The Minneapolis Journal from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)

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The Minneapolis Journali

Minneapolis, Minnesota

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A- I 77 1 -I PAGE THE 3IIXNE OURXAL Sandfly Time 23 1535 USStepsin1 With Funds to Repulse Long FERX Money Used to Pny Up Garbage Collector End Walkout' TwoFactions jl Push Program 1 ForNewNRA Knights of Columbus WithTheir Families Have Rolicking Picnic at Spring Park A if I and Labor Leade United In Stand bjr Legislation rs i Sides Confident Law Can Be Enacted at This Session Federal Group Takes Over 10 City Departments at New Orleans i 't 1 aehlngtoa June 22-Importaot ud labor groups wi toalfbt la a- doUnnlaatloa passage of bow MU leg Ulatioa by thia Maoioa of congress Tho two leadtri la tbe eftmmeree builacH Jadvixory council on U10 on' hand aad head of tho American Federa- of labor- on tba were a working oa vridely fmgra New Orleans la Juna 22-Tha federal govammant pound funds into tha muntelpal govammant today and bald back tba prospect at-domination by Senator Huey Xiong's' ambitious political ma china A Una of hungry thqcUy garbaga-collectore filed' afongtha- ldewalk in trapt ofFERA bead- quartan and received cheeks for two weeks back pay supplied by tha federal government waa not all tha money duo for they had been payleas for two hut It mfaat food for thalr tables and panes with tha uar grocaryman annual picnic Saturday st -KoIling and Jerry Gerber Spring Park (above) are glad that the pic- Watching the Left to right are Hoffman grand knight of the Minneapolis council his sons Ted and Billie and Mrs Hoffman Margaret Aim Reu-der Mary Eileen Beuder Winifred Bender and Leo A Betider the newly elected grand knight Mr Beuder will take office July 1 Pi Jflt waa by far the moat popular contest oi the day When the event waa announce more than twice aa many lads clambered for positions as then wen pies Officials had to eliminate even other con-1 and then Matt Nolan eliminated the entire field nic waa Saturday instead of when it waa supposed to be week ago The weather Saturday waa just right for ice-cream cones with admlnlat ration guld-thejr wera atrlving toward a foal of action thia a hub and they expressed hope of evolving a 'pus which would bo I eatlef setory to both and which -President Rooaavalt could urga upon congress Speedy Action Predicted One loader la tho dlaeuoelona x- pressed belief that a propoaal could 4bo coat to congreae by tho Preal-Iant wllhla 15 dayl I Tt caa bo paaood wlthla threo edaya" thia spokesmen sold With the President Industry and labor Staking for ft It win bo Uko gotUag (- money from home" Thm waa no certainty however Hlhit agreement could bo reached aa that atatanunt pneup- Tho Amerlcaa Fedora Uoo of lab or plan cal la for federal llceaalng of an iateratate indualriaa la order to Inaura aulnteaaaco of tho houro wages aad labor ataadarda aet up tho now la valid codes Xt baa worked out la' aaarly complete Tent City Houses Seventh Day Adventists Lake Harriet boulevard halloa busting coo teal -vr 1 Ed Ryan 1838 alg-aag race Ji Lyndala avaauo fl yard daah JaaaaPahL ballqoa busting contest 8112 ODoo- Picmcat Spring Park Draws Crowd of 3000 A Games and Races Provide PrizcsGiven Largest Smallest Knights rripwala Many Hu baalacac eonfereee headed by i Harry Kendall Beaton aad Heary I Harrlmaa i former president of tha A Cham-f-berof are discussing a -f-i variety of proposal -Oao la for a system of uniform state lawa to govarn latraatalo business-These I laws to be patterned after a "mas-X-tarT federal art covering Interstate Industries Another would combine IfRA'with tho federal trade com- mission Foaflblllty of malatalnhig beaaflta through voluntary aad maasuraa'28 lnchetTaroukd the waist Ha waa aaally tho thiaaat Knight at tho picnic Mr' Xqrach tipped tho scales at around 227 pounds and maaaund something Ilka 47M inches around Ha mi undoubtedly the biggest Knights