Life Insurance Retirement Plan (LIRP) (2024)

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A life insurance retirement plan offers the benefits of life insurance plus the security of retirement savings. An LIRP won’t fully replace your IRA or 401(k), but it can be used as a supplement to your current retirement planning strategy.

What Is an LIRP?

A life insurance retirement plan is a permanent life insurance policy, such as universal life insurance, that combines life insurance coverage with a “cash value” component that you can dip into for retirement money (or anything else you like). LIRPs can’t be term life insurance because term life has no cash value component.

One of the main benefits of an LIRP is its tax advantages. The cash value grows tax-deferred, so you don’t owe taxes on any gains until you withdraw them. Additionally, some policy loans and withdrawals may be tax-free as long as they don’t exceed the amount of money you’ve paid in premiums.

How Does a Life Insurance Retirement Plan Work?

With an LIRP, you pay premiums into a life insurance policy, which builds up cash value over time. The cash value can be withdrawn or borrowed against:

  • Before age 59½, withdrawals and loans are tax-free when the amount you take out is less than the sum of premiums you have paid—known as the “basis.”
  • All withdrawals and loans are tax-free after age 59½.

When you pass away, the death benefit of the policy is paid out tax-free to your beneficiaries, but the death benefit will be reduced by the amount of any withdrawals you took and policy loans that weren’t paid back. However, if your primary goal with an LIRP is to use the cash value, you may not be concerned about the death benefit amount.

LIRPs are essentially “overfunded” policies, meaning you can pay in more money than is required to maintain the death benefit. This excess allows the policy to accumulate cash value more quickly, which can increase the tax-free income stream available during retirement.

How LIRP Loans Work

Life insurance policy loans are a key benefit of having an LIRP. As your policy’s cash value grows, you can borrow from it to supplement your retirement income—even before age 59½. The process is relatively simple:

  • Check how much you have in cash value and decide how much you want to take out.
  • Request a loan from the insurance company and it will provide you with the desired amount.
  • There’s no strict repayment schedule, so you can repay the loan at your convenience. One risk is that an unpaid loan will reduce your death benefit, so it’s important to manage any loans carefully. Also, the life insurance company will continue to make policy charges, and if your cash value drops below a certain level your policy can lapse. In these cases you’ll need to make more premium payments in order to keep the policy in force.

How LIRP Withdrawals Work

Withdrawals are another option for accessing your LIRP’s cash value. Before you turn 59½, you can withdraw money tax-free up to the basis. Withdrawal amounts above the basis are taxable.

After age 59½, withdrawals are not taxable.

Example of an LIRP

Say you start an LIRP at age 30. By the time you reach 65, you’ve paid a total of $175,000 in premiums, and your cash value account has grown to $700,000 due to the investment gains.

Withdrawals will be tax-free in retirement. Before age 59½, you can withdraw money without paying taxes on the first $175,000—the premiums you’ve paid. If you take out more than $175,000, that portion is taxable.

Pros and Cons of an LIRP

An LIRP can be a useful tool for retirement planning, but it’s important to carefully consider the pros and cons before making a decision.

LIRP prosLIRP cons

Tax-free income in retirement

Higher premiums and fees

Tax-free death benefit for beneficiaries

Not a standalone retirement solution

No contribution limits

Withdrawals and unpaid loans reduce the death benefit

No required minimum distributions (RMDs)

Potential for policy lapse if cash value drops below a certain minimum

Guaranteed return rates on cash value with some policies

Substantial amount of cash value needed to generate tax-free income

How Much Does an LIRP Cost?

What you’ll pay for an LIRP depends on these factors.

  • Premiums. Your premiums will depend on the coverage amount you choose, your age, your health and other factors. Young and healthy individuals typically qualify for the lowest life insurance quotes.
  • Fees. There will be charges associated with your LIRP, including administrative fees, expense fees and surrender charges. If you’re buying an LIRP, request a detailed cost disclosure document in addition to the life insurance policy illustration.
  • Riders. Some LIRPs offer riders that can enhance your policy by providing coverage for long-term care or disability income. Adding riders usually increases the premiums.
  • Taxes. There may be tax implications if you surrender your policy or take out too much money.

Life Insurance Retirement Plans vs. 401(k)s and IRAs

LIRPs are not a replacement for 401(k)s and IRAs. But they can be used in conjunction with the retirement plans, which work differently.

LIRP vs. 401(k)s

Here’s how a 401(k) plan compares to an LIRP.

  • Employer-sponsored vs. individual. A 401(k) plan is offered and administered by an employer, while an LIRP is individually managed. Workers can be auto-enrolled into their company 401(k) plan, so there’s not much you need to do to set it up.
  • Matching contributions. A 401(k) typically provides employer-matching contributions, which can significantly boost your retirement savings. LIRPs do not have this feature.
  • Contribution limits. The IRS sets annual contribution limits for 401(k)s—$22,500 for 2023—while LIRPs do not have this restriction. So, you have an opportunity to save more for retirement in an LIRP. It is important to know, however, that if you overfund your LIRP too much, according to tax code 7702, it will become a modified endowment contract (MEC) and subject to different tax rules.


