms used in every health insurance policy which state the expenses covered and not covered by the insurer. This blog will cover the basic understanding of the same.


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Ensure Financial Security in Health Crises with Medical Plans

When it comes to financial security in times of health crises; nothing can be more important than having a medical plan. Read the entire blog to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (620)

All The Information You Will Need on Health Insurance for Senior Citizens

Read this article and know everything about health insurance for senior citizens and get their future secured.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (621)

Dos and Don'ts of a Health Insurance Plan

This blog will discuss the benefits of having health insurance plans in India and the dos and don’ts to consider while buying the best health insurance plans in India.


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Why You Should Buy a Health Insurance Plan

Health insurance policy grants you the provision of having your medical expenses reimbursed or directly paid in case of a medical emergency.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (623)

Myths About Health Insurance in India

There are several myths about health insurance policy that people have in their minds. This article burst all the myths. Read this article to have a deep insight about the topic.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (624)

Benefits of Purchasing Critical Illness Insurance Early in Life

There are 5 major benefits of buying critical illness insurance namely- Financial protection, Comprehensive Coverage, Guaranteed Renewal, Tax Benefits, and No Claim Bonuses. Read the article to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (625)

Health Insurance Jargons You Must Know

Do you still have questions about health insurance plans? This article provides you answers to all your questions. Read the article to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (626)

How to Buy the Best Health Insurance Plan for Senior Citizens

Are you looking for the best health insurance plans for senior citizens and are confused which one to buy? Check out NIva Bupa’s Health Insurance Plan for Senior Citizens. Read the article to get a deep insight.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (627)

Family Health Insurance Plans to Look Out

When it comes to choosing the right family health insurance plans it is important to know its benefits and how to choose it. Read the article to know more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (628)

Important Considerations of Personal Accident Insurance

Know all about Personal Accident Insurance in this article. This article provides you with all the information from why you should buy the personal accident insurance to its benefits.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (629)

Critical Illness Plans: All You Need To Know

Know the features, benefits and tips to choose the right critical illness plan for yourself and your family. Read this article to have a deep insight of the same.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (630)

Health Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance: A Comparison

There are several differences between health insurance and personal accident insurance. Read the article to have a deep insight about the topic.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (631)

Top Reasons to Choose a Health Insurance Plan

When choosing a health insurance plan, there are many factors to consider. Finding a plan that meets your needs and fits your budget is crucial. Read the entire article to know about the top reasons to choose a health insurance plan.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (632)

All the Health Insurance Information You'll Ever Need

Know everything about health insurance in one article.Starting from the types of health insurance plans to why you need it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (633)

Mediclaim Insurance Plans: A Smart Investment for Your Future

Are you future ready for your family’s health? Know about the


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (634)

Why is Health Insurance Important?

In today's world, health insurance has become an essential requirement for individuals and families. With rising medical costs and the increasing prevalence of lifestyle diseases, having adequate insurance can provide financial security and peace of mind.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (635)

Need, Significance and Benefits of Having a Health Plan

Know the significance and benefits of having a health plan. This article provides you a deep knowledge about the same.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (636)

Senior Citizen Health Insurance Plans: Features and Advantages

Know all the features and advantages of buying senior citizen health insurance plans.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (637)

Difference between Group Health Insurance & Individual Health Insurance Plan

Depending on the number of people you intend to cover with your health insurance policy, make a choice between group health insurance and individual health insurance plan. Know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (638)

8 Pillars of Health Insurance You Must Consider Before Buying a Policy

Consider these 8 pillars of health insurance if you are buying insurance for first time. Read the article & know about the pillars of health insurance that should be considered before buying a policy.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (639)

Should you get a separate health insurance plan for your grandparents?

If you want to purchase a good health insurance plan for your grandparents, consider investing in an insurance policy that is best suited for senior citizens. Read more about health insurance policies for senior citizens.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (640)

How to Choose between Critical Illness Plan & Disease Specific Insurance Plans?

