How Much Does a Customs Broker Cost? A Benefits Analysis (2024)

How much does a customs broker cost for the average importer? Typically, the cost of a customs broker depends on the complexity of your import needs. Brokers often handle various parts of the import clearance process, and it varies by commodity. If you choose not to use a customs broker, it might still cost you in the form of fees or penalties that may have been avoided.

The Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency manages import cost fees. Fees are either a flat rate or a fixed percentage of the import’s value. Requirements with no upfront cost can still result in a penalty fee if there are mistakes found later. Brokers charge varying fees in exchange for assisting with import services.

A basic breakdown of the most common services completed by customs brokers will provide you with a starting point for your own import budget calculations.

Table Of Contents

  1. The True Cost of a Customs Broker
  2. How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Customs Broker?
  3. What Services Do Customs Brokers Provide?
    • 1. ISF Filing
    • 2. Customs Bonds
    • 3. Power of Attorney
    • 4. Importer of Record Registration
  4. Are Importers Legally Required to Use A Customs Broker?
    • Trade Enforcement Activities of the CBP
  5. Get Your Money’s Worth With USA Customs Clearance

The True Cost of a Customs Broker

When you’re looking to hire a customs broker, you need to look at costs in two ways. Number one, you look at the amount the brokers are charging for their services.

You may find yourself shopping around, comparing rates and reviews as you would for any service. Perhaps you even come to the conclusion that the DIY approach is best. Before you commit to that, you need to examine what the cost of your potential mistakes may be.

In nearly every case, the penalty for mistakes in your documentation or import process will far outweigh what you would pay for a brokerage service. Not convinced of the value yet? Let’s examine this in more detail.

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Customs Broker?

How much it costs to hire a customs broker will depend on what services they take on and how often they need to do them.

Frequent importers may have a continuing contract with brokers and be billed collectively for a variety of different services. Estimating these costs is difficult because it varies, not only from broker to broker, but from commodity to commodity.

Commodities where importers should expect to pay additional fees include:

  • Beef
  • Pork
  • Honey
  • Cotton
  • Potatoes
  • Mushrooms
  • Watermelon
  • Alcoholic Beverages

These products have specific entry needs that result in fees that must be paid to the CBP. However, they aren’t flat rates, so hiring a customs broker will help you avoid over or underpaying.

Those importers and exporters who only ship a few times a year are more likely to pay for services as individual tasks. First-time importers may also wish to schedule a private consultation with a customs broker to review necessary documentation and procedures. Private consultations can vary between $250 to $500 depending on the company.

Why the wide price range for the same services? Although customs brokers are licensed by the United States, brokerage firms are privately run businesses that are free to set their own prices.

Price differences could be the result of:

  • Firm location
  • Product specializations
  • Experience level
  • Company size
  • Electronic data filing capabilities
  • Promotional offers

Choosing a customs brokerage service that fits your unique import needs is going to bring more value than if you just hire the cheapest service. International trade has too many unique needs that require professional expertise.

How Much Does a Customs Broker Cost? A Benefits Analysis (1)

What Services Do Customs Brokers Provide?

As mentioned, customs brokers charge clients based on specific services. For all the thousands of different kinds of products that pass through U.S. customs, there are hundreds of different documents and certifications.

Because of how specific some needs are, listing them would take up way too much time. Most importers will only deal with a fraction of them that relate to their own products.

Instead, we’ll review the most common services provided by brokers:

  • ISF Filing
  • Customs Bonds
  • Power of Attorney
  • Importer of Record Registration

With very few exceptions, these services are required for all commodities clearing customs. Licensed customs brokers work on these more than any other, and most have it down to a fine art that saves you time and minimizes possible errors.

Check out our article on customs brokers vs freight forwarders to learn the difference between the services these two offer.

1. ISF Filing

Any merchandise imported into the U.S. by ocean vessel must be accompanied by an Importer Security Filing (ISF) prior to arrival.

ISF filing can be completed by the importer directly or by an assigned agent – a customs broker. It has to be completed and filed at least 24 hours before arrival at a port. Even goods entering a Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) must have one filed.

There are ten data points that must be included by the importer with every filing:

  1. Seller information
  2. Buyer information
  3. Importer of Record number or FTZ applicant number
  4. Consignee
  5. Manufacturer or supplier
  6. Transport ship
  7. Country of origin
  8. Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) Code
  9. Container stuffing location
  10. Consolidator

Some of this information is very straight forward – buyers and sellers are simple enough, and even things such as country of origin shouldn’t be too difficult. Information on HTS codes, however, must be exact.

If the CBP fails to receive an ISF filing or receives ones with mistakes, consequences include:

  • $5,000 fine per violation
  • CBP hold preventing product release or transfer
  • Refusal of an unlade permit
  • ‘Do Not Load’ orders upon arrival

Although only one of these is a specific fine, the others could cost you just as much money. Delays can cause missed deadlines on promised deliveries, and some holds result in having goods seized and destroyed.

