Does Car Insurance Cover Theft? (2024)

Car insurance can cover car theft—if you’re carrying comprehensive coverage.

An optional coverage that you can add to your basic car insurance policy, comprehensive coverage protects you for non-accident-related damages to your vehicle, including the theft of it.

Let’s dig into what car insurance coverages you’d need to protect you against theft, then look at what would happen in the event of your car going missing.

Does Car Insurance Cover Theft? (1)TL;DR

  • You’ll only be protected against theft if you have comprehensive coverage on your car insurance policy.
  • In the event of a covered theft claim, your insurer will likely compensate you for the actual cash value (ACV) of your stolen vehicle.
  • Theft coverage for your car doesn’t cover personal items taken from your car—that would fall under your renters or homeowners insurance policy.
  • There are various devices, including some that are simple and affordable, that can deter would-be car thieves.

Here are the specific topics we’ll be covering, so feel free to skip ahead:

  • Which type of car insurance covers theft?
  • Does car insurance cover a stolen car?
  • What’s Actual Cash Value?
  • Does comprehensive coverage cover the theft of individual car parts?
  • Do I have to file a police report if my car gets stolen?
  • What happens after I file a stolen car claim?
  • Are there scenarios in which my theft claim might be denied?
  • Anti-theft devices to deter car theft
  • Ways that thieves often steal cars
  • Is comprehensive coverage worth it, and what else does it cover?

Which type of car insurance covers theft?

Comprehensive car insurance covers theft.

However, if you’ve settled on the most barebones coverages, your policy likely won’t cover your car being stolen.

Here are the different coverages you can layer on when building your auto insurance policy. Obviously, more protection will tend to equal a higher monthly premium.

Liability insurance is the most basic form of coverage, the one that’s legally required in most jurisdictions. This coverage is for bodily injury and property damage to others you might cause during an at-fault accident. However, liability insurance does not cover car theft or any damage to your own car.

Comprehensive insurance is one component of what people sometimes call “full coverage.” Comprehensive includes protection against non-collision-related incidents, such as theft! And it can also kick in the case of vandalism, fire, natural disasters, and collisions with animals.It’s often referred to as “other than collision” coverage.

Collision insurance will help repair or replace your vehicle if it is involved in an accident, regardless of who’s at fault. Like liability insurance, collision coverage does not cover car theft. When you buy a Lemonade Car policy, know that you’ll need to include comprehensive coverage in order to add collision coverage.

Does car insurance cover a stolen car?

If your car is stolen and never recovered, you could receive reimbursem*nt through your policy’s comprehensive insurance coverage.

With comprehensive coverage, your insurer will typically pay out the actual cash value (ACV) of your vehicle at the time of theft, minus the deductible. The deductible for your comprehensive coverage might be different than the deductible for your collision coverage—check your policy.

Keep in mind: If you have an older car, you’ll want to weigh the costs of your deductible and monthly premium against the value of your car. Comprehensive insurance may not be necessary if your car’s value is less than or similar to what you’d be paying in deductibles and premiums.

What’s ACV?

Actual Cash Value (ACV) refers to how much your car would sell for today in its current condition. It takes into account depreciation, which is the decrease in your car’s value over time due to factors like age, wear and tear, and market conditions.

Keep in mind: The ACV might be lower than the amount you still owe on a car loan or lease.

Does comprehensive coverage cover theft of parts of the car, too?

Generally, yes. If someone runs off with your hubcaps, mirrors, or your catalytic converter, you could file a claim for the stolen items. Ditto if there’s a break-in and someone steals your dashboard components, or yanks off your steering wheel to add to their Museum of Weird Car Stuff.

If parts of your car are stolen, you would need to file a claim with your insurance company, providing details of the theft and the items that were taken.

In most cases, the insurance company would cover the cost of replacing the stolen parts, minus your comprehensive deductible.

What if the personal items inside my car get stolen?

If you’ve got a laptop in your backseat and this gets stolen during a car break-in, it’s not covered by your auto insurance. This theft would fall under your renters insurance or homeowners insurance.

Do I have to file a police report if my car (or its parts) are stolen?

Yup! It is essential to file a police report immediately. Your insurance company will likely require it.

Filing a police report involves providing the police with all relevant information about the stolen vehicle. That means:

  • Make
  • Model
  • Color
  • License plate number
  • Vehicle identification number (VIN)

You should also tell the cops about the circ*mstances surrounding the theft and any potential evidence or witnesses who may have spotted something.

Once the police report has been filed, you will receive a case number. Keep it! This case number will be necessary when you submit a theft claim to your insurance company.

In addition to filing a police report, tell your insurance company about the theft ASAP.

What happens after I file a stolen car claim?

The details can vary—and we won’t get into all the specific time frames here, since it’s best to read your individual policy.

