How do you choose the right export strategy and partners? (2024)

Last updated on Apr 22, 2024

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Assess your export readiness


Select your export strategy


Find your export partners


Evaluate your export performance


Manage your export risks


Learn from your export experience

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If you are looking for new ways to grow your business, exporting your products or services to foreign markets can be a rewarding option. However, exporting also comes with challenges and risks that require careful planning and execution. How do you choose the right export strategy and partners to maximize your chances of success? In this article, we will explore some key factors and steps to consider before you enter the global arena.

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  • How do you choose the right export strategy and partners? (3) How do you choose the right export strategy and partners? (4) 7

  • Ruth Macleod Trade Commissioner, New Zealand Trade and Enterprise | Institute of Directors

    How do you choose the right export strategy and partners? (6) How do you choose the right export strategy and partners? (7) 7

  • Patrick Noel Daly (PND) Entrepreneur/Author

    How do you choose the right export strategy and partners? (9) 1

How do you choose the right export strategy and partners? (10) How do you choose the right export strategy and partners? (11) How do you choose the right export strategy and partners? (12)

1 Assess your export readiness

Before you decide to export, you need to evaluate your export readiness. This means analyzing your internal capabilities, resources, and goals, as well as the external opportunities, threats, and competition in your target markets. You can use an export readiness assessment checklist to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, and determine the level of commitment and investment you are willing to make. You also need to research the legal, regulatory, cultural, and logistical aspects of exporting, and comply with the relevant standards and requirements.

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  • Patrick Noel Daly (PND) Entrepreneur/Author
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    Get a good mentor and advisor from the very beginning! Someone that has wide experience and global networks! When I started exporting 20 years ago, I didn’t have a good advisor/mentor. I learned fast! Now I help businesses to export.


    How do you choose the right export strategy and partners? (21) 1

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    If you are scaling your software to a new market, consider the following localization issues:1. Be prepared to address issues as soon as they arise on a customer's side. This requires support and interfaces in multiple languages, and consideration of different timezones.2. Understand how your customers will pay for the product and your tax obligations. Research special laws relevant to software companies and tax thresholds that might apply to your business.3. Ensure your target customers are legally able to purchase your software. Additionally, confirm whether vendors, such as those providing digital signatures, KYC, and others, are localized or licensed in the target markets.


    How do you choose the right export strategy and partners? (30) How do you choose the right export strategy and partners? (31) 5

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    To choose the right export strategy and partners:1. Assess market potential, considering factors like demand, competition, and regulatory environment.2. Determine the most suitable entry mode, such as direct exporting, licensing, franchising, or joint ventures.3. Research potential partners thoroughly, evaluating their reputation, experience, and compatibility with your goals.4. Conduct due diligence to ensure partners have the resources and capabilities to support your export objectives.5. Establish clear communication channels and mutual understanding of expectations and responsibilities.6. Continuously evaluate and adjust strategies based on market dynamics and partner performance.


    How do you choose the right export strategy and partners? (40) 1


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2 Select your export strategy

Once you have assessed your export readiness, you need to select your export strategy. This involves choosing the best mode of entry, the scope of your market coverage, and the degree of adaptation or standardization of your products or services. There are different types of export strategies, such as direct, indirect, licensing, franchising, joint venture, or foreign direct investment. Each one has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on your objectives, resources, and risks. You need to weigh the costs and benefits of each option, and align your strategy with your competitive advantage and value proposition.

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    One of the strategies for B2B SaaS companies to enter a market is to find connectors with a strong network in the relevant industry. There are several advantages to this approach:1. You gain their expertise in market entry.2. They can facilitate warm introductions to potential customers.3. You avoid paying a salary, as they typically work for a success fee.At Introdex, we assist such companies in entering new markets by finding the best connectors for them.As soon as you receive initial feedback from customers and perhaps achieve your first sales, you will be ready to invest more resources in setting up a team, allocating budgets for marketing, and other key activities.