Othar wlnnara indudad: Lawler 1810 Ashland ivo-kua 8l Paid attendance prixa Bernard Paquette 2127 Logan avenue 'N winner of th boya kSfirt dash argarat-O'Brienr 8309 Grand avenue girla dash If Schultera 5856 Park avenue alna-yaaivold boya'-daah Margaret Brady $918 Twenty-fifth avenue ahWlL UaioBqnner71i228 East Fortyaeo-oad atraet boys" 76-ymrd dash Barbara Martin' 8007 Bryant avuaa 8 78-yard daah Fat Nolen MaadvUla Laka Minnetonka hob Scramble Patricia Nelson 4012 Draw avenue girla scramble Paul Lltchfleid482t tt of a neU 4821 East Laka Harriet bpnla- I Hid- vard foaofor-aU daah Anna an 8900 Bryant avenue balloon blowing eonteat George White avanua backward race Virginia Nalaon 4012 Draw avanua shoe kicking contest Jack Fischer 8836 Nicollet avanua crab walk race Matt Nolan pi bating eonteat Joa Knkal-lcnd 2300 Humboldt avanua and Jules Xukallaay doAbla backward race and Bob 76-yard married daah Seven Arrested in Ohio Narcotic Raids as vmm nem Cleveland June 22-In a aeries raids believed to liavu dUvrad smashing Mow at tha narcotic traffic In northern Ohio federal agents today am tad seven man believed members of a narcotic ring Tha arreats climaxed weeks of investigation ia which tae agents mads numerous purchases -OH BEATING More- than flOOO persona Knlghta Of Columbus Of tho illnnaapnMa eouncU their famlllea and friends attended tho annual picalc Saturday at Spring Park Xalghta with thalr famlllaa bagq gthuerlng at tha plenlo grouada before noon but tha picnic Including games races and con teats did not gat under way until lata in tha afternoon I TT Bigelow-6828 Lyndala avenue waa winner of the first-prixa presented at tha plcnlo- crater of oranges It wu a partlo-ularly large orate but tha nature of tba event won by Mr Bigelow made It necessary He waa the pom mor of tho largest family Then Philip Pingafore 48 Nlne-Vnu MK ui Alex lynch 4290 Irving avenue stepped forward for prixe awards Mr tore weigh less than 180 INSTALL agraemeata alao figure In the de- cuaelona i Major George Barry labor vlaar to NBA la aetlag for tho ad-in attempting to ea- mlalatratloa 7 I V1 padlta the work of tho conference ud bring labor and buelnaea cloaar TENTS STAND IN BOWS AT THE SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST STATE convention on the denomination's Anoka camp grounds when today members of that faith will conclude their innuaLlgltlOiL Above are ahown-iew-of-tha-tentaetiul-4jy delegates to the gathering together la their approachaa to the problcau If prvaent plena are carried out -both graupa will lay their propoaala Hauptmann Failure to Tell By noon the garbage carta rolled and accumulated hasps at disappeared awiftly Tha "wolf" has been at this city's door for weeks now -Senator Lang wants to run tha city Ha aped "torture" or leg lolatiou through the house and set ate basting down tha city'a rav'-anus The strike of girbaga coL lectore waa an outgrowth of this polltlco-economle prewura The eollactors unpaid for months walked away from thalr carta and trucks when another "psylaaa payday" rolled around Mayor Walmalay whoa long wants to depose waa la Washington pleading with tha Reconstruction Finance Corpora-tloq to keep hie government alive and prevent what at the time ieem-ed to be the Inevitable surrender to Long But tha RFC was not Interested Tha Louisiana works progress administrator Frank Peterman was fat Washington tooA Ho beard tho etory of refuse lying in the -street and guttata aad alleys of the city and notified tba city government that two weeks pay on a scale slightly below that of tha city would to available to atrlklng garv bags collectors today Twelve hundred garbage collectors health aad sanitary employees and other city employees wen paid aa tha FERA took over 10 city do par tenants 11 How long the VERA trill continue tha uaw system wae a question that many were wondering about Peterman hhnaelf did not know He suddenly entered therplctura ln a moment of emergency and a dlfl-nltq-plan win have to