Choose between critical illness insurance and disease specific insurance plan based on your needs & health status. Read this article to know how you can make the right choice.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (641)

Health Insurance for Physically & Mentally Disabled People

Health insurance can be availed in different ways by physically & mentally disabled people. Know about the plans offered by government for physical & mentally disabled people.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (642)

Health Insurance: Why You Need to Start Early

Health Insurance: Why You Need to Start Early


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (643)

Why Is It Important to be Honest When Buying Health Insurance?

Be honest with your insurer while buying a health insurance policy. Always important details like age, pre-existing diseases, etc. correctly. Get to know about the importance of being honest with your insurer while buying health insurance.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (644)

Challenges of Cashless Health Insurance

Cashless health insurance policies, are those insurance plans wherein the policyholder has the option to avail of cashless treatment at an insurer's network hospital. In case of cashless treatment, all your medical bills are settled between the insurer and the hospital.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (645)

What is the Meaning of Copay in Health Insurance?

What is copay in health insurance? A very common question is anwered in this article. Read the article to know about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (646)

Navigating the Employee State Insurance Act Scheme for Optimal Coverage

The Employee State Insurance Act is a scheme governed by Employee State Insurance Corporation(ESIC) under ESI Act 1948. Read the article to have a deep insight about the topic.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (647)

Understanding the Grace Period in Health Insurance

Your health insurance grace period is the additional time you are provided if you fail to pay your policy renewal payment by the due date. Read the entire article to know more about the topic.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (648)

How to Find the Best Accident Insurance Plan?

Know the ways of how you can get the best accident insurance plan. Read the article to get a deep insight of the topic.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (649)

Choose the Best Senior Citizen Health Insurance

There are several factors and benefits you must know before choosing a Senior Citizen Health Insurance Plan. Read the article to know all about the topic.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (650)

Understanding the Impact of your Family Size on Health Insurance Plans

Before buying any family health insurance, you should understand the impact of a family's size on the cost of a family health insurance plan. This blog will discuss the same.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (651)

Safeguard your Health with a Cashless Mediclaim

Know all the benefits and tips before choosing your medicliam plan. Read the article to get a deep insight of the topic.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (652)

How Does Cashless Mediclaim Work?

This article gives an insight of what Cashless Mediclaim is, how it works and the different types of Cashless Mediclaim. Read the article to know more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (653)

The Family Floater Insurance Concept Simplified

Family floater health insurance, often known as a family health insurance plan, covers all members of your family under a single healthcare insurance policy. Read the entire article to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (654)

Need of a Personal Accident Insurance Policy

Do you know the actual reason behind buying a personal accident insurance policy? This article tells you everything from why you need a personal accident insurance policy to how you can choose the best one for yourself.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (655)

The Need to Purchase the Best Health Insurance Plan

This article provides all the information about why we need to choose a health insurance plan and how we can select it. Read the article to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (656)

Things to Keep in Mind Before Buying Health Insurance in India

There are several things to keep in mind before buying a health insurance plan in India. Read this article to know everything in detail.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (657)

The Impact of Chronic Conditions on Health Insurance Plans

Chronic conditions, characterised by long-lasting and often progressive symptoms, can significantly impact the health insurance plans of individuals who suffer from them. Read the article to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (658)

Secure Your Future By Choosing the Right Mediclaim Plan

Knowing the benefits and tips of choosing the right medicliam plan can help you secure your future. Read this article to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (659)

Get to Know Everything About the Family Mediclaim Plans

Knowing the benefits and tips to choose the best family mediclaim plans for your family will always be an important part of safeguarding your family's future. Read the entire article to know more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (660)

Economical Health Insurance Plans for Senior Citizens

Explore 5 economical health insurance plans for senior citizens with Niva Bupa. Ensure comprehensive coverage and peace of mind for your loved ones today.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (661)

Mechanism of Personal Accident Insurance Policy

This article gives an insight of how personal accident insurance policy works in India. Read the article to get a deep insight.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (662)

Significance of Having an Individual Health Insurance Plan

Know all the advantages of buying individual health insurance plans along with the tips of how to choose it in this article


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (663)

Why One Must Have a Mediclaim Insurance Policy

Know all the benefits and reasons of having a Mediclaim Insurance Policy. Read the article to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (664)

Why do Women Need Insurance?

