Retirees, Should You Rent or Buy When Downsizing? (2024)

Key takeaways

  • Your decision to buy or rent when downsizing depends on many factors, including investment growth, emotional issues and more.
  • While many people think paying rent is a waste, the expenses associated with homeownership can be a lost cost.
  • Downsizing seniors need to be realistic about their aging-related needs, as they may need to move into assisted living earlier than expected.

You are empty nesters and you are thinking: Our five-bedroom family home sure seems a bit, well, large, not to mention a money drain. It's time to move to a smaller place. But now you need to decide whether to buy or rent.

The idea of renting a house or apartment can be challenging for many longtime homeowners. Owning real estate "is hardwired" into the American psyche, says Rich Arzaga, chief executive officer of Cornerstone Wealth Management, in San Ramon, Cal. But, he says, "ownership is more expensive than people imagine." And it may be more important for many retirees to secure income from investments than to sink money into a new house.

Deciding whether to buy or rent when downsizing depends on many factors. You should estimate your cash-flow needs, and assess the relative costs of home prices and yearly rents for comparable properties in a community. You also need to make certain assumptions, such as for investment growth, annual rent hikes, and the costs of home maintenance, property taxes, and homeowners and renters insurance.

Your decision will depend a lot on nonfinancial, emotional issues, as well. Do you love the idea of owning your own place and fixing it up the way you want? Or will it be a big relief after years of ownership not to worry about the lawn or a broken sump pump?

Darrow Kirkpatrick, 54, ran the numbers and decided that renting was a better option than buying when he downsized two years ago. Kirkpatrick, who retired as a software development manager four years ago, and his wife, Caroline, now 56 and a retired school teacher, sold their four-bedroom house in Chattanooga, Tenn., for $245,000. After traveling for six months, they moved to Santa Fe, N.M., to be near their son.

They rent a two-bedroom house for $1,450 a month and pay little in maintenance. Renting "makes our monthly expenses predictable," says Kirkpatrick, who writes a blog, "Can I Retire Yet?" ( "We don't get blindsided with roof repairs."

Renting also fits into their new lifestyle. The Kirkpatricks don't know if they're going to stay in Santa Fe for the long haul. "If it doesn't turn out right, it's relatively easy to leave," he says. Also, Darrow and Caroline drive around the Southwest often. They're not as worried when they leave the home for long stretches as they would be if they owned. "I have more peace of mind locking up and leaving," he says.

In making a decision, first consider how long you expect to stay in your new place. Renting may be the better choice if you're not sure where you want to settle long term. "If you're buying and selling a home every three to five years, renting is likely to be superior to owning," says James Ciprich, a certified financial planner with RegentAtlantic, in Morristown, N.J.

During these moves, you're paying real estate broker fees and closing costs -- and the house probably won't have time to appreciate to cover those expenses. Throw in some remodeling and the replacement of an appliance or two, and the equation shifts even more toward renting.

Ciprich recalled one client who moved from New Jersey and bought a home in Florida. She didn't like Florida and within two years she was back north. "She lost money on the sale of the house," he says.

Another consideration is your cash-flow needs in retirement, Arzaga says. "Renting will save you a lot of capital and lower your expenses," he says. For example, if you pull out $300,000 in equity from a home sale and it's invested at 6% a year, that's $18,000 in earnings the first year. Even after taxes, that can go a long way toward rent, he says, and your ownership-related expenses will "either go way down or disappear."

One important factor in Kirkpatrick's financial calculations, he says, was the "opportunity cost" of tying up his money in a house rather than investing it. He figured he could earn more on his investments than he would get in house appreciation, which has run an average of 5.4% a year since 1968, according to the National Association of Realtors. Meanwhile, the annualized return for Standard & Poor's 500-stock index was 10% during that period. And while many people think paying rent is a waste, Kirkpatrick figures that the expenses associated with homeownership are a lost cost.

Compare your options

To help illustrate these points, Arzaga ran some calculations for Kiplinger Retirement Report. He looked at a hypothetical 65-year-old couple in the 25% tax bracket who sold a five-bedroom house this year and cleared $550,000 after expenses. He ran three scenarios: buying a $230,000 three-bedroom house with cash, buying that house with an 80% 30-year mortgage and renting a comparable three-bedroom house for $1,250 plus utilities.