be NOW! V- TIDKEN LED liGIU la Tvin GHy 4'V VHI WIUU ys Kidnaper Lied Consistently Was Near Confess sion on Stand Bookkeeper Declares By GEORGE KIVZX I 0 Make your home a model of convenience charm and livability with Timken Air Conditioning or Oil Furnace or Oil Burner Unit and Timken Water Heater i I- f- mjw 1 el i I i at Anoka Convention Tabor Relics -iSoId atJuction ly VMM hna Denver GomyJuno 22-Tho la the dark bualnaaa milt who was acting auctions srhald up a tiny tailing silver spoon tarnlahad and dark with aga and -waa tha baby spoon of Silver Dollar he told tha 28 man and women standing -or bitting about tha atorags company auction room "What am bid for tha silver poon of Silver Dollar Tabor?" And tha spoon waa knocked down for $128 Copies of "Star of Blood" tha novel Silver Dollar Tabor wrote and which her proud father had printed In quantity for distribution to hla friend "were Id-aonurmveF'SIaKia few othar odda and ends Cuban Elections Set for December 15 Havana-Cuba June General elections wllL be cbnducted next December 18 It waa announced today following a Joint meeting of the cabinet and tha council of atata Bridges 9v Dr I Ilea dare eu Visit Our Cbiidrrn'e Dept I-ow Prices CMnsa Trifeeae BkeataB Flamlngton June Tb ml reaaon why Hunterdon county' Jury convicted Bruno Richard Hauptmann and nutomatlcaly sentenced death thereby waa confided 10 me by Juror No 13 Howard Blgga bookkeeper at his Annandala Jt home today The men aad women of tho-Jury did not attach aa great' Importance toTtechhlcaUtlea Hauptmann's at-dornaya-advanced before Iherourt of appeals at Tranton laat Thursday ai they'dld to one common-Benaa ronclUil 1STJ "Well after all Hauptmann nad talnly had plenty of chance to tell what ha knew and all ha knaw He never did" -This that Hauptmann tacitly confessed guilt by hla failure to tell any truthful story of how ho got tha $14000ta ransom money found In hla was shared by hla'Tellow Jurors Blgga Copyright 1938 Sioux Falls Petitions Ask Recall -Sioux Feilera D7Juna 22-Clr-culation T5I petitions Backing recall of Mayo? A-iN' Graft elected year ago last -April waa revealed today aa hackery of tha campaign disclosed that more fhan 2000 names had- been affixed to petitions MINNESOTA'S ECO LITE PLATE AND Pgfti Are Abselshly Wo dsrfel I Am Mara Tkaa ffteitd" Othef Platoa'u Low aa $7 "before the In a White Ifouaa eonfaranea probably ant week Must Face Firing Squad Prisoner Who Bbdged Death Five Yean Loses in Last Appeal Br VPM hm Salt Lake City Utah June I Delbert Greeat yeara-old who baa -'dodged death five yean must face a firing aquad at aunriaa next Wed-- neaday the atata board of pardona and parolaa ruled today Xa a unanlmoue' declaim the Tbeard headed by' Governor Henry Blood- refused tha priionar'i priaonman -Green waa jtd and aen- 'tancad to deqUf'lnJttQiiftetJb 'shot and klUtd hla young wife her motherartd na uncle aC4helr rural Farmington Utah "Nag-'gtag" he aald prompted the art Aa appeal to the' Supreme Court stayed execution hut Green waa ivlpted again at a second trial 'Another appeal warded off the rifle- men but In tho laat caae appeal wae denied ud for the third lima Green waa ordered shot Ai i result of today's declaim Green baa but one hope of Ilfs It waa possible for District Court to order a aanlty hearing Should such 'a bearing ba ordered and should Green ba held Insane ha would be 'committed to the state hospital The -execution ia elated to take place ia the prieoa yard- Green will -stud blindfolded before a firing 'aquad of five men The riflemen will bo 29 feet In front of him -Texas Row Over I Young Roosevelt Flares Up Anew Dallae Ttxaa Juno Elliott Roosevelt son of the President waa the object or a bitter fight tonight between two factions of tba Dallas county Young -club Btataa righU versus NRA" The abstract Issue originally posed waa shoved into tho background ia the hasted clash Of personalities Older democratic leaders watched Jhe fight aa It showed signs of af- feetlng major suit