Do you know why specifically women need health insurance plans. Read the article to know about this topic.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (665)

Top Health Insurance Plans for Heart Patients

According to the Indian Heart Association, individuals under the age of 50 accounts for more than half of all heart attacks. Also there are many more reasons why you should get a health insurance plan for heart patients.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (666)

Find Peace of Mind with Health Insurance for Cancer Treatment

This blog will help you understand how health insurance for cancer treatment can help you manage the cost of care and provide you access to the top cancer hospitals in India.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (667)

What do Critical Illness Insurance Plans Cover?

Read the certain features that are covered under critical illness insurance plan in this article.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (668)

Family Policy Insurance: The Key to Your Family's Financial Stability

Family healthcare insurance is a type of insurance that covers medical expenses for your entire family. It can be a lifesaver in times of need and provide financial stability for your family. Read the article to learn more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (669)

What are the Benefits, Choices & Characteristics of Mediclaim Policy?

Niva Bupa provides the best mediclaim policy. Read the article to know about mediclaim policy benefits, choices & chracterstics


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (670)

Why is Having an Individual Health Insurance Plan Important?

An individual health insurance policy protects the policyholder for medical expenses. Click here to read why it is important to have an individual health insurance plan in India.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (671)

Know All About Arogya Sanjeevani Health Insurance Policy

The Aarogya Sanjeevani Policy is a basic health insurance policy for individuals and families that covers basic hospitalization expenses up to Rs 5 lakh. Click here to read more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (672)

Ensure your Well-being with PM Modi's Health Insurance Plan

In a country like India, where healthcare costs can be outrageous, access to quality healthcare can challenge many people. Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the PM health insurance scheme or Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana to manage healthcare services. Read to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (673)

Essential Aspects To Consider Before Deciding On A Health Insurance

Read this article today to understand the importance of buying a health insurance plan in India & the factors that should be considered before buying a medical policy. Click here to start reading.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (674)

XBB.1.16 Variant: Symptoms, Risk Factors and Need for Boosters

The XBB.1.16 variant of the COVID-19 virus has been identified as a new variant with potentially concerning symptoms and risk factors


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (675)

All About the Corona Kavach Policy

In this article know the need, features and benefits of Corona Kavach Policy and get the future of your family secured.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (676)

Corona Kavach Policy and Medical Coverages

Know everything you need to know about corona kavach policy and medical coverages. Read the article to get a deep insight of the topic.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (677)

Prioritising Your Health: A Guide to Individual Insurance

In this article, we will discuss how to prioritise your health by getting individual health insurance plans and their benefits.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (678)

Accidental Insurance A Requirement for Every Home

Accident insurance is considered supplemental insurance, and it is most useful when combined with a major medical plan.Read the entire article to know it’s requirement


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (679)

Choose the Right Medical Insurance Plan to Protect your Health

Choosing the right medical insurance plan is a critical decision that can significantly impact your physical and financial well-being.Read the article to know more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (680)

Health Insurance Deduction: How to Get the Most Out of Your Coverage

Are you paying for your healthcare insurance? If so, you might be eligible for a health insurance deduction which means you can save money on your income tax return. Read the article to know more about this.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (681)

Optimising Your Healthcare: The Perks of Section 80D for Medical Insurance

The Indian government has introduced various incentives for medical insurance for parents, such as Section 80D, to make healthcare affordable for everyone.This blog will discuss the features of section 80D and its impact on healthcare insurance plans


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (682)

Group Employee Insurance: A Comprehensive Solution for Employee Benefits

Group Employee insurance is an insurance plan offered to a group of employees working for a small to large-scale organisation. Employees can achieve financial security during medical emergencies with this medical insurance coverage. Read the article to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (683)

Why Buying Health Insurance is Better Than Taking Medical Loan?