Arzaga assumed that the couple's investments—$100,000 in a traditional IRA and $100,000 in a taxable account (before the sale)—would grow at an annualized rate of 6.9% before inflation. (He ran a separate calculation for a couple with $1 million split between an IRA and a taxable account.) He made assumptions for ownership-related costs and annual rent increases.

Arzaga concluded that renting tops buying in the short run. The analysis showed that renting was a better financial option than buying for the first ten or so years after downsizing. For instance, if the couple with $200,000 in investable assets rented, they would have $576,202 in total assets (home sale proceeds and investments) 10 years later. If the couple bought the house with cash, they would have $542,800 (home equity and investments). The couple buying with a mortgage would end the 10 years with $572,071 (home equity and investments). "It takes a few years to burn off the initial and recurring ownership costs," Arzaga says. The same trend occurred for the couple with $1 million.

Buying with a mortgage is the better option generally after 10 years, Arzaga found. Starting in year 11, buyers who had a mortgage began to surpass renters in total assets. (Buyers who put down all cash lagged a bit.) In year 11, the couple who bought with the mortgage had more in total assets than the renter—and the gap widened as the years went by, Arzaga says, "due to the tax-free growth of equity in the house, whereas the investment account is likely to be taxed every year."

Renters have more liquidity, according to the analysis. Because the renters had no money tied up in a house, they could add the extra capital from the house sale to their investments. Because Arzaga assumed investments would grow at a faster rate than the home value, the couple had additional cash flow for health emergencies or other needs.

Consider the couple with $1 million in investable assets. If they rented, they would have more liquid assets each year for 30 years than if they bought. In year 20, for example, the renting couple had $1.9 million in the taxable account, while the homeowners who paid cash had $1.5 million and the homeowners who took out a mortgage had $1.6 million.

Still, many downsizing retirees opt to buy. But even here, you need to make a choice. Debt-averse retirees who decide to go the purchasing route tend to buy their new, cheaper houses with cash. But you may be better off taking a mortgage for at least part of the purchase and plowing the balance into stocks and bonds, as Arzaga's analyses show.

While you may intend to stay in your new digs for a long time, downsizing seniors need to be realistic about their aging-related needs. You may need to move into assisted living earlier than you expected, for instance.

Nonfinancial factors can play into a decision for older retirees. "People need to think of lifestyle needs and amenities they can retain by renting," says Andrew Carle, director of the Senior Housing Administration program at George Mason University, in Fairfax, Va.

Carle points to "independent living-plus" communities as an important rent-only model. These communities offer residents, usually 55 and older, loads of amenities, including meals, transportation to doctor visits and shopping, and recreational activities.

Ruth Beauregard, 83, moved three years ago to an independent-living community in Bluffton, S.C., owned by Bloom Senior Living, which operates seven communities in four states. Her unit includes a bedroom, living room and kitchen.

After Beauregard and her husband sold their 13-room house on three acres in Massachusetts seven years ago, they bought a five-bedroom house ten miles away. After her husband died three years later, she decided she wanted to move to a place where there were many people around and many things to do. "I've made a lot of friends here," she says.

Her $2,395 monthly rent includes three meals a day, weekly housekeeping, all maintenance, exercise classes, activities such as movies, and even free manicures. At dinner, "five people are at my table with tablecloths and cloth napkins, and we all socialize." As for the rent, "I have enough set aside to pay my way," she says.

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Retirees, Should You Rent or Buy When Downsizing? (1)

Retirees, Should You Rent or Buy When Downsizing? (2024)


Retirees, Should You Rent or Buy When Downsizing? ›

Renting may make sense if you're an empty nester, ready to downsize, or unsure where you'll spend your retirement years. You may want to move away for better weather or a lower cost of living for some years, but also be easily able to move closer to your family later on.

Is renting a good idea in retirement? ›

Renting may be the better choice if you're not sure where you want to settle down for good in retirement. This is especially true if you think you may move within three to five years. (See the 10 Best States for Retirement and The 8 Best Places to Retire for Renters for ideas.)

At what age do most seniors downsize? ›

A Zillow report found that on average, most people who downsize are 55 years old. While the exact age can vary, downsizing is often a consideration when children have moved out, retirement plans are becoming more concrete, and the desire for a simpler, less demanding lifestyle emerges.