political raeea cxt year iaad of having national revarberatlona 1 jj X-aadar of the apti-Roosevelt ''group accdaad tba opposition of kowtowing to royalty after a re-'solution waa defeated last night Vhich demanded removal of Elliott as vtcepreeldent of the young der moerstie dubs of Texas Tha aeesloa last night wae oua- Only the appearance of Sheriff A Schmid restored order ao debate could proceed Democratic BEFORE YOU BUY ANY HEAYING 'EQUIPMENT LET US GIVE YOU THE FACTS ABOUT HEATING J-i 0 ID CUT 50 ABOVE: Timken Air Conditkmlns Oilfnrnace Forced circulation permits locating in any corner of baacment and installing ducts high overhead and out of the way In many cases ducts may be located between joists and plastered over for complete concealment psr Hera's Tour Chuace' fe HOT WATER BILLS The Jurors wera cmvlnged Hauptmann had had plenty of chance to tell thatFuth about what ha knew Of the kidnaping of Baby Charles Lindbergh -but had lied consistently Instead Moreover the 12 who convicted the German carpenter of murder of the baby were thoroughly convinced that at one dramatis moment during the trial Hauptmann wnq on tho point of breaking down nnd making a confeulon on the wltneae land Jurors InAadcablo Agreement This weighed heaviest of all with Biggs and lli others aa well For Biggs cmphasiied tha Jurora ware In amicable agreement 'on all theeo Important points la the caae I feel certain that thaFriday afternoon when Attorney General David Wilentx began hla cross-examination of Hauptmann ho waa bnaklng'-hiitt-down- Blgga Id "The attorney general who Impressed us all throughout tfie trial cartallly was about to gat something out of Hauptmann Bat h4 only had about 40 minutes of croee-examlnatlon at tha tlma when Hauptmann appeared to bo brack- "Then Justice Tranehard order'd adjournment at tha regular time 4:30 And there waa no court 1 Saturday and Sunday ao Hauptmann had until Monday morning to pull himself together certainly think that if the attorney general had been able to keep up hla crdaaexaminatlon that Friday when Hauptmann looked to bo breaking down ho would have got Second Juror Agrees Biggs Indicated the othar Jurora fel( aa bo did shout Hauptmann's being on verge of a full -Confession While be waa talking to me Philip Hockenbury another of the 12 who doomed Bruno warns to call on the bookkeeper Hockenbufy a tall silent leea articulate man than Blgia nodded agreement with the sentiments hla fellow Juror expressed t- I pointed out to Blgga that people scattered throughout the length nnd briadth of tha United States still believe that no ono man kidnaped and killed Baby Charlea -that Hauptmann may ba Innocent Blgga shook hla head ud Teetk Cleaned Silver Fillings Brakes $1 Repaired to 75 Crowns aad per tooth aelewee AO S3S aad Stiff Neva Ail the Dr Luxe Plates Hot Water You Want $1750 la the wxU-fleaM principle developed by Tim- ken cagtaeen1 tke flame le spread around tha Idea of the furnace Xt UteraUy "bUnkets" the heatlag eorfmceo from their base upward Thus tbe maximum of 'beat Is treaaferrad to the vlag does test escape up the ehim- uey Wests is cUmluatod Opee Iveeleqa by Appoletewef i The Timken Split-Second Waterheater aa It win look in yonr basem*nt i Thejeolor scheme ia beautiful olive-green enamel1 with nickel trim Dr A Neteoa TKBUX i Ao Low aa fl Per Week Teeth Eitrectcd Extraction FREE JU Heurei 0:10 AM to 1:30 PM Seedoyi 10-12 LOWEST PRICES IN HIGHEST QUALITY Ho Down Yean to far From SeptJ 1 --i' Tonight tha victorious pro-Roosevelt faction promised to out" riiid-West CORflPANY PIIONE REGENT 8234 'a soluUo i Jith a Ctgaali a atatae' leaders who had sponsored tha re-aoluUon Tba tnaurgenta countered threat to fora a rival atata xatioo to bo known 1 aa Rights Young -Democrats bf Texas" 2714 LYNDALE AVE Sa 1 4- a tj 1 "'t i 1 i'-r 1 "'i A- A 'F-e- 1 I i 7-: A I I I I.

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The Minneapolis Journal from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.