    How do you choose the right export strategy and partners? (49) How do you choose the right export strategy and partners? (50) 7

  • Alfonso Alejandro Pino Maturana Jefe de Comercio Internacional en Salfa - Magister En Dirección de Operaciones y Logística
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    Será importante el mercado donde se exportará, si el destino es para un deeler o cliente final, que recursos logísticos se va a utilizar, el tamaño del mercado, pero sin duda lo más importante cual será mi objetivo, mi estrategia de precios, evaluar los riesgos del mercado objetivo


  • Philip Okito I help Exporters boost sales in Germany. I help Buyers make deals with German suppliers. +500 companies consulted.
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    You need to be present in the target market if you want to build a sustainable export business. These are my suggestions:1. Work with a local expert who knows your sector and that has a personal network to key players in the target country2. Instead of founding a company and building a team right away, find a local distribution partner that can do the sales and after sales service.3. Carry out multiple interviews with potential distribution partners, ensuring their competence, network and compatibility with your values.4. Invest in the partnership by supporting and training their staff in sales, commissioning of projects and after sales services.


3 Find your export partners

Finding the right export partners is crucial for your export success. Export partners are intermediaries or collaborators who can help you access, operate, and grow in your target markets. They can be agents, distributors, brokers, wholesalers, retailers, or strategic allies. You need to find export partners who share your vision, values, and goals, and who have the expertise, network, and reputation to support your business. You also need to establish clear roles, responsibilities, and expectations with your export partners, and maintain regular communication and feedback.

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  • Ruth Macleod Trade Commissioner, New Zealand Trade and Enterprise | Institute of Directors
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    But first: Answering where in the world does my product/service have the best chance of success is key. Think TAM/SAM/SOM and then test whether your product/service has "product/problem fit" (Thanks Scott Sambucci, This helps hone your ideal customer perona (ICP) and align your website/marketing and customer journey to that ICP. At this point, you're buiding out the answer to the "desirabillty" quesion - is anyone prepared to buy what I have to sell and where in the world are a concentration of these customers? There's a lot to unpack! But if you're New Zealand buiness and want support assessing export readiness or how to develop an export strategy check out


    How do you choose the right export strategy and partners? (75) How do you choose the right export strategy and partners? (76) 7

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    One of the reasons why we started Introdex is the challenge of gaining access to such partners. Typically, partnerships are built on trust, but when you lack presence, you need introductions from people they trust, or you must spend time building your reputation, which is both time and resource-consuming.The market offers several ways to acquire such partners – through cold outreach, conference marketing, or recruitment agencies that try to find connectors. In our case, we are building a network tailored to specific locations and industries.


    How do you choose the right export strategy and partners? (85) How do you choose the right export strategy and partners? (86) 6

  • Philip Okito I help Exporters boost sales in Germany. I help Buyers make deals with German suppliers. +500 companies consulted.
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    It is harder to find potential distribution partner's than manufacturers in your target country. This strategy could be you identify the right one:1. Define your ideal distribution partner (sector of business, size of sales team, product portfolio)2. Use digital platforms like LinkedIn, LinkedIn sales Navigator and Cognism. These tools allow you not only to identify distribution companies but also the right contact person.3. Use trade fairs to develop your network in the market. At first go as a visitor and slowly transfer to becoming an exhibitor.4. Use Export Promotion Programs that heavily subsidize your identification process. 5. Work with a local Market entry expert that has a personal network to your target group.


    How do you choose the right export strategy and partners? (95) 1


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4 Evaluate your export performance

Evaluating your export performance is essential for measuring your progress and identifying areas for improvement. You need to set realistic and specific export objectives and indicators, and track them regularly. You also need to monitor the market trends, customer feedback, and competitor actions, and adjust your strategy and actions accordingly. You need to collect and analyze data and information from various sources, such as sales reports, surveys, testimonials, or analytics tools, and use them to inform your decision making and planning.

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  • Ivonne Bossio Gestión Económica de la Logística Internacional- Administración Logística- Gestión, Análisis y Mejoramiento de Procesos.
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    Dentro de este punto es vital tener un amplio conocimiento de los flujos internos y del personal que hace parte de esos procesos, cómo de los mismos a nivel individual, con ello y con una buena estrategia de comunicación interna, se podrán definir riesgos asociados e indicadores claves. Reuniones pre-operativas para definir objetivos esperados en cada exportación, ya que cada venta puede ser muy diferente, afinar algunos problemas en procesos anteriores y los que se podrían materializar, en estas pre operativas se puede aprovechar para socializar indicadores, sus tendencias y estrategias para mejorarlos. Los flujos internos y el personal que los llevan a cabo son muy importantes porque el proceso nace allí.