A life insurance retirement plan blends life insurance with potential cash value growth, while an individual retirement account is purely an investment account. Here’s a closer look at how they compare.

  • Tax advantages. LIRPs are similar to Roth IRAs in that you don’t pay taxes on withdrawals after you hit age 59½. Traditional IRAs defer your taxes until you make withdrawals in retirement.
  • Contribution limits. IRAs have annual contribution limits—in 2023, $6,500 if you’re under 50 and $7,500 if you’re over 50—but LIRPs do not. So you have the power to save more for retirement in an LIRP, with caution that if you overfund the LIRP more than tax code 7702 allows, it will become an MEC and subject to different taxation.
  • Required minimum distributions. Unlike traditional IRAs, LIRPs do not have the mandatory withdrawals in retirement known as required minimum distributions, or RMDs. You can keep funds invested in an LIRP as long as you wish. RMDs for Roth IRAs don’t begin until after you die.

Who Needs a Life Insurance Retirement Plan?

A life insurance retirement plan may make sense if any of these situations apply to you:

  • You’ve maxed out your other retirement accounts. If you hit your limits on 401(k) and IRA contributions, an LIRP could be a way to save more for retirement.
  • You have a high net worth. The death benefit from your policy can be used to pay estate taxes, so your heirs may not have to sell assets to cover the tax bill.
  • You want to diversify your retirement portfolio. Depending on the life insurance policy type, the cash value of an LIRP can be invested in a variety of asset classes, including stocks, bonds and mutual funds.

Which Companies Offer LIRPs?

You can find life insurance retirement plans at any company that sells cash value life insurance policies. If you’re interested in an LIRP, compare plans to find the one that best fits your needs. Talk to an insurance agent if you need help narrowing down your options.

Companies that offer LIRPs include:

  • Aflac
  • Guardian
  • Nationwide
  • Northwestern Mutual
  • New York Life
  • MassMutual
  • Ohio National
  • Pacific Life
  • Penn Mutual
  • Protective

Alternatives to an LIRP

There are multiple ways to save for retirement, so consider these alternatives to a life insurance retirement plan.


There are two primary types of individual retirement accounts that can help you save and grow money for retirement. With a traditional IRA, your contributions lower your taxable income today, and you don’t pay taxes on the money until you withdraw it in retirement. With a Roth IRA, you pay taxes on your contributions now and enjoy tax-free withdrawals in retirement.

Workplace Retirement Plans

If your employer offers a workplace retirement plan, such as a 401(k) or 403(b), it can be a great way to save for retirement. You contribute pre-tax dollars, which reduces your taxable income for the year. Many employers provide matching contributions, which can help you save even more.


If you have a high-deductible health plan, you may be eligible for a health savings account (HSA). Withdrawals are completely tax-free and penalty-free when used for qualified medical expenses. After age 65, you can withdraw money for any reason without penalty, but you may have to pay income tax.

Taxable Accounts

If you’ve maxed out your tax-advantaged retirement accounts, you can still save for retirement in a taxable investing account. While you won’t get any tax benefits, you’ll have more flexibility in how you grow your money and when to withdraw it.


Annuities give retirees a guaranteed stream of income. You can purchase an annuity from an insurance company with a lump sum of money or a series of payments. Annuities come in several varieties, including fixed, variable and indexed options.

Life Insurance Retirement Plan Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I contribute to an LIRP if I already have a 401(k) or IRA?

Yes, you can put money into an LIRP if you have a retirement account. In fact, LIRPs are often used by people who have maxed out their 401(k) or IRA but still want to continue saving for retirement and want the added bonus of having life insurance.

What happens to my money if I want to cancel my LIRP?

You may be subject to fees and life insurance surrender charges if you decide to surrender your LIRP. The amount you receive back will depend on the cash value of the policy and any outstanding loans or fees. Carefully review the terms of your plan and speak with a financial professional before canceling.

Can you fund an early retirement with life insurance?

Life insurance is one of several ways to fund an early retirement. While permanent life insurance allows loans or withdrawals with no taxes unless they exceed your basis, other options like Roth IRAs, taxable brokerage accounts and 457(b) plans allow you to access funds without early withdrawal penalties. It’s crucial to explore these options with a CPA due to potential tax law changes and costly mistakes.

Is an LIRP a good investment for retirement?

An LIRP can be a good way to supplement your retirement income, but it should not be your primary strategy. In most cases, you’re better off focusing on maxing out a 401(k) and IRA, and then using leftover money to fund an LIRP if you still wish to save.

How much can you put into an LIRP?