Confused between health insurance and taking a medical loan? Understand why buying a health insurance plan is way better than taking a medical loan. Read to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (684)

Insurance Schemes in India: A Guide to Choosing the Right Plan for You

Know how to choose the right health insurance plan and compare the different types of health insurance schemes in India.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (685)

Why You Should Review your Health Insurance Plan Every Year

With increasing age, susceptibility to various diseases gets higher. Thus, an annual review of health insurance policies can ensure that you have a plan that suits your changing lifestyle. Read to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (686)

Get optimum coverage with Niva Bupa Health ReAssure

Health ReAssure Plan offered by Niva Bupa is among the best plans for the family. Read the article to know all about health the reassure plan.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (687)

Factors to Consider While Comparing Critical Illness Insurance Plans in India

Comparing & buying a critical illness plan is not easy. The article explains the components of a critical illness insurance plan & what you should look out for while comparing them.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (688)

Health Insurance Migration: A Detailed Guide

Health insurance migration is a term used to describe the ability of an individual to transfer their health policy from one insurance provider to another without losing their policy benefits


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (689)

Difference between Incurred Claim Ratio and Claim Settlement Ratio

Understanding the difference between incurred claim ratio and claim settlement ratio is key to knowing which insurance company is best suited for your health insurance needs.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (690)

How to Get Free Medical Checkups Under your Health Insurance Policy?

In the article, Niva Bupa has explained how you can avail free medical checkup as part of your health insurance policy and things to look out for. Click here to read more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (691)

Guide to Buy 2 Lakh Health Insurance Plan in India

Health Recharge is a plan offered by Niva Bupa, which provides a sum insured ranging from ₹ 2 lakhs to ₹ 95 lakhs. Read to know more.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (692)

Right Age to Buy Health Insurance Plan in India

Before you buy health insurance, you must have often wondered about the right age to buy the same. Typically, people think that they need to buy a health insurance policy only when they start ageing, or when their health begins to deteriorate. The biggest fallacy, believed in by some people, is that they don’t need to buy a health insurance plan, while they are young and healthy. But, market experts advise that the right age to buy health insurance plans is at a relatively younger age i.e. in between 18-25, while you are in sound health. Besides, the millennials of the present age are at a high risk of lifestyle diseases, like hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and cardiac ailments because of poor lifestyle habits. These include lack of exercise, odd working hours, stress, pollution, and poor dietary habits. Alongside, there is the risk of vector-borne diseases, like dengue, chikungunya, jaundice etc. and pandemics such as coronavirus. So, buying a health insurance policy should be a top priority for young people.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (693)

Understanding the Niva Bupa claim reimbursem*nt process

Present the bills, prescriptions, discharge summary and other necessary documents when you request for reimbursem*nt. Download & fill the reimbursem*nt form, available on the insurance website. This is how to claim health insurance


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (694)

Can you Buy Health Insurance for a New-Born Baby?

Yes, you can buy health insurance for new born baby. Discover the options of buying health insurance for a new-born baby with Niva Bupa.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (695)

India's Seven Deadliest Diseases as of 2021

In practically every country today, deadliest disease and stroke have emerged as the main causes of health concerns. Some of the most deadly illnesses are affected.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (696)

Top 10 Deadliest Diseases in 2023

Despite its horrific nature, the coronavirus is not one of the top 10 deadliest illnesses. Here is a list of the most serious illnesses that you need to be aware of.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (697)

Why Adding Parents to Existing Health Cover is not Advised

Discover why adding parents to your existing health cover may not be advised. Understand the potential drawbacks and complexities involved in adding parents to your policy with Niva Bupa.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (698)