    How do you choose the right export strategy and partners? (104) 1

  • Alfonso Alejandro Pino Maturana Jefe de Comercio Internacional en Salfa - Magister En Dirección de Operaciones y Logística
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    Por lo general se deben identificar KPI que serán importantes en mi gestión de exportación, como volumen de venta, los márgenes, crecimiento, etc. Otro aspecto es mi participación de mercado, es importante medirlo para hacer ajustes, tener indicadores de cumplimiento por ejemplo niveles de entrega a tiempo, satisfacción de clientes, cumplimiento de calidad del producto, de pedidos, garantías y/o devoluciones.



5 Manage your export risks

Managing your export risks is vital for protecting your business and minimizing potential losses. Exporting involves various types of risks, such as political, economic, legal, financial, operational, or reputational. You need to identify and assess the likelihood and impact of each risk, and develop contingency plans and mitigation strategies. You also need to secure adequate insurance coverage, and comply with the relevant laws and regulations. You need to be prepared for unexpected events or crises, and have the flexibility and resilience to cope with them.

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    Explorando desafios no cenário de exportações brasileiras, destaco a complexidade em se proteger contra riscos cambiais, dada a volatilidade da moeda brasileira. Essa instabilidade representa uma ameaça significativa, podendo impactar negativamente os lucros das exportações. Além disso, obstáculos como greves e inspeções aduaneiras surgem como fatores imprevisíveis, potencialmente acarretando custos incalculáveis durante as operações de venda. É crucial abordar estratégias robustas, tentando ao máximo antever esses entraves, para mitigar tais riscos e assegurar o êxito nas atividades exportadoras.


  • Alfonso Alejandro Pino Maturana Jefe de Comercio Internacional en Salfa - Magister En Dirección de Operaciones y Logística
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    Es importante evaluar cumplir con las normas aduaneras vigentes de cada país , esto evita multas o detenciones que afecten la destinación aduanera en sí, sin embargo hay otros aspectos como riesgos cambios de divisas, inestabilidad política, cambios en la demanda del mercado, problemas logísticos que son tan a menudo hoy en día, cambios en los aranceles aduaneros que nos dejen en desventaja competitiva y poca adaptabilidad o flexibilidad de los productos debido a las nuevas tendencias de los consumidores o clientes finales.



6 Learn from your export experience

Learning from your export experience is important for enhancing your skills and knowledge, and increasing your competitiveness and profitability. Exporting is a continuous learning process that requires constant innovation and improvement. You need to seek feedback and advice from your export partners, customers, and mentors, and learn from their best practices and mistakes. You also need to evaluate your own strengths and weaknesses, and identify the gaps and opportunities for development. You need to invest in your professional development, and update your export skills and knowledge regularly.

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7 Here’s what else to consider

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International Business Development How do you choose the right export strategy and partners? (129)

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How do you choose the right export strategy and partners? (2024)


How do you choose the right export strategy and partners? ›

Strategic pricing is one of the most important factors in achieving financial success. Part of setting a realistic export price, and therefore an appropriate profit margin, is to examine production, delivery and distribution costs, competition and market demand.

How do I choose the right export market? ›

Assess the market opportunity and potential for growth
  1. Market Data. Conduct research or identify relevant industry reports and trends. ...
  2. Competition Analysis. ...
  3. Existing customers. ...
  4. Talk to your future markets. ...
  5. Open Data. ...
  6. Legal environment. ...
  7. Customs duties. ...
  8. Export analysis.

What are the key elements of an export strategy? ›

Basics of exporting
  • Research your market. ...
  • Implement an export strategy and review your capabilities. ...
  • Construct an export plan. ...
  • Choose your sales presence. ...
  • Promote your product. ...
  • Get the Customs side right. ...
  • Get paid on time. ...
  • Choose your distribution methods.