In comparison, the average service charge from a customs broker for ISF filing is between $25 to $50. Paying less than a hundred bucks to save yourself thousands seems well worth it.

How Much Does a Customs Broker Cost? A Benefits Analysis (2)

2. Customs Bonds

If you plan on importing more than $2,500 worth of products, you need a customs bond. A customs bond is how the CBP ensures that all necessary fees and import duties owed are paid.

The bond amount needs to be at least 10% of any duties or taxes that need to be paid. Customs brokers arrange for the purchase of bonds through a surety company. Importers pay a service charge that depends on both the broker and the amount required.

Some brokers simply charge a flat fee for a bond if it’s under a certain value. Most brokers begin with a base charge of about $40 and add on from there. Flat rates typically vary between $200 to $400, but prices may change based on the state of the economy.

There are two types of customs bonds brokers can arrange on behalf of their clients.

  • Single entry bond
  • Continuous bond

Which one you require depends on your import practices. What’s stopping an importer from simply getting a bond directly from the surety? In most cases, it’s the surety itself and their unwillingness to risk their business.

These are companies placing themselves on the line for what could be thousands in customs entry taxes. Most sureties will not work with anyone other than a licensed customs broker. In their experience, most importers simply don’t have the needed experience and are more likely to make mistakes that end up impacting the surety company.

3. Power of Attorney

Customs brokers make importing simpler by consolidating many of the required tasks. To accomplish this, they must often work with various government agencies.

Other than the CPB, agencies that are frequently involved in the import process include:

  • U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Bureau of Industry and Security
  • U.S. Food and Drug Administration
  • The Environmental Protection Agency

In order for a customs broker to work with these organizations on behalf of an importer, they need to be granted power of attorney (POA). It won’t give the broker any control over the inner workings of your business. It simply allows them to legally sign off on certain documents.

Fees for a POA filing are rarely charged separately because it’s being used to complete other tasks. Anytime you use a customs broker to assist with customs clearance, there must be a POA signed and on file with the CBP.

This is actually a requirement of 19 CFR 141.44 and is completed with Customs Form 5291 or another valid POA authorization.

4. Importer of Record Registration

An importer of record (IOR), whether a company or an individual, is the party the CBP will hold responsible for complying with all import laws.

This is an important role that can have severe financial and legal consequences if mistakes are made. Because of that, the chosen IOR is often part of the negotiations between the involved parties. In many cases, Incoterms® are used to officially designate the buyer or seller with the job.

There are 11 different types of Incoterms® used in international trade.

Depending on the contract terms, the responsible party must then complete an importer of record registration.

Customs Brokers can assist with this in two ways.

  1. A licensed customs broker can complete the registration process for your business or for an individual.
  2. A licensed customs broker can agree to act as the importer of record as a third party affiliated with your company.

The majority of brokerage firms will complete your IOR registration without an issue. In this case, you are using their services to make sure that all the right information is present and that it’s being filed with the correct authorities.

Fewer brokerage firms are willing to act as the IOR in your business’ place. By taking on the responsibility of being the IOR, they also place themselves in the hot seat should anything go wrong. For many firms, it’s just not worth the financial liability it places them in.

How Much Does a Customs Broker Cost? A Benefits Analysis (3)

Are Importers Legally Required to Use A Customs Broker?

U.S. Customs services cannot legally require you to use the services of a customs broker.

Any member nations of the World Customs Organization (WCO) follow similar rules. The U.S. does have specific licensing for customs brokers, but has no control over a private citizen or company that wants to handle things on their own.

Please realize that licensed or not, you won’t get any leeway from the CBP for mistakes – an audit is possible with any shipment from anyone. They collect millions of dollars worth of penalty fees every year, as well as a few million more in seized shipments that didn’t follow procedures.

Trade Enforcement Activities of the CBP

Collected Audit Fees$44.6 million$132.2 million$77.2 million
Value of Seized Goods$21.6 million$105.5 million$62.4 million
Number of Trade Seizures73,70883,40246,111

By not using a customs broker, you are much more likely to end up on a statistics table like the one here.

However, no matter how much research and care is taken, the biggest hurdle is securing a customs bond. As mentioned, most sureties that deal with customs bonds will only work with licensed customs brokers.

If you want to minimize the number of services you have a broker taking care of, know that it is possible to secure only a customs bond from a broker if that is your preference. Depending on the arrangement, you may not even need to complete a POA for the process.

How Much Does a Customs Broker Cost? A Benefits Analysis (4)


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Get Your Money’s Worth With USA Customs Clearance

To hire or not to hire a customs broker? If you’re looking to expand your import/export business, knowing how much it costs to hire a customs broker is a worthwhile investment towards that future.

USA Customs Clearance and our team of licensed customs brokers are here to tackle the various import laws and document filings required for successful transactions.

We take it on, so you don’t have to.