Key Factors to Keep in Mind When Purchasing Health Insurance

This year many top health insurance plans have been brought up by many companies. A few of them are listed in this article. Read this article to get a deep insight.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (699)

Medical Insurance Policy for Pre- existing Disease Coverage | Niva Bupa

Niva Bupa offers a comprehensive medical insurance policy with pre-existing condition coverage. Discover the benefits and features of Niva Bupa's policy to safeguard your health and manage pre-existing conditions effectively.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (700)

No Claim Bonus Health Insurance: How it Works, Types & Benefits

No Claim Bonus Health Insurance is a benefit offered by Niva Bupa health insurance company to policyholders who do not make any claims during the policy period


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (701)

A Guide to Choosing the Best Mediclaim Insurance Policy for your Family

Many purchase a health plan without understanding if it would suit them. The comprehensive information in this article will make it easier for you to buy a mediclaim policy for your family.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (702)

What is Restoration Benefit in Health Insurance & How It Works?

Learn about the restoration/refill benefit in health insurance and how it works with Niva Bupa. Understand how this feature allows you to replenish your health coverage limit during a policy year.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (703)

Stay Prepared for the Worst with Comprehensive COVID Insurance

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the significance of being prepared for unforeseen circ*mstances.Read the article to know more about it.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (704)

Is Catarct Surgery Covered Under Health Insurance

Surgery is the best way to treat cataracts. Cataract insurance coverage is inclusive of surgical expenses. Read & understand the need for health insurance for cataract surgery.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (705)

Does Health Insurance Cover IVF Treatment?

Yes, IVF treatment is covered in Health Insurance .Explore the options provided by Niva Bupa. Uncover the details of IVF insurance plans. Learn how to secure insurance for IVF treatment and fertility treatments, ensuring financial support and peace of mind with Niva Bupa.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (706)

Niva Bupa Claim Procedure - Explained

Niva Bupa ensures that health insurance claim procedures are processed as quickly as possible & has 89% claims ratio which a reason and result of the trust of many, when it comes to claims processing.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (707)

Buy Health Insurance Policy

Read this article today to understand the importance of buying a health insurance plan in India & the factors that should be considered before buying a medical policy. Click here to start reading.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (708)

No Claim Bonus Health Insurance: How it Works, Types & Benefits

No Claim Bonus Health Insurance is a benefit offered by Niva Bupa health insurance company to policyholders who do not make any claims during the policy period


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (709)

Health Insurance Portability: A Detailed Guide

Health insurance migration is a term used to describe the ability of an individual to transfer their health policy from one insurance provider to another without losing their policy benefits


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (710)

How & Why Network Hospitals Play an Important Role in Health Insurance?

Network hospitals play a key role in providing quality healthcare. Understand how & why network hospitals play an important role in health insurance.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (711)

What is Difference Between Mediclaim and Health Insurance?

Explore the differences between Mediclaim and Health Insurance to make informed decisions about your coverage. Learn about the features, benefits, and nuances of each option for better financial protection and healthcare support.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (712)

The Benefits of Mediclaim Insurance for Senior Citizens

Learn about the benefits of senior Mediclaim Insurance, including its thorough coverage, reasonable rates, and specialised healthcare alternatives.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (713)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporate Health Insurance plan

Read about the Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporate Health Insurance plans in India. Check out the difference between Corporate & Individual Health Insurance plans.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (714)

What are the Eligibility Criteria for a Group Health Insurance Policy?

Discover the requirements for obtaining group health insurance coverage and confirm that you satisfy them. We've compiled a useful resource to help you understand the insurance market, including enrollment deadlines and coverage alternatives.


The Pros and Cons of Different Health Insurance Deductibles (2024)


What are the pros and cons of having a high deductible? ›

High deductible health plans can be a great option for healthy individuals and families who don't need a lot of medical care. They offer lower monthly premiums and tax benefits through HSAs. But, if you need a lot of medical care, high deductible health plans can be expensive.