How to do an export strategy? ›

6 Steps for Building a Successful Export Strategy
  1. Start an Export Market Expansion Program. Organize the Program. ...
  2. Target High-Potential Export Markets. ...
  3. Build Export Expansion Market Plans. ...
  4. Build a Highly Effective Export Organization. ...
  5. Build a Successful Export Distribution Network. ...
  6. Build Profitable Global Export Sales.
Feb 2, 2022

What are four main steps in establishing a successful export strategy? ›

4 Steps To Successful Business Exporting
  1. Decide where to sell. When you're running a business, a lot is at stake with every decision you make. ...
  2. Formulate a solid plan. ...
  3. Determine what route you will use for the export. ...
  4. Start marketing your business and products.
Jan 1, 2019

How do I choose what to export? ›

Here are some factors to consider when selecting your export product:
  1. Look For Unique Products. ...
  2. Analyzing Global Product Demand. ...
  3. Growth Prospects. ...
  4. Product Profitability. ...
  5. Competition. ...
  6. Trade Regulations. ...
  7. Selecting Export Markets Strategically.
Feb 29, 2024

Which is the most important factor in export marketing? ›

Strategic pricing is one of the most important factors in achieving financial success. Part of setting a realistic export price, and therefore an appropriate profit margin, is to examine production, delivery and distribution costs, competition and market demand.

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Before Exporting:

Obtain an order. Obtain an export license (if applicable) Process order for production. Order any supplies or inventory if required to fill the order. Make any necessary product modifications for the export market including but not limited to product adaption, redesign, labeling or packaging.

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Choose your target export markets

Trying to export to several different countries can be very expensive. Unless you tailor what you offer to suit each individual market, you may fail to offer what customers really want. Instead, it's usually best to focus on selling to one or two individual markets.

What are the four steps in order involved in creating an export strategy? ›

Steps To Develop Your Export Plan
  • Identify the product or service to be exported and check its export potential,
  • Conduct market research on the countries of interest,
  • Decide on a pricing strategy for the product or service, and.
  • Define a strategy to find buyers.

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12 Steps to Successful Exporting

Which strategy is also known as export strategy? ›

An export strategy is used when a company is primarily focused on its domestic operations. It does not intend to expand globally but does export some products to take advantage of international opportunities. It does not attempt to customize its products for international markets.

Why exporting is a good strategy? ›

Exporting gives you access to new customers

Whether you're a manufacturer, service provider or a small business, exporting allows you to tap into new markets and more customers, increase sales, capitalize on growth opportunities and reduce your dependence on the domestic market.

Which of the following is the first step in developing a successful export strategy? ›

If you're new to international trade, developing your export strategy begins with a careful examination of your firm's capabilities with respect to the market you've chosen.

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Export promotion policies reflect the interest of national governments to stimulate exports. Subsidies, tax exceptions, and special credit lines are the main instruments used to promote exports.

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  1. 6 Steps to Begin Exporting.
  2. Step 1 Take the Free Export Readiness Self-Assessment. ...
  3. Step 2 Training and Counseling. ...
  4. Step 3 Create an Export Business Plan. ...
  5. Step 4 Conduct Market Research. ...
  6. Step 5 Find Buyers. ...
  7. Step 6 Investigate Financing Your Small Business Exports, Foreign Investment or Projects.

How do I choose the right market? ›

How to Choose the Right Target Market for your Business
  1. Determine Who Needs Your Products And Services. ...
  2. Survey Your Current Customer Base. ...
  3. Look At Your Competition's Target Market. ...
  4. Analyze Your Industry's Target Markets. ...
  5. Consider Niche Target Markets. ...
  6. Continue to Evaluate Your Target Market. ...
  7. The Benefit of A Target Market.
Sep 28, 2021

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Finding the right product-market fit
  1. Do the necessary research. The idea for a new product or service often comes from an assumption. ...
  2. Create a minimum viable product. You need to know as early as possible if you can sell what you're aiming to sell. ...
  3. Get as much feedback as possible. ...
  4. Launch softly. ...
  5. Leverage your champions.

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How to evaluate and choose export markets
  • 7 things to consider when choosing an export market.
  • Market insights and performance.
  • Competitor analysis.
  • Customer profiles.
  • Price and profit.
  • Market access.
  • Channels to market.
  • Revise your business goals.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.