  • Importer of Record Registration
  • Customs Bonds
  • Manifest Confidentiality Filing
  • 1-on-1 Customs Broker Consultations

Call us today at (855) 912-0406 to find out how we can start helping your business today. Ready to schedule your 1-on-1 consultation? Click here to arrange for your personalized session.

How Much Does a Customs Broker Cost? A Benefits Analysis (2024)


How much does a US customs broker charge? ›

Most brokers begin with a base charge of about $40 and add on from there. Flat rates typically vary between $200 to $400, but prices may change based on the state of the economy. There are two types of customs bonds brokers can arrange on behalf of their clients.

Is it worth getting a customs broker? ›

If your needs are simple, you can do everything yourself, but as your situation becomes more complex, an expert will help ensure you don't make mistakes and can save you some money. In most cases, if international trade is important to your business, we recommend using a customs broker.

How many questions can you get wrong on customs broker exam? ›

The exam consists of 80 multiple-choice questions. A passing score is a 75% or better. The examination lasts approximately 4 hours. Examination booklets may not be removed from the examination room during the exam period.

How hard is it to pass the customs broker exam? ›

If you want the license, you have to pass the US Customs broker exam . This exam is one of the most difficult to pass in the USA. There are roughly 2,600 examinees a year who take the exam, and only around 15% are able to pass. Most examinees will need to take a prep course in order to pass.

What is a custom broker charge? ›

Customs Broker Cost & Fees

The final cost will be determined by the specific services that you require. While the fee for having a broker handle all of your customs needs can seem like just another added expense, the cost and delays if you are hit with penalties will likely be significantly more.

How much does customs cost? ›

Duty rates in the United States can be ad valorem (as a percentage of value) or specific (dollars/cents per unit). Duty rates vary from 0 to 37.5 percent, with a typical duty rate about 5.63 percent.

When should I hire a customs broker? ›

Here are some cases when you might require a customs broker:
  1. You want an expert to answer questions regarding the shipping process.
  2. You want an expert to help you with completing documents for your shipment. ...
  3. You want to guarantee that all fees are paid on your incoming goods so that they don't get held up in customs.

Do customs brokers make a lot of money? ›

The salaries of Licensed Customs Brokers in The US range from $35,356 to $335,458, and the average is $77,562.

What happens if you don't use a customs broker? ›

No, you don't need one, but we strongly recommend you use one regardless. Though you can clear your own shipment with customs, a good customs broker is a professional with wealth of experience in this specific task. They will make the process much easier by helping you avoid penalties and delays.

What is the pass rate for the customs broker exam? ›

The CBLE held on April 26, 2023, unveiled a pass rate of 5.5% before appeal decisions were considered. On October 26, 2022, the CBLE showcased an 11.1% pass rate prior to the appeal process. Going back to April 27, 2022, the CBLE exhibited a more favorable pass rate of 39.6% before any appeals were taken into account.

Who pays for customs exam? ›

All costs associated with customs exams are the responsibility of the importer. These costs may include exam fees, service fees, transportation costs, and storage costs. See Customs Exam Fee for more information.

How long is the US Customs broker exam? ›

How long is the Customs Broker License Examination? You have four hours to complete the examination. Where and when is the Customs Broker Examination given? This examination is normally given at CBP service ports ( Ports ) the first Monday in April and the first Monday in October.

Is the custom brokers test harder than the bar? ›

Approximately 2,600 examinees take the U.S. Customs broker exam every year, and only 15% pass. That's a lower pass rate than the Series 7 exam (65%), the bar exam (59%), and the certified public accountant exam (49%). It's a very difficult exam – even for applicants with importing and exporting experience.

Are customs brokers in demand? ›

Customs brokers will have good employment opportunities in the near future. The U.S. Department of Labor predicts that employment for business operations specialists, including customs brokers, will grow 6 percent through 2028.

How much is the CBP broker exam? ›

Examination Fee: Each individual who intends to take the Customs broker license examination must pay a $390 examination fee prior to taking the examination. Examination announcements are made on this website, and exam application and payment are made through the eCBP portal.

How much is the customs clearance fee in the USA? ›

Merchandise Processing Fee (MPF)

US Customs collects this fee on most shipments that enter the country. It's calculated at 0.3464% of the entered value (the cost of the merchandise, as entered on the commercial invoice you provide to your customs broker), with a minimum of $27.23 and a maximum of $528.33.

How much does a customs clearing agent charge? ›

The fees of custom clearance agents typically range between Rs. 3,000 and Rs. 7,000.

What is a US customs entry fee? ›

The user fee and amount collected by CBP depends on the type of entry and mode of transportation used to bring the goods into the United States. For instance, formal and informal entries are subject to a Merchandise Processing Fee (MPF). The MPF for formal entries is an ad valorem fee of 0.3464 percent.

Do I need a broker to clear customs? ›

No, you don't need one, but we strongly recommend you use one regardless. Though you can clear your own shipment with customs, a good customs broker is a professional with wealth of experience in this specific task.

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