Is it better to have a higher or lower deductible for health insurance? ›

A lower deductible plan is a great choice if you have unique medical concerns or chronic conditions that need frequent treatment. While this plan has a higher monthly premium, if you go to the doctor often or you're at risk of a possible medical emergency, you have a more affordable deductible.

What are the disadvantages of a deductible? ›

The main drawback of high deductibles is the possibility of significant out-of-pocket expenses. If you have unexpected medical needs or require ongoing treatment, a high deductible may place a considerable financial burden on you until the deductible is met.

Are deductibles good or bad? ›

Key takeaways. Low deductibles are best when an illness or injury requires extensive medical care. High-deductible plans offer more manageable premiums and access to HSAs. HSAs offer a trio of tax benefits and can be a source of retirement income.

What is the disadvantage of having a higher deductible quizlet? ›

The upside to having a high deductible is... You can save an average of 9% on your premium. The downside to having a high deductible is... You have to pay more out of your pocket.

Is PPO or high deductible better? ›

PPO vs HDHP rules

The advantage of a PPO is mostly for people who may need more medical attention because of a chronic condition. This plan is your best option for easier access to specialists. But you will pay more for a PPO with or without the high deductible.

Is a $0 deductible health insurance good or bad? ›

No-deductible health insurance plans may be a good idea for some populations, such as those who expect to have significant medical expenses, like surgery or long-term care. However, remember that because there is zero deductible, the monthly premium for the plan will be higher than a standard policy.

What is the main disadvantage of choosing a high deductible on an insurance policy? ›

The main drawback to choosing an HDHP is having potentially high out-of-pocket expenses when you receive covered services during the year.

Who should choose a high-deductible health plan? ›

If you're in good health, rarely need prescription drugs, and don't expect to incur significant medical expenses in the coming year, you might consider an HDHP. In trade for lower premiums, HDHPs require you to meet your deductible before you get any coverage for treatment other than preventive care.

What does 100% deductible does not apply? ›

Here's the thing: Not all medical costs will count toward your deductible. In these cases, you may see certain services on your plan that say “deductible waived” or “deductible does not apply.” This means you'll pay the expense, but the payment won't get you closer to reaching your deductible.

What is the primary disadvantage to carrying a high deductible insurance policy? ›

Higher deductible: If your deductible is higher it means you are required to pay for your medical care out of pocket up to that amount before your health plan begins to help pay for covered costs.

Is it better to have a $500 deductible or $1000? ›

If you're more likely to get into an accident, you won't want to pay out a higher deductible. However, if you're generally a safer driver, your car insurance premiums will be lower with a $1,000 deductible.

Why do companies push high deductible health plans? ›

Higher deductibles usually mean lower premiums for small businesses trying to find ways to cut costs and save.

What if my health insurance deductible is too high? ›

Negotiate payment plans with healthcare providers: If you have a high deductible, it can be overwhelming to pay for medical services in a lump sum. Don't be afraid to negotiate payment plans with your healthcare providers. They often have options available to help spread out the costs over a longer period of time.

What happens if you don't meet your health insurance deductible? ›

What happens if you don't meet your deductible? If you do not meet the deductible in your plan, your insurance will not pay for your medical expenses—specifically those that are subject to the deductible—until this deductible is reached.

Is having a high deductible good car insurance? ›

When you're choosing a deductible, keep in mind that you may be more or less comfortable with higher out-of-pocket costs vs monthly costs. A high deductible will lower your overall insurance rate, however it will increase your out-of-pocket costs if you file a claim.

What happens if you have a higher deductible? ›

A plan with a higher deductible than a traditional insurance plan. The monthly premium is usually lower, but you pay more health care costs yourself before the insurance company starts to pay its share (also called your deductible).

What would be the advantage of having a large deductible? ›

Advantages of High Deductible Policies

Here is a health insurance rule of thumb: The higher your deductible (the amount you have to pay out of pocket each year before the insurance company begins covering your care), the lower your premiums.

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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

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Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.