There is no contribution limit for life insurance retirement plans, so you can technically contribute as much as you want. IRS tax code section 7702 sets limits on cash value life insurance policies. If they are too overfunded, they’ll become a modified endowment contract, which have different tax rules. Consult a financial advisor or other financial professional if you have questions about how much you should put in.

Life Insurance Retirement Plan (LIRP) (2024)


Is Lirp better than 401k? ›

An LIRP can make sense for high-income earners with dependents who need lifelong financial support. But a 401(k) is a better retirement investment than an LIRP for most people due to the LIRP's high premiums and a low return on investment. How much does life insurance cost?

Does a lirp make sense? ›

A LIRP may not be the most effective financial planning tool for the average person, but there are people for whom these plans make sense. High net worth: Individuals whose investment goals exceed the maximum limits of their other retirement savings accounts can benefit from LIRPs.

How much can you put in a Lirp? ›

LIRPs are similar to Roth IRAs in that you don't pay taxes on withdrawals after you hit age 59½. Traditional IRAs defer your taxes until you make withdrawals in retirement. Contribution limits. IRAs have annual contribution limits—in 2023, $6,500 if you're under 50 and $7,500 if you're over 50—but LIRPs do not.

What is a Lirp retirement plan? ›

LIRP means life insurance retirement plan and is not meant to replace a standard retirement plan, like an IRA or 401(k). 2. When someone is considering a life insurance retirement plan or LIRP, they are usually referencing a permanent life insurance plan. The two life insurance terms can be used interchangeably.

When can you withdraw from a Lirp? ›

Flexibility in Withdrawals

While qualified plans have penalties for early withdrawals and required minimum distributions each year, LIRPs benefit from having more flexibility. In a LIRP plan, you can take withdrawals & tax favored loans at nearly any time.

Is life insurance retirement worth it? ›

You could need life insurance in retirement if you want to cover your final expenses and estate taxes, have outstanding debt, still earn income, or want to provide a tax-free inheritance to your loved ones. Otherwise, you probably do not need life insurance after retirement.

Do millionaires invest in life insurance? ›

Life insurance is a popular way for the wealthy to maximize their after-tax estate and have more money to pass on to heirs.

At what age does life insurance not make sense? ›

Life insurance can provide peace of mind at any age, but isn't always necessary after age 60. To see if you need life insurance, assess your family's needs, your financial resources and assets, your outstanding debts and your long-term financial goals.

How does Suze Orman feel about life insurance? ›

Suze Orman is a big supporter of term life insurance policies, and she firmly believes that those types of policies are the best ones to have. She insists that term life insurance policies are cheaper than whole and/or universal life insurance policies and that they just make sound financial sense.

Can I retire with $200 K? ›

Summary. Retiring with $200,000 in savings will roughly equate to $15,000 annual income across 20 years. If you choose to retire early, you will need additional savings in order to have a comfortable retirement.

How long have LIRPs been around? ›

LIRPs have been around since 1986, but many people still don't know how beneficial they can be. LIRPs offer the benefits of life insurance, while also making it possible to earn life-long income.

Can you retire with $300000 in the bank? ›

Let's walk through the scenario. With $300,000 planned for your use as a retiree, a retirement age of 50, and an anticipated life expectancy of 85 years, you need that money to last you 35 years. This should mean that your yearly income is around $8,571, and your monthly payment is around $714.

Can you take money out of your life insurance retirement plan? ›

Withdrawal: In many situations, you can take a cash withdrawal from your permanent life policy, and that money is often not subject to income taxes as long as it's not more than the amount you've paid into the policy.

Is it better to invest in life insurance or 401k? ›

However, a 401(k) typically makes more sense as your primary retirement income because it's more affordable and offers better returns than a LIRP or other types of life insurance.

How much life insurance should I have in retirement? ›

Based on the value of your future earnings, a simple way to estimate this is to consider 30X your income between the ages of 18 and 40; 20X income for age 41-50; 15X income for age 51-60; and 10X income for age 61-65.

Is it better to invest in 401k or life insurance? ›

However, a 401(k) typically makes more sense as your primary retirement income because it's more affordable and offers better returns than a LIRP or other types of life insurance.

What is a better investment than a 401k? ›

IRAs offer a better investment selection.

You'll have the full suite of assets on offer at the institution: stocks, bonds, CDs, mutual funds, ETFs and more. With a 401(k) plan, you'll have only the choices available in that specific plan, often no more than a couple dozen mutual funds.

Is IUL better than 401k? ›

IUL provides flexibility in accessing funds without penalties, offering more control over the investment. Conversely, 401(k) plans impose restrictions and penalties for accessing funds before age 59.5, limiting early withdrawal options.

What is the safest fund for 401k? ›

Key Takeaways

Bond funds, money market funds, index funds, stable value funds, and target-date funds are lower-risk options for your 401(k).

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