Should you downsize when you retire? ›

Downsizing can offer retirees added convenience, especially those who have limited physical abilities. This includes less stairs to climb, less area to clean, less rooms to worry about, etc. You can choose a location closer to stores, restaurants or whatever your essentials may be.

Does it make sense to buy a house at age 60? ›

The bottom line: It depends on your comfort level with debt. If you feel like you can comfortably make a monthly mortgage payment, whether you're collecting Social Security or living on a fixed income (maybe even a robust one), then taking the home loan may be the right choice.

Should seniors rent or buy when downsizing? ›

Renting may make sense if you're an empty nester, ready to downsize, or unsure where you'll spend your retirement years. You may want to move away for better weather or a lower cost of living for some years, but also be easily able to move closer to your family later on.

What percentage of retirees rent? ›

A recent GOBankingRates survey found that 60% of Americans ages 65 and older are currently renting, and 20% of Americans in that age range are facing rent increases. If you're in that situation, there are things you can do to save on rent.

What is the ideal living arrangement for older adults? ›

Owning a Home

Many older adults want to stay in the homes where they have lived for many years. For others, downsizing to a smaller home is an alternative. Active adult communities and retirement communi ties are increasingly an option.

How do I know when it's time to downsize? ›

5 Ways to Know if It's Time to Downsize Your Home
  • Your mortgage payment is greater than 28% of your gross income.
  • You can't keep up with home maintenance and repairs.
  • You can't enjoy the lifestyle you want to live.
  • You don't need that much space.
  • Your house has appreciated considerably.
  • Considerations prior to downsizing.
Aug 14, 2023

What is the best age to downsize your home? ›

The responses find people believe 66 is the ideal age to downsize as they reassess their lives and plan for retirement. If you're planning to sell your home and purchase a smaller property in the future, there are positive reasons to do so, including these three.

What not to do when downsizing? ›

Here are some common mistakes.
  1. Downsizing Without Having a Plan.
  2. Failing to Make an Accurate Budget.
  3. Taking Unnecessary Items With You.
  4. Moving to an Area That Doesn't Suit Your Lifestyle.
  5. Failing To Stick to Your Schedule.
  6. Focusing on the Negative Aspects.

What should I get rid of first when downsizing? ›

A simple idea for downsizing your home is to eliminate duplicate items. Get rid of excess dishes, wall art, baskets and bins, and other unnecessary multiples to focus on the items that you really need. Because you'll have less space, choose your favorites and donate, sell, or trash the rest.

Is there a downside to downsizing? ›

Now, some possible cons: You may need additional storage. By definition, “downsizing” means moving to a smaller space – and that means you may not have room for all your furniture, artwork and other possessions.

Is it better to rent or buy in your 70s? ›

After plugging in assumptions on investment returns, maintenance costs, home appreciation and other factors, the retiree would come out ahead financially by renting for less than five years. If the retiree plans to stay longer, buying would be a better choice.

Can a 70 year old get a 30 year mortgage? ›

And if you're looking to buy a house, you might wonder if you can still land a 30-year mortgage when your age is north of 60. The short answer: absolutely! Luckily, whether you're 25 or 70, lenders look only at certain numbers when reviewing a mortgage application.

How much of net worth should be in house at age 65? ›

The rule of thumb: A common rule of thumb for real estate allocation is to invest no more than 25% to 40% of your net worth in real estate, including your home.

Is it better to rent or buy at 60? ›

After plugging in assumptions on investment returns, maintenance costs, home appreciation and other factors, the retiree would come out ahead financially by renting for less than five years. If the retiree plans to stay longer, buying would be a better choice.

What type of housing is best for retirement? ›

5 Types of Homes to Consider for Retirement
  • Houseboat. If you're looking for a serious change of scenery, retire on a houseboat. ...
  • Townhouse. ...
  • Retirement community. ...
  • Motor home.

What is a reasonable amount to live on in retirement? ›

After analyzing many scenarios, we found that 75% is a good starting point to consider for your income replacement rate. This means that if you make $100,000 shortly before retirement, you can start to plan using the ballpark expectation that you'll need about $75,000 a year to live on in retirement.

Is it better to pay cash for a house in retirement? ›

If you'll never need the equity from the house for retirement income, pay cash. In other words, you have plenty of savings and you will never be reliant on the equity component. This really has to do with the current interest-rate environment.

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