But in general, most insurers will wait for a period of 30 days after a claim to make a compensation decision (aka, whether you’ll be compensated for the loss of the car). This allows time for law enforcement to potentially recover the vehicle.

Obviously, you’ll need a way to get around in the meantime. Your insurer will likely cover reasonable transportation expenses. At Lemonade Car, that means that you’ll be eligible for compensation for things like a rental car, starting 48 hours (an industry standard) after you report the theft to us.

Are there scenarios in which my car theft claim might be denied?

Does Car Insurance Cover Theft? (2)

There are, and they tend to revolve around the concept of “negligence,” aka “something you did that possibly led to the theft.”

Here’s some examples, though every insurer (and claim) is unique:

  • Leaving keys in the ignition
  • Failing to lock doors and windows
  • Persistently parking in high-risk areas
  • Ignoring or intentionally disabling security devices
  • Neglecting necessary repairs or maintenance that could compromise your vehicle’s security, such as broken locks or malfunctioning alarms
  • Not reporting the theft promptly
  • You knowingly let an unlicensed, uninsured, or intoxicated person to drive your car, after which it’s stolen

What sort of anti-theft devices can prevent car theft?

Thieves like things quick and easy. The more difficult you can make it to steal your car—like using an anti-theft device—the more of a chance that they’ll leave your wheels alone.

Here are some possible deterrents to consider:

  • Steering wheel lock: Simple, fairly cheap, and visible.
  • Electronic immobilizer: A security feature integrated into a vehicle’s ignition system. It prevents the engine from starting unless the correct key, which has a unique transponder code, is used.
  • Car alarm: The audible noise might scare thieves away (although in a city, people arguably tend to ignore car alarms).
  • Vehicle tracking system: A vehicle tracking system uses GPS technology to track a vehicle’s location in real time.
  • Tire locks: Physical devices that lock onto a wheel.
  • VIN etching: Engraving the vehicle identification number (VIN) onto various parts of the car, such as windows and body panels. This can make it harder for thieves to sell stolen vehicles or their parts.
  • Kill switch: An electrical device that interrupts the flow of electricity to the fuel pump or ignition system, preventing the engine from starting. It can be hidden in the vehicle, requiring the driver to activate it before taking off.
  • Smart keys: They can automatically unlock the doors and start the engine without the need for a traditional key, making it more challenging for a thief to steal the car without the smart key.
  • Dash cameras: These can record video footage of potential thieves, which can help the cops find who stole your car.

Ways that thieves steal cars

Does Car Insurance Cover Theft? (3)

Car thieves are nothing if not creative. Here are some of the ways they might try to finagle their way behind your wheel.

  • Getting in through an open door or window (and simply driving off, if you’ve left your car with the keys in the ignition while you “just run into a store”).
  • Simply stealing your keys from an unattended bag.
  • Keyless entry hacks, aka ‘relay attacks’ (these can allow the thief to unlock and turn on the car without having the actual key).
  • Hot-wiring: Skilled thieves may bypass the ignition system by manipulating the wiring to start the car without a key. This is harder on newer cars.
  • Slim jims and lockout tools: Thieves may use specialized tools like slim jims or Big Easy lockout tools to unlock vehicle doors by manipulating the internal lock mechanism, breaking in without causing noticeable damage.
  • Carjacking: This violent method involves a thief forcibly taking a vehicle from its owner. Carjackings typically occur in areas where drivers are vulnerable, such as at traffic stops or in parking lots.
  • Tow-away theft: Ambitious thieves may use a tow truck or flatbed truck to physically remove a vehicle from where it’s parked.

Is comprehensive coverage worth it? What else does it cover besides theft?

Comprehensive insurance generally covers a range of non-collision-related incidents, providing protection against various unexpected events. Here are ten examples of instances that could be covered by comprehensive insurance, aside from theft:

  • Vandalism (smashed windows, someone’s name keyed into your door).
  • Weather-related damage: Damage caused by severe weather events, such as strong winds, lightning strikes, heavy snow and ice, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, hailstorms, or floods
  • Fire: Damage resulting from a vehicle fire, whether due to mechanical issues, arson, or wildfires.
  • Falling objects like tree branches, rocks, or flying junk from construction sites.
  • Damage resulting from a collision with an animal.
  • Windshield or window damage, whether it’s a crack, chip, or complete breakage.
  • Damage to your vehicle caused during protests, riots, or other civil unrest events.
  • Damage from an explosion, either from an accident, such as a gas tank explosion or an external source, like a gas line explosion.

Get covered with Lemonade Car

We want you to have peace of mind on the road. And a Lemonade Car policy, with comprehensive coverage included, will protect you if your precious ride is ever stolen (or vandalized, or crushed by a tree, or set on fire by an angry ex…)

To get your Lemonade Car quote rolling, simply click the button below.

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A few quick words, because we <3 our lawyers: This post is general in nature, and any statement in it doesn’t alter the terms, conditions, exclusions, or limitations of policies issued by Lemonade, which differ according to your state of residence. You’re encouraged to discuss your specific circ*mstances with your own professional advisors. The purpose of this post is merely to provide you with info and insights you can use to make such discussions more productive! Naturally, all comments by, or references to, third parties represent their own views, and Lemonade assumes no responsibility for them. Coverage and discounts may not be available in all states.

Does Car Insurance Cover Theft? (2024)


Does Car Insurance Cover Theft? ›

Comprehensive coverage will usually cover theft, as well as repair costs from break-in damages. Liability insurance likely won't cover theft, as it usually protects against bodily injury and property damage resulting from an accident.

Does Geico insurance cover stolen car if keys are left? ›

Liability coverage will never cover a stolen car. Only comprehensive coverage will, whether or not you leave your keys inside.

Does insurance cover stolen tools? ›

The policy will assign a specific coverage limit when you purchase tools and equipment insurance. This limit is how much money the insurance company will pay if your tools or equipment are lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed. The coverage will also include a deductible.

Does full coverage cover vandalism? ›

Yes, comprehensive coverage on your auto policy can cover vandalism to your car — minus any deductible — since intentional damage to your vehicle is out of your control.

Is comprehensive full coverage worth it? ›

Whether comprehensive coverage makes sense for you depends on the value of your vehicle, how you're paying for it and your overall financial situation. If you have an auto loan or are leasing your car, you'll probably be required to get comprehensive coverage.

Do I have to pay deductible if I was not at fault with Geico? ›

Let's say your vehicle is damaged due to another driver's negligence. Once GEICO settles your claim, we'll likely seek to recover your deductible, as well as the amount we paid, from the negligent party or that party's insurance company.

Will cover you if someone steals your personal information? ›

Generally, federal law protects you from liability in cases of financial fraud associated with identity theft. For example, the Fair Credit Billing Act limits your loss from unauthorized use of your credit card to $50. For additional protection, try exploring options outside of insurance.

What insurance covers loss or theft? ›

What is home contents insurance. Home contents insurance covers you against loss, theft or damage to your personal and home possessions. It can also cover you if you take items out of the home, on holiday, for example.

How do insurance companies value stolen items? ›

After you report this claim to the insurance company, the insurance company will ask you when you bought each piece of property and approximately how much it would cost to replace it today. They will then pay you a “depreciated” value for each piece of property.

Is there insurance for lost items? ›

How can I protect lost personal items with an insurance rider? Scheduling an item, also known as adding an insurance rider to your homeowners, condo or renters insurance policy, may help safeguard against personal property likely to be lost such as jewelry, cameras, and watches.

Why do I have to pay a deductible if my car was vandalized? ›

Since vandalism is covered under your comprehensive insurance, you need to pay your deductible when you file a claim. A deductible is your share of the cost for an insurance claim. A deductible is not the same as your insurance premium, which is what you pay to maintain your policy.

How to catch someone messing with your car? ›

If you're parking at home, you might install a security camera to monitor the car. Catching a car vandal on tape can make it easier to pursue legal action and may also be helpful when filing an insurance claim if you need to.

What does replacement coverage ensure? ›

A replacement cost policy helps pay to repair or replace damaged property without deducting for depreciation, says the III. This type of coverage may be available for both your personal belongings and your home if they are damaged by a covered peril.

At what car value should you drop full coverage? ›

Your vehicle holds a low value: As with collision, consider dropping comprehensive coverage if your vehicle's market value is lower than a few thousand dollars. Figure in your deductible as well and the potential insurance payout may not be worth the price of the coverage.

Should you keep full coverage on a paid-off car? ›

What To Do When You've Paid off a Financed Car. Once you've paid your vehicle off, you're no longer subject to any insurance requirements other than your state's minimums. If you want to drop some types of coverage to save money, that's up to you.

Is it worth having full coverage on a 10 year old car? ›

According to ValuePenguin, if your vehicle is 10 years old or older, you may be paying too much for insurance if you have comprehensive or collision coverage. The average cost of comprehensive coverage is $134 per year, and the average cost of collision insurance is $290 per year.

Does my car insurance cover lost car keys? ›

In most cases, a car insurance policy will cover the replacement of lost, stolen or damaged keys. Some policies will also pay out for replacement locks due, but again, this amount varies between policies.

Does Geico help if you lock your keys in your car? ›

Lockout services (up to $100) if you lock your keys in your vehicle.

How do you start a car if you lost the key fob? ›

There are several methods you can try to start your car without a key fob in case of an emergency: the screwdriver-hammer method, hotwiring the engine, or looking for the red coil wire. You can also try to use the mobile app (if applicable) or locate the secret switch that's usually located